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What do you do here that you'd never (probably never) do back home?


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20 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

So you really belive any one is going to take your lead if you stick to the law 5555. what you will get is comments like Stupid farang.

What do you think is best? Doing stupid things and not follow the rules and laws in a foreign country, or do as you should and follow rules and laws?
I think the answer speaks for it self. I don´t think that the one you quoted was out to have many followers. Just making a sensible comment, instead of a comment like yours.

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18 hours ago, autoc said:

Show the finger to cops ! At home I would be dead already !



Really grown up way to show everybody how much you appreiciate the possibility to travel or live here. If they shoot you for that or kill you for it in your home country I understand why you like to be here.

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18 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

Oh for goodness sake lighten up boy get a life. The man is trolling through the thread just passed a bit back. so trot off and play your games elsewhere please I don't frighten easily.

Of course not when you are hiding behind a keyboard.

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Not be in ear shot or talk about how well or not monetarily people are doing in their lives.


Have generally richer topics of conversation.


Speak a different language.


Take out 3 quid, go for a swim in an outdoor 50m pool with barely a soul in it, grab a rice and spicy salad dish then a mango smoothie on the way home.


Fill the bike up for the week for less than a fiver.


Clean my arse properly.









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2 hours ago, Get Real said:

What do you think is best? Doing stupid things and not follow the rules and laws in a foreign country, or do as you should and follow rules and laws?
I think the answer speaks for it self. I don´t think that the one you quoted was out to have many followers. Just making a sensible comment, instead of a comment like yours.

Blah blah blah get real as your name says so you always stick to the letter of the law do you? I expect not.

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Just now, Deepinthailand said:

Blah blah blah get real as your name says so you always stick to the letter of the law do you? I expect not.

You are free to think and expect what you want, but the answer on your follow-up is yes. I was brought up that way, and I respect my parents to much to change, even though they are dead. Next question. Actually not even throw a cigarette butt on the street,. Not just because of any laws. Just because it´s a simple thing that you don´t do if you have any respect for other people and the country you live in.

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4 minutes ago, Get Real said:

You are free to think and expect what you want, but the answer on your follow-up is yes. I was brought up that way, and I respect my parents to much to change, even though they are dead. Next question. Actually not even throw a cigarette butt on the street,. Not just because of any laws. Just because it´s a simple thing that you don´t do if you have any respect for other people and the country you live in.

If you say so. up to you as they say.

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4 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

Maybe you should do as yor name suggests welcome to the black list. 


Im not even entirely sure what your malfunction is... 


21 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

Oh for goodness sake lighten up boy get a life. The man is trolling through the thread just passed a bit back. so trot off and play your games elsewhere please I don't frighten easily.


Internet badass :coffee1:

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22 hours ago, electric said:


You've done this ? Wow .... that's ballsy. Seems like a great way to create problems for yourself, doesn't matter what country you're in.



It's nothing, I could have put him under my car and pretend that it was an accident !





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Just now, Deepinthailand said:

Isn't it funny how you always appear  to back the certain person I was talking about??


I was just casually reading through the thread, came up on your stuff. Calling people "boy" being kinda nasty. Im not sure how you choose to talk to people in real life but of course the internet badass comes to mind. You may think you don't frighten easily behind a keyboard, but you surely get ur feathers ruffled easily. 


As for the OP-


Squat Toilet

Drink Drive

Drive on the wrong side of the road on a scooter in flip flops

Give corruption money to the police

Flip Flops 24/7

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1 hour ago, Strange said:


I was just casually reading through the thread, came up on your stuff. Calling people "boy" being kinda nasty. Im not sure how you choose to talk to people in real life but of course the internet badass comes to mind. You may think you don't frighten easily behind a keyboard, but you surely get ur feathers ruffled easily. 


As for the OP-


Squat Toilet

Drink Drive

Drive on the wrong side of the road on a scooter in flip flops

Give corruption money to the police

Flip Flops 24/7

My goodness you are a silly boy read the whole thread and you will see why I called him a boy and a bully. 

Keyboard warrior if you say so you will never know. so run along and read through  correctly 

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16 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

Ever thought of I don't care. yet another alter ego I think. Your sarcasm is only out weighed by your boring posts.

Back to topic. I never made a black list before, maybe start with that now. Seems to work weel for you.

Also started with something else here in Thailand, that I didn´t do before. Stopped listen to BS.

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1. Plant vegetables all year round.

2 .Look backwards when I get off a bus if in Bangkok.

3.. Carry anything  and anyone on the motorbike if the pick-up is not available (upcountry)

4. Enjoy looking at the stars outside in December

5. Enjoy getting up at 5.00 am

6. Never worry about the rain and getting cold from it.

7. Smile at acquaintances

8 Ask anyone the way if I'm lost

9. Talk to a child I don't know

10.Remain silent if a public bus driver drives too fast. 

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On Saturday, December 10, 2016 at 11:23 AM, daveAustin said:

What do you do here that you'd never (probably never) do back home?


Drink drive. :whistling:  (well, someone had to say it)


Me too, that's why they put  beer holders next to the steering wheel right? 

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Go to the beach, (almost everyday) which is only 2 kms away. 

Get an $8 massage

Hike anywhere I want in the jungle and no one ever tells me to get off their land.

Eat foods from 8 different countries, all within 3 kms of my house.  (and if it's pizza, it's for sure to be made in a brick oven)

(but prefer delicious Thai food)

Stay warm all year. 
Take 1-2 hour flights to 4 or 5 other amazing nearby countries.  (each for $100 or less)

Get $60 5 star resort rooms in low season.

Swim year round (outside)





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Enter a tiger cage and caress the tiger

Rent a 150 bph motorbike and take it to the max

Enagage in sex with an awsome transvestite

Make big donation in local orphanage

Beeing (mildly since I type) electrocuted while having a shower

Having casual relationships with ladies and still remain friends

Buy a bar and try to make it work

(I have even posted pictures about  all this stuff in another  post)


LOS is most fascinating country in the world. If you know how to use your horses, and where s the limit.









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1. Drive down the highway outside of town with a full burlap bag of charcoal on the back of my motorcycle and hit some kids broadside on a Honda 50 who ran across the road behind a big truck. 


2. Do a Superman impression by flying over the handlebars and land in a ditch some distance away. 


3. Have people from nowhere appear, straighten up the bike, put me on it and give me a shove in the direction of town. 


I think I sprained one of each part in my body.  That might have been when I bought my mother-in-law a propane stove.



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