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Rape of Aussie tourist in Bangkok: More details emerge as hunt for Thai rapists intensifies


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36 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Many tourists read and believe the hype about "smiling, friendly, peace loving people".  On the surface that can be the case and there are plenty of good Thai people that live that way.  However the underbelly is another story altogether.

No so. This can happen anywhere. If I get drunk whereas I am not in full control of my senses, staggering around or passing out somewhere, then I guarantee there will be evil people out there who will take advantage of my vulnerable situation and I`ll probably end up mugged and robbed. For women there is a double jeopardy whereas not only the chances of being robbed but also being raped into the bargain. No excuses for people who will commit crimes against others, but it also means I have failed in a duty to increase the chances of keeping myself safe. My own common sense tells me to never place myself in situations that may put me in danger or something like walking a tightrope without a safety net.


Also for women when these things happen, because there have been many false accusations by women crying rape in the past, it means their explanations of events will always be in doubt and that`s a horrible tragedy for the women who`s cases are genuine. 

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16 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:


The only thing they can prove is that whether intercourse took place, how can they prove rape ?

Maybe pissed, consented, then changed her mind.

It would not be the first alleged rape case in the world. 


They can prove rape by referring to the hospital's report.

Certain types of bruising and injuries are consistent with forced intercourse.

Your final comment, while factually correct, seems particularly heartless.

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17 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:


The only thing they can prove is that whether intercourse took place, how can they prove rape ?

Maybe pissed, consented, then changed her mind.

It would not be the first alleged rape case in the world. 


U really don't have a clue do u.

Read the article before spouting nonsense. 

It clearly says she was raped.

Ru Thai by any chance?

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1 hour ago, cyberfarang said:

No so. This can happen anywhere


Of course it can happen anywhere but this is about Thailand and they have more than their fair share of rapes.  In Thailand women do not (yet) have equal rights and only a small voice compared to the men.  In the west these things are seen very differently to in S.E.A. where men rule the roost  

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snig 27

Thats very unfair to say a person fits the profile of a rapist.No matter what the poster said,he is entitled to voice his opinion,within parameters.Thats like saying you fit the profile of a pedophile because you sweat a lot. maybe you are a very young or just stupid to voice an opinion.Your lucky that we are all anonymous,because i would expect a defamation suite to be heading your way.Try to keep your tongue between your teeth,before you post such insults.Its very bad form old boy.


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11 minutes ago, steven100 said:

Drinking alone is not very smart, drinking alone and passing out is downright stupid, in any country.


Hope she recovers well from her ordeal, and always drink with a friend.

Showing a bit of old fashioned decorum by not getting drunk in public would help as well

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6 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

Under the law, the same in Thailand as in many other countries, if a woman is intoxicated, any man or men that have sexual intercourse with her are considered rapists. She has no need to prove rape, only needs to prove that sexual intercourse took place while she was under the influence of alcohol. Because the law says; that a drunk woman in not within her senses to consent to sex. So if a guy pulls a drunken woman at a club, bar or anywhere and has sex with her, even if it is the woman who initiates the sex and later she claims the man took advantage because of her drunken condition, then the man is a rapist.


No. Laws don't mention males and females, they do mention "informed consent". Sober people can legally have intercourse with drunk people; drunk people with drunk people. The issue of consent arises when the intoxication is so great that the individual is barely conscious of their actions.


BTW latest is that CCTV footage doesn't align with her version of events. StickBoy reports.

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53 minutes ago, steven100 said:

Drinking alone is not very smart, drinking alone and passing out is downright stupid, in any country.


Hope she recovers well from her ordeal, and always drink with a friend.

So dose that give those pricks the right to rape that poor woman 

do you have daughters , I would say not .

the trouble is to many man think they can do what they want to woman like bash them and kill them and rape .

so the woman is not stupid ok .

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10 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Going to have to ask, as your post is somewhat unclear.


Are you saying you doubt this woman's story?


Yes, I doubt this woman's story. She might not know the truth. The reason for being drunk and passing out - and being a willing victim -might not be what she thinks -the drinks she consumed

It might be some knock out drug put into her drink by others with  evil intention


But on the other hand I doubt every woman's story of being raped - if she or the police cannot prove it.

Pretending to be raped is a dangerous and sometimes fatal weapon that allows every woman to bring innocent men into prison and destroy their life. So if she cannot prove it it is no rape. If it can be proved that she lied she has to go to prison. If she can prove it - the rapist has to get punished. 


Unfortunately the law seems to believe every woman's rape story and does not even try to investigate if there a proofs for the womans's allegation or if the man might be innocent.

Edited by sweatalot
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58 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

So dose that give those pricks the right to rape that poor woman 

do you have daughters , I would say not .

the trouble is to many man think they can do what they want to woman like bash them and kill them and rape .

so the woman is not stupid ok .

She certainly isn't very bright OK

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3 minutes ago, sweatalot said:


Yes, I doubt this woman's story. She might not know the truth. The reason for being drunk and passing out - and being a willing victim -might not be what she thinks -the drinks she consumed

It might be some knock out drug put into her drink by others with  evil intention

Can't understand people like you .

she was rape .

how would you like it if someone rape you ? . 

No man or no woman has the right to rape someone.

get it in to your no say brain.

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1 minute ago, georgemandm said:

Can't understand people like you .

she was rape .

how would you like it if someone rape you ? . 

No man or no woman has the right to rape someone.

get it in to your no say brain.

I think it's allowed in Saudi, but she would get punished twice, once for consuming alcohol and once for having sex outside of marriage

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3 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

She certainly isn't very bright OK

Why would you say that , do you know her .

i not care what you think that womans rights we taking away from her .

what because she has a drink you say that rubbish about her .

i would like to say what I think of you on here but I will get band . 

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In the minds of the 2 Thai guys that raped her they do not think of it as rape rather a good time was had by all...while the 2 of them are speaking on behalf of the women also because she was passed out and did not say anything at all and therefor certainly did not protest.........Such is their thinking and mentality.



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Just now, georgemandm said:

Why would you say that , do you know her .

i not care what you think that womans rights we taking away from her .

what because she has a drink you say that rubbish about her .

i would like to say what I think of you on here but I will get band . 

write that in English

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2 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

I think it's allowed in Saudi, but she would get punished twice, once for consuming alcohol and once for having sex outside of marriage

Can't believe the rubbish tv members post on here it is a joke .

this woman was rape you understand that .

would you like someone to rape your mother, I think not so give this lady some  respect .

and not post that rubbish about her .

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Just now, georgemandm said:

Can't believe the rubbish tv members post on here it is a joke .

this woman was rape you understand that .

would you like someone to rape your mother, I think not so give this lady some  respect .

and not post that rubbish about her .

She wasn't 'rape', she was raped. Secondly i was referring to Saudi rules and not specifically to the young drunk woman

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21 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

Can't understand people like you .

she was rape .

how would you like it if someone rape you ? . 

No man or no woman has the right to rape someone.

get it in to your no say brain.


She was raped?

May be. If there is proof I will believe it.

If there is no proof I will believe the men who say they did not do it


Or do you want innocent man go to prison and have their lives destroyed  if a bitch invents a rape story?


I have to admit that from reading the story it seems she has been raped.

But this is no proof. Or do you want to send people to prison and destroy their lives - WITHOUT PROOF ?

Edited by sweatalot
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Sq. Wait monitor Aussie girl. Before tonight was raped or not.

Is a translation of a news report from Kachon. I can't post the link as it's Thai. Forum rules.

What it says is that the girl was captured with western friends for about an hour on CCTV. There was semen found on her clothes and it could take 2 weeks to find out if the stains were recent or not. Here's a cctv photo.


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Just now, sweatalot said:


She was raped?

May be. If there is proof I will believe it.

If there is no proof I will believe the men who say they did not do it


Or do you want innocent man go to prison and have their lives destroyed  if a bitch invents a rape story?

Like I said you are not a man you are a ??? 

Go away not want to reply to you anymore if you are go to  disrespect women .

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I read on Stickman's site that she probably told the wrong story to the police..and i saw her on a video with another man during the time she said she was raped.


She was so pissed she even sit on a huge wok from a foodvendor. Wonder if she burned her butt.

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21 minutes ago, sweatalot said:


Yes, I doubt this woman's story. She might not know the truth. The reason for being drunk and passing out - and being a willing victim -might not be what she thinks -the drinks she consumed

It might be some knock out drug put into her drink by others with  evil intention


But on the other hand I doubt every woman's story of being raped - if she or the police cannot prove it.

Pretending to be raped is a dangerous and sometimes fatal weapon that allows every woman to bring innocent men into prison and destroy their life. So if she cannot prove it it is no rape. If it can be proved that she lied she has to go to prison. If she can prove it - the rapist has to get punished. 


Unfortunately the law seems to believe every woman's rape story and does not even try to investigate if there a proofs for the womans's allegation or if the man might be innocent.

I have no doubts about the victim's account of events. I truly hope the scum who raped her are put away for a long time. 


As for your views on the minuscule minority who lie about being raped, true it happens.


However, in the vast majority of cases the victims reporting rape are not faking or lying about anything. 

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10 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

Sq. Wait monitor Aussie girl. Before tonight was raped or not.

Is a translation of a news report from Kachon. I can't post the link as it's Thai. Forum rules.

What it says is that the girl was captured with western friends for about an hour on CCTV. There was semen found on her clothes and it could take 2 weeks to find out if the stains were recent or not. Here's a cctv photo.


I believe the victims story. 

Edited by Bluespunk
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