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CIA says Russia helped Donald Trump win the White House


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MSM does have a relatively good process to vet information.  They are held more accountable than some guy who just puts up a website to go against a perceived threat against liberal, conservative, etc, biases in the MSM.  Many of these are just click bait sites.  Like moths drawn to a light.  And many state opinions rather than facts.

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On 12/11/2016 at 0:31 PM, Ianatlarge said:

Looks to me as if the Soviet, apols, the Russian dictator played hard and influenced the US election. It would not be the first time that a foreign power has influenced domestic elections. Also, even the brief recount showed just how ludicrous is the US electoral system. How about a second election? Fly over a batch of Australian electoral officials to show how it is done.

The United State of America is a federation of 50 independent states each with their own government and laws, joined together and overseen by a central republican government located in the separate District of Columbia.  As such, a single popular vote from all states to elect the head of the federal government is not practical, thus the use of a weighted elector system.


If you could imagine Australia joining a federation with Indonesia with its 249 million citizens, and then millions of say Filipinos illegally entering Indonesia, who in theory could cast ballots without being detected, you might consider a similar elector system.


There has been no suggestion that the Russians or any other outside force manipulated the actual vote.


But when you come, please bring an example of your voter ID. Your help will be very welcome.

Edited by rabas
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20 minutes ago, rabas said:

The United State of America is a federation of 50 independent states each with their own government and laws, joined together and overseen by a central republican government located in the separate District of Columbia.  As such, a single popular vote from all states to elect the head of the federal government is not practical, thus the use of a weighted elector system.


If you could imagine Australia joining a federation with Indonesia with its 249 million citizens, and then millions of say Filipinos illegally entering Indonesia, who in theory could cast ballots without being detected, you might consider a similar elector system.


There has been no suggestion that the Russians or any other outside force manipulated the actual vote.


But when you come, please bring an example of your voter ID. Your help will be very welcome.

Actually Australia does have a system to meet this.

Two houses elected by different methods.  One vote each citizen for each house.

One house elected with electorates based on population (mainly) one house elected to protect state rights by having an equal number of members from each state regardless of size.

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13 hours ago, JetsetBkk said:


You doubt it is a fact? Maybe you should keep up-to-date with the real news, instead of watching MSM:





So both ABC and NBC ignored the fact that Clinton lost 5 electoral votes, but were happy to report that Trump lost 2. Perhaps they thought their listeners would need to find a safe place and have a cry if they were told the full truth.


And these are the news outlets that so many left-wing liberals rely on for their news? No wonder they are so out of touch.





I doubt the hyperbolic and overreaching way you put it in your original post is factual, yes. Them "anything" and "everything" are obviously not needed to make a reasonable point.

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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You continue to make this a personal crusade against me. I strongly suggest you cease with personal comments like "That you do not believe it means less than little", "Got to wonder about what passes for reasoning when it comes to some posters", "or any other meaningless nonsense" and "Your last line is the usual logical wreck" and stick to replying to what I actually said rather than denigrating me for saying them.

Once again, this thread isn't about me.


That's a cute way of both playing the victim card (for stuff you often do  yourself) and deflecting the content of the post.

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On Friday, December 23, 2016 at 1:45 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. While no one other than the WL staff know if they have released everything, Podesta et al have not released anything to contradict the WL material.

On the other hand, we know for a fact that the main stream media have omitted anything favourable to Trump, and have distorted everything to make him appear worse than he is.

Given a choice between WL material and the main stream media, WL is obviously a better source to believe.

The alternative is to believe nothing.


18 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


I think his point is that you exaggerated a little bit (but not too much) to make a valid point. :smile:


5 hours ago, Morch said:


I doubt the hyperbolic and overreaching way you put it in your original post is factual, yes. Them "anything" and "everything" are obviously not needed to make a reasonable point.


Correct me if I am wrong, but I think you are both attributing @thaibeachlovers post (at the top) to me.


This is not really your faults because, since this forum software upgrade, it is hard to quote more than one poster's comments. If they brought back the multi-nested quotes as the normal quote option this would almost certainly not happen.








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6 hours ago, harrry said:

Actually Australia does have a system to meet this.

Two houses elected by different methods.  One vote each citizen for each house.

One house elected with electorates based on population (mainly) one house elected to protect state rights by having an equal number of members from each state regardless of size.

You are confusing the presidential election with the congressional election. The congress is similar to what you describe.

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5 hours ago, Morch said:


That's a cute way of both playing the victim card (for stuff you often do  yourself) and deflecting the content of the post.

I try and answer what is written, unless responding to what a poster has said referring to me personally. I'd prefer not to have to respond to personal comments, as the forum is not about me.

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7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You are confusing the presidential election with the congressional election. The congress is similar to what you describe.

We do not have a President.  Our Prime Minister...is selected by Parliament. 

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22 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I try and answer what is written, unless responding to what a poster has said referring to me personally. I'd prefer not to have to respond to personal comments, as the forum is not about me.


Having read enough of your posts I take it that's a tongue in cheek one.

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25 minutes ago, harrry said:

We do not have a President.  Our Prime Minister...is selected by Parliament. 

Which was my point. You have elections for two houses, the US has elections for two houses and a totally different method of electing a president. AFAIK there is no electoral college for congress.

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Obama sanctions Russian officials over election hacking


"WASHINGTON — Responding to evidence that Russia hacked Democratic Party officials during this year's presidential election, the Obama administration Thursday sanctioned Russian intelligence officials, expelled 35 Russian diplomats suspected of being spies, and shut down two Russian facilities in the United States."


"These actions follow repeated private and public warnings that we have issued to the Russian government, and are a necessary and appropriate response to efforts to harm U.S. interests in violation of established international norms of behavior," President Obamasaid in a statement, describing their efforts to interfere in the election as a threat to the democratic process."


In addition, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence issued a joint statement accusing Russia of a decade-long cyber campaign targeting American government, infrastructure and citizens in general.





But, but, but, the con-man and the Trumpeteers know better than all of these professionals...



Edited by iReason
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On 12/24/2016 at 10:13 AM, Aggressive said:


Of course there is bias. But if one is looking for facts & truths it takes digging. From your original link for example:





Nothing inciting hate in there, tons of footnotes and citations on the guy. Just a conservative & no less extreme than your average liberal. 


The point is there is media bias everywhere, including the MSM, and including what is released by the CIA & the White House & Obama. 


Unfortunately the MSM pushes tons of 'opinions' as seen by this post, that are posted here like fact:


"Lester Holt"  "Emily Willingham" are extremely biased and very exposed in the MSM. 



The MSM's bias is a lot worse because of their worldwide exposure & people gobble it up like fact then regurgitate it everywhere with bits of spin added. 


Trump is no angel, he lies. No denying that, but so does everyone else. 

Trump Says He Has Hacking Information Others ‘Don’t Know’

"President-elect Donald J. Trump reiterated skepticism about intelligence assessments of Russian interference in the election and said he had inside information that he would reveal later this week.

When asked what he knew that others did not, Mr. Trump demurred, saying only, “You’ll find out on Tuesday or Wednesday.”

The comments on Saturday were a departure from a statement that Mr. Trump issued through transition officials last week, in which he said that it was time for people to “move on” from the hacking issue but that he would be briefed on the matter by intelligence officials early in the new year."


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11 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Mr. Trump demurred, saying only, “You’ll find out on Tuesday or Wednesday.”


Great he is going to reveal his secret information next week,  maybe while he is at it he will finally have the December 15th press conference where he was going to reveal his plan to divest himself from the Trump organization


And he could really score a coup if he released his taxes at the time


Sorry I lost me head there for a minute 

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