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Trump dismisses reports of Russian meddling


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54 minutes ago, mania said:


Yes that is exactly what I am saying.

I mean I am sure it was important to some like yourself as talking points but.......


I think for most living in the USA we had made up our minds quite awhile back SOS was not going to fly


The whole Email FBI BS was just a sideshow

Folks had long since made up their minds & I doubt it swayed any........From either side


So the dramatic change in the polling numbers just before the elections, timed with the release of this info, had zero impact?  Many would disagree with you on that one.

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16 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

So the dramatic change in the polling numbers just before the elections, timed with the release of this info, had zero impact?  Many would disagree with you on that one.


#1 as Scott said "We are not doing a re-run of the election "


#2 if you learned nothing from it all you should have learned

polls did not know their butts from a hole in the ground

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By declaring it can make inferences about hacking that may or may not have been done by someone who knew someone who knew someone in the Russian government amounts to the CIA being the one interfering in the presidential election. The CIA is supposed to stay out of domestic law enforcement and politics.  Once a rogue agency, always a rogue agency. The CIA has caused more problems for the US than anything they have done to help.

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10 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Orchestrated?? Timing??

I sure seems that way:



U.S. government officially accuses Russia of hacking campaign to interfere with elections


Trump's trying to save some face here....LOL

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2 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Sometimes I think the guy has a universal joint neck. You just never know which face your facing. 

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I think politics aside, if Russia did meddle with US Politics its big deal. So this incident should not be brushed off lightly.

You would be ignorant to think Russia and USA are friends like Trump is trying to put it. The only reason why Russia prefers Trump is because Trump knows nothing about foreign politics and would not put pressure on Russia for their crimes. Russia hates the US, that is why they are in close relation with China to undermine US.


For those that don't think a Russia hack is not possible, just look at how dirty Russia politics is, critics have been silenced for years, journalist are not let off lightly as well. Russia and Chinese hackers are the number 1 online security threat to US and US businesses.


I think the US has created most of the problems themselves and hypocrites for calling out other countries though.

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6 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

This seems to have become more of a political battle.  Not one focused on what really happened.  Everybody seems to be trying to protect their vested interests, which is sad.


Have the CIA, via someone senior and identified, actually said that they officially agree with the reports in certain newspapers?


All this anonymous but 'senior officer" and unnamed individuals with close ties to Moscow. All seems very vague.


As an outsider, quite frankly, it looks like yet another desperate democrat party attempt to make out the election was rigged and good old Hilary really should've won. 


If US government, agencies and departments are suffering cyber attacks then that speaks volumes for the Obama administrations lack of awareness and/or effective dealing with it over several years. It certainly wants investigating.


But really, to suggest Hilary should've won had someone (and it hasn't been proved Russia) leaked information (which hasn't been denied) about her is insulting to the American electorate.


She lost. Just as other PC liberals with close connections to international business and finance who are also personally very wealthy seem to be loosing elsewhere. Maybe the public have just has enough of being told what to do by those who do as they please.

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19 minutes ago, mike324 said:

I think politics aside, if Russia did meddle with US Politics its big deal. So this incident should not be brushed off lightly.

You would be ignorant to think Russia and USA are friends like Trump is trying to put it. The only reason why Russia prefers Trump is because Trump knows nothing about foreign politics and would not put pressure on Russia for their crimes. Russia hates the US, that is why they are in close relation with China to undermine US.


For those that don't think a Russia hack is not possible, just look at how dirty Russia politics is, critics have been silenced for years, journalist are not let off lightly as well. Russia and Chinese hackers are the number 1 online security threat to US and US businesses.


I think the US has created most of the problems themselves and hypocrites for calling out other countries though.


Of course the brilliant 30 year public servant and extremely wealthy Hilary has fantastic knowledge, That's why she was so great over Libya ? 


You don't think the CIA hack the Russian, or the Chinese? And even their friends? Ask Mrs. Merkel about that one. Which didn't stop her giving a very large amount of German tax payers money to Hilary of course. Got to help those fellow PC politician so we can further the vision.


The "great game" Kipling wrote about is still very real. But far more complex and the main players have changed somewhat.


This is no more than a pathetic smear from a PC democrat party unable and unwilling to accept their anointed one somehow lost.

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4 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

From that article:


Basically, seems the FBI agree Russia hacked the email server.  But the intent is in question.  Was it to influence the election results or to undermine credibility for the election process.   From what I've read, there's agreement Russia did the hacking.  The intent is what's being debated.  Please correct me, with facts, if you feel I'm wrong!  But please read the entire article first. LOL

Nothing I can see to be gained from 'undermining the credibility of the election process'. That was already happening without the hacking and exacerbated by the claims of illegals being bussed to election centres, people in Massachusetts double voting in New Hampshire, etc. However, Russia would gain from a demonstrably more Russia-friendly Trump regime. Just my view, of course...

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39 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Have the CIA, via someone senior and identified, actually said that they officially agree with the reports in certain newspapers?


All this anonymous but 'senior officer" and unnamed individuals with close ties to Moscow. All seems very vague.


As an outsider, quite frankly, it looks like yet another desperate democrat party attempt to make out the election was rigged and good old Hilary really should've won. 


If US government, agencies and departments are suffering cyber attacks then that speaks volumes for the Obama administrations lack of awareness and/or effective dealing with it over several years. It certainly wants investigating.


But really, to suggest Hilary should've won had someone (and it hasn't been proved Russia) leaked information (which hasn't been denied) about her is insulting to the American electorate.


She lost. Just as other PC liberals with close connections to international business and finance who are also personally very wealthy seem to be loosing elsewhere. Maybe the public have just has enough of being told what to do by those who do as they please.


If you research this a bit, the US has been investigating potential Russian hacks for some time.  On October 7th:



The Obama administration on Friday officially accused Russia of attempting to interfere in the 2016 elections, including by hacking the computers of the Democratic National Committee and other political organizations.


Before the election and when Hillary was in the lead.  From the other side of the aisle, republicans are calling for investigations. They won, and they are investigating:





Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, meanwhile, told CNN that he believes Russia "did interfere with our elections."
Graham will be pursuing his own investigations into the hacking in his side of Congress, he told CNN.



It's been going on for years, this is nothing new.  Some here are trying to make it political.  It's not.   It's about national security.  I don't think anybody is suggesting Hillary should have won.  Just saying it might have had an influence.  Which these leaked emails for sure did.


From 2014:





FBI investigates mass hacking of US banks

Attacks on JP Morgan and others "beyond capability of ordinary hackers", with suggestions of Russian involvement.



From July 2016:



Why Russia Keeps Getting Away With Hacking America


From July 2014:



Russia attacks U.S. oil and gas companies in massive hack


And this was a specific accusation:





Russian Hackers Accessed Unclassified Pentagon Network

Defense Secretary Ash Carter revealed the attack in a speech rolling out the Pentagon’s new cyber strategy





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trump dismisses?:sick: Of course he does.

A taste of things to come. Nauseating.:sick:





Why a Trump presidency inspires fear

The CIA’s finding that Vladimir Putin’s Russia actively intervened in our election to help Donald Trump explains why many of us are not simply disappointed or unhappy that Trump won. We are genuinely alarmed. And Trump’s cavalier response to these fears only deepens them.

When The Post revealed the CIA’s conclusions about Russia, Trump’s response was to insult the CIA, tell a lie about the size of his victory and act as if an election still very fresh in our minds were some sort of historical event dating back to the Pilgrims.





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Certainly Comrade Donald is dismissive of Russian meddling since some of his advisers have fairly cozy relationships with Russia. Time for more "Ignore the whole Russia connection" Thank You tours to distract his bedazzled fans.


Tillerson: Obtain Russia's highest honor...also follow the oil money. It runs pretty deep.

Flynn: Contributor to Russian News, friendly towards Russia

Ivanka: Hangs out with Putin's girlfriend

Carter Page: Scrutinized by FBI over private communications with Russian officials and has Russian business dealings.

Manafort: FBI looking into ties with Russia, obtained millions of dollars from pro-Russian parties in the Ukraine for undisclosed reasons.


Trump advisers with Russian ties



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Comrade Donald might dismiss the report but 55% of Americans say "they are significantly bothered by the news that hackers working in connection with a foreign government were involved in trying to influence November's presidential election." Another example of him turning his back on American concerns and dismissing them off hand. Get used to it folks.


Poll: 55 Percent Concerned About Russia's Interference in Election



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17 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Of course hard core trumpists don't care, and admire dictator Putin for his "winning" ways ... so go figure. :sick:


I don't admire Putin, but I do wonder why no one was noticing that the Russians were infiltrating Obama's super duper defence system, before the election? Don't blame the Russians, blame Obama for not knowing it was happening!!

Thank the almighty he's on his way out and hopefully stronger defence systems all round can be put in to place.

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9 minutes ago, uptheos said:


I don't admire Putin, but I do wonder why no one was noticing that the Russians were infiltrating Obama's super duper defence system, before the election? Don't blame the Russians, blame Obama for not knowing it was happening!!

Thank the almighty he's on his way out and hopefully stronger defence systems all round can be put in to place.

The hack was on a political party.   Obama has nothing to do with safeguarding that.   At this point, we have no indication that the gov't was being hacked, although I am sure as President that is being looked at very carefully.   

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