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Berlin: Woman kicked down stairs at metro station in random attack by stranger (VIDEO)


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3 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

More to this...looks like the woman was known to the

 attackers an ex. No doubt!


Probably, but believe me, it is more than enough if a woman gives a look at him. In Vienna, Austria, a woman was raped just because her look was considered too bad.

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1 hour ago, Tug said:

Somebody needs a serious ass beating!

I think this is part of the "Big Plan"

The Mig Bombs causes tensions in the societies in Europe. One of the possible logical counter-action from the population is to vote an iron hand to drive the country out of this mess. Who will be selected, with what kind of background?  Can you guess?

Edited by Honthy
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4 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

"unprovoked ": this is point that I would not bet on.

Might be she denied "approaches" before and/or used insulting language.

Who knows.


4 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

"unprovoked ": this is point that I would not bet on.

Might be she denied "approaches" before and/or used insulting language.

Who knows.


If denying approaches is a provocation - what is not?

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1 hour ago, Honthy said:

I think this is part of the "Big Plan"

The Mig Bombs causes tensions in the societies in Europe. One of the possible logical counter-action from the population is to vote an iron hand to drive the country out of this mess. Who will be selected, with what kind of background?  Can you guess?


Big plan?

So the "far right" -whatever this may - be let the scum in in order to be elected ?

I thought it was Merkel

Edited by sweatalot
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It does seem that posters feel the need to jump onto any bandwagon that might be directed at immigrants.  Let's just wait until everything is made clear including, just maybe, the ethnicity of the victim.


There were plenty of people there that did nothing, which is pretty pathetic as well.

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21 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

Maniacs, psychos whatever.

This woman was "lucky" as she only broke an arm or so.

Some months another young woman was kicked into the rail and killed by the incoming metro/subway train.

The psycho killer had come from Hamburg the other day where he had been released from the madhouse.


This video has been withheld for SIX WEEKS before they decided it publish it. Withheld for privacy protection!!!


They do.

And likely not from the 2015 invasion but second/third generation migrant siblings.  Maybe having been donated a German passport in addition to their native passport.  This whole city (that I left 2011) is a madhouse now governed by a leftist coalition.




   I'd love to meet the guys in person. Unbelievable that the video was withheld for so long.


      The only woman who deserves something similar is Merkel. 

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1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

It does seem that posters feel the need to jump onto any bandwagon that might be directed at immigrants.  Let's just wait until everything is made clear including, just maybe, the ethnicity of the victim.


There were plenty of people there that did nothing, which is pretty pathetic as well.



 The other guys were this prick's mates, don't you get it?

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 They found one of the four guys, but couldn't yet find the guy who did it.


           They're talking about East Europeans



Meanwhile, private individuals offer rewards. An anonymous businessman from Berlin wants to  compensate the victim with  10,000 euros  and find the culprit.


The Promibodyguard Michael Kuhr makes his request public with his name. 


The Berlin security company wants to pay 2000 Euro "head money" for "name and address of this bastard".


       Let's hope they find him before the cops.




Hope he finds the freak.jpg

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1 minute ago, lostinisaan said:


 They found one of the four guys, but couldn't yet find the guy who did it.


           They're talking about East Europeans



Meanwhile, private individuals have been rewarded. An anonymous businessman from Berlin wants to take 10,000 euros in his hand to compensate the victim and find the culprit.

The Promibodyguard Michael Kuhr makes his request public with his name. The Berlin security company wants to pay 2000 Euro "head money" for "name and address of this bastard".

       Let's hope they find him before the cops.





Of course they found only on of the four guys.


They're too busy investigating who released the video, that's their priority.



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7 minutes ago, deathmule said:


Of course they found only on of the four guys.


They're too busy investigating who released the video, that's their priority.





 I can't believe it. They're really looking for the guy who made the video visible.


It already happened end of October, but they "released the "news" a week ago? <deleted>'s wrong???

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3 hours ago, Berkshire said:

Man, that's just evil.  I hope they catch the bastard(s).

You may not believe. If they are Turks what I really cannot believe, the German police can catch them and the jury can make a sentence. If they are refugees no one can do the required steps. Politically incorrect even to name them. This is the situation in most of these areas. Those, who cannot believe, pay a short trip to Austria or Germany... 

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7 hours ago, Opl said:


It's possible ... Something like " smoking is not permitted in this area... " if it's the case.

I'm a woman, not living in Germany, but I can tell you, if I look for trouble, I just have to remind it to people - 100% young men - who do not care for "no smoking' signs. 

I used to do it, and it turned out to verbal arguments, until one day I was told I was lucky there was a camera   ... if not  he would have beaten me. And yes he was a foreigner.

So now I do not say anything anymore.  




  I grew up in West Germany and pretty much get your point. You as a female have no say at all.


   But hey, you should say more. It's time to talk and let people know how you feel as a woman in a Muslim world of arrogant ass+ holes. 














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14 minutes ago, Honthy said:

You may not believe. If they are Turks what I really cannot believe, the German police can catch them and the jury can make a sentence. If they are refugees no one can do the required steps. Politically incorrect even to name them. This is the situation in most of these areas. Those, who cannot believe, pay a short trip to Austria or Germany... 

rubbish! :coffee1:

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14 minutes ago, Honthy said:

You may not believe. If they are Turks what I really cannot believe, the German police can catch them and the jury can make a sentence. If they are refugees no one can do the required steps. Politically incorrect even to name them. This is the situation in most of these areas. Those, who cannot believe, pay a short trip to Austria or Germany... 



  Not long and an Austrian will stand in front of a mirror and get ready for his speeches.


           It's not true that it's politically incorrect to name them. 



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Little news so far.

The arrested (last seen on the video) has been questioned for a couple of hours and released.

He is supposed to be Bulgarian.

Whether he lives in Berlin or not is unclear.

Police is optimistic to catch the culprit.

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7 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

Little news so far.

The arrested (last seen on the video) has been questioned for a couple of hours and released.

He is supposed to be Bulgarian.

Whether he lives in Berlin or not is unclear.

Police is optimistic to catch the culprit.


Anyway Bulgaria belongs to the countries of risk. Only completely checked individuals from this pit of evil should get a limited visa to Germany but not without  close controls. And first of all they should have to prove that they can  pay from a legal source for their stay while in 'Germany. Let Thailand be an example. 

Edited by sweatalot
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2 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

Little news so far.

The arrested (last seen on the video) has been questioned for a couple of hours and released.

He is supposed to be Bulgarian.

Whether he lives in Berlin or not is unclear.

Police is optimistic to catch the culprit.



   I truly hope that the "private investigator" who offers some head money finds him first and gives him the :post-4641-1156693976: card. The "news" are all 6 days old.


When you see things like that you wish Germany would have Thai prisons, German prisons are maybe better than some Bulgarian hotels. And food guaranteed

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"unprovoked ": this is point that I would not bet on.
Might be she denied "approaches" before and/or used insulting language.
Who knows.

You serious or trolling?

No matter what she did to the <deleted> it didn't warrant being kicked in the back (coward) down a flight of stairs

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15 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

Little news so far.

The arrested (last seen on the video) has been questioned for a couple of hours and released.

He is supposed to be Bulgarian.

Whether he lives in Berlin or not is unclear.

Police is optimistic to catch the culprit.


Can we have the source saying they are Bulgarian?


Because in my opinion they don't look like Bulgarians at all, having grown up in a country with a lot of Bulgarian immigrants

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1 hour ago, deathmule said:


Can we have the source saying they are Bulgarian?


Because in my opinion they don't look like Bulgarians at all, having grown up in a country with a lot of Bulgarian immigrants

I send you one of the sources as PM.

The source, "Tagesspiegel" is a well reputed paper, not a tabloid.


Links to foreign language sources are unwanted in TV.


And you can judge that this man is not from Bulgaria?




Homeless eastern Europeans from Romania and Bulgaria are a common sight nowadays as they can travel freely within the Schengen area.


There is no substantial news today about the case.

Details of the questioning are kept secret of course.

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