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Foreign English teacher attacked and raped in rice paddy - rapist hunted in Bangkok


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NO-ONE deserves to be raped or violated in any form.  Some of the comments are despicable and the sarcasm unwarranted.  If that was your partner, mum, sister, aunt, niece, gran .. would you still be a computer warrior with your comments?  Rapists in any country should be dealt the long arm of the law, I don't care this is Thailand, the LOS and the alleged poor policing .. The rapists deserve to be behind bars for the rest of their lives, no parole or pardon or joining a monastery for a month or so.  These violent crimes seem to be happening more frequently which says that the justice system for perpetrators is not working.  If I was this lady's family I would ensure that no stone is unturned and these hideous men are dealt with in the harshest possible way.

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'She sat in the middle of the two men' 


That is an extremely naive and in some ways provocative thing to do. What happened to this woman is inexusable BUT sitting in between two men on a motorbike??? How much room is there? Remember, we are dealing with farm boy numpties here.....What the hell was she thinking? I am going to be VERY unpopular in saying this but it WAS  slightly provocative for a western woman on her own to sandwich herself between two (perhaps obviously) drunk men. They deserve to have the key thrown away for what they did but where was her common sense? 

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Just now, 248900_1469958220 said:

'She sat in the middle of the two men' 


That is an extremely naive and in some ways provocative thing to do. What happened to this woman is inexusable BUT sitting in between two men on a motorbike??? How much room is there? Remember, we are dealing with farm boy numpties here.....What the hell was she thinking? I am going to be VERY unpopular in saying this but it WAS  slightly provocative for a western woman on her own to sandwich herself between two (perhaps obviously) drunk men. They deserve to have the key thrown away for what they did but where was her common sense? 

Unpopular? That's one word I'd use to describe your post.


There are others, but we're not allowed to use them.

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3 hours ago, tukkytuktuk said:

2 rapes and one attempted rape of foreigners in 10 days. How many foreigners get raped or sexually assaulted in Thailand each year? Anyone know the stats! It must be a worry to female tourist's over here right now.

Don't you mean one confirmed rape (this one) and one alleged rape that would have been impossible in the time scale between being seen very drunk with a farang on CCTV and reporting to the police 35 minutes later?

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1 hour ago, The manic said:

How many rapes in any country? These stories are click bait sensationalism in a society where real news can be difficult to report. Read any local rag in the UK and the headlines are full of this stuff.  In places such as Afghanistan where there are many problems for women  this would not be a story - go figure.  

Not a man - Two men. Two drunk men. Two total strangers.  Men she did not know. No not asking to be raped but definitely getting into a situation where trouble could happen.  If you cant see that- OK.  

I understand your reasons but just looking for stats. If there are any?

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6 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

very sad for her and only hope she somehow overcomes it although it will be with her forever.


The 2 scum?  NO excuses, NO "i didn't mean it'. NO ' i was drunk' you are SCUM plain and simple and hope karma and justice wreaks devastation in your miserable lives.

Please don't being your Buddhist beliefs about karma into this. This law states that there is a reason for everything, including people getting raped.

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5 hours ago, seajae said:

wonder how long before the police claim  this rape is false like the last one, cant have raped farangs ruining Thailands great name and their tourism:whistling::whistling:

two different cases,....The one you refer to had some question marks,...She said she was raped by a tuk tuk driver, and the police had checked all the tuk tuk's in the vicinity on CCTV. and found out it was a motorcycle driver...?!?!? maybe they are all the same to you ?!?!

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6 hours ago, ricku said:

An excellent opportunity to make an example. Execute them both.

What kind of retarded comment is this? Are you one of those asshats who blames rape on clothing?

No, he was making the point that thai men often blame the woman for the clothes she was wearing, ie the general about 2 months ago! Think before you post, "why would he say such a thing?" :wai:

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8 hours ago, Bluespunk said:


That's his excuse for doing nothing?




Yes, scum indeed. And actually he did do something. He was an accomplice to the crime and should be put away. He essentially held his friend's hand helping him carry out the deed, he might as well have raped her himself.

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8 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Whats up with the thumbs up in the photo ?,

blame the drink,blame anything,but having

morals or a conscience,disturbing number 

of Farang ladies been raped lately.

regards worgeordie

I momentarily thought the same thing, but if you look closely and think for a moment, you can be pretty sure that it is not a thumbs up sign. Usually a thumbs up sign has the fingers clenched and not open handed. I think he was using a gesture often used when explaining, proposing or asking something. It's difficult to describe in written form... maybe you know what I mean? Kind of like a rolling of the hand swiveling at the wrist. I would think the cameraman or editor should have had a better choice of pictures....

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8 hours ago, johna said:

Hey,  how many Thai women would accept a lift from two men they didn't know, erm..... none. Of course there's alcohol in the mix, but given the rape statistics for south Africa you'd think this woman would be more cautious. 


I have often accepted lifts from thai males. Especially up country where it's quite common for someone to offer a lift on a motorbike. All of them took me too my destination, smiled and waved and absolutely refused to take money from me. 

One guy used to pick me up late at night from a house I was teaching at and take me to the bus stop. 

Sometimes he was quite drunk.

It never crossed his mind to hurt me in any way as he felt it was his duty to care for a foreigner in his country. 

We just celebrated our 22 wedding anniversary. 

The lady did nothing wrong. 

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8 hours ago, johna said:

Hey,  how many Thai women would accept a lift from two men they didn't know, erm..... none. Of course there's alcohol in the mix, but given the rape statistics for south Africa you'd think this woman would be more cautious. 

Here we go,

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7 hours ago, lostinisaan said:




   Something that's a little bit disgusting is that the teacher was basically sitting between two men?


 I'm not blaming the victim in any way, but teachers should have a healthy commons sense.


As a South African, she should be aware how dangerous life for a woman can be. 








 So you are blaming the victim, as usual.

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Saturday night and she goes  sit with 2 drunken men on motorbike and she is a teacher too.....


so its mean she is really stupid, i cannot believe that. She can pray to god that she still alive.

i dont understand that farang Girld coming here and thinking there are in Disney Land.


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3 hours ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

'She sat in the middle of the two men' 


That is an extremely naive and in some ways provocative thing to do. What happened to this woman is inexusable BUT sitting in between two men on a motorbike??? How much room is there? Remember, we are dealing with farm boy numpties here.....What the hell was she thinking? I am going to be VERY unpopular in saying this but it WAS  slightly provocative for a western woman on her own to sandwich herself between two (perhaps obviously) drunk men. They deserve to have the key thrown away for what they did but where was her common sense? 

Back when I lived in BKK, I saw foreign girls behave like this, actually MUCH more dangerous naive trusting behavior, a good number of times over the years. I've talked with some of them to warn them about how their behavior could bring about very bad consequences and if they continued that I am pretty sure it will sooner or later, probably sooner. BUT, a majority of these girls (Americans and Europeans) told me something along these lines - It is so much safer here than back home, I feel totally safe, the people are so kind... blah blah blah etc etc  They were confident that I was just a killjoy old jealous American and told me I didn't know what I was talking about, regardless of having been in the country over 10 years at that time. They were all new to the country (university exchange students) and had no clue at all about crime here. And a couple of them were from areas I know well, which have their good share of violent crime, but not comparable at all to Bangkok. And especially the difference on how women are looked on and how alluring and sexy these girls looked to Thai guys, even back home they would have been considered good looking. The context was usually when they were dressed scantily, tipsy or even barely able to walk drunk, and walking or getting motorcycle or  tuk tuk rides back to their room ( about 2 km), alone, at 2 in the morning.
My point is, you would think they should know better, but they don't! I don't know about the poor girl in this case, but it sounds similar to what I saw (except no reason to think she was dressed in any sexy way or drunk). Although it seems crazy, and a complete lack of common sense, they are totally trusting and so joyful at being in this wonderful land of smiles that they put themselves in compromising positions without having a clue.
I wish it could be the utopia they seem to think they are in....
All that said, no women can possibly bear any responsibility for being raped. Period. There is never any justification for any rape of any kind for any reason. A woman SHOULD be able to sit between two guys on a motorcycle without anyone thinking about sex. What on earth does a ride on a motorcycle have to do with sex!? Just because your bodies are in contact, sex comes to mind??? Or whatever other excuse... it is incomprehensible as to why this is the case. Just what do people think sex is!? What is it's function, purpose, and place??? Such a low view of sex will just encourage the continuance of this animalistic behavior.
I know many don't believe in the death penalty, but I sure do. Especially for rape and murder - and not just as a possible punishment, I think it should be a mandatory sentence.
Sorry for babbling on so long....

Edited by Sig
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I have often accepted lifts from thai males. Especially up country where it's quite common for someone to offer a lift on a motorbike. All of them took me too my destination, smiled and waved and absolutely refused to take money from me. 
One guy used to pick me up late at night from a house I was teaching at and take me to the bus stop. 
Sometimes he was quite drunk.
It never crossed his mind to hurt me in any way as he felt it was his duty to care for a foreigner in his country. 
We just celebrated our 22 wedding anniversary. 
The lady did nothing wrong. 

Post of the day! Well said!
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1 minute ago, Wilsonandson said:

Post of the day! Well said!


59 minutes ago, greenchair said:


I have often accepted lifts from thai males. Especially up country where it's quite common for someone to offer a lift on a motorbike. All of them took me too my destination, smiled and waved and absolutely refused to take money from me. 

One guy used to pick me up late at night from a house I was teaching at and take me to the bus stop. 

Sometimes he was quite drunk.

It never crossed his mind to hurt me in any way as he felt it was his duty to care for a foreigner in his country. 

We just celebrated our 22 wedding anniversary. 

The lady did nothing wrong. 

So basically you played the rape& murder version "Russian Roulette", survived and now you've got some amazing wisdom to share, right?


Look at me!  I did blindingly stupid things many times.  I'm still here.  Genius. ?

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