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Philippines’ Duterte boasts he personally killed crime suspects


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1 hour ago, lovelomsak said:

this guy is great he lets the criminal world know the rules they are used to and expected to be there have been removed.and no longer protect them he is letting them know if you play with peoples lifes it may cost you your life he cannot make it any clearer than that


Who do you think is making all the money from drugs in Philippines? If the people who are dying were raking in the cash, they would not be driving pedal trikes during the day and living 6 to a clapboard room, surrounded by open sewers. Duterte is killing the weakest in society while the drug lords seem to be insulated from any persecution. This is a phony war on drugs and an attack on the poor.

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1 minute ago, RuamRudy said:


Who do you think is making all the money from drugs in Philippines? If the people who are dying were raking in the cash, they would not be driving pedal trikes during the day and living 6 to a clapboard room, surrounded by open sewers. Duterte is killing the weakest in society while the drug lords seem to be insulated from any persecution. This is a phony war on drugs and an attack on the poor.


If they can afford expensive drugs they obviously are not so poor right? Where does the money they use to buy drugs come from?

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 what is happening cannot be compared to what happened in other countries this man has the support of his country men. so lets leave that out of it. no coupe will end this. he is doing right. the slums and ghettos is exactly where he must make his point.get the drugs out and give the poor the opportunity to make choices on how to improve their lifes with out drugs damaging their community.

drive up the risk factor and drive up the prices. make unaffordable for the poor get it out of their community. make it to risky to deal small time.yes cannot illiminate drug use but can contain it.

drive up the price till only the idle rich are buyers.in the 19th century the rich were the only users of drugs with cocaine and heroin widely used by the idle rich. lets go back that

the poor people of the slums should be protected from drugs. allow them as healthy of an invironment as possible.    philippinos  are honest hard working family people get the drugs out and they can work hard and make decisions to improve on their life.many problems they face now will be gone and life for them can take a positive note

Edited by lovelomsak
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16 minutes ago, fruitman said:


Can you imagine the mess Thailand would be now if they never did anything to stop the drugs? You wouldn't even be here if they didn't.

That effort failed miserably and the drug problem is way worse than back in 2003.  Attempts by other countries who've tried the same thing have also failed.  For your education:






Duterte’s War on Drugs: Bitter Lessons From Thailand’s Failed Campaign

Can Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte learn anything from Thailand’s failed campaign against drugs in the early 2000s? Maybe to adopt a less bloody and more comprehensive approach.


Thailand’s experience shows that the real culprits at the top of the drug pyramid often escape extralegal approaches to eradicating drug problems with impunity. After thousands of deaths, Colombia and Mexico discovered the same truth decades ago.


Networks of illegal drug supply go beyond any one country’s sovereign borders. The Philippines is a producer, a transit point, and a consumer of narcotics. Each role requires specific policies that involve the entire state apparatus, as well as civil society.



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16 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

My wife had a similar experience in her village.  They came by and told a young man to stop dealing drugs.  He didn't.  The came a week later and shot him in the head right in front of his family.  Left he body there for the family to deal with.  Disgusting.


I'm actually shocked people approve of this.

they warned him do you think any one from his family applied for the job now he was gone

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1 minute ago, lovelomsak said:

 what is happening cannot be compared to what happened in other countries this man has the support of his country men. so lets leave that out of it. no coupe will end this. he is doing right. the slums and ghettos is exactly where he must make his point.get the drugs out and give the poor the opportunity to make choices on how to improve their lifes with out drugs damaging their community.

drive up the risk factor and drive up the prices. make unaffordable for the poor get it out of their community. make it to risky to deal small time.yes cannot illiminate drug use but can contain it.

drive up the price till only the idle rich are buyers.in the 19th century the rich were the only users of drugs with cocaine and heroine widely used by the idle rich. lets go back that

the poor people of the slums should be protected from drugs. allow them as healthy of an invironment as possible.    philippinos  are honest hard working family people get the drugs out and they can work hard and make decisions to improve on their life.many problems they face now will be gone and life for them can take a positive note


Drugs are a fact - whether you like it or not, they are there. Addiction is not a choice and price rises do not offset withdrawal and relapse.


3 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

and give the poor the opportunity to make choices on how to improve their lifes with out drugs damaging their community.


I don't know your political leanings, but that sounds like typical right-wing meaning less drivel. Capitalism will sort it out because the poor will be attracted to the bright light of opportunity and better their lot? Their lot is and always will be a relentless daily grind in a corrupt, dirty airless dump, trying to survive in a country that has been screwed over by decades of thieving dynastic clans and the Catholic Church. Even the most upright of slum dwellers is going nowhere.


7 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

drive up the price till only the idle rich are buyers.in the 19th century the rich were the only users of drugs with cocaine and heroine widely used by the idle rich. lets go back that


So you approve of rich people using drugs, but poor people should be shot on suspicion of involvement?

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For those who still don't seem to understand this doesn't work.  From a very respected organization:




The Global Commission’s first report broke the taboo on the issues of drug policy reform, unequivocally declaring that the so-called war on drugs had failed. This was the first time that high-level political figures, intellectuals and diplomats had come out clearly stating that the current approach was not working and that a new focus needed to be implemented. Recommendations included the decriminalization of all drugs, offering health and treatment services to those in need, as well as harm reduction measures such as substitution therapy, and focusing repressive actions only on violent organizations, in ways that undermine their power and reach.


Sad some still think killing people actually works.  It doesn't.

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3 minutes ago, starchild5 said:

Now a days, its hell to commute in London than Thailand/Philippines ...


Are you sure about that? The 1 hour it can take me to get the 3 km from Taguig to Ayala each morning suggests very differently. Have you tried EDSA anytime between 7am and 9pm lately?

Here's a tip = if you are of Western appearance, best keep your head down when passing the traffic enforcers or you are definitely going to get pulled over for a shakedown.

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3 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

they warned him do you think any one from his family applied for the job now he was gone

Guaranteed, there was somebody ready, willing and able to replace him.  Who should have been killed were the ones at the top.  Like in the Philippines, some of these are government officials and are untouchable.

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2 hours ago, ezzra said:

This man should be in a asylum for the critically insane and deranged psychopath,

he has no business in running a country of 100 million of mostly

poor and uneducated people, and someone should stop him now, by any means,

before he dose more damage......



I read somewhere a few years ago, psychopathology occurrs in about 1 in 100 people. That's a lot of psychopaths. Psychopaths have no conscience further than improving their lives by any means. Manipulation is the name of the game and due to the laws of attraction and mutual interests, they tend to gather in areas where they can exert their power to the exclusion of all else.

Politics, religion, the police, care of the young and defenseless.

Here we have a full blown psychopath in full blown out of control mode.

They exist in the West but their techniques by necessity have to be more subtle. aka the Clintons, although not that subtle.

This is why he, Duterte, will continue to get away with it and the only people that can ever do anything about it are so socially engineered by now, they just shrug and smile and say ". . come what may. . " Sorry to the people of the Philippines, but I fear that one way or the other, we are all in the same boat.

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8 minutes ago, starchild5 said:

All keyboard warriors here....In london and Chicago....People are begging for someone like him to come to America and UK to clean up the streets from drug dealers.


America is literally been destroyed by Heroin Overdose.


He has over 91% approval rating. Davao is one of the safest cities in the world. Filipinos love him for a REASON. It was impossible to live in Philippines before now Good guys can live peacefully.


All the PAID LAME STREAM MEDIA is working on an agenda. The same Human Rights BS....They are twisting the story.


This man is a HERO. 


I have lived in Philippines for over 7 years and it never felt more safer. The corruption is down. NO MORE TEA MONEY. You heard that right.


Tourists are more protected now. No more Immigration hassle. 


Do not believe what they write in Corporate Media. They also tell you London is safe and good city lol...and Their Tube/Rail services are excellent while people are struggling to go from Point A to Point B due to Union Strike.


Now a days, its hell to commute in London than Thailand/Philippines ...


I've never heard anybody in the UK or the US beg for someone to come in and kill innocent people for the sake of "trying" to get rid of drugs.  Luckily, those in power know it won't work...and it AGAINST the law.


Have you been to Davao? Obviously not.  Just be glad you weren't there a few months ago! 







Deadly blast strikes market in Philippines' Davao city

At least 10 dead and scores wounded after bomb rips through busy market in home city of Philippine president.



It takes 3 hours to get from the airport to Angeles city.  I'd call that a hell of commute.  And now way crime is down.  Impossible.  The police are fudging the numbers:





As death toll rises, Duterte deploys dubious data in 'war on drugs'


Top anti-narcotics officials in the Philippines admit that data the president uses to justify his battle against drugs is flawed and exaggerated. That could determine who gets drug treatment - and who ends up on dreaded hit lists.



You fell for this hook, line and sinker! LOL


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7 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


Are you sure about that? The 1 hour it can take me to get the 3 km from Taguig to Ayala each morning suggests very differently. Have you tried EDSA anytime between 7am and 9pm lately?

Here's a tip = if you are of Western appearance, best keep your head down when passing the traffic enforcers or you are definitely going to get pulled over for a shakedown.


What has Duterte got to do with it?


The previous regime...aka the puppets of western countries did that to Philippines.


Duterte has increased infrastructure spending more than any president.


In next six years...Philippines will spend over 200 billion dollars to improve infrastructure...More than all presidents combined.


Its bad now, which is due to corruption in the past. 



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Just now, starchild5 said:


What has Duterte got to do with it?


The previous regime...aka the puppets of western countries did that to Philippines.


Duterte has increased infrastructure spending more than any president.


In next six years...Philippines will spend over 200 billion dollars to improve infrastructure...More than all presidents combined.





I was referring to your suggestion that somehow, since Duterte had arrived on the scene, commuting had improved.


I don't know the make-up of the 200 billion dollars you are suggesting, but I assume much of that includes the long-proposed metro from BGC to Makati - long proposed in that it was on the cards long before Duterte got in power.


I would like to see the figures about Duterte's infrastructure spend to date - can you point me to those?


3 minutes ago, starchild5 said:

Its bad now, which is due to corruption in the past. 


So today's rampant corruption will affect the future then - and syphon off much of this 200 billion dollars you refer to.

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2 minutes ago, fruitman said:


I've seen documentaries about Detroit and they were nothing to be proud of...only people like Craigt3365 still live there.

My family is from Detroit.  I went to college in Michigan and worked there for a few years.  I live here now.  Yes, downtown use to be very bad.  It had a renaissance for quite some time.  Actually was a nice place to visit.  I can find the same types of places in every big city around the world.  Trying walking around the slums of Manila some time.  Not me! LOL

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11 minutes ago, starchild5 said:


What has Duterte got to do with it?


The previous regime...aka the puppets of western countries did that to Philippines.


Duterte has increased infrastructure spending more than any president.


In next six years...Philippines will spend over 200 billion dollars to improve infrastructure...More than all presidents combined.


Its bad now, which is due to corruption in the past. 



And Mussolini made the trains run on time.

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12 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


I was referring to your suggestion that somehow, since Duterte had arrived on the scene, commuting had improved.


I don't know the make-up of the 200 billion dollars you are suggesting, but I assume much of that includes the long-proposed metro from BGC to Makati - long proposed in that it was on the cards long before Duterte got in power.


I would like to see the figures about Duterte's infrastructure spend to date - can you point me to those?



So today's rampant corruption will affect the future then - and syphon off much of this 200 billion dollars you refer to.


Just go here..You will get all the stats




He has done more in three months in office than all the presidents combined.


The question really to ask is...Are Filipinos inferior to the west?


When Filipinos have no issues with his way of work..then why is west have problem...


Every Filipino you ask is SUPER HAPPY now a days.


The optimism is through the roof..

Filipinos’ optimism hits record high – SWS



Philippines is 3rd most optimistic country in the world



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2 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

you mlssed the point he is saying to the criminals that if you live outside the law then laws will not protect you this is the way it has to be dealt with no more mister nice guy there may well be some innocents die but many many more will be saved it is real life shoot out war and does have collateral damage

And if he lives outside the law do not be surprised if he also becomes collateral damage 

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It's all very easy, but it's a bit of smoke and mirrors.   First, convince the people that all their problems are due to a singular cause.   Pick most anything, homosexuality, blacks, people from the neighboring country, capitalism, communism.   Pick anything and then start getting rid of all those who might be a in that group.   No need to confirm it.   Associating with them should be enough for an execution.   Check under beds and in closets.   Leave no stone unturned and litter the streets with corpses.   It should be more fun that the gladiators of Rome.  


Once all those using drugs have been killed, the Philippines will still be a poor country, with many living in grinding poverty.   It will suffer from the continued overpopulation and will export it's people, like Australia exports sheep to the Middle East.   


And then there will be a new generation, who will find some solace in drugs, as mankind has since the earliest recorded times.   So then pick another from the list.   Rinse and repeat.   


Nothing has really changed for the people.   

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is it too silly to ask, but anyways...  he has immunity because he was mayor?

otherwise all it would take is.... a brave  someone... a wannabe... but that's okay........ and any kind of corroboration and this knucklehead has a problem...

if it was the USA..... at least another thing we can still say that is good about the US.... or maybe even that ain't true anymore????


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2 minutes ago, nottocus said:

The thing I like is he doesn't get some slave to take out the trash. He does it himself.



What are your feelings about those who are innocently caught up in it? I don't want to suggest that you think the 5-year old girl who was killed is trash, but do you agree with him that she is collatoral damage?

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people get caught up in it...... "he was a drug dealer"



look at how popular he is on this, as if it were so simple.  it has to be continued or it don't work.  and folks take it lightly and make jokes.... oh boy.
not funny.

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Yep takes gigantic balls to take on the weakest in society... because all the country's (the world's?) problems can be traced right back to the impoverished and disenfranchised drug users.


If he actually had balls he'd take on the real issues and the real power which hold back the great people of the Philippines.

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