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Philippines’ Duterte boasts he personally killed crime suspects


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59 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Yep takes gigantic balls to take on the weakest in society... because all the country's (the world's?) problems can be traced right back to the impoverished and disenfranchised drug users.


If he actually had balls he'd take on the real issues and the real power which hold back the great people of the Philippines.

Like the report on the war on drugs said, it's not the small/poor people who are the problem.  It's the ones at the top who never get touched.

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Cannot believe people defend this guys actions and words. He is a despicable character and if 91% of Philippinos like him, then it is one country to which I have no desire to ever return. Perhaps providing some hope to the poor with genuine policies and reforms directed at improving their lives might dissuade people from seeking diversion from the harsh reality of life. Unfortunately the rich and privileged in that country have never been too concerned about the poor who struggle to survive. Dutertes is the worst of a procession of less than ordinary presidents in that unfortunate country.

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8 hours ago, ezzra said:

This man should be in a asylum for the critically insane and deranged psychopath,

he has no business in running a country of 100 million of mostly

poor and uneducated people, and someone should stop him now, by any means,

before he dose more damage......



critically insane?

that's a new one.


is it a finger of speech?

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7 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

you mlssed the point he is saying to the criminals that if you live outside the law then laws will not protect you this is the way it has to be dealt with no more mister nice guy he has declared war has innoccent casualties


no one has missed anything here but you. Are you autistic?

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8 hours ago, ezzra said:

This man should be in a asylum for the critically insane and deranged psychopath,

he has no business in running a country of 100 million of mostly

poor and uneducated people, and someone should stop him now, by any means,

before he dose more damage......



I don't disagree with your conclusions on him.  However, he made no secret about his past and future plans during the election.  This did not get in the way of him being elected and in fact likely was why he was elected.  

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5 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


Are you sure about that? The 1 hour it can take me to get the 3 km from Taguig to Ayala each morning suggests very differently. Have you tried EDSA anytime between 7am and 9pm lately?

Here's a tip = if you are of Western appearance, best keep your head down when passing the traffic enforcers or you are definitely going to get pulled over for a shakedown.


 i do it on a bicycle and it takes me 15 mins from BGG to deepest darkest makati, certainly never more than 30 minutes and thats gridlock

oh and i did around 2500 kilometers worth of commuting this year, blonde hair, blue eyes and never so much as stopped once.

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28 minutes ago, Spock said:

Cannot believe people defend this guys actions and words. He is a despicable character and if 91% of Philippinos like him, then it is one country to which I have no desire to ever return. Perhaps providing some hope to the poor with genuine policies and reforms directed at improving their lives might dissuade people from seeking diversion from the harsh reality of life. Unfortunately the rich and privileged in that country have never been too concerned about the poor who struggle to survive. Dutertes is the worst of a procession of less than ordinary presidents in that unfortunate country.

I looked at the polling numbers for many of the past presidents there.  Huge approval ratings when they go in, dismal ratings when they leave.  So people voted for his BS as they were fed up with the previous president. 

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6 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

 what is happening cannot be compared to what happened in other countries this man has the support of his country men. so lets leave that out of it. no coupe will end this. he is doing right. the slums and ghettos is exactly where he must make his point.get the drugs out and give the poor the opportunity to make choices on how to improve their lifes with out drugs damaging their community.

drive up the risk factor and drive up the prices. make unaffordable for the poor get it out of their community. make it to risky to deal small time.yes cannot illiminate drug use but can contain it.

drive up the price till only the idle rich are buyers.in the 19th century the rich were the only users of drugs with cocaine and heroin widely used by the idle rich. lets go back that

the poor people of the slums should be protected from drugs. allow them as healthy of an invironment as possible.    philippinos  are honest hard working family people get the drugs out and they can work hard and make decisions to improve on their life.many problems they face now will be gone and life for them can take a positive note

What a ridiculous argument you present. Drive up the prices by killing the small time users and dealers among the poor till only the 'idle rich' are able to enjoy the pleasures of drug taking 'like in the 19th century'. Take the drugs out of the lives of the poor and their natural instinct for hard work will drag them out of their poverty! You don't think that there are factors other than drugs that are preventing the poor from improving the quality of their lives? Yeah just send masked gunman into the slums to carry out extra judicial killings and the country's problems will all be solved.  With ideas like this, you could easily be president of your own poverty riddled country. You're a genius!

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10 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

I looked at the polling numbers for many of the past presidents there.  Huge approval ratings when they go in, dismal ratings when they leave.  So people voted for his BS as they were fed up with the previous president. 

They have ended up being fed up with every president since Fidel Ramos. Problem is the candidates are film stars, weak women and ineffectual or corrupt men. Now they have this prick. The country has no idea of what a genuine president should be like. 

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8 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Unfortunately, what he's doing is against the law.  We have laws for a reason.  One of them is to make sure the people he kills are actually guilty.  So far, not all have been proven to be guilty.  And some, were just innocents caught up in the crossfire of extrajudicial gangs.  Not good.


Absolutely. And a politician, being above the law, "executing" without trial? Of course politicians can be trusted, they never lie, only do the right thing - no chance of some opponents being murdered by mistake. No siree.

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7 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Whoa!  I never said it worked.  Re-read my post.  And what's this got to do with WMD?  Massively off topic and a deflection.


What about the poor innocent people who are being killed by vigilante death squads?  Don't they have rights also?


The drug problem isn't the reason more tourists don't visit the PI.  Crime is rampant, the police are massively corrupt, and the food is terrible! LOL


Nobody said cleaning up the Philippines the Western way is best.  Just that killing innocent people is wrong.


P.S. they still have 2 guards with huge guns outside every store.  So guess the war on drugs isn't working too good.

Agreed - some people will use any excuse to do a bit of yank battering, and by the way I'm not American either!


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39 minutes ago, HooHaa said:


 i do it on a bicycle and it takes me 15 mins from BGG to deepest darkest makati, certainly never more than 30 minutes and thats gridlock


On a bike? You are a braver man than me.


39 minutes ago, HooHaa said:

oh and i did around 2500 kilometers worth of commuting this year, blonde hair, blue eyes and never so much as stopped once.


What can I say? My experience is different. Maybe you are lucky? If you ever do fall foul of them, however, it is worth asking to see their Mission Order- more often than not, they will back down.

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I for one hope it plays out to the end if there is an end, if there is an end it worked, if there isn't it didn't.  I would like to see if drugs are eliminated or not. If they are than we've got a winner here.  I don't think this has ever been tried before. I know if I was a drug dealer there I would be looking for a new job today, and hoping they never find me out.

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3 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


On a bike? You are a braver man than me.



What can I say? My experience is different. Maybe you are lucky? If you ever do fall foul of them, however, it is worth asking to see their Mission Order- more often than not, they will back down.


noted thanks. the bicycle made all the difference, also discovering a route through forbes park and getting to know the guards hasn't hurt, but i went over the flyover for months without any incident, marshals are blind to foreigners on bicycles it would seem

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12 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

this guy is great he lets the criminal world know the rules they are used to and expected to be there have been removed.and no longer protect them he is letting them know if you play with peoples lifes it may cost you your life he cannot make it any clearer than that

 Please tell that to assure my friend whose father was killed.

No, he was not a criminal, no he had nothing to do with drugs, yes he was murdered.

For being old and poor.

Very clear indeed.


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2 hours ago, Grubster said:

I for one hope it plays out to the end if there is an end, if there is an end it worked, if there isn't it didn't.  I would like to see if drugs are eliminated or not. If they are than we've got a winner here.  I don't think this has ever been tried before. I know if I was a drug dealer there I would be looking for a new job today, and hoping they never find me out.

He isn't just have drug dealers killed. He's having drug users killed as well. That's his version of a cure.

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2 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

He isn't just have drug dealers killed. He's having drug users killed as well. That's his version of a cure.

He may have killed some drug users but if that was his goal he surely could have found at least one million in the first day.

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10 minutes ago, Grubster said:

He may have killed some drug users but if that was his goal he surely could have found at least one million in the first day.

He said he doesn't care if he has to kill 3 million of them to do that. So cut him some slack. 

Killing mass numbers of people isn't as easy as fantasists like you believe. Remember it took the Germans quite a while to rev up their system.

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8 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

He said he doesn't care if he has to kill 3 million of them to do that. So cut him some slack. 

Killing mass numbers of people isn't as easy as fantasists like you believe. Remember it took the Germans quite a while to rev up their system.

Well since you and I have no say in the matter lets just see how it pans out.

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The Philippine Minister of Trade and Industry has told the BBC he doesn't believe the President killed anybody and that he just says these things to show he's serious about stopping drugs and other crime. !    :shock1:

That's right, talk tough to sound serious and make a fool of yourself and your country.


Love to see him and Prayut locked in a room together and see who could out boast, out BS the other.



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1 hour ago, happy Joe said:


 A man criticized by the well-thinking people of the entire world and unanimously sentenced by  this forum caciques, cannot be justly bad.


Do you have anything of substance to add to the discussion, or are you simply taking an opportunity to dismiss the beliefs of those with whom you disagree in general?

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He is a absolute mad man serial killer. He does not discriminate. If he does not like you, for whatever reason, you die. If his people do not like someone, they die. Back to the middle ages. Lord Dut and his messianic cult of crusaders. One can only hope one day he faces an international tribunal, and is locked up for the rest of his sad life. One has to wonder what kind of fortune he is making, for knocking out any competition that stands in anyone's way. Hey, Mr. President, another guy opened up a competing mini mart down the street. He is selling heroin. Competition eliminated the next day. 

Edited by spidermike007
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On 12/14/2016 at 6:57 PM, craigt3365 said:

This guy doesn't deserve to lead a country like the Philippines.  They deserve better.  He's just an insane criminal in government clothes.


He's been doing this for years:



 I get your point and I appreciate the intent, but I disagree. The Philippines deserves him and he really is a reflection of the local culture and the people.  Cruel you say. Sure, but he  was elected with a crushing majority and remains popular. The people elected him knowing what he was.

The man is a a disgusting depraved criminal. Unfortunately, as hard working and  gentle as Phillipinos are outside their country, they are not much different than this man when they are in their own country, He is the Philippines.

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3 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:


 I get your point and I appreciate the intent, but I disagree. The Philippines deserves him and he really is a reflection of the local culture and the people.  Cruel you say. Sure, but he  was elected with a crushing majority and remains popular. The people elected him knowing what he was.

The man is a a disgusting depraved criminal. Unfortunately, as hard working and  gentle as Phillipinos are outside their country, they are not much different than this man when they are in their own country, He is the Philippines.


The only differnce between the US and Philippines' elections was that the Philippines had a wider pool of reprehensible creatures to choose from. The election process may have been reasonably fair in terms of execution, but the choice between corrupt candidate number 1, corrupt candidate number 2 etc always meant that the corrupt candidate with baubles on was going to get elected.


That said, I can also accept  your point in general - that any spawn of Marcos is allowed to have a say in public life is beyond me. Filipinos seem to be resigned, even happy, to being ruled over by various dynastic clans whose main objectives are to further bolster their already bulging bank balances and to set up their vulgar, over-entitled offspring for politics and daytime TV shows.

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16 hours ago, Grubster said:

He may have killed some drug users but if that was his goal he surely could have found at least one million in the first day.

The problem here is that he has empowered citizens to be vigilantes. Murder anyone and then claim you saw them selling drugs. It's a madman's policy.

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every one only talks about the dead how about the hundreds of thousands of dealers and users that have surrendered and cleaned up. does the reality that we donot know how many of these hundreds of thousands may have died from drug use related deaths if he had not forced the issue or is savings lives just taken for granted. i am willing to say probably more were saved than died. the ones who died were given ample opportunity to surrender but chose the risk and lost.  som nom na

  and lets not forget the violence and crime committed by users in need of their fix that probably has deminished

Edited by lovelomsak
forgot somethig
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11 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

every one only talks about the dead how about the hundreds of thousands of dealers and users that have surrendered and cleaned up. does the reality that we donot know how many of these hundreds of thousands may have died from drug use related deaths if he had not forced the issue or is savings lives just taken for granted. i am willing to say probably more were saved than died. the ones who died were given ample opportunity to surrender but chose the risk and lost.  som nom na

  and lets not forget the violence and crime committed by users in need of their fix that probably has deminished


While we don't know those numbers, all of that is completely irrelevant. What is relevant is the fact that he is encouraging and participated in murders of unconvicted people. Anyone can be accused of anything. If you give people an out and say go ahead kill the bad guys, there's going to be regular every day guys or good people who wind up being killed under that guise.


It is a ridiculous assumption that people who use drugs are going to be committing crimes to get a fix. While that certainly does happen, it is from a minority of drug users. There is also a big difference between someone who is peddling a substance like heroine or cocaine compared to someone who is peddling weed or mushrooms (both of which are popular in the Philippines). There's a big difference between some teenage kid who got sucked into dealing because they saw their older family members or older kids in the neighborhood doing it before they really know much better, and someone who is pulling the strings. 

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13 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

every one only talks about the dead how about the hundreds of thousands of dealers and users that have surrendered and cleaned up. does the reality that we donot know how many of these hundreds of thousands may have died from drug use related deaths if he had not forced the issue or is savings lives just taken for granted. i am willing to say probably more were saved than died. the ones who died were given ample opportunity to surrender but chose the risk and lost.  som nom na

  and lets not forget the violence and crime committed by users in need of their fix that probably has deminished


When the morgues are piling up with corpses and the police perform no more than cursory investigations, who is going to determine whether the person killed actually was a drug dealer, and not just the husband/wife of a jealous suitor?

For the children who are murdered in this exercise, I think it is plain to all that they are innocent. How many innocents would too many for you to stomach?

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