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Australian Embassy Increase in notarial fees

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2 hours ago, smotherb said:

Notarial fees at the US embassy went from free to USD50 just in the last few years--what percentage increase is that?




I don't recall it ever being free. I can remember when it went from $30 to $50 in July 2008. That was just before I did an affidavit for my first extension.

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3 hours ago, crutchy26 said:

Absolute disgrace. Received my update on my militairy super. Increase: 1.1 %

Write a letter to the over-worked embassy at Bangkok.

But especially, write a letter to DFAT Au. They are likely the ones pulling the strings!

Getting a Stat Dec for the Retirement Visa soon lost any fun moments when you you take in travel time (from outside Khon Kaen), return flight expenses and taxi fares. 




A shocking increase but......


For a retirement extension,

If you can put 800,000b in a standard liquid savings account in a Thai bank for 2 months the first time and then 3 months every next time.

You only need a letter from your bank to Immigration and a photo copy of your savings book.

Kasikorn charge me 100b for the letter.

No traveling or other expenses other than going to your local bank.


If you were on a Marriage extension it needs 400,000b and always 60 days.

Once the full extension is granted you can take the money out/use it as you wish.

Just make sure it is topped up before the 60 or 90 days prior to applying for a new ext and never drops below during the seasoning period

There are many threads about this..


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On 18/12/2016 at 0:12 PM, harrry said:

Australia passport $274AU plus $100 overseas charge Plus.


The $100 oversees charge fee went up on 1/1/ 2016  to $102.00. It will increase again on 01/01/2017  as it is also linked to the CPI.

The cost of a passport will also increase on 01/01/2017

Edited by ripstanley
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The $100 oversees charge fee went up on 1/1/ 2016  to $102.00. It will increase again on 01/01/2017  as it is also linked to the CPI.
The cost of a passport will also increase on 01/01/2017

I was lucky and got in the day before the new 100 dollar fee

Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk

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1 hour ago, laislica said:


A shocking increase but......


For a retirement extension,

If you can put 800,000b in a standard liquid savings account in a Thai bank for 2 months the first time and then 3 months every next time.

You only need a letter from your bank to Immigration and a photo copy of your savings book.

Kasikorn charge me 100b for the letter.

No traveling or other expenses other than going to your local bank.


If you have pensions/etc showing income over 65,000 per month, you can do this instead of having to put 800,000 into a thai bank. The monthly income statement/ stat dec has to stamped by the embassy, no one else is acceptable for immigration purposes.

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6 hours ago, Old Croc said:

I'll email them as well, but we're pushing shit up hill trying to get them to give a stuff about Aussies living overseas. There's no political advantage catering to us. This government got elected citing economic doom and gloom and promising only they could fix it.

The deficit is bigger than ever, Australia is about to lose it's AAA rating and the "Treasurer" is bringing out a horror mini budget. (these increases are probably part of it). Overseas Australians are non entities in the pollies big picture of getting re-elected.

You can still vote OC.,it may make a difference.If you are still on the electrol roll,remind both parties in your area that you still vote.

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6 hours ago, lungnorm said:

Passport fees are comparable with other countries but Notarial Fees do nor exist. You just find a Notary Public and they do it for free. They are getting harder to find so a J.P. can notarise papers etc. still no fee, and yes they are getting harder to find too. Most local courthouses have one on duty and some public libraries have also along with some chemists at your local Pharmacy. 

Will they post it to Thailand for free too.

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3 hours ago, laislica said:

I admit that I am not now, nor ever have been an Australian, ( I'd love to visit sometime though).


But, have some chaps not fully understood the OP?


The Australian Embassy wishes to advise that there will be an increase in notarial fees from 1 January 2017.

The new fee structure will better align with the commercial rates charged by public notaries.

Notarial fees have not increased since 1 July 2000.

From 2018 on-wards, notarial service fees will increase annually in line with the Consumer Price Index published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Notarial fees are legislated according to the Consular Fees Act 1955 and consular staff have no discretion in applying these fees.


I used the Brit Consul (now closed) in CM for proof of income 5 years ago and got charged almost 3,000b and it needed two visits to get it!

Perhaps you had it good for a long time?

and your point is? fees to get monthly income stat dec stamped by the oz embassy are going up by nearly 300%. if you are happy with any increase of fees of that proportion, i would respectfully suggest  you have huge rocks in your head. As I stated earlier, the inflation rate since Year 2000 is 74%, which is a lot less than 300%. I don't give a monkeys how much your embassy fees are, I am only concerned about the rip off that the Australian government is applying.

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38 minutes ago, johnno2 said:

If you have pensions/etc showing income over 65,000 per month, you can do this instead of having to put 800,000 into a thai bank. The monthly income statement/ stat dec has to stamped by the embassy, no one else is acceptable for immigration purposes.


Indeed and then you will gladly pay the fee to your Embassy?

My post shows that the cost of keeping the 800k in the bank is (in my case) 100b but you prefer to pay your Embassy fee of what? $70AUD or about 1,800b  - then good for you. The 800k in a Thai bank also gets a small amount of interest.

Note my post said If you can......

If you can afford it that is, if you can't find the 800k then you are forced to use the Embassy route and pay their fee.


Sorry that you think; " i would respectfully suggest  you have huge rocks in your head. "

The new fee structure will better align with the commercial rates charged by public notaries.



Edited by laislica
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7 hours ago, ThaiFelix said:

In Thailand?


I'm a Qld JP (Qual) and I can sign papers for you if you are going to send them to Oz, or elsewhere for that matter! Interesting to note that Stat Dec's that are required by Thai immigration are quite useless as they have no legal force in Thailand!


Coming via Phrae, need a signature and stamp? give me a pm!  :wai:

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4 hours ago, lungnorm said:

None of this crap is required for a Permanent Residence visa in the Philippines.

Dear Professor, if you need a document stamped by the Australian embassy in Philippines, you will be charged the same as at any other Australian embassy. This has nothing to do with Thailand fees.

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1 hour ago, laislica said:


Indeed and then you will gladly pay the fee to your Embassy?

My post shows that the cost of keeping the 800k in the bank is (in my case) 100b but you prefer to pay your Embassy fee of what? $70AUD or about 1,800b  - then good for you. The 800k in a Thai bank also gets a small amount of interest.

Note my post said If you can......

If you can afford it that is, if you can't find the 800k then you are forced to use the Embassy route and pay their fee.


Sorry that you think; " i would respectfully suggest  you have huge rocks in your head. "

The new fee structure will better align with the commercial rates charged by public notaries.



ok, so you go get you letter from the bank etc and tie up your money for 3 months. The fact remains that embassy fees have gone up approx. 300% and you have your money tied up for 3 months, good for you 

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1 hour ago, johnno2 said:

ok, so you go get you letter from the bank etc and tie up your money for 3 months. The fact remains that embassy fees have gone up approx. 300% and you have your money tied up for 3 months, good for you 

Glad you understood that as long as you have the 800k, it's cheaper, oh and you get a little interest.


Sure, not everyone can do this, but if you can.....


Yes, It must be quite a shock to get the increase thay impose.


Kinda shows how desperate they are?

Could be a good time to buy gold?

The AUD looks .....F....ed, Broken......?

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4 hours ago, johnno2 said:

Dear Professor, if you need a document stamped by the Australian embassy in Philippines, you will be charged the same as at any other Australian embassy. This has nothing to do with Thailand fees.


Lived in the Philippines for 8 months: Dirty, hot,people were a

bunch of thieves, food sucked.  Makes Thailand, with all of its

crazyness, seem like Paradise. Wouldn't live there again if they

paid me!!!

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22 hours ago, lungnorm said:

In Australia


I used to go down to the local police station, did several Stat Dec's that way (for free) and would put $10 into the box for whatever charity they had on the counter on my way out (they didn't know I was going to do that before signing).

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Once again evidence this Malcolm "CocknBull" Gov't, is way out of control first was pensioners,- cuts to pensions but not own!! 

Now slugging Aus travellers. 

Yet, do MP's curb their spending?....No!! Believe most MP's spend between $1000 - $10000 on Christmas cards & gifts; never their own funds, Ohh,no I'll rip into taxpayers pockets.. A Disgrace!!! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

A friend got his proof of income statutory declaration from the Australian Embassy yesterday.  Up from AU$ 500 to 1790.  That's an increase of over 300%. It takes an Australian Embassy Thai employee, on probably THB 400 per day, all of a minute to process it and is wholly unjustifiable. As others have stated before, it's unlikely to change, but no harm in registering our disgust to as many people as possible. 

Stat Dec Income Proof Receipt.jpg

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On 19 ธันวาคม 2559 at 9:23 AM, vivoviajar said:

I have contacted the Embassy in Bangkok and have had it confirmed, also have been contacted by the Honorary Consul here in Chiang Mai with referrals.   


I was surprised to read this information as being a JP from NSW I was under the impression that one could not certify documents outside of Australia

The NSW and Queensland Government websites dealing with this subject clearly state that JPs from those states cannot certify documents outside of Australia 

Victoria and S Australia are not specific but suggest the same


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