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Miss Tiffany 2016 runner-up beaten by apartment caretakers over rent


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7 hours ago, Bullie said:

That nose in real life would give me nightmares. I know, because I once (quite drunk, I might add)  went home with an English woman in Cornwall whom I thought to be her ugly sister after she returned to the bedroom from "freshening up in the bathroom". Sobered me up in a heartbeat, but I still suffer from nightmares occasionally...

On the other hand, leaving a rental without notice seems to be the way to go in Thailand. You don't stand a chance in hell  getting back the customary two month deposit, anyway.

It's the chin that I notice in that profile picture, not the nose.    However I believe that at first glance many of us might have been taken in.  She is certainly not unattractive in that main pic.  There are meant to be ways of telling but if the main lead picture is how she looks after a beating up, then I have to admit that "back home" I have certainly been happily seduced by a number of less pretty GENUINE lassies than her.   Whatever happened to just refusing to refund all or part of the bond if the tenant wants to leave with less notice than agreed.   But an unfortunately poor choice of nick-name.

Edited by The Deerhunter
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There as some pretty gorgeous katoys. Here is a princess that many of you could only dream of. Be a mind bender to see her on the bed in the white dress and have your brain doing backflips. Maybe be like a moped. "Good fun to ride but would hate for your mates to catch you on one." The young boy in the photo was her as a kid. Her name is Poy Treechahda.


Edited by callaway
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18 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Oh dear,here we go,all the lady boy bashers out in force.with their vitriolic comments. You know guy's,i think that people like you who tend to spit venom about these people are the very people that are secretly fascinated by them.In the story of Quentin Chrisp.When he was beaten up by this one guy in a group,he said to him,"i think its about time you told your mates you are queer"

This really relates to you people who "doth protest too much" Why do people think they can come over here and denigrate and insult a people that have been part of this countries culture for hundreds of years,or did you think that they've only sprung up recently?These Katooey,were entertainers,going back to the ancient kings entourage,they sang and danced and entertained the royals, and any other visiting heads of state,just like the Japanese Geisha's,who, by the way were originally male.If you dont believe me google it.

If you didnt know,women(just like Elizabethan England) were not allowed to act or perform on the stage.All Shakespear's characters were acted by men,yes! including the female roles. So all the wise arse cracks about lady boys is not necessary.Its all very old hat now,and its amusement level is dropping.Its just like schoolboys in the toilets sniggering over a dirty joke.

I for one have the greatest of respect for these people,and if you read what they have to do to make their transitional journey,you would not be so accusing.

I'm not talking about the 'cocks in frocks,or chicks with dicks on walking street or beach road.

Anyway,dont care what you say,my wife and i thought she was quite nice looking.And if she was 100% maybe i wouldnt crawl over her to get to you.

Carry on spouting the rubbish and hateful remarks boy's,it makes me laugh.


Well said Khon Kaen Dave.  Most people who have to denigrate others for being "different" are either uneducated or have issues of inadequacy and feel empowered to talk others down.  Pathetic really - who should be pitied and allowed to sink back into their little self centered world.

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19 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Oh dear,here we go,all the lady boy bashers out in force.with their vitriolic comments. You know guy's,i think that people like you who tend to spit venom about these people are the very people that are secretly fascinated by them.In the story of Quentin Chrisp.When he was beaten up by this one guy in a group,he said to him,"i think its about time you told your mates you are queer"

This really relates to you people who "doth protest too much" Why do people think they can come over here and denigrate and insult a people that have been part of this countries culture for hundreds of years,or did you think that they've only sprung up recently?These Katooey,were entertainers,going back to the ancient kings entourage,they sang and danced and entertained the royals, and any other visiting heads of state,just like the Japanese Geisha's,who, by the way were originally male.If you dont believe me google it.

If you didnt know,women(just like Elizabethan England) were not allowed to act or perform on the stage.All Shakespear's characters were acted by men,yes! including the female roles. So all the wise arse cracks about lady boys is not necessary.Its all very old hat now,and its amusement level is dropping.Its just like schoolboys in the toilets sniggering over a dirty joke.

I for one have the greatest of respect for these people,and if you read what they have to do to make their transitional journey,you would not be so accusing.

I'm not talking about the 'cocks in frocks,or chicks with dicks on walking street or beach road.

Anyway,dont care what you say,my wife and i thought she was quite nice looking.And if she was 100% maybe i wouldnt crawl over her to get to you.

Carry on spouting the rubbish and hateful remarks boy's,it makes me laugh.


After reading this post twice I quit laughing and looked more at the serious side. Again we were not all born equal and we should come to realize that we should not make fun of those who are not and be more accepting. It must be tough to look in a mirror daily at a  man's body but have female feelings locked inside. Yes it is old hat by now but we keep sniggering at it even though deep down we should know better. Let he who is perfect cast the first stone. It seems the more we see of this the less we understand it and that includes myself. I disagree with the last sentence as it is not a laughing matter. Will we ever become an accepting society on these matters? guess the jury is still out on that one. 

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I said what I said, because in the Photo without the Make Up, she is nothing special to look at, , so why go in for a competition like Miss Tiffany ....???


ok, with the war paint she does look better...., and she did come runner up, so maybe it's me...


But without the War Paint, looks a bit on the rough side....


just my two cents worth.....



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2 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

After reading this post twice I quit laughing and looked more at the serious side. Again we were not all born equal and we should come to realize that we should not make fun of those who are not and be more accepting. It must be tough to look in a mirror daily at a  man's body but have female feelings locked inside. Yes it is old hat by now but we keep sniggering at it even though deep down we should know better. Let he who is perfect cast the first stone. It seems the more we see of this the less we understand it and that includes myself. I disagree with the last sentence as it is not a laughing matter. Will we ever become an accepting society on these matters? guess the jury is still out on that one. 

Nice words elgordo and more nice words KKD. A couple of weeks ago the one on here about the LB that was knocked down by a pick up and killed was the saddest one I have read of late.  He/She might of had a rotten life from the rest of the family , disowned by friends , difficulty in coming to terms with ones self to die at a young age on the road . But I expect many on here were not bothered in the slightest.

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1 hour ago, toofarnorth said:

Nice words elgordo and more nice words KKD. A couple of weeks ago the one on here about the LB that was knocked down by a pick up and killed was the saddest one I have read of late.  He/She might of had a rotten life from the rest of the family , disowned by friends , difficulty in coming to terms with ones self to die at a young age on the road . But I expect many on here were not bothered in the slightest.

Another Mariposa/butterfly set free. Fly fly away. 

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Hi,My last sentence wasnt meant to mean that it makes me laugh at what they say.It was meant to mean that i find it funny to see that these character assassins still have the ignorance to post such rubbish.No,no my friend,i never laugh at lady boys we had 2 bars in patts ahem.nd we had lady boys working there.They are fiercely loyal and bloody good fun.And,i'll tell you some thing,we had guys come in the bar,hard as coffin nails,but i was never surprised to see one of the LB's dissapear upstairs for a short time with one of them.They were bar fined on a regular basis too. 

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19 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:


Hi,My last sentence wasnt meant to mean that it makes me laugh at what they say.It was meant to mean that i find it funny to see that these character assassins still have the ignorance to post such rubbish.No,no my friend,i never laugh at lady boys we had 2 bars in patts ahem.nd we had lady boys working there.They are fiercely loyal and bloody good fun.And,i'll tell you some thing,we had guys come in the bar,hard as coffin nails,but i was never surprised to see one of the LB's dissapear upstairs for a short time with one of them.They were bar fined on a regular basis too. 

I was told only a bloke knows what a bloke likes ...apparently.

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On 12/17/2016 at 1:43 PM, callaway said:

There as some pretty gorgeous katoys. Here is a princess that many of you could only dream of. Be a mind bender to see her on the bed in the white dress and have your brain doing backflips. Maybe be like a moped. "Good fun to ride but would hate for your mates to catch you on one." The young boy in the photo was her as a kid. Her name is Poy Treechahda.


Sorry men don't do much for me, even if he puts frilly knickers on a man still doesn't arouse me sexually.  Horses for courses I guess.

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On 12/17/2016 at 9:43 AM, callaway said:

There as some pretty gorgeous katoys. Here is a princess that many of you could only dream of. Be a mind bender to see her on the bed in the white dress and have your brain doing backflips. Maybe be like a moped. "Good fun to ride but would hate for your mates to catch you on one." The young boy in the photo was her as a kid. Her name is Poy Treechahda.


Gosh yes!   I would have to check just to be sure.

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