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Trump says Michelle Obama's 'no hope' comment about the past


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Trump says Michelle Obama's 'no hope' comment about the past

JONATHAN LEMIRE, Associated Press


MOBILE, Ala. (AP) — President-elect Donald Trump said first lady Michelle Obama "must have been talking about the past" when she said there's no sense of hope after his election.


Trump, speaking Saturday at the final rally of his postelection "thank you" tour, then resisted escalating the spat further, suggesting "she made that statement not meaning it the way it came out."


But as Trump praised the Obamas for treating him so nicely when he visited the White House shortly after the election, many in the Mobile, Alabama, crowd booed the first family.


Michelle Obama, in an interview with Oprah Winfrey set to air Monday on CBS, said she was now certain that her husband's victory had inspired people because "now we're feeling what not having hope feels like."


"What do you give your kids if you can't give them hope?" she added.


Trump's comments about Michelle and President Barack Obama was one of the few conciliatory notes he sounded during a victory tour in which he showed few signs of turning the page from his blustery campaign to focus on uniting a divided nation a month before his inauguration.


At each stop, the Republican gloatingly recapped his election night triumph, reignited some old political feuds while starting some new ones, and did little to quiet the hate-filled chants of "Lock her up!" directed at Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.


At the tour's finale at the same football stadium in Mobile that hosted the biggest rally of his campaign, Trump saluted his supporters as true "patriots" and made little attempt to reach out to the more than half of the electorate that didn't vote for him.


"We are really the people who love this country," said Trump.


He reminisced about his campaign announcement and his ride down Trump Tower's golden escalator. His disputed a newspaper's account of the size of the crowd at one of his rallies and bashed the press as dishonest. And he joked that he had booked a small ballroom for his election night party so, if he lost, he "could get out!"


He paid homage to the August 2015 rally in the same stadium that he said jump-started his campaign. Though the crowd was not as large on Saturday, it was no less fervid, repeatedly chanting "Build the wall!" when Trump renewed his vow to build an impenetrable border at the Mexican border.


Trump brought his nominee for attorney general, Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, up onstage to receive cheers from his hometown crowd.


When Trump's plane landed, he received a water cannon salute from a pair of fire trucks and was greeted by several Azalea Trail Maids, local women dressed in antebellum Southern Belle outfits.


The raucous rallies, a hallmark of his campaign, are meant to salute supporters who lifted him to the presidency. But these appearances also have been his primary form of communication since the Nov. 8 election.


Trump has eschewed the traditional news conference held by a president-elect within days of winning. He's done few interviews, announced his Cabinet picks via news release and continues to rely on Twitter to broadcast his thoughts and make public pronouncements.


That continued Saturday morning when Trump turned to social media to weigh in on China's seizure of a U.S. Navy research drone from international waters, misspelling "unprecedented" when he wrote "China steals United States Navy research drone in international waters - rips it out of water and takes it to China in unpresidented act."


He later corrected the tweet. China said Saturday it intended to return the drone to the U.S.


Within days of beating Clinton, Trump suggested to aides that he resume his campaign-style barnstorming. Though he agreed to hold off until he assembled part of his Cabinet, Trump has repeatedly spoken of his fondness for being on the road. Aides are considering more rallies after he takes office, to help press his agenda with the public — a possibility that Trump embraced from the stage Saturday.


But Trump has also sounded some notes of unity on the tour. In Mobile, he acknowledged that "now the hard work begins" and ended with a plea for all Americans, including those who did not support him, to "never give up."


After the rally, Trump planned to return to Mar-a-Lago, his Palm Beach estate. Aides said the president-elect probably would spend Christmas week there and could stay until New Year's.


Earlier Saturday, he announced the nomination of South Carolina Rep. Mick Mulvaney to head the Office of Management and Budget, choosing a tea partyer and fiscal conservative with no experience assembling a government spending plan.


Mulvaney, a founder of the hard-right House Freedom Caucus, has taken a hard line on budget matters, routinely voting against increasing the government's borrowing cap and pressing for major cuts to benefit programs as the path to balancing the budget.


-- © Associated Press 2016-12-18
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2 hours ago, rooster59 said:

At each stop, the Republican gloatingly recapped his election night triumph, reignited some old political feuds while starting some new ones, and did little to quiet the hate-filled chants of "Lock her up!" directed at Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.


Nice to see Comrade Donald continue his humble ways with his self promoting Thank You tour. I am sure once he gets into office and Putin bears down on him it will all change. Got to keep that Exxon oil flowing. Got to keep those foreign real estate deals churning.


2 hours ago, rooster59 said:

President-elect Donald Trump said first lady Michelle Obama "must have been talking about the past" when she said there's no sense of hope after his election.


Alas, he lives in his own world if he doesn't recognize that over 1/3 of the nation are feeling hopeless. Now it is his turn to just dismiss them and turn his back. Yep, divider in chief.


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2 hours ago, rooster59 said:

"What do you give your kids if you can't give them hope?" she added.

You give them an autographed collection of "The Donalds" on the campaign trail make America Great Again speeches. It is full of superlatives great, amazing, outstanding, gigantic, good paying jobs you name it the big words are there. $19.99 at your local book store the proceeds to go to Trump charities which of course is himself. 

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5 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Nice to see Comrade Donald continue his humble ways with his self promoting Thank You tour. I am sure once he gets into office and Putin bears down on him it will all change. Got to keep that Exxon oil flowing. Got to keep those foreign real estate deals churning.



Alas, he lives in his own world if he doesn't recognize that over 1/3 of the nation are feeling hopeless. Now it is his turn to just dismiss them and turn his back. Yep, divider in chief.


1/3 are definitely looking for higher paying jobs. Sorry your out of luck. The Chinese Silk Road program is coming to America. $15 an hour no benefits no union. Morning warm up chants are required as are company uniforms. Your part of Mr. Xi's team. You no longer need guns and bullets you conquer from within. 

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I have to wonder what Michelle would hope for if she had hope? Not money or power; she and hubby have plenty of that. That black people rule over the whites, everywhere? That blacks have all the white money, everywhere? What is it that she would hope for considering she is one of the most well off families in the world. I have no hope that she'd be full of good hope for me and mine.

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I have to wonder what Michelle would hope for if she had hope? Not money or power; she and hubby have plenty of that. That black people rule over the whites, everywhere? That blacks have all the white money, everywhere? What is it that she would hope for considering she is one of the most well off families in the world. I have no hope that she'd be full of good hope for me and mine.

She thinks of others, you obviously don't.

Sent from my ROBBY using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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 She is a bitter woman, and a bad loser. What with the poor taxpayers having spent $60 million on her holidays, and being given a ridiculously easy time of it by the media you would think she would be grateful and considerate, but no. The Obamas will be remembered for being diverse, and good at reading the auto prompts.  Neither should be a bragging point.

 Contrast to Trumps cool handling of Michelles venomous remarks. Very classy indeed, although I would have rathered him go on the offensive against the Obamas, maybe a dig at the berther fiasco, that always rattled them.

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38 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

I have to wonder what Michelle would hope for if she had hope? Not money or power; she and hubby have plenty of that. That black people rule over the whites, everywhere? That blacks have all the white money, everywhere? What is it that she would hope for considering she is one of the most well off families in the world. I have no hope that she'd be full of good hope for me and mine.


She didn't seem to lose hope when her husband beat Hillary.


Her friend, Oprah, has no hope either...to get back all the money she spent on Hillary's campaign.

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Once Trump completes his Thank You Tour in the US, he needs to do another one in the nation of his real supporters - Russia. I'm sure Putin will treat Trump to a fitting parade by the Kremlin. They can exchange keys: Putin the key to Moscow, Trump the key to his heart.

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2 hours ago, jaidam said:

 She is a bitter woman, and a bad loser. What with the poor taxpayers having spent $60 million on her holidays, and being given a ridiculously easy time of it by the media you would think she would be grateful and considerate, but no. The Obamas will be remembered for being diverse, and good at reading the auto prompts.  Neither should be a bragging point.

 Contrast to Trumps cool handling of Michelles venomous remarks. Very classy indeed, although I would have rathered him go on the offensive against the Obamas, maybe a dig at the berther fiasco, that always rattled them.


The o,bamas will most likely be remembered for spending on themselves probably more than all previous presidents combined. Flagrant abuse of state funds !

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All the Obama bashers are either not American, or been watching a different president to me for eight years, or maybe racist.....you decide. The countries economy is in the best shape for many years, he ended two wars which he didn't start, ended the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression which he didn't start, saved many banks and auto companies from disappearing which he didn't create, revived the economy. The classiest couple in the White House without a hint of scandal. But the haters only see what they want to see. Let us see how the new Liar in Chief holds up to the challenge. 

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4 hours ago, jaidam said:

 She is a bitter woman, and a bad loser. What with the poor taxpayers having spent $60 million on her holidays, and being given a ridiculously easy time of it by the media you would think she would be grateful and considerate, but no. The Obamas will be remembered for being diverse, and good at reading the auto prompts.  Neither should be a bragging point.

 Contrast to Trumps cool handling of Michelles venomous remarks. Very classy indeed, although I would have rathered him go on the offensive against the Obamas, maybe a dig at the berther fiasco, that always rattled them.

That would be right,Trump running on bs,but soon he will be in the no bs zone and he will have nothing to say.

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Where have I seen this penchant before of some little man enthralled by large public political rallies?

If indeed evangelical Christians make up a large segment of Trump's supporters then certainly we must interpret this as the rise of the Anti-Christ and the sign that the end times are near. Hold on to your hats. I'm a heading to Har Megido.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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35 minutes ago, Johpa said:

Where have I seen this penchant before of some little man enthralled by large public political rallies?

If indeed evangelical Christians make up a large segment of Trump's supporters then certainly we must interpret this as the rise of the Anti-Christ and the sign that the end times are near. Hold on to your hats. I'm a heading to Har Megido.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Germany. Italy. 1930's. 




Trump’s pre-inaugural posture is unlike any previous president-elect, historians said.

“I’ve never seen a president that continues to campaign instead of reaching out to voters that didn’t like him,” said Douglas Brinkley, a presidential historian at Rice University. “He’s shunning Hillary Clinton’s supporters and almost acting like they don’t matter. . . . I think he sees himself as a revolutionary figure, and you’re either going to join the Trump revolution or you’re not.”

Edited by Jingthing
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More on where we've seen this before --





Why Donald Trump’s Election Is Like a Book — The Problem Is We’ve Read It Before

But this new chapter of ours is none of those things. Far worse than the map turning red, far worse than the shame and sadness of realizing our own limited points of view, is the fact that this chapter might have been lifted from another book entirely — one by Bertolt Brecht or George Orwell or Gunter Grass. This hairpin turn is a reminder that we have to pay attention to the text and subtext, which are constantly threatening to overtake each other. America is not a beach read — we must always be mindful, vigilant, on alert, must read with red pen in hand.

This chapter, as written by a small-minded narcissist and his newly appointed henchmen is brutal and one-note, intent on narrowing and excluding, rejecting and suppressing. In this chapter, demagoguery threatens to subsume democracy, promising to divide rather than integrate, regress rather than evolve. To bastardize Walt Whitman, it actively, literally refuses to contain multitudes.



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9 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

I have to wonder what Michelle would hope for if she had hope? Not money or power; she and hubby have plenty of that. That black people rule over the whites, everywhere? That blacks have all the white money, everywhere? What is it that she would hope for considering she is one of the most well off families in the world. I have no hope that she'd be full of good hope for me and mine.

Yes your right when push comes to shove we turn inward and worry about the internal self. We try and blend in with the external world. Some just have more luck than others. Enjoy life its later than you think. As your avatar suggests IAMHERE which is true for both of us. A lot are NOWHERE today looking to gain traction in life. Its a slippery slope. 

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Just now, IAMHERE said:

I have to wonder what Michelle would hope for if she had hope? Not money or power; she and hubby have plenty of that. That black people rule over the whites, everywhere? That blacks have all the white money, everywhere?


Fixated on skin color are ya?

Are those "black people" worrying to you?


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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:



The woman who was never proud of America until her husband was elected? Voters have rejected this type of spiteful thinking. Not likely.


Anyway, now that D. Trump is about to become POTUS, I guess every American will have to be proud of all what we know about this wonderful, colourful person,  because now HE is AMERICA for the rest of the world

Edited by Opl
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