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German man, 31, in ICU following fight with Phuket security guards

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At around 1:30am they asked for their bill which there was some dispute over.

“The waiting staff could not understand Mr Rapp because he was drunk so they called the security guards to assist them. While they were discussing the bill Mr Rapp smashed one of the security guards in the face and a fight ensued.

Under the above circumstances, is it a very surprising ending?


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9 minutes ago, steelepulse said:


Thomas Rapp, 31, reportedly racked up a 2,000 baht bill following a night of heavy drinking at Dragon Night Bar on Soi Freedom. 


Night of heavy drinking ... 2,000 baht seems low.


21 minutes ago, licka said:


5 hours ago, meatboy said:

what kind of restaurant needs security guards.

One with REALLY BAD food and service  :shock1:



and those with guests who are nothing but losers in their home countries but behave as the big ones in Thailand. And they have no idea about "loosing face" as they never got ones

19 minutes ago, licka said:

One with REALLY BAD food and service  :shock1:

I 'liked' this because it made me laugh, and also makes a good point.


On the other hand, its likely that most restaurants and bars in Patong that stay open until the wee hours are likely to suffer trouble at some point.


I'm waiting for the CCTV footage, or lack of CCTV footage.

4 minutes ago, Ralf61 said:


and those with guests who are nothing but losers in their home countries but behave as the big ones in Thailand. And they have no idea about "loosing face" as they never got ones

Don't get too serious

If a person is smart

1) They don't get pissed and argue a bill

2)  Just don't argue with Thai's  you cant win

2 minutes ago, licka said:

Don't get too serious

If a person is smart

1) They don't get pissed and argue a bill

2)  Just don't argue with Thai's  you cant win

Unfortunately tourists don't have the experience to know this.

Just now, dick dasterdly said:

Unfortunately tourists don't have the experience to know this.

Years ago I lost my only fight here in Thailand

The flight of stairs won with the help of a gut full of booze


Based on the "honest" statements  of these 2 bouncers the German guy needs to be thrown in a jail soon as he gets released from the hospital.

You see anybody can make insane statements here just to provoke others to reply on it in order to obtain more posts.


The problem is in your own country you can go out and get pissed and if you were to hit a bouncer you might get a couple of good slaps and a nice black eye from a couple of the bouncers.


Over here there are different rules ,they will stomp on your head and invite other bouncers from a few bars up to join in.



Most of these nefarious bars/restaurants pay the police for "protection". If a customer argues about a bill or even asks for the police to settle the argument,  the bar calls their connection who sends round these thugs to take care of it. When the police do arrive, the tourist is deemed to be drunk and an unreliable witness who probably can't remember a thing. Decent bars with permanent security guards usually have them dressed with tee shirts or otherwise that mention "security" and the bar's name.


Typical Thai overkill. Don't just react.......DESTROY!!!!!  Same mindset with economics. When sales or tourism are low, jack up the prices and complain that the foreigners are to blame for all your problems. Victim mentality combined with overweening sense of entitlement. The universal mark of a LOSER!!!!


Another unnecessary episode of control ego powered macho fanatic Thai security kickboxers and a lone  disprespectful drunk farang.  Isn't  excessive force / assault illegal in Thailand? Of course there was more than one security guard involved and several other restaurant bystanders who stood by watching - and did nothing. So sad and pathetic.

5 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

Best advice I ever got as a young man was from an "old Asian hand".

He said "Westerners fight to win, Asians fight to kill".

Change that to "Westerners fight to win, Asians first get their mates then "fight" to kill".

6 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

'While they were discussing the bill Mr Rapp smashed one of the security guards in the face'


Not normally a good idea, diplomacy would surely have been a better option ?


Well he was drunk, apparently, and we all know what a good excuse this is being an a---hole.

5 hours ago, Strange said:


The story of the drunk is no less credible than the Thais that put the sucker in the hospital with a blood clot in his brain. Witch, buy the way, its very unlikely from a few punches to the face. More likely from being foot stomped, kneed, elbowed, or hit with a blunt object. 



And thats precisely the view the Thais and the Media want to do believe. Besides, getting aggressive requires a beatdown? Shiiit more like a couple man-children couldn't stand losing face to a foreigner. Its patong, they could have just gotten the police over. 


I don't buy it at all. Not yet anyway. Thai males of fighting age acting as a "Security Guard" for a restaurant in Patong?


Nope. Im more inclined to believe that they padded his bill, he got mad and was vocal about it, and they beat him down. Rather than he just randomly sucker punched a Thai security guard during a "Discussion" that the media & police report, without a shred of evidence, other than what the "Security Guards" say. 


Here we go again! I just wonder if you visit Thailand or live here on a long stay? If you do that you must have a serious problem with distrust and looking upon every Thai person like it was something wrong with them. See the BS in everything and things like that. I just feel sad, because it must be a very complicated life. Not saying that you are wrong this time, or that anybody is wrong. Neither am I blind too what happens here, but having such a lot of complaints all the time over the people in the land you choose to stay or visit can not be good for health and creating a tremendous stress level. Just saying, Dude!

2 hours ago, Strange said:


Does it ever get old? 


You know, being that guy that constantly parrots that little gem? 


Just because I don't agree with everything about Thailand, does not mean I need to run away. 


It is possible, you know, to like the country as a whole, but seriously dislike certain aspects of Thainess. 


I may like it here, but I'm not too blinded with being Thaier than Thai that I can't see the BS in it. 

Well said. I have long believed that using that phrase should incur an instant ban from Thaivisa.


yesterday ate korean food at an upscale bkk mall restaurant. there were just maybe 5 or 6 customers and my waitress was serving on the side i was sitting as the only customer. she took my order and brought the 1 entree ordered for 150 baht. water is given complimentary korean style.


i asked for the check and she brought it to me. it was 340 baht. i asked her again how much. she confidently repeated 340 baht. next i ask her how many plates i ordered and the price of each. after actually looking at the check that had 3 dishes she was able to painfully use the functional neuron to figure out that bill was wrong.


it didn't occur to her even though she was my server and took my order and brought me a single dish that she might have known the price of.   their education system does not teach them how to think. in a similar fashion it might be difficult for so called security guards (low education) to know when to stop fighting or start.


your safety is our priority that’s why we have highly qualified and trained security officers present to ensure that no problems kick off in any tourist area, could you imagine the horror if TAT had to announce a downturn in tourists at any Thai holiday resorts.     

57 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

Change that to "Westerners fight to win, Asians first get their mates then "fight" to kill".

The good, tough, fair "Westerners" on planet Earth!

Never will they be "bad"

5 hours ago, Old Croc said:

Strange and Frits. You're both right.

The question is, does drunken, boorish behaviour, even swinging the first punch, deserve the level of violence so called "security guards? mete out on tourists. They use overwhelming numbers, boots, sticks, everything is considered fair in their minds.

CCTV footage, when it hasn't mysteriously disappeared,  has highlighted excessive force by these thugs in many incidences. Remember the Boat Captain who defended himself against the mob, the three Australian youths beaten and kicked outside a club after a bill dispute. The Russian in Karon who fought back, the Aussie tour operator who had to brandish a fake gun to save himself from a mob. And who could forget the actor Jeremey Renner and the home made axe wielded by a security guard? The list goes on and on.

I'd prefer to see footage or hear independent testimony before rushing to judgement.   

You got a big loud mouthed drunken boorish yobbo who is getting aggressive and throws the first punch. It was his choice to go that route, instead of quietly, without emotion going through the bill, piece by piece and or keeping tabs on his drinking. I've lived in Thailand on and off for 4 years and never got into a fight with anybody. There are simply ways to do things and ways not to.


You don't want to get bitten, don't stamp around in snake pits.

7 minutes ago, Maggusoil said:

You got a big loud mouthed drunken boorish yobbo who is getting aggressive and throws the first punch.


The only people that claim he threw the first punch were the group that put the guy in the hospital. The people that beat the shit out of the guy are the ones claiming that he threw the first punch. 


On what planet is that objective police work or reporting? On what planet is that a credible group of witnesses?

3 minutes ago, Strange said:


The only people that claim he threw the first punch were the group that put the guy in the hospital. The people that beat the shit out of the guy are the ones claiming that he threw the first punch. 


On what planet is that objective police work or reporting? On what planet is that a credible group of witnesses?

Five will get you ten that the Thais threw the first punch. More of them need to end up in the morgue and you will see an end to this kind of madness. We are not welcome here.

7 hours ago, meatboy said:

what kind of restaurant needs security guards.


One where a German argues over the bill and gives a secvurity guy a whavck In the mouth.


Unable to edit typos





3 hours ago, Strange said:



Mistakenly quoted Strange.



6 hours ago, Strange said:


The story of the drunk is no less credible than the Thais that put the sucker in the hospital with a blood clot in his brain. Witch, buy the way, its very unlikely from a few punches to the face. More likely from being foot stomped, kneed, elbowed, or hit with a blunt object. 



And thats precisely the view the Thais and the Media want to do believe. Besides, getting aggressive requires a beatdown? Shiiit more like a couple man-children couldn't stand losing face to a foreigner. Its patong, they could have just gotten the police over. 


I don't buy it at all. Not yet anyway. Thai males of fighting age acting as a "Security Guard" for a restaurant in Patong?


Nope. Im more inclined to believe that they padded his bill, he got mad and was vocal about it, and they beat him down. Rather than he just randomly sucker punched a Thai security guard during a "Discussion" that the media & police report, without a shred of evidence, other than what the "Security Guards" say. 


Yes I questioned a bill in Krabi once, that was clearly padded and the bar owner/manager started throwing bottles at me hard, after I paid the bill. I won't ever question a bill again, I think she would have killed me if she could have. Lesson learned. Drunk or not I bet this guy was right.

Just now, Grubster said:

Yes I questioned a bill in Krabi once, that was clearly padded and the bar owner/manager started throwing bottles at me hard, after I paid the bill. I won't ever question a bill again, I think she would have killed me if she could have. Lesson learned. Drunk or not I bet this guy was right.


I never had them get violent with me before, but I have, in Pattaya some 5 years ago, on several occasions had my bill padded and intimidation was used to get me to pay. I paid of course, but pissed me off just the same. Luckily I was still switched on enough to know that I was in their house and they knew it and they had me dead to rights if I felt like getting physical. 

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