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I am heading to my favourite place in the entire Kingdom this holiday season, heading back down to Koh Sam Roi Yot National park for a few days. I was looking over pictures of it again and then it hit me, in 10-20 years this place will probably not exist, or at least not exist in the same way.


Sea levels are rising, that is a fact and not up for debate, only people cannot agree on why. But taking into account some estimates, they could rise by 80cm in 2030, and 250cm by 2040.. This will have untold effects on coastlines and thus tourism. How do you guys think Thailand will handle this problem? Not to mention Bangkok being under water 



1 hour ago, robblok said:

Did you make that graph yourself ?


3,5 mm per year is what most scientist say will happen that is around 1 cm per 3 year.. is around 10 cm in 30 years. I think they are scaring you a bit too much. 



I said some sources say as much implying that is at the drastic end of the scale. However, there are various sources that all agree there is starting to be an exponential rise due to greenhouse gases being unlocked within he ice that is melting at the caps. This feeds into the global waring cycle which melts more ice which releases more greenhouse gas and so on. 

'Recently, the global sea level rise measure — AVISO — also took an unsettling leap. With satellite captures of the world ocean showing a strong surge in sea level rise throughout 2014 and into 2015. 

It’s an upward jump representing nearly a 1 centimeter spike in the rate of sea level rise over the past six months.

By itself, this jump in sea level would be something to worry over. But new findings paint an even starker picture. For a recent study, headed by Shuang Yi and published on April 30 in Geophysical Research Letters provides evidence that, since 2010, annual rates of global sea level rise have shown a strong uptick. The study, entitled An Increase in the Rate of Global Mean Sea Level Rise Since 2010, notes:

The global mean sea level (GMSL) was reported to have dropped 5 mm due to the 2010/11 La Niña and have recovered in one year. With longer observations, it is shown that the GMSL went further up to a total amount of 11.6 mm by the end of 2012, excluding the 3.0 mm/yr background trend. A reconciled sea level budget, based on observations by Argo project, altimeter and gravity satellites, reveals that the true GMSL rise has been masked by ENSO-related fluctuations and its rate has increased since 2010. After extracting the influence of land water storage, it is shown that the GMSL have been rising at a rate of 4.4 ± 0.5 mm/yr for more than three years, due to an increase in the rate of both land ice loss and steric change.

I did not start this thread to debate sea level rise, it is inevitable that sooner or later we are going to have to deal with this as a species  and I am curious to know what Thailand is going to do about it. Considering their mentality on other aspects of society, 'main bpen rai' will probably be the dominating approach to it until it is too late. 'fix it when it is broken not before' seems to be the logic here


dont  worry  sea  levels  go  up and  down like  a  yoyo..................how  do u think  sam  roi  yot  got there  in the  first place? limestone 

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