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Wife sentenced to death for murder of husband given bail


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7 minutes ago, gdgbb said:


Not unprecedented at all and one of the bail conditions was a ban on leaving the country which presumably means the surrender of her passport if she has one. 

Agreed gdgbb.   Just because 'surrendering her passport' wasn't spelt out, one would assume that  banned from leaving the country would be achieved by surrendering her passport.


Remember we're dealing with the press here, the drones of the press, who report what they wish to report an no more.....facts??   Who cares about facts.

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Surely it all rests on whether there was serious repeated domestic violence. However if she planned the killing then yes guilty and different to lady fighting off mad man and using self defence. Looks, origins, wealth, social status should not come into it except in our western democracies often  big money buys top very lawyers E.G. Simpson case

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4 hours ago, yellowboat said:

If memory serves, an old lady was picked up a few years ago in Pattaya or Phuket that was sentenced to death.  She had been free for years.  This woman will most likely just fade away into obscurity in that Thai parallel universe.  


That's correct: she had been living for about 20 years on bail while on a death sentence: all the while in close contact with her family. Somehow the police missed her: too clever or lucky or.....something else

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It isn't just wacky here. There was a guy jailed for murder in Oregon or Washington State. He served ten years before DNA freed him. And then he got some money. The guilty guy walked into a police station and confessed and did eight years before being freed. Now how crazy is that....the innocent guy does 10 years, and the guilty guy does 8 years. Before you commit murder you should research the state that is most lenient for your best option. These two states time and again release people for murder in around 10 years or less....crazy making for the non-murderers like us.

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15 hours ago, bannork said:

Well i read he was a violent abuser who frequently beat her up but I see someone contests that view. Hopefully the truth will out.

Exactly .. One look at her and I do not see someone who would kill will "blatant disregard for life". No way.he has got herself through medical school with a good career ahead of her.

Until you have been the victim of violent abuse, you simply are not qualified to simply write off the victim. 

We have all seen loads of cases where van and bus drivers have caused multiple deaths, simply through negligence and reckless driving, only to walk free after citing some sort of mechanical failure, or being tired. They apologise and go home. Before long are behind the wheel of another passenger vehicle.

Mitigating circumstances: 

Many countries, where abuse is illegal, the abuse she was subjected to would have greatly reduced her sentence. Possibly even to community service, or a suspended sentence. But in Thailand, belting the shit out of a wife/girlfriend because a husband/boyfriend is jealous, is simply so common that it scares me. It starts with kicking dogs and smacking children around. 

Yes, the killing of her her violent partner was premeditated. Many Thai men are so hopelessly immature that any sort of reasoning and admitting to failure or wrong doing, that I can easily imagine him punching her to shut up. Assistance in getting rid of him may well have of been the only opening to freedom and getting back on track to a normal life. .. and who knows, .. maybe her parents simply told her to endure the Hell, because they are primarily interested in her career so she can be their pension, their milking cow. 

Hell, the burden that girls are born with in this part of the world is tress factor number one, a handicap that Westerners do not have.


I do wonder about the judge who sentenced our doctor in this story. 


Saudi Arabia, where victims of abuse, such as the young woman in this photo, are disposed of, together with her evidence.

She spat the dummy in self defence. A second after this photo was taken, her head rolled on the ground as her blood spurted out to congeal in the baking Saudi sun. This young mother working as domestic help, desperately needing her income to support the family back home.


It is even likely that had the young doctor not taken the action she did, the story may have been: "Body of slain doctor found. Police are searching for the husband who has a history of violent abuse." Which would you prefer to be reading out?


Have a good day.


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Monk,steal's embezzles,and god knows what else,is promised no bail.

Woman,coldly puts a contract on her husband,contract is mercilessly carried out.She is sentenced to death,gets bail.What am i missing.She is a convicted murderess,and yet she is out walking the streets,how is this farcical situation allowed?

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18 hours ago, djayz said:

I am speechless... 


Sentenced to death but not a flight risk?!?!? I don't see her going back to her "place of work" for the remaining days/weeks of her life. Who would? 


Am I on planet Mars or what? 


I really should drink more before reading the news. 

This murdering woman will not run away, will not be executed and will not serve another day in jail; if she has money.


Enough money for the victims family the lawyers and the Police.


Simple, welcome to Thailand.


These people simply do not have any moral backbone whatsoever within their culture.

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26 minutes ago, Lowlife24 said:

This murdering woman will not run away, will not be executed and will not serve another day in jail; if she has money.


Enough money for the victims family the lawyers and the Police.


Simple, welcome to Thailand.


These people simply do not have any moral backbone whatsoever within their culture.

Just maybe she had the moral backbone knocked out of her over many years of abuse and finally had enough and got some revenge! Not everything is about money sometimes is about right and wrong. Swift justice

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 Justice has been served. Her ex was a psycho lunatic.  Deserved what he got. 
 Besides, take a look at her. She's  gorgeous.  She needs to be free, on the street, and available.  Anyone know where she practices? 

She's had an offer to practice medicine in England at Harold Shipman's old clinic.1482311873722.jpg.6c3fafb4a9023dcf37ed83
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20 hours ago, z42 said:

Utterly, utterly ridiculous. Bail isn't an option for drug dealers or mushroom pickers. But for a person convicted of murder and sentenced to death are allowed bail.

The justice system isn't even 3rd world. It is parallel universe stuff. Disgusting in every respect ?

BIZARRE-O World is more like it. Oh wait...TI-BW or in other words TIT! :vampire:

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And I ask again - what ever became of the little RED BULL <deleted>

who killed and dragged a policeman down Sukhumvit,  

while driving his sports car at high speeds in the middle of the night?

Is he on bail ?

And didn't  he leave for Singapore where he is "recovering" from something or other ? 

I feel that this story is conveniently being left to rot and be forgotten. 

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Both parties dirty in this case.   The husband (victim) was a well known wife beater.   For the wife, leaving wasn't good enough (since the husband came from a wealthy family).   She wanted him out and wanted his assets.   

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10 hours ago, moe666 said:

More power to the lady her husband was a nutter who loved to strut around take pot shots with his gun at the security guards in his mo ban, flash his gun at his neighbors and beat his wife. How do I know these things a good friend lived two houses down from the loving couple. No she should not have had the guy killed but I guess desperate measures for desperate times. 

Sounds  like  the guy  was a  real  scumbag,  who  should have been killed!!  Better  him  than  her  and her family!!!!!

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9 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Monk,steal's embezzles,and god knows what else,is promised no bail.

Woman,coldly puts a contract on her husband,contract is mercilessly carried out.She is sentenced to death,gets bail.What am i missing.She is a convicted murderess,and yet she is out walking the streets,how is this farcical situation allowed?


A serious question I'd love to know the answer how that can be possible. It's easy to leave the country. 

Edited by lostinisaan
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