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Army questions Single Gateway opponents


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Army questions Single Gateway opponents

Five members of the Citizens Against Single Gateway were on Friday invited for a face-to-face talk with the military at the 11th army circle about their alleged involvement in the attacks of government’s websites and their viewpoint regarding the Computer Crime Bill which was endorsed by the National Legislative Assembly last week.

A military source said that the five opponents against the Single Gateway concept were cooperative during the talk and investigators hope their statements could be useful and help in tracking down the other suspects involved in the website attacks, believed to number about 100.


Full story: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/army-questions-single-gateway-opponents/



-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2016-12-24


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there is a big difference between doing something to improve the internet capabilities in Thailand and doing something purely so you can control what is said/done on it and silence any opposition. While I may not condone any website attacks I do think they had every right to have their say on it, all a single gateway will do is cause congestion and slow the internet even further than it already is all for the sake of being able to control what people see and do online, not a good way to do things, they should be more interested in improving the internet, not restricting it.

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4 minutes ago, seajae said:

there is a big difference between doing something to improve the internet capabilities in Thailand and doing something purely so you can control what is said/done on it and silence any opposition. While I may not condone any website attacks I do think they had every right to have their say on it, all a single gateway will do is cause congestion and slow the internet even further than it already is all for the sake of being able to control what people see and do online, not a good way to do things, they should be more interested in improving the internet, not restricting it.

Sorry, buddy. With this lot it is the complete package or nothing. For them or against them. You don't get to pick and choose...

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2 hours ago, Saraphee said:

1984 - Big Brother - Newspeak


It's certainly no coincidence that Orwell's novel is actually BANNED in Thailand. It puts "dangerous" ideas into citizens' heads, when all the powers-that-be always wanted and needed is a mindless herd. Free thinking and critical thinking has never been encouraged nor promoted in this country - and regardless who was in power.

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2 hours ago, chainarong said:

If the junta and the military had nothing to hide they'd leave it as it is , once Thailand has a single gateway , you'd have to think that a declared  police state is now in force , Merry Xmas.

Do you not think the USA watches Americans ??

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It is normal for a military person to personally make such announcements to give themselves a moment of glory in the media. On this occasion it a "military source" that is releasing the news which seems strange given that no one wants to put their name to it.

Edited by Brer Fox
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5 hours ago, chainarong said:

If the junta and the military had nothing to hide they'd leave it as it is , once Thailand has a single gateway , you'd have to think that a declared  police state is now in force , Merry Xmas.

Tis true.  The Internet is a distributive, wide area network.   It is not natural to have a single gateway.  It is not what the Internet was designed to do.  For hackers, the temptation to take down a whole country is probably too enticing.   Its strength is its accessibility and flexibility.  

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3 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:


It's certainly no coincidence that Orwell's novel is actually BANNED in Thailand. It puts "dangerous" ideas into citizens' heads, when all the powers-that-be always wanted and needed is a mindless herd. Free thinking and critical thinking has never been encouraged nor promoted in this country - and regardless who was in power.


1984 is banned in Thailand? Strange, as you can buy it everywhere or order it online, e.g. at Kinokunya (Thailand branches).

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2 hours ago, longtom said:


1984 is banned in Thailand? Strange, as you can buy it everywhere or order it online, e.g. at Kinokunya (Thailand branches).


Which only goes to show how weak their control actually is. Officially the book is banned. "The King Never Smiles" also is banned, yet I was able to buy it online.

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8 hours ago, Goingmad said:

Do you not think the USA watches Americans ??

The US watches everyone, but their primary objective is to combat terrorism - they are not there to try to curb free speech, nor to impose petty censorship.

The Thais' primary objective is to curb freedom of expression and to block certain websites which have nothing to do with terrorism.

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18 hours ago, tx22cb said:

The US watches everyone, but their primary objective is to combat terrorism - they are not there to try to curb free speech, nor to impose petty censorship.

The Thais' primary objective is to curb freedom of expression and to block certain websites which have nothing to do with terrorism.

Every email is read. What is the difference ??

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3 hours ago, Goingmad said:

Every email is read. What is the difference ??

The difference is that the people ostensibly own the government. Whether or not you agree with that statement, it is at least much more true there than here.


They can't intimidate the public too much, or they'll get voted out. When revelations about the secret spying program were brought to light, it was a big, big deal. They had to at least look like they were doing something about it because they have to fear public sentiment. 360,000 Thai people signed a petition against the new CCA and nobody in the NLA has to give a rat's ass.

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On ‎12‎/‎24‎/‎2016 at 1:29 PM, Goingmad said:

Do you not think the USA watches Americans ??

All countries do, they  know exactly what you do everyday,  on various levels especially if you are on retirement pensions, as all departments have interlocked shared information,  however they don't use single gateway, your US design would be like the OZ cyber unit , only picks up certain topic's or words, Interpol have a dedicated Cyber base in Singapore that listens to all of Asia , OZ has one near Geraldton that listens from East coast of Africa sweeps across to NZ , that base can listen to your mobile phone conversations in Thailand. ,

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On 2016-12-24 at 6:38 PM, Misterwhisper said:


Which only goes to show how weak their control actually is. Officially the book is banned. "The King Never Smiles" also is banned, yet I was able to buy it online.


I hope your not silly enough to have the book in Thailand, or have a copy on your PC. 

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On 2016-12-24 at 4:30 PM, ESCAPIS said:

Apologise if I am way off topic, but wanted to know whether a VPN account would thwart such intrusion?


A virtual private network (VPN) can be blocked. It's just a matter if time until the authorities gets wind of this solution.


BTW the Single Gateway has already been announced .... 


Quote "State-owned CAT Telecom will consolidate all internet gateways under a National Gateway Data Centre - but without mentioning the phrase "single gateway" .... in layman terms it is a single gateway of course !


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1 hour ago, chainarong said:

All countries do, they  know exactly what you do everyday,  on various levels especially if you are on retirement pensions, as all departments have interlocked shared information,  however they don't use single gateway, your US design would be like the OZ cyber unit , only picks up certain topic's or words, Interpol have a dedicated Cyber base in Singapore that listens to all of Asia , OZ has one near Geraldton that listens from East coast of Africa sweeps across to NZ , that base can listen to your mobile phone conversations in Thailand. ,


Problem here is the opaque sections of the internet law that allows the government, police or prosecutors unlimited discretion in defining an online case and can put you away for a very harsh punishment.    

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ABSURD! The only word IMO to define this: 'Army questions Single Gateway opponents'!

What on earth should(!) the RTA have to do with civilian matters, may I ask?

There is a, military, 'government' (and a 'parliament', manned with scores of 'big brass', military and police, active and retired), so, why not have the 'government', its minister responsible for such a matter, I mean, make this declaration?

Not strong enough a statement? Then there still is the NCPO, hovering above the 'government, which could have.

But NOT the Army!

I know bloody well it's all same-same, but when the military do not care to show an atom of respect even for the appearances anymore...

Oh my, where the need for an opposition, when the team-in-power systematically goes on shooting itself in the foot (or what's left of it by now)... Next they might even criticise others for 'damaging the image of Thailand', maybe...

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On 12/24/2016 at 3:33 PM, yellowboat said:

Tis true.  The Internet is a distributive, wide area network.   It is not natural to have a single gateway.  It is not what the Internet was designed to do.  For hackers, the temptation to take down a whole country is probably too enticing.   Its strength is its accessibility and flexibility.  


a single internet gateway does not mean a single physical point of passage. It simply means that all the points of passage will be under coordinated methods to monitor all traffic as if it was a single point of passage. In fact this is the implementation of a single virtual control mechanism that we put in place in any business today when you want to control what employees do with the internet. 

It is very simple to place multiple gateways and synchronise the control of all with one set of rule and reporting system.

This is what the army has been working on, this is already in place, they are expanding it progressively to all gateways going outside of Thailand without reducing their numbers, however the hickups are occasionnally slowing down or locking part of the traffic.

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I don't see how it affects farang. I still have fast wi Fi and apart from a very poor attempt to stifle porn there really is no adverse effect unless your planning some type of activity against the government but they are already getting smashed on TV Every day nearly every thread and... nothing

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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23 hours ago, chainarong said:

All countros do, th usnow exactly what youdidn'teveryanarchy on various leinvites pecially if you are on retire ment pensions, as all departments have interlocked shared information,  however they don't use single gateway, your US design would be like the OZ cyber unit , only picks up certain topic's or words, Interpol have a dedicated Cyber base in Singapore that listens to all of Asia , OZ has one near Geraldton that listens from East coast of Africa sweeps across to NZ , that base can listen to your mobile phone conversations in Thailand. ,

Correct,  and if a person has nothing to hide or is not partaking in any dubious or illegal activity then they don't need to worry. Its only those with something to hide that will complain. If the government didn't have these measures in place then it looses control and stability, opposition to it's management would incite voilence again and cause hatred

amoungst Thailand.

Khun Prayuth is doing a good job to keep things moving instead of having anarchy. However there are farangs who just cannot seem to grasp this approach for whatever reason.

Good job Khun Prayuth Chan o cha.

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