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What happens when you die in Thailand?

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"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

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20 hours ago, petermik said:

Sorry I cannot help as I,m not dead yet :saai:


Can you keep me on your pending list, and when you have gone through the experience let me know !  !!   !!!    !!!!     !!!!!


Happy New Year

38 minutes ago, malt25 said:

And those of us who don't believe in the fairy tale, where do we go ? Up in smoke ... the End.

You just join all the other atoms in the cosmos.


Another big reason why I hate being forced to have 800.000 THB in a Thai bank for "the permission to stay " (aka retirement extention). And I keep driving my now older car . If you don't want to deal with sh.... lawyers and have family that know nothing of Thailand , everything is lost ... and goes in the pocket of some Thai.


Most of my assets are now in my wife's sole name, (in Singapore) although I manage the investments and have power of attorney and control on a day to day basis until dead


My bank accounts, here and UK,(the UK is joint just in case, but could still get frozen until IOM probate granted) she and a friend have access to  internet banking, she is already in the list of authorised payees and have been told to  empty them IMMEDIATELY


House in my wife's name 


Easy NO PROBATE here or in UK


I also have will in Thai and English, in case I have screwed up


And for the Doom and Gloom merchants, I trust and love my wife, maybe not normal here, but good for me


I paid a few years ago for a pillar in the local temple and she will have me burnt there, and has been told to tell everyone I left her very little so as to keep the vultures away


I have also told her I would be happy for her to find a new husband but insist on 100,000 per month contribution so as to keep the free loaders away, if she stays unmarried she is well provided for


Happy New Year, may we all live long and Happy Lives

1 hour ago, hellstens said:

Every thing belong to me go to my wife, my kids in my home country don't want anything.

maybe only a memory

And I tell my wife to make a BBQ on then backyard to save money.

I don't care...I'm dead anyway :-)

Good plan.


You can (before you die ) set up a Will or a Trust, however, the most likely  scenario:


 As soon as word gets out that you can no longer fog a mirror, it most likely will be ....first come first come first served  ,  followed by free for all for the tailings. 


as we have already made our wills,whose heart will be most broken? i supose it will be the DOG.yes if it did happen he has been named in the will. 


On Sunday, December 25, 2016 at 9:22 AM, Olik said:

You get cremated while your spirit goes back to God.


God or dog

51 minutes ago, al007 said:

Most of my assets are now in my wife's sole name, (in Singapore) although I manage the investments and have power of attorney and control on a day to day basis until dead


My bank accounts, here and UK,(the UK is joint just in case, but could still get frozen until IOM probate granted) she and a friend have access to  internet banking, she is already in the list of authorised payees and have been told to  empty them IMMEDIATELY


House in my wife's name 


Easy NO PROBATE here or in UK


I also have will in Thai and English, in case I have screwed up


And for the Doom and Gloom merchants, I trust and love my wife, maybe not normal here, but good for me


I paid a few years ago for a pillar in the local temple and she will have me burnt there, and has been told to tell everyone I left her very little so as to keep the vultures away


I have also told her I would be happy for her to find a new husband but insist on 100,000 per month contribution so as to keep the free loaders away, if she stays unmarried she is well provided for


Happy New Year, may we all live long and Happy Lives

Yes, the simplest approach is not to have any assets here. But that depends on your relationship with your partner, if you have one. Everything I've bought here so far - land and house abuilding & car - is in my b/f's name. The truck I bought for the family farm is in his brother's name. When we move into the house in the next few weeks, my b/f will make a will (his first ever) leaving everything to the brother but with me having usufruct during my lifetime. When I die, my only asset in Thailand will be my library (some 8000 books plus CDs & DVDs). The books will go to a Thai university (or alternatively up in flames).


They say entry to Heaven is easiest for those who own the least ...

2 hours ago, Gandtee said:

You stop breathing and gradually grow cold. Then it gets worse, but your not concerned.:sleep: 


In many parts of Thailand it might well gradually get warmer..?


You stop breathing and your body becomes rigid, then they burn or bury it, end of story


If you do not have a quick unexpected death, transfer everything into your wife/partners name including the majority of money in bank accounts, just leave enough to see yourself out

1 hour ago, BuaBS said:

Another big reason why I hate being forced to have 800.000 THB in a Thai bank for "the permission to stay " (aka retirement extention). And I keep driving my now older car . If you don't want to deal with sh.... lawyers and have family that know nothing of Thailand , everything is lost ... and goes in the pocket of some Thai.

Use the income method - no need for a thai bank account ;)


Be very careful.

If the wife does not like the fact that she does not get all your assets, most likely because you have left some to your previous children, and you have appointed a trusted friend to act as executor it is not unknown for her to appoint her own lawyer to obtain probate on the basis you have died intestate, and have no other family apart from her.  Quick, easy and cheap, and she scoops all the money before your executor and his lawyer have had time to start the ball rolling.


for me the frightning part is when you now your going to die.not nowing is the easy part,i have had 2brief visits this yr.but him up there sent me back.my only assets are my extension funds,the wife has it all and i am more than happy for her.how i would manage without her doesnt need thinking about,our life now revolves around our beloved DOG. so he is our main concern.

i arrived with nowt so i will leave with nowt.but not just yet PLEASE.

On 12/25/2016 at 2:13 AM, wpcoe said:

If you want control of how your assets are distributed, I believe you need a Thai will.   I've read that wills drawn up overseas have no affect on distribution of assets held in Thailand.


What happens without a will and you have no Thai family to whom the court could assign your assets?  Good question.

Any authentic  Will  would do. It will be effective in any part of the world. Your survival spouse or children will need to fly over to Thailand and find a Thai Law firm to support the application. FYI, the Will would be translate to Thai and endorsed in your country Embassy and also at the Thailand Ministry of Foreign Affair.

2 hours ago, al007 said:

Most of my assets are now in my wife's sole name, (in Singapore) although I manage the investments and have power of attorney and control on a day to day basis until dead


My bank accounts, here and UK,(the UK is joint just in case, but could still get frozen until IOM probate granted) she and a friend have access to  internet banking, she is already in the list of authorised payees and have been told to  empty them IMMEDIATELY


House in my wife's name 


Easy NO PROBATE here or in UK


I also have will in Thai and English, in case I have screwed up


And for the Doom and Gloom merchants, I trust and love my wife, maybe not normal here, but good for me


I paid a few years ago for a pillar in the local temple and she will have me burnt there, and has been told to tell everyone I left her very little so as to keep the vultures away


I have also told her I would be happy for her to find a new husband but insist on 100,000 per month contribution so as to keep the free loaders away, if she stays unmarried she is well provided for


Happy New Year, may we all live long and Happy Lives


I forgot to mention a critical part of the above is my wife has a will and leaves everything to me, just in case she got killed on the roads, I know her family would try and grab everything, and whilst my wife I trust, the rest of her family NO NO NO, she has also been advised to say the same thing to her family, sorry he left me with very little

On 12/25/2016 at 5:53 AM, chiang mai said:

As said, you need to draw up a Thai Will which will go through probate and this is not a quick process, my bank (UOB) tells me it's six months alone from just the banks perspective (plus court/legal times) and this is just for cash - I don't know what the impact is of having foreign beneficiaries so you should ask a lawyer. Also, lawyers fees for probate are based on a percentage value of the estate.

I would hesitate to give any lawyer a power of attorney. In my life they have been a necessary evil over the years. 


As  I'm not Buddist and probably sit a little on the fence in the conventional religion ... I have just asked my wife to check really carefully before the button is pushed for the box to go forward ...


Financially I have a UK will and a Kingdom of Thailand Will. My wife inherits everything in Thailand and a little from the UK. In the UK our Bank Account is joint so she gets that as well. And a widows pension so she is provided for ....


Fortunately she is just a bit better off with me above ground.........


She is a British Citizen but doesn't have an NI Number so that will keep her busy sorting ...

6 hours ago, moonseeker said:

Yes, there is a probate, which needs to be initiated by a lawyer. Yes, best make a Will, stipulating it applies to all your Estate in Thailand only. Incl. copies of bankbook, chanods etc.  If there is no Will, a probate for your Thai estate can still be done, but is slightly more involved. Yes, be very careful, who is named the executor/administrator, as he will be able to give or take whatever he wants without any restrictions or supervison by any law. Best make a trusted friend the executor and pick one of the few known reliable law-firms to go through probate. Cost should be around 100-270K, depending  on case. The 270K was the highest I ever paid for a 1/2 Mio Euro- and rather involved probate. Time frame is around 6 months and usually straightforward. BTW. If you die outside a hospital, your body will be automatically sent to BKK Police Hospital for autopsy. Might as well get cremated in BKK then, unless you want a service at a temple in Pattaya. I have a couple of posts up with strong recommendations of a very good and affordable funeral-service company. Happy New Year and many years to live I wish you.  MS>



Not true. Friend died at home and no autopsy just pick up from morgue and straight to the fire 3 days later. Never heard of anyone Thai or ferenghi being subjected to an autopsy in all my years here. There again, never been acquainted with anyone dying 'under suspicious circumstances'.

20 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

I would hesitate to give any lawyer a power of attorney. In my life they have been a necessary evil over the years. 


Agreed. Having said that they are easily and routinely forged.


you go to a magical mystical spiritual place  surround by Virgins, nymphs elves, pixies, Santa, Thor you name it theyll be there and  life continues forever, or you come back as  a  worm or sheepdog or Hamster, ah but  only if  youve been good ( who knows whose opinion counts as  good) failing that you get 100 virgins to endlessly pork (  pity the virgins in heaven then).....................failing all of  that youre dead knowing nothing of it  just like pre conception or when youre  asleep................take  your  pick, only one is reality

On 12/25/2016 at 6:40 AM, Ulysses G. said:

What happens when you die in Thailand?


You either go to heaven or to hell - depending.

or  neither  depending  on your gullibility

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