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Update on 24 hour limit for notification of address.

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I have lived here for 20 years, done the 90 day thing every time and never reported my residence, nor have my wife who is the house master.....strange....but I am sure someone at the local immigration office will catch up someday. I have had many a fight with the local immigration officer about the 90 day thing...counting days and so on, they know me very well, but never asked about the registration thing. On the other hand I know very well that the local police keep track of every foreigner living in their area, they have a ledger with all the names and addresses, this I saw something like 15 years ago.

Edited by AlQaholic
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I'm staying in Chiang Mai on one year retirement visas since more than 3 years. Last Friday it was up for renewal. The last time I entered Thailand was on 24.10.2016, and I was surprised to hear about a TM30-form, and that I should have reported within 24 hours after each return. Well, I travel abroad about 5 times per year, thus I "missed" this "law" almost 20 times, with no consequences so far. But this time I was fined THB 1,600. When reading the form an it's related instructions (attached), it is clear to me and probably almost anyone that the purpose of this form is for hotels, guest houses etc.. I'm married to a Thai and we live in our own house, which I paid, buying the land in her name, and having an usufruct in my favour for 30 + 30 years (I'm now 70, thus when I'm 130, I need to think it over.....). From now on, each time I return to my wife from abroad she needs to confirm within 24 hours that I really returned to her and our house.....


I mentioned all this to another Swiss friend living in Phitsanulok, and he said this rule was also applied there many decades ago, but was then silently dropped, because it was either not efficient or too much work for the immigration people. I'm sure this will happen in CNX as well sooner or later. I nevertheless wanted to report this here in this forum. The law goes back to 1979 and therefore has been around for 37 years, with some immigration offices following it, and most of them don't. TiT.....

Notification TM30.pdf


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You members who are married to a Thai lady seem to get picked-on by immigration at every turn....

Good Lord...One comes home to the wife and  is treated as if on bail out of jail....

Amazing isn't it?     Take your Thai wife to Australia and you never have to report every 90 days...This place sure belongs in the 18th century..

Exactly the reason I do not marry a Thai lady.......I have far more freedom on my retirement visa and I will stay that way....

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51 minutes ago, Lewis711 said:

Hi, anyone have any idea is it ok to report to local police station then the immigration?

You should be able to do a TM28 address report to the police station but many will not accept them.

TM30 report also if there is no immigration office in the province where your are at.

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3 hours ago, tagalong said:

You members who are married to a Thai lady seem to get picked-on by immigration at every turn....

Good Lord...One comes home to the wife and  is treated as if on bail out of jail....

Amazing isn't it?     Take your Thai wife to Australia and you never have to report every 90 days...This place sure belongs in the 18th century..

Exactly the reason I do not marry a Thai lady.......I have far more freedom on my retirement visa and I will stay that way....


It doesn't just apply to foreigners married to Thais but also foreigners married to other foreigners, and also to single foreigners.

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Hi, anyone have any idea is it ok to report to local police station then the immigration?

From reading the forum it clearly states that if their is no immigration office in your area you are required to report to the police otherwise you are required to report to your local immigration office.1482843995428.jpg.fa0c83c8bf24761fc81e89
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10 hours ago, tagalong said:

You members who are married to a Thai lady seem to get picked-on by immigration at every turn....

Good Lord...One comes home to the wife and  is treated as if on bail out of jail....

Amazing isn't it?     Take your Thai wife to Australia and you never have to report every 90 days...This place sure belongs in the 18th century..

Exactly the reason I do not marry a Thai lady.......I have far more freedom on my retirement visa and I will stay that way....

lucky lonely you

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15 hours ago, ldiablo72 said:

From reading the forum it clearly states that if their is no immigration office in your area you are required to report to the police otherwise you are required to report to your local immigration office.

They interpret area to mean within the province you are staying at the majority of police stations.

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