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Trump calls UN “sad” club after vote on Israeli settlements


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Trump calls UN “sad” club after vote on Israeli settlements




WASHINGTON: -- US President-Elect Donald Trump has openly criticized the United Nations, just days after the UN Security Council voted a resolution demanding Israel stop building settlements.


On Twitter, Trump mocked the institution as “sad,” declaring it “just a club for people to get together, talk and have a good time.”


The United Nations has such great potential but right now it is just a club for people to get together, talk and have a good time. So sad!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 26, 2016


Trump had vigorously lobbied against resolution 2334, which describes Israel’s settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as illegal and an obstacle to peace with the Palestinians.


The text passed on Friday (December 23), after the United States broke away from the tradition of using its veto to protect Israel, and instead chose to abstain from voting. The move was widely seen as parting shot by US President Barack Obama, who has grown frustrated with failed peace talks over his tenure and fears that continued Israeli settlement-building in occupied territory could jeopardize a two-state solution.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lashed out against the Obama administration, calling its move “shameful and underhanded” and accusing Washington of orchestrating the “gang-up”.


Netanyahu summoned the US ambassador to his office and said he looked forward to working with Trump. The Israeli foreign ministry also summoned ambassadors from 10 countries with embassies in Israel among the 14 that backed the resolution

Modern “Dreyfus trial”


Israel has already said it does not plan to abide by the terms of the resolution and will continue to build settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.


On Monday, Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman criticised an upcoming Middle East peace conference organised by France, calling it a new anti-Semitic “Dreyfus trial”.


Representatives of around 70 countries are due to attend the January 15 conference aimed at restarting long-stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts.


“This is not a peace conference. It’s a tribunal against the state of Israel,” Lieberman told members of his Yisrael Beitenu party. “It’s a Dreyfus trial in a modern version, what they’re preparing there in Paris for January 15, with one difference. Instead of one Jew being on trial, it will be the entire Jewish people and the state of Israel.”


Alfred Dreyfus was a French Jewish army captain wrongly convicted in 1894 of espionage and treason whose ordeal became a symbol of injustice and anti-Semitism.

-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-12-27
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While I agree that the UN is a damp squib, I don't know why Israel is getting its knickers in a twist. Stop building on that land and winding them up... how would you feel if some bullish neighbour started building in your backyard! Any sympathy they have left in the world is quickly being eroded. They are their own worst enemy. As for Trump, well he has his agenda.  

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2 minutes ago, up-country_sinclair said:

Trump doesn't care about the UN or the illegal settlements.


He's a con man who will quite possibly bring the world to the brink of disaster with one of his 4 am tweets.


That's a very strong possibility. Either that, or he will de-legitimize all these institutions that have that have been so self serving for so long. My money's on your thesis, because it's all going to get away from him very soon.

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The UN is a great institution undermined by USA, Russia and China vetoing resolutions at the world's expense.


Incidentally, does anyone know if the USA paid its outstanding dues?


Frankly, I would move the UN to Geneva or some other polyglot location....

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19 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

Can you detail your experience with the UN?


Ebola. Absolute and utter failure. Had it not been for the intervention of the US and Canadian governments Africa and western Europe would have been under quarantine and  seen millions dead.  China and Russia, the Arab world, did nothing and contributed nothing.


 Sex crimes. The UN has refused to take action against its peacekeeping units and personnel involved in wide scale  sexual abuse of children and others in Africa. It is the  a pressing issue that was  covered up by the UN until it could no longer be suppressed.


Darfur. The UN stood by as the  Arabs  undertook a genocide against  black Christian Africans.


Syria. The UN's 2 top slime lords, Russia and China vetoed  the condemnation of  Assads' massacres including targeting of civilians.


Cholera epidemic in Haiti.The UN caused the death and sickness of tens of thousands when its personnel from Nepal introduced cholera. No apology or restitution was made.


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11 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:


Ebola. Absolute and utter failure. Had it not been for the intervention of the US and Canadian governments Africa and western Europe would have been under quarantine and  seen millions dead.  China and Russia, the Arab world, did nothing and contributed nothing.


 Sex crimes. The UN has refused to take action against its peacekeeping units and personnel involved in wide scale  sexual abuse of children and others in Africa. It is the  a pressing issue that was  covered up by the UN until it could no longer be suppressed.


Darfur. The UN stood by as the  Arabs  undertook a genocide against  black Christian Africans.


Syria. The UN's 2 top slime lords, Russia and China vetoed  the condemnation of  Assads' massacres including targeting of civilians.


Cholera epidemic in Haiti.The UN caused the death and sickness of tens of thousands when its personnel from Nepal introduced cholera. No apology or restitution was made.



+ 1

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58 minutes ago, nkg said:

Well, he's right. The UN is a talking shop with almost no real power. And the people who take part in the charade are extremely well compensated.

Choose your arguments pls. 


I will say that an entity that creates a  'talking shop" is far preferable to anything done unilaterally in the global arena. Like war . But this is of no interest to those more focus on what others are compensated.


The ability to see beyond one's navel is grossly under-estimated.

Edited by optad
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Ebola. Absolute and utter failure. Had it not been for the intervention of the US and Canadian governments Africa and western Europe would have been under quarantine and  seen millions dead.  China and Russia, the Arab world, did nothing and contributed nothing.
 Sex crimes. The UN has refused to take action against its peacekeeping units and personnel involved in wide scale  sexual abuse of children and others in Africa. It is the  a pressing issue that was  covered up by the UN until it could no longer be suppressed.
Darfur. The UN stood by as the  Arabs  undertook a genocide against  black Christian Africans.
Syria. The UN's 2 top slime lords, Russia and China vetoed  the condemnation of  Assads' massacres including targeting of civilians.
Cholera epidemic in Haiti.The UN caused the death and sickness of tens of thousands when its personnel from Nepal introduced cholera. No apology or restitution was made.

Ebola comes under WHO.
Africa is populated by Arabs?
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15 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:


You jest ? A highly overpaid and toothless flock of tigers. The ridiculous amount of money consumed by this outfit could very well be spent in much more constructive directions.

The same could be said of just about every government-backed organisation, global and domestic.

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I could almost tolerate Trump if he was just confined as just another American foible. Tweeting 'sad' on international platforms, as a 73 year old presidential elect is a global problem, even if you like his position re settlements, Netanyahu  and Israel. No one can rely on anything he says, yet offers for some a spark. Totally dangerous. 


The US will be ostracised over time under his leadership i have no doubt. Absolutely perfect domestically and totally retrograde internationally. Hack+.

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I could almost tolerate Trump if he was just confined as just another American foible. Tweeting 'sad' on international platforms, as a 73 year old presidential elect is a global problem, even if you like his position re settlements, Netanyahu  and Israel. No one can rely on anything he says, yet offers for some a spark. Totally dangerous. 
The US will be ostracised over time under his leadership i have no doubt. Absolutely perfect domestically and totally retrograde internationally. Hack+.

For the man that stated he knows lots of words the "sad" he keeps using is a bit tedious.
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It is disgraceful Alan, that this man cannot be isolated to the United States alone. He poses problems just being him. The international arena has so many items for solution and Trump shows no signs of being able to improve any of them.  


Australia has great relationship with the US. Axiomatic before. Not sure going forward. This weakens the US capacity if it loses the high ground it has sought. Trump does not inspire conviction to follow. 

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I could almost tolerate Trump if he was just confined as just another American foible. Tweeting 'sad' on international platforms, as a 73 year old presidential elect is a global problem, even if you like his position re settlements, Netanyahu  and Israel. No one can rely on anything he says, yet offers for some a spark. Totally dangerous. 
The US will be ostracised over time under his leadership i have no doubt. Absolutely perfect domestically and totally retrograde internationally. Hack+.

Yes very dangerous and will no doubt make the USA less important.
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2 hours ago, daveAustin said:

While I agree that the UN is a damp squib, I don't know why Israel is getting its knickers in a twist. Stop building on that land and winding them up... how would you feel if some bullish neighbour started building in your backyard! Any sympathy they have left in the world is quickly being eroded. They are their own worst enemy. As for Trump, well he has his agenda.  

Single state with Jerusalem as the capital is the only solution.  No more Palestinian BS.  If you want to be part of the government form a political party and join the government to make you nation a better place.

Edited by MadDog2020
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I find it highly amusing how there is so much negativity towards Trump shown here. He is a positive force, not owned by any interest group. He is successful, rich and white. (Maybe that's the problem). He seems to be  racially colour blind, showing no positive discrimination, only hiring those that he deems to be competent to carry out his agenda. He is Christian, seemingly a problem these days in this world where offending the followers of the death cult is taboo. As to the election, if you deduct all the non US citizens, multiple votes and dead people he would certainly have got a majority of the 'popular vote'. If you discount California he absolutely would have won the popular vote. His wining has offended the politically correct liberal morons who followed the corrupt inept Democratic leaders. I am quite looking forward to Jan 20th when he can actually legally start bringing the USA back from the abyss of becoming  inconsequential in world affairs. He seems like an American patriot preparing to work for all decent legal citizens, regardless of race, not trying to emulate Tiger Woods instead of staying in the office and working.


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Many folks on this page seem to feel a lot of apprehension about the coming Trump presidency. I wonder how many of them are Americans and  how many of those bothered to vote, which if they live here, could have been done online, or through the mail. Seems to me, a Clinton victory would have been even more dangerous, with NO chance of of any change of direction. Just more status quo and the continued sell out of America.

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15 minutes ago, Maddog23 said:

Many folks on this page seem to feel a lot of apprehension about the coming Trump presidency. I wonder how many of them are Americans and  how many of those bothered to vote, which if they live here, could have been done online, or through the mail. Seems to me, a Clinton victory would have been even more dangerous, with NO chance of of any change of direction. Just more status quo and the continued sell out of America.


POTUS does not just affect the USA 


And, Hilary has demonstrated rather more, er, intelligence. I, like many, are worried....

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