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gf has a cellphone with dtac.         At her parents home, home she also pays for 3BB internet connection.


I would like to connect to the internet from my computer using her cellphone while at the house we rented, which is half-mile away from her home.


I could see her cellphone in my (Windows 10) list of possible connections and succeeded in connecting to the internet using her cellphone.


But I am afraid to connect this way as I may use 80Gb monthly or more, and I have no idea what the limit is for what she pays for, and noone can tell me


Visiting the dtac site, I saw a link to : dtac-3BB 99Bahts a month,   but I have no idea what it is,  and dtac site is not verbose enough.


Does someone on the forum know whether this address my requirement or not?


If no, what is the best option to have internet connection


Thanks in advance


The DTAC-3BB 99 baht package just allows DTAC mobile customers to connect to 3BB Wifi in places like malls where 3BB may have Wifi.  See below DTAC site for English explanation



And if you use 80GB per month I can guarantee you whether your GF is on a prepaid or postpaid plan (she's probably on a prepaid plan as most Thais are) you will eat up all of her mobile data allotment in a very short time to where her mobile speed goes way, way down until the start of her next billing month or worst case possibly a bill monthly bill.  Recommend you first determine what kind of mobile plan she is on....there are so, so, so many.




Thanks for your reply.


I have no idea about her allotment is, and calling dtac was useless.


While at Mukdahan, we'll visit the dtac store and get this straightened.


Well, I don't believe calling DTAC was useless.  I'm been on DTAC for years and calling them with questions on my plan always resulted in clear answers (in English or Thai).


We were not so lucky. gf called them twice, had different answers!

At  https://www.dtac.co.th/en/network/dtacwifi3bb.html I only found:

>>>  Fit your lifestyle in shopping malls, restaurants, coffee shops, cinemas, banks, universities, government sectors, hospitals, and more than 80,000 spots all over Thailand.


This is far from the clear description that you provided. But I  followed your link, which is the same as the one I visited. Clicking the Terms and Conditions, I found a narrative which explains what it is about in layman's terms.






There is a dtac app for ios, i assume for android too. 


If she installs this you can see what plan she is on and how much use etc


for 80gb a month though, no phone package will cover it, or should i say it wouldnt make sense as it would be cheaper to get home internet installed. 


Check with the operators in your area as to whats available


With my old 3bb plan i got free 3bb wifi. Then i switched to a faster plan and the free 3bb wifi as not longer offered. Just yesterday i recognized, my phone logged into 3bb wifi. But the speed is bad. Very bad. And as well the coverage. I would say, even 99Baht is to much for that crap.


Just found this; http://wifi.3bbwifi.com/packages_en


There is also a package for the same price which includes True wifi.




3BB in an independent Internet Service Provider that has agreements with the top mobile providers to offer Add-On WIFI Hotspot service paid for via your mobile phone account.  They offer about 80,000+ WiFi Hotspots throughout Thailand.  


This is an alternative to using your mobile Internet service. In contrast to Mobile Internet contracts (which are based on either the amount of data used, or limited to slow speeds for a fixed amount of time) WiFi Hotspot contracts usually offer unlimited amounts of data at the highest speed of the backbone connection (usually 10 mbps to 30 mpbs depending on location).  


Once you subscribe to the service you are allowed to connect one Wifi device at a time to their Hotspot service (logging in using your mobile number and an addition code that gets delivered via SMS text.


AIS, CAT, TrueMove H, TOT3G, etc, will also offer their own WiFi Hotspot service, though with more limited hotspots available throughout Thailand.


99 THB / MO is a great deal IF you are near one of their WiFi Hotspots.  Otherwise you need to explore the cost of the Mobile Internet add-ons.  Don't forget that many phones are dual-SIM so you aren't limited to the single provider currently on the phone, if another mobile provider has a better deal on the amounts of Internet data you'll using.


...and thanks for spending gobs of your money in Thailand.  I'm sure someone appreciates it.

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