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Police conclude foreign diver slit own throat


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did he tie himself to the pole after he slit up his throat ... my idea he sent the cash after he cut his throat about an hour later .... thai police not really sherlock holmes

suicides best list...

1.) shoot urself while sleeping

2.) beat urself to dead with a baseball bat from behind in a quiet soi best at midnight...

3.) tie yourself to the bed with arms cannot move cut the penis off and wait till bleeding finish u off....

rule no. 1 for thai cops...if  falang is found dead and it is obvious and cannot be hidden anymore that extreme violence led to his dead it was ALWAYS suicide .... rule no. 2 if it was not ( because somebody saw the killer ) automatically rule number 1 gets applied.....important smile in the camera u get a promotion

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4 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Somebody who commits suicide would not be 'in great mind, body and spirit', one would assume. 

somebody who commits suicide would not go to all that trouble. would they ?  pack things get on a ferry go to kho larn change into diving stuff get into the water tie their self to the pier, then cut their throat ??????????

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Stranger things have happened; A born again tree hugger had everyone up in arms some years ago when found dead on a motorcy on Koh Phangan with a knife in his chest....until footage from a nearby ATM proved that he did it himself!

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3 hours ago, Kerryd said:



And if you don't think that's possible, recall a few years back when a Canadian was murdered in his bed in Ranong. Police checked the wife's phone and found messages to her Thai boyfriend and his uncle, arranging to have the uncle come to the house where she'd leave the front door unlocked so he could come in and shoot her husband while he slept. This apparently happened shortly after the husband had told the wife about the Life Insurance policy his company had taken out for him (while he was working in the O&G industry on the African coast). I guess she thought she'd get a million dollars as soon as he died, regardless of how it happened.


Never be worth more dead than you are alive.


She kept trying to get the insurance money even after she was in prison.  

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As a firefighter/medic in Orlando, Florida USA I responded one night to a first aid and found a woman who had been severely slashed with a knife. While there two little boys came running and told me a man was hurt in the house next door. I ran in and slipped and fell in a large pool of blood. A man was on the floor and had severed his own head back to just a flap. Case in point; stuff does indeed happen that is hard to comprehend.

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Wasn't working for one of the 'intelligence' services was he? Some of their colleagues die in most peculiar circumstances. Zipped neatly up inside padlocked bags which are then placed inside bathtubs, sipping radioactive tea in expensive Mayfair hotels, somnambulant visits to balconies on high floors previously unknown to them, handcuffing themselves behind their backs and then driving to remote locations before shooting themselves in the head, but pausing briefly to stuff their cap in their mouth first...

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5 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Somebody who commits suicide would not be 'in great mind, body and spirit', one would assume. 

How the hell did he tie himself to pier, cut his own throad and be happy.If I was moving on it would be somewhere better not deader. Didn't write a note very handy sent to wife by Line. Where is his phone when was message sent and from where, strange if he didn't have it on him (maybe) when he died should be easy enough to check, was the murder weapon with the body or did a big crab run off with it. Many many questions answer to one ....No I would not cut my own throat I would think it very hard to do physically and mentally.RIP you poor victim

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43 minutes ago, Coaster11 said:

The message is written by someone with excellent English skills not some murderous Thai scumbag IMO.

Unless a hit was committed by another farang and the deceased made his bank password known to another party,namely his partner.


exactly right.......the TV brigade are wrong on this one

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2 hours ago, lostinisaan said:


  The perfect alibi maybe she sent a message to her own phone that was in his name, not more, or with his second phone she had, or he's lost his phone, right before she drove to the south?      


how can a Thai wife send a message in such PERFECT english ???  It could have never been her, that is for sure, except if she went to school in the USA.


This should be considered by all the Sherlock's here. 


If, and only IF somebody else than the dead guy, sent this message to her phone,  he/her must have been a native speaker 

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oops,  Sorry,  I just saw somebody else posted a few 49 minutes before me, and has had actually the same thoughts as me!!  I did not read the post before!  Bravo!  The TV Sherlock brigade is shooting a lot of nonsense!

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12 minutes ago, sabaii69 said:

As a firefighter/medic in Orlando, Florida USA I responded one night to a first aid and found a woman who had been severely slashed with a knife. While there two little boys came running and told me a man was hurt in the house next door. I ran in and slipped and fell in a large pool of blood. A man was on the floor and had severed his own head back to just a flap. Case in point; stuff does indeed happen that is hard to comprehend.


Yep...find out who wrote that message and you'll know who the perpetrator was!


Fact can be stranger than fiction.

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9 hours ago, Kerryd said:

While it is possible to cut your own throat (literally, according to the research I just did) it is a rare way to go.


In a diving suit, with a backpack, tied to a pole in a salt water location ?


It sounds a lot more like he went out on a diving trip, met an unfortunate (pre-arranged ?) fate and was tied to the pole to ensure the body would be found (for insurance and alibi purposes) with the perpetrators long gone. They should be checking if he had a life insurance policy (follow the money) and check the wife's phone/messaging service to see if there's a trail of messages arranging the whole affair.


The part I don't understand about the suicide theory is why use a pile if you are an expert diver - you would use some extra weights on your weight belt.


Cutting your own throat is a hard way to go in cold water, even with the sharpest of knives. At least an expert in such matters should look into this, into the angle the knife was used, whether a knife was found and, mysteries of mysteries, how the hell did the guy get to where his concrete pole was? - was there a boat that brought him there? Where was the boat?


I am not saying that it is not suicide but you would need much more expertise and info at hand to be able to come to that determination with any degree of certainty!

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5 hours ago, thequietman said:

So he tied himself to a pole?


What about this for a suggestion;


Some one else tied him to the pole, then cut his throat.


They took his phone and cards and sent the message and transferred the money via ATM.


Wife was suitably far away when it happened. Perfect alibi.


Does this make more sense or am I just unnaturally suspicious when living here.

 like i wrote a few days ago on the other post: how stupid you would be as a murderer to make sure they will find the body ! I would make more sence if they have undressed him, tied a weight around him and made him dissapear to the bottom of the sea, kms away from the coast instead of taking a risk being seen tie him to a pole so nearby


 No body no proof no crime

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2 hours ago, arrowsdawdle said:

Do the police not know how easy it is for anyone with login data to spoof a message via Line or any other messaging app? Do the police not know how easy it is to create a phony account in somebody else's name? If a guy was diving, it is a safe assumption that his phone was not with him. Where is his phone now? Where was it found? 


Have the police verified the IP address, time, and ISP or cell tower triangulation where and when the message was transmitted. 


If the wife believed it to be a suicide note, why did she not immediately seek help? Did she claim to learn of the death from the police? Apparently, she did not think it was about suicide because if she had reported it and sought help the guy would not have been unidentified for so long.


What does the forensic report say regarding the time of death and cause of death? How does this square with the Line metadata and the time the bank funds transfer request was made and from which IP and MAC address or phone the funds transfer originated?



      He also added that she should tell his family in the U.S. that he is on a journey around the world and won’t be able to contact them for a while. Additional details included the whereabouts of the key to the safe that contains valuables and her wedding ring in their room.

In another article is a safe combination. The Thai wife should tell his family that he's on a journey around the world. Maybe that was his plan before somebody.....................


     Case closed. 

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25 minutes ago, Foexie said:

 like i wrote a few days ago on the other post: how stupid you would be as a murderer to make sure they will find the body ! I would make more sence if they have undressed him, tied a weight around him and made him dissapear to the bottom of the sea, kms away from the coast instead of taking a risk being seen tie him to a pole so nearby


 No body no proof no crime



 No body, no life insurance cash from an insurance. Did the cops even look into that? I doubt it.


   And as somebody already mentioned cutting your throat in cold water isn't that successful.


        Why don't they ask his wife? 

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5 hours ago, ezzra said:

Slitting your own throat? what happened to jumping off a tall building?  


                 Custom and  practice .

 Times they are a changing , a la mode . RIP 

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6 hours ago, worgeordie said:

A  very strange suicide,

regards worgeordie

Nothing strange about this. In his message, he said it was “time to fulfill my life dream of moving on” and says goodbye, adding that he transferred money to her bank account for her to move on and “find someone who can make your dreams come true”.


That`s it then it must be suicide. Saves the police a whole lot of investigating, the wife has his money and everything concluded all round.

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