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Police conclude foreign diver slit own throat


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RIP obvious to anyone with half a brain murder victim.


"In the message, he said it was “time to fulfill my life dream of moving on” and says goodbye, adding that he transferred money to her bank account for her to move on and “find someone who can make your dreams come true”.


The supposed suicide victim wrote he was leaving “in great mind, body and spirit”.


No doubt that is why he went scuba diving, to visit his fish friends before sticking a knife in his throat.


Please wake up and stop the suicide BS.



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2 hours ago, thequietman said:

So he tied himself to a pole?


What about this for a suggestion;


Some one else tied him to the pole, then cut his throat.

They took his phone and cards and sent the message and transferred the money via ATM.


Wife was suitably far away when it happened. Perfect alibi.


Does this make more sense or am I just unnaturally suspicious when living here.



 Your pay raise is certain, Dr. Watson. The remaining question would be if he tight his body to the pole before he cut his throat or afterward?


   Nobody with common sense and living here for longer would buy such a fancy story.


  The perfect alibi maybe she sent a message to her own phone that was in his name, not more, or with his second phone she had, or he's lost his phone, right before she drove to the south?


In the message, he said it was “time to fulfill my life dream of moving on” and says goodbye, adding that he transferred money to her bank account for her to move on and “find someone who can make your dreams come true”.


She seems to be the reason for his death, so why would he even send her money? This all sounds so weird that not even my Siberian Husky buys the story. 







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Although i am not an expert on cutting flesh. I do recall reading that forensic science can tell if the slash to his throat was self inflicted or not.. The angle and depth of the cut would tell this quickly. For them to assume this is a suicide by a LINE message is ludicrous to say the least. Anyone could have sent that message using his phone. 


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5 minutes ago, thesetat2013 said:

Although i am not an expert on cutting flesh. I do recall reading that forensic science can tell if the slash to his throat was self inflicted or not.. The angle and depth of the cut would tell this quickly. For them to assume this is a suicide by a LINE message is ludicrous to say the least. Anyone could have sent that message using his phone. 




 And when he loved her so much that she stayed somewhere else why would he send money to her?


    The message is enouhgh evidence of a suicide. There ain't no killers in this laughing out loud country.


Only the cheap ones from Cambodia in Sisaket available for 15 K.


Why would somebody choose to die such a way? 


 Or rent a gun with 5 bullets for 750 baht. Or the tree in one alternative...:ph34r:

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58 minutes ago, jlwilliamsjr18 said:

I'm struggling with these 2 aspects of his suicide.... cut his own throat and tied to a concrete pile.  

Obviously his arms were free, he could have tied himself to a post in order to be found, some people want a burial or cremation and not be eaten by the fish. it does seem bizarre to put on a diving suit. If i were to commit suicide i would also inform the wife that i had transferred money to her account. As for moving on he could have had deep beliefs in the after life, his wife must know what was troubling him, was he being treated for a mental disorder or did he have a terminal illness that his wife wasn't aware off, why was she in the deep South ? were they about to split up causing him mental distress ?  lot of unanswered questions that the police ( can i hear laughter ) should be investigating. 

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3 hours ago, thequietman said:

So he tied himself to a pole?


What about this for a suggestion;


Some one else tied him to the pole, then cut his throat.


They took his phone and cards and sent the message and transferred the money via ATM.


Wife was suitably far away when it happened. Perfect alibi.


Does this make more sense or am I just unnaturally suspicious when living here.

ahhhh... the thainess of it all....................

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In the "suicide LINE-note" published above it is written "you have been preparing for this"

Shouldn't that be "you are prepared" if there is a history of mental illness?

According to a prosecutor that I know very well, every criminal makes a mistake somewhere along the line.
In case there is a criminal involved in this case, this could be the (Freudian) slip that someone with average knowledge of ThEnglish would not pick up. 

Edited by KKr
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3 hours ago, mercman24 said:

i dont suppose the keystone cops have found the knife for prints, as obviously the knife was at the scene, no tooooo much trouble, nice one wife

Yes they did, it was found on the sea bed.  Apparently no trouble at all.

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Do the police not know how easy it is for anyone with login data to spoof a message via Line or any other messaging app? Do the police not know how easy it is to create a phony account in somebody else's name? If a guy was diving, it is a safe assumption that his phone was not with him. Where is his phone now? Where was it found? 


Have the police verified the IP address, time, and ISP or cell tower triangulation where and when the message was transmitted. 


If the wife believed it to be a suicide note, why did she not immediately seek help? Did she claim to learn of the death from the police? Apparently, she did not think it was about suicide because if she had reported it and sought help the guy would not have been unidentified for so long.


What does the forensic report say regarding the time of death and cause of death? How does this square with the Line metadata and the time the bank funds transfer request was made and from which IP and MAC address or phone the funds transfer originated?

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Few people know or understand suicide if you think being "in great mind bod and spirit" has anything to do with it. It has everything to do with the illness. 

Haven't been here to comment for years, but reading this just reminds me of what a collection of feeble minded anti-social keyboard warrior <deleted> still constitute a majority of the posters here. 

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Firstly, it does not sound like a suicide note to me, and secondly, if there was no knife found on the seabed approximately below the body it could not have been a suicide. Even if there was one found this is still no proof at all, could have been thrown there by the killer. All sounds very improbable to me :(

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1 hour ago, elgordo38 said:

He trained for a period of time using his feet. He was apparently tied up was he not?


No, reports say that he was tied to... not tied up.


He easily could of tied his feet/legs to the pole to ensure he didn't pop up to the surface. Then committed the act.





You're welcome.

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1 hour ago, dibley69 said:

after tying yourself to a pillar???hmmmm



RIP...it would seem in his wishes for peace, he would metaphorical float out to sea, rather than attach himself for all to find. 


The Golden Gate Bridge in SF, CA has a list of situations like these.  There are well-prepared plans, apologies, funds donated to charity.  All that planning. They appear to want to control the way out the best they can, and to some degree, some would admire the planning, and of course some would say, we should have recognized the signs.  However, it is interesting these are caring and concerned people who came to terms with their choices and they did the best they could.


As the investigation goes on it would be interesting to analyze prior notes from the brother now at peace.



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2 hours ago, gomangosteen said:

You don't think, obviously, the knife was underwater?





A diver has his own knife with him, firm and sharp ! Why he should use a breakable knife, coz these knifes you can break down for sharper knife again.

Though they are sharp, his own divers knife would be much better then this one !

Then all other things, backpack, flippers, wetsuite and wearing a short jeans on?!

No there is something rotten in Denmark !

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So he tied himself to a pillar underwater, a feat in itself, & then cut his throat? I'd love to see someone try to reconstruct it... Do they think that everyone are total idiots? or are they so full of their own self-importance that they really don't care?  Maybe both...  :bah:

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I can't speak for this particular case, but over the last couple of years, I've begun to wonder about a number of high-profile farang deaths in this land of smiles. Specifically, the number of folks who are dying in the most hideous manner. Leaping from balconies, etc. Suicide is so sad, but why choose such painful and gory ways to do so? It's as though they called the ISIS suicide hotline. Not to make light of these tragedies, but it leads me to believe the police and forensic specialists are perhaps too quick to wrap up a number of seriois cases of death in this country. Maybe I'm wrong, but I am steadily losing faith in the integrity of Thai law enforcement. BTW, if you can find the Swedish t.v. show called 30 degrees in February, get it. It reflects the newbie experience in LOS. Happy new year to all. 

Sincerely, Donald J. Trump

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3 hours ago, thequietman said:

So he tied himself to a pole?


What about this for a suggestion;


Some one else tied him to the pole, then cut his throat.


They took his phone and cards and sent the message and transferred the money via ATM.


Wife was suitably far away when it happened. Perfect alibi.


Does this make more sense or am I just unnaturally suspicious when living here.

Hmmmmmmm! Unbelievable! Just think for a minute, he ties himself up and then proceeds to cut his own throat with a non existent knife....not unlike the Frenchman who hung himself after tying his wrists together on Koh Tau! :post-4641-1156693976::shock1::wai:

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its very possible to tie oneself to an underwater  obstacle for whatever reason an 'unusual' person may have, maybe to stop the body from being discovered before dead ... and a slash with a carton knife blade could easily sever the jugular  .... as much as many here want to believe 'she done it'  .... its entirely possible he did it himself .... my daughter once moved into a farm house near where I live because the  farmers son who was bi-polar  tied himself to a pole in the farm shed after attaching a winch cable around his own neck and starting the winch with the remote ... his parents found their headless son and understandably could no longer stand living there ... 

RIP 'unusual man'

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