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Putin 'very smart', says Trump, as Russia fails to retaliate to US 'hacking' expulsions


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Putin 'very smart', says Trump, as Russia fails to retaliate to US 'hacking' expulsions




It’s goodbye for now for 35 Russian diplomats and their families who on Thursday (December 29) were given 72 hours to leave the US.


US President-elect Donald Trump, who will take office on January 20, 2017, praised Russian President Vladimir Putin for not taking like-for-like action in retaliation.


Those expelled were stationed in Russia’s Washington embassy and the consulate in San Francisco, but compounds in Maryland and in New York State have been closed in a row over alleged Russian hacking relating to the US election.


Sergey Petrov, Consul General of the Russian consulate in San Francisco condemned the move.


“We consider these sanctions completely unsubstantiated, unreasonable and very detrimental to the bilateral relations between two neighbours, between the United States of America and the Russian Federation… they have to pack and leave within hours.”


Putin’s foreign ministry had reportedly suggested expelling 35 US diplomats from Russia. However, a statement from the Kremlin reads:

“We will not resort to irresponsible ‘kitchen’ diplomacy but will plan our further steps to restore Russian-US relations based on the policies of the Trump Administration.”


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-12-31


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Wow….obama's 'legendary' statesmanship and cool demeanour have deserted him…he is behaving like a spoiled brat….what a note to depart on.


Don't clear the russians' apartments yet they'll be back in a couple of months.


What a plonker Obama is. 

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Hmm, it seems the Russian government is flavour of the month with Republicans / Trump voters.


This is straight out of 1984. The alliance with Eastasia is over and now Eurasia are our allies.


History is re-written and the compliant unquestioning sheep follow.

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What Trump is saying in public is simply unacceptable. There are no more words. Unacceptable.  The threatens absolutely the stability of global power. It is disgraceful that he would undermine his own countries administration in front of the whole world. Obama has not just acted 'on his own', are you all completely daft? These recommendations for this action have come from all his state, security, intelligence and Military advisors. He is truly off his head, with zero idea about the principles of leadership. He has just weakened the position of the USA more than he has the brain cells to imagine. You Republicans are actually all morphing into Commie loving, Ruskie hugging traitors. Not only your Grandfathers but your Fathers would be ashamed of you. I bet John Bolton choked on his own spit when he heard Trump had said this.

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What Trump is saying in public is simply unacceptable. There are no more words. Unacceptable.  The threatens absolutely the stability of global power. It is disgraceful that he would undermine his own countries administration in front of the whole world. Obama has not just acted 'on his own', are you all completely daft? These recommendations for this action have come from all his state, security, intelligence and Military advisors. He is truly off his head, with zero idea about the principles of leadership. He has just weakened the position of the USA more than he has the brain cells to imagine. You Republicans are actually all morphing into Commie loving, Ruskie hugging traitors. Not only your Grandfathers but your Fathers would be ashamed of you. I bet John Bolton choked on his own spit when he heard Trump had said this.

Take a deep breath and relax. I loved his tweet. It was spot on!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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Russia, with the population less than Thailand and Vietnam combined, is now in control of USA. Well, played Putin, well played. 


Yes, Putin is smart. He also have various intelligence agencies working for him and making him smarter. Something Trump would have as well, if only he would listen what they say. 


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Please listen to Donald he knows better than you, if he tells that the CIA and the US of A secret services are liars, they ARE the bad guys! Putin is not a liar, never seen an ex KGB member lying to any  one ! Putin IS the good guy . :whistling:Pfffff

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7 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

What Trump is saying in public is simply unacceptable. There are no more words. Unacceptable.  The threatens absolutely the stability of global power. It is disgraceful that he would undermine his own countries administration in front of the whole world. Obama has not just acted 'on his own', are you all completely daft? These recommendations for this action have come from all his state, security, intelligence and Military advisors. He is truly off his head, with zero idea about the principles of leadership. He has just weakened the position of the USA more than he has the brain cells to imagine. You Republicans are actually all morphing into Commie loving, Ruskie hugging traitors. Not only your Grandfathers but your Fathers would be ashamed of you. I bet John Bolton choked on his own spit when he heard Trump had said this.

You prefer Trump say Putin was dumb for not responding?


I agree that cyber attacks on the US are an immense and serious problem. I've been concerned for years. But there are important truths missing from this narrative.  The Russians and Chinese have been hacking US commercial, government, and military infrastructure with impunity for years. Our losses boggle the mind. The DNC was near nothing.


The US is more vulnerable than others because the US is more heavily reliant on IT.

Internet technology was developed to allow communication during a Russian nuclear attack.

It was designed to be unstoppable.


There is literally nothing that can be done to prevent foreign agents from trying to hack.
What are you going to do?
Pass a law that does not apply in their sovereign territory?
Pass laws to prevent their electrons from entering the US?
Punish them? that's silly, we do it too, more than they do.


The only way to protect US infrastructure is by safeguarding national information, here, period.


The Obama administration has done nothing. The US Secretary of State puts an illegal, unprotected server at home to prevent government oversight, which the Russians surely see. Non-issue, not relevant to election. Russia and maybe others grab Podestas emails and they appear on Wikileaks.  Global crisis, says Obama's administration.


Hypocrisy weeps.


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While each country spies other countries, the release of the information to alter elections and political views was a shift of normal practises. Just the way Stunex was few years back. These two brought the act of Internet war open to the table. 


There was a story how Russian hackers had gained access to the US electric grid. It would be rather inconvenient if the electricity would be cut off during the winter time.


In the future to attack the electric grid, government backed hackers don't even have to go after the high valued targets, there is an easier way. IoT devices are known to have notoriously bad security. The hackers can just make Internet connected freezers, ovens, aircon unit etc. to turn on / off simultaneously, which causes great difficulties for the grid to cope with the supply/demand balance. Once again, it's rather inconvenient if the heating is turned off in the middle of the winter.

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Obama has in effect placed a paper bag containing dog faeces on Trumps doorstep, set the bag on fire, rung the bell, and hotfooted it away. The occupants of the house, Don and Vlad have opened the door and immediately become suspicious and so did not both start jumping up and down on Obamas bag of hot dog crap. This is upsetting to some observers, my question is why? The mature response from Trump and Putin to Obamas petulant actions should be applauded. The inference is that from now on a more mature attitude will be displayed to global dilemmas.

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9 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

What Trump is saying in public is simply unacceptable. There are no more words. Unacceptable.  The threatens absolutely the stability of global power. It is disgraceful that he would undermine his own countries administration in front of the whole world. Obama has not just acted 'on his own', are you all completely daft? These recommendations for this action have come from all his state, security, intelligence and Military advisors. He is truly off his head, with zero idea about the principles of leadership. He has just weakened the position of the USA more than he has the brain cells to imagine. You Republicans are actually all morphing into Commie loving, Ruskie hugging traitors. Not only your Grandfathers but your Fathers would be ashamed of you. I bet John Bolton choked on his own spit when he heard Trump had said this.

I bet John Bolton choked on his own spit when he heard Trump had said this.


John Bolton fully agreed with Trumps tweet, called Putin very smart, pointing out that Putin is scoffing Obama. Instead of throwing diplomats out, Putin invited their children to the Kremlin Christmas party, lol. Bolton's point is that Putin is a smart and serious foe. We need more than knee jerk reaction to counter him.

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2 minutes ago, jaidam said:

Obama has in effect placed a paper bag containing dog faeces on Trumps doorstep, set the bag on fire, rung the bell, and hotfooted it away. The occupants of the house, Don and Vlad have opened the door and immediately become suspicious and so did not both start jumping up and down on Obamas bag of hot dog crap. This is upsetting to some observers, my question is why? The mature response from Trump and Putin to Obamas petulant actions should be applauded. The inference is that from now on a more mature attitude will be displayed to global dilemmas.

No. Obama put the facts out in to the public, while he still can. He is afraid that Trump will sell the country short.


Russia is great! Let's make America great again!

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12 minutes ago, oilinki said:

No. Obama put the facts out in to the public, while he still can. He is afraid that Trump will sell the country short.


Russia is great! Let's make America great again!


No, in a serious case of "sour grapes" he is trying to stick it to Trump while he still can.


Epic fail! The biggest loser here is Obama.


Trump's tweet was a stroke of genius. By calling Putin "very smart" he was really calling Obama "very stupid".

Edited by tropo
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16 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Wow….obama's 'legendary' statesmanship and cool demeanour have deserted him…he is behaving like a spoiled brat….what a note to depart on.


Don't clear the russians' apartments yet they'll be back in a couple of months.


What a plonker Obama is. 

So you're saying it's OK to allow Russia to hack US computers?  With no retaliation?  More like what a plonker Trump is.  Ignores national security.  Not a president we need.

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9 hours ago, tropo said:

Take a deep breath and relax. I loved his tweet. It was spot on!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

Trump also like Kim Jong il because he killed his uncles.  Hard to respect a man like that.  But, he feeds right into people who are anti-establishment, anti-West, anti-US.






"You gotta give him credit," Trump said.


"How many young guys — he was, like, 26 or 25 when his father died — take over these tough generals, and all of a sudden ... he goes in, he takes over, and he's the boss," Trump said. "It's incredible. He wiped out the uncle, he wiped out this one, that one. I mean, this guy doesn't play games. And we can't play games with him."



Comments from a sick individual.

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7 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

So you're saying it's OK to allow Russia to hack US computers?  With no retaliation?  More like what a plonker Trump is.  Ignores national security.  Not a president we need.


Please explain to me how you deduced that Trump thinks that it's OK to allow Russia to hack US computers based on a single tweet. Also please explain how Obama's actions will help the US in any way?


It was a case of bad timing, and V Putin's response shows he's a lot smarter than Obama.



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1 hour ago, rabas said:



The Obama administration has done nothing.


You reckon? How would you or anyone else on this forum know the operational details? The Obama Administration invested US$14billion this financial year in cyber security and has requested an increase to US$19 billion for 2017.



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5 minutes ago, tropo said:

No, in a serious case of "sour grapes" he is trying to stick it to Trump while he still can.


Epic fail! The biggest loser here is Obama.

I'd be sour grape, if I had just lost my country's control to Russia. 


The fact is that soon USA is de facto lead by Putin and his inner circle who are more than willing to blackmail Trump with the damaging information in case Trump doesn't do what Putin wants. After that Russia is free to use it's military power in Europe.


Russia is great! Make America great again! #MAGA

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Putin is rebuilding the Soviet empire. Trump couldn't care less as long as he gets his $100 million a year in naming rights and his underage Russian girls. (The FSB films it though).


Trump needs to be removed from any position of power.

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1 hour ago, rabas said:

You prefer Trump say Putin was dumb for not responding?


I agree that cyber attacks on the US are an immense and serious problem. I've been concerned for years. But there are important truths missing from this narrative.  The Russians and Chinese have been hacking US commercial, government, and military infrastructure with impunity for years. Our losses boggle the mind. The DNC was near nothing.


The US is more vulnerable than others because the US is more heavily reliant on IT.

Internet technology was developed to allow communication during a Russian nuclear attack.

It was designed to be unstoppable.


There is literally nothing that can be done to prevent foreign agents from trying to hack.
What are you going to do?
Pass a law that does not apply in their sovereign territory?
Pass laws to prevent their electrons from entering the US?
Punish them? that's silly, we do it too, more than they do.


The only way to protect US infrastructure is by safeguarding national information, here, period.


The Obama administration has done nothing. The US Secretary of State puts an illegal, unprotected server at home to prevent government oversight, which the Russians surely see. Non-issue, not relevant to election. Russia and maybe others grab Podestas emails and they appear on Wikileaks.  Global crisis, says Obama's administration.


Hypocrisy weeps.


The US has done lots of work with regards to cyber security.  It's all over the internet.  Easy to research.  To say they've done nothing and to blame Obama isn't right. But yes, there are still holes, there always will be.  Even when Trump becomes president, there will be security issues.


For your education:



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34 minutes ago, jaidam said:

Obama has in effect placed a paper bag containing dog faeces on Trumps doorstep, set the bag on fire, rung the bell, and hotfooted it away. The occupants of the house, Don and Vlad have opened the door and immediately become suspicious and so did not both start jumping up and down on Obamas bag of hot dog crap. This is upsetting to some observers, my question is why? The mature response from Trump and Putin to Obamas petulant actions should be applauded. The inference is that from now on a more mature attitude will be displayed to global dilemmas.

You really believe this?  Unreal.  Somebody sure has pulled the "bag" over your eyes! LOL

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11 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Trump also like Kim Jong il because he killed his uncles.  Hard to respect a man like that.  But, he feeds right into people who are anti-establishment, anti-West, anti-US.





Comments from a sick individual.

Thanks for providing the quote. IMHO it disproves your position. It reads to me that Trump is saying that Kim Jong is competent and shouldn't be ignored. ie he's dangerous and shouldn't be treated by the US as a joke. Seems reasonable to respect enemies rather than ignore them.

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22 minutes ago, tropo said:

No, in a serious case of "sour grapes" he is trying to stick it to Trump while he still can.


Epic fail! The biggest loser here is Obama.


Trump's tweet was a stroke of genius. By calling Putin "very smart" he was really calling Obama "very stupid".

Obama knows Trump won't do anything about this.  He's trying to get some serious work done before Trump takes office and doesn nothing.  The biggest loser here is the American people.  Here's Trump's take on national security.  Talk about a loser:






Donald Trump is skipping intelligence briefings but has time to block people on Twitter

Donald Trump, a man who has tweeted more than 34,000 times, loves making time for Twitter — despite any other obligations he now has as the president-elect.







During a Fox News Sunday interview, President-elect Donald Trump acknowledged he’s not receiving daily intelligence briefings, but argued he doesn’t need them because he’s “a smart person.”

Trump said he gets briefings “when I need it” because “I don’t have to be told — you know, I’m, like, a smart person. I don’t have to be told the same thing in the same words every single day for the next eight years. Could be eight years — but eight years. I don’t need that.”



Talk about an immature person. 


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10 hours ago, tropo said:

Take a deep breath and relax. I loved his tweet. It was spot on!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


You are a lost individual if you think this is the way a president should be acting on Twitter. Just in the past day:

First he goes against his own governments actions to pat Putin (the guy who hacked his own government) on the back for not responding more negatively to punishments for committing that very act:

" Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart! "

Then he trolls the news networks who routinely call him out for his bs while proppping up the one that is pro-Trump.

"Russians are playing @CNN and @NBCNews for such fools - funny to watch, they don't have a clue! @FoxNews totally gets it! "


Then in an effort for unification and bringing us all together he throws daggers at those who oppose him...


" Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don't know what to do. Love! "

This is the American president currently. A complete joke. If you support it, it says something about you.

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5 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

" Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart! "

While Trump, who suffers from narcissistic personality disorder, can be motivated by that type of tweets, he is blatantly too stupid to understand that Putin aren't. Putin must have laughed his vodka out, when that tweet was read to him.


Russia is great! Make America great again!

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If Trump was a statesman, he would have said nothing.


Instead he could not control his childish impulsive nature to score cheap political points at his country's expense.


Putin is playing Trump like a plastic banjo.

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41 minutes ago, tropo said:

Please explain to me how you deduced that Trump thinks that it's OK to allow Russia to hack US computers based on a single tweet. Also please explain how Obama's actions will help the US in any way?


It was a case of bad timing, and V Putin's response shows he's a lot smarter than Obama.



Trump has already said he doesn't think Russia did these hacks, said it could be a 400 pound guy on a couch.  He's dismissed the findings from the intelligence community as well as private companies.  So, it's fair to say Trump is OK with these hacks.  They did happen and he's doing nothing about it.  Other than praising Putin.


Obama's trying to protect the country's interests by expelling those in country who are part of intelligence gathering.  And trying to ensure it doesn't happen again.  Putin is probably not smarter than Obama, but more cunning.  He's an ex-KGB field agent.  Obama is a former lawyer. 


I don't see how this is a case of bad timing?  Obama's trying to get something done before Trump takes over and ignores all of this.  Luckily, many Republicans are going after this also.  Trump may have a very tough initial time in office.  It will be interesting to see how this plays out.  His party is very divided, with many against him.

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