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Murderer who killed man just for his iPhone arrested in Bangkok


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40 minutes ago, puukao said:

When we say "Death penalty" we are actually making fun of what happened.  Really.


It's like me saying "kill him, his family, everyone he knows, and make it painful."


to really do something, talk to your government representative back in your home country and try to get sentences you think are right.


oh, too much work?


exactly my point


What are you talking about Beavis?

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2 hours ago, Cockwomble said:

No lack of remorse, and of course trying to shirk responsibility by saying that the innocent victim should not have thought back.


Classic Somchai Scum, best off being put down, as has no value to society. 

some violent inmates  should  complete  their jail term  and should not be let go on the annual amnesty....

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...can't understand why so many repeat criminals are free walking the streets....


...to strike again and again...as he himself confessed...


...at least 2 crimes in 3 weeks....works out to.....34 crimes a year....???

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Looks like victim was momentarily distracted by someone off camera as he looks over briefly and attacker takes opportunity to strike at that moment.


The REAL issue is that there is no real rule of law here in Thailand. Murders who have a compelling flight risk are put out on bail, no case follow up is usually reported unless it's very high profile or internationally followed, convicted criminals are back on the streets with no/small jail terms or early release when things die down, money can get you off and otherwise too many bad people are out on the streets through corruption, clemancy - I confess and pay, pardons, early release, not even convicted, etc.


Secrecy where possible, money when often able and no real law and order leaves a lot of scum walking free!!

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3 hours ago, zorro1 said:


A simple comment, meaning absoutely nothing............ Animals generally kill for two reasons. Firstly, when they wish to eat the prey they kill and secondly  when defending themselves or their young from a potential predator intent on harming them.

In this case, the man arrested was intent on stealing the victim's property and naturally the victim resisted but sadly paid with his life.

OTOH had the murdered man managed to kill his assailant, it would be interesting to hear and see the comments of police and the TVF jury. 

Kittikorn deserves a one way ride in a military helicopter, up then down.

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has served eight separate terms in prison  "


Obviously there isn't a hope in hell of rehabilitation for this cretin because crime is in his DNA.

Just put him out of his misery and save the taxpayers the money of having to keep them alive

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When my gf showed me the video I told her there and then if he had just given the phone up he would still be alive. I have been robbed both at knife point and screwdriver point, both times gave my stuff up no questions asked. Your life is never worth any kind of material object 

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3 hours ago, Sphere said:


The mind boggles.

did not mean to kill him by stabbing him in the neck ?? what an idiot !  justice to be stabbing the murderer in the neck and then tell him he did not mean to kill him , its the only way these low lifes ever learn !

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1 hour ago, Emster23 said:

"He said he was not high on drugs and asked for justice." Yes, so do we: death penalty. Can't rehabilitate psychopaths: they like being that way.

He would still be alive if you hadn't robbed him. Moron.


He does look a bit unhinged and/or high on something.  I'm not a big fan of capital punishment, but I think we could all soldier on without him in our midst. 

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There is no evidential value in a re enactment, it's simply laziness in interviewing and statement taking and vanity on behalf of the police. Any return visit to the scene to clarify doubt can be carried out discreetly without the suspect even leaving a police vehicle. As for naming the suspect and then giving details of his alleged confession before his trial, this would prejudice it irretrievably anywhere else . This is why the Thai policing and justice system is a joke everywhere in the world, a three ring circus.

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2 hours ago, puukao said:


to really do something, talk to your government representative back in your home country and try to get sentences you think are right.

You may as well wrote: farrangs shut up this is our country, our superior society and our culture and we do as we please.

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I've never understood the point of re-enactment where the cops are the stage managers prompting each move (Koh Tao being a prime example).  Especially in this case as the whole crime was recorded on camera!!


I notice that the blurring has gone and the pointing is back.

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Why would I try to make changes in my home country?  I don't vote in those elections, and quite honestly I think someone with skin in the game in my home country (like perm residents) have more of an interest in the outcome of those elections....  not people that have left and are not properly informed on local issues.

Nonsense ! Local issues? What about national issues where I am better informed than those who get their " news" from corporate lead networks and Facebook junk
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3 hours ago, puukao said:

When we say "Death penalty" we are actually making fun of what happened.  Really.


It's like me saying "kill him, his family, everyone he knows, and make it painful."


to really do something, talk to your government representative back in your home country and try to get sentences you think are right.


oh, too much work?


exactly my point

i think i get your point...but we are talking about the justice system of thailand, where most of us are residing at the moment...not our home countries...

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31 minutes ago, wreckingcountry said:

Nonsense ! Local issues? What about national issues where I am better informed than those who get their " news" from corporate lead networks and Facebook junk

so i have to ask...what are you actually doing to make progress in your home country?

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