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Widespread cheating in Thai police exams prompts calls for all results to be declared void


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3 hours ago, Thailand said:

Positions are bought in many walks of life here particularly the police and the military and govt related jobs.


Nothing new in this " disclosure".

In Thailand, you get jobs and promotions through the thickness of the brown envelopes.

In Scotland, maybe also in the rest of the UK, you get jobs and promotions using a funny handshake.

So does that mean in Thailand, they have corruption, but not in Scotland?

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This should be no surprise at all. This has been going on for years here and not just for the police exams. Just ask any Thai and they will tell you your family have to pay up front if they want you to get good jobs in the Police, Government and the army. This is not just endemic here in Thailand. It happens also in most countries but not to this volume of applicants. 

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1 hour ago, wvavin said:

Is there anymore things that are not involved in cheating in this country?

People will cheat in any jobs and in any country if they get the chance, it's just that in Thailand, they don't have the brains to cover it up.

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14 hours ago, fruitman said:

My brother in law failed for the police-exams, he couldn't speak english well enough...which is true since he never spoke a word english to me, not in 15 years.


But the police has woken up since new year, today they stopped me to check if i have a driverslicense.....my papardlive mai?? HAB PAPUUURDLIVE YOU?? He started yelling 5555.



Goes both ways?



cartoon speaking english loudly.jpg

Edited by laislica
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Will the 418 indicated as being cheats be identified?   ---   NO


The committee split the group of individuals who took and set the exams into three groups - those who cheated completely, those who cheated a little and those who answered honestly. ----  WRONG, THERE SHOULD BE ONLY TWO GROUPS. THOSE WHO CHEATED. AND THOSE WHO DID NOT.


No details were given on the percentages of these in the sanook.com report but 418 individuals are believed to be facing punishment either internally or according to the criminal law.  ---   THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE TO BUILDING MORE BUILDINGS CONTAINING INACTIVE POST OCCUPANTS. SURELY THE CURRENT ONES MUST BE FACING SEVERE OVERCROWDING. IF THOSE SENT THERE ARE ACTUALLY EVEN THERE.  AND WHAT ABOUT ALL OF THE HUGE SUMS OF MONEY THAT THESE FOOLS PAID FOR THOSE HIGH RANKING POSITIONS. GONE????


More details will follow over the coming week.   ----  DON'T COUNT ON IT.




How about having the Army monitor the exam process? They always do seem to get any job done that the police have not able to get done for generations.



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I spent 25 years working in Thailand education system, was told many times at many schools/colleges that nobody fails. You can't fail a student because that would make the student lose face. So I guess the same mindset is over at the BIB school.

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14 hours ago, colinneil said:

418 facing punishment   :cheesy: What 500 baht and do not do it again you naughty boy.



The worst aspect of this must be Bringing Shame on Thailand?


I'm looking for recruits to help me launch a new company and wonder if you can help

(No WP required, we have ways round that)

How to cheat and NOT GET CAUGHT.






he he

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...and these bachelors of bribery line up to be photographed by media after they caught what they call a "fake cop".

Cheat me up Somchai it already worked in high schhool, university, with my driving license, medical checks, and the entry exams. 

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14 hours ago, jonclark said:

Two things:


1st good on the police for going public and making this announcement. Even better if these cheats are named and shamed...hopefully in one giant finger pointing photo op. 418 coppers all pointing at themselves. 


2nd sadly this shouldnt suprise anyone. The RTP are not really the moral compass by which any self respecting individual should guide themselves with...although their actions are comedy gold so credit where it is due.

And the Royal title should be stripped of this Organization.....for obvious reasons. 

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No matter how hard you try, once you've lost the confidence and trust of the populace you'll never get it back.  Thailand has been free-floating for years and the price the nation's reputation (face?) has paid is terrible.  I feel for the majority of ordinary citizens who might never fully understand just how badly they've been screwed by an irresponsible, greedy minority with a little power.

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12 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

No our police do not cheat its just a media story again >PM


Which test would that be?

Corruption Master Degree


Bone idle laziness Degree


Yer... that's a hard one.

ill take an each way bet


id also wager sanit did the same thing on his climb upwards.

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Not to be on the side of the BIB, but I can't imagine how someone could pass a test here without cheating. Whenever I see my kids homework it is full of nonsensical questions with multiple or no correct answers, but one must be selected. My kids have to memorize English incorrectly in order to pass English tests. And yesterday at immigration my wife and I were stumped at a form that made no sense in Thai or English.


College must be complicated - knowing where to get the answers in time for exams

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39 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

Not to be on the side of the BIB, but I can't imagine how someone could pass a test here without cheating. Whenever I see my kids homework it is full of nonsensical questions with multiple or no correct answers, but one must be selected. My kids have to memorize English incorrectly in order to pass English tests. And yesterday at immigration my wife and I were stumped at a form that made no sense in Thai or English.


College must be complicated - knowing where to get the answers in time for exams



Unfortunately, IMHO, no progress can be made until Thailand implements a change in it's culture.

They need to stop trying to be number one, just aim to be the best they can.

The first step could be the introduction of a welfare state.....

They need to help the poor, give free education to everyone.

The government needs to spend money on TV advertising for health and safety items.

Small but steady steps, properly thought through.

Until this starts to work then the overriding factors will be the urgency to get money by any means.

Me first and to hell with anyone else.

The excuse that "Everyone else is doing it" has to go.


Actions like these will turn Thailand into a developed, nanny state like the western world though and who can say if that's a good or bad thing.

At least, with things being the way they are, us expats have a choice of which environment we would like to live in and for how long?

Oh yes, and something to whinge about or feel superior to LOL



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27 minutes ago, laislica said:



Unfortunately, IMHO, no progress can be made until Thailand implements a change in it's culture.

They need to stop trying to be number one, just aim to be the best they can.

The first step could be the introduction of a welfare state.....

They need to help the poor, give free education to everyone.

The government needs to spend money on TV advertising for health and safety items.

Small but steady steps, properly thought through.

Until this starts to work then the overriding factors will be the urgency to get money by any means.

Me first and to hell with anyone else.

The excuse that "Everyone else is doing it" has to go.


Actions like these will turn Thailand into a developed, nanny state like the western world though and who can say if that's a good or bad thing.

At least, with things being the way they are, us expats have a choice of which environment we would like to live in and for how long?

Oh yes, and something to whinge about or feel superior to LOL



Are the poor poor because they are lazy or they cannot do any better or because the barriers to success are much higher than for the ones who start with loans in the millions when they are 20? Of course, if one has to pay for education, then we know who is going to be smarter.


Now criticisms are easy to make. What do you propose? A dog-eat-dog world?

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