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Video: Hunt on for foreigners who disrespected Thai flag


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4 hours ago, chrisinth said:

I will have no sympathy for these two when they are caught and really do hope they do time for this.


For anyone thinking this is a trivial matter, try doing this to your own national flag in your home country.......................;)

Totally agree, but look at all the Thai girls wearing shorts etc with the flag of UK or USA, NEVER a Thai flag. Why? Because it shows disrespect.

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7 minutes ago, Zatoichi said:

 Right and if you punched me in the teeth for disrespecting your mother by tossing down her picture from the wall and stepping on it, would I not deserve it? Is it wrong for you to love your mother, even if she made her mistakes? Ofcourse not, bottom line, they were in Thailand, tore down the flag, the people here respect their nation and place a value on it's symbolism. It's not entrapment, nobody forced those jerk offs to tear down all those flags. They chose to, for no benefit other than to feel important, special, perhaps above the law. Not like there was any money in the crime.


You seem to have a thing about mothers. I don't have a picture of my mother on the wall. If you behaved like a vandal in my house and destroyed anything on purpose i would throw you out. If you wanted to verbally insult my mother,well that's up to you, just don't kick her she would beat you up.

The men were drunk and behaved badly, vandalism isn't nice, it's destructive and that is the crime they should answer for.

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Some years ago I was a teacher in a Thai primary school, I was in the classroom one day with the Thai teacher. On the wall behind us were pictures of the Thai flag. I saw one little kid had a cold and he had one of those bandannas they sell in the markets, this one was the Union Jack and the kid was wiping his nose with it. So I said to the Thai teacher. "What if I took the Thai flag and wiped my face with it and blew my nose on it, is that OK? So she replied. "No cannot, you must respect the Thai flag." So I then said. "Well I'm British and that's my country's flag and that kid is using my flag as a snot rag." So she told the kid to stop using the bandanna and put it away. I didn't really care but just wanted to make a point.

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3 minutes ago, chrissables said:

Totally agree, but look at all the Thai girls wearing shorts etc with the flag of UK or USA, NEVER a Thai flag. Why? Because it shows disrespect.


  Mate, you seem to be rather pre occupied with Thai girls wearing Union Jack shorts, I have never seen any, but you do quite often mention it,

  Where do you see all these Thai girls wearing Union Jack shorts ?

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Just now, sanemax said:


  Mate, you seem to be rather pre occupied with Thai girls wearing Union Jack shorts, I have never seen any, but you do quite often mention it,

  Where do you see all these Thai girls wearing Union Jack shorts ?

I saw a girl wearing them on Soi Cowboy. Short shorts. I saw and I got on with my life. I have excellent blood pressure. 

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44 minutes ago, Zatoichi said:

 So is a photo of your mother, but best believe if I was a guest in your house I wouldn't rip it off the wall and step on it. I don't know you or her, but I know that picture means something too you, and out of simple human decency and common sense, I respect the things in your home whilst I'm your guest.



Usually he would only have ONE photo his Mother, and it isn't something that can just be produced on a factory line ad infinitum.

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1 hour ago, Zatoichi said:

Not at all, given the evidence. But then it doesn't really matter what I think about the sentences. I'm not Thai, I don't vote here, I'm a guest, have been for over 15yrs, I respect the country, powers that be, and the faith and I never had any problems. This was totally avoidable, it's not like they got drunk and got into a argument that lead to a fisticuffs with a taxi driver. No, they decided to disrespect the flag for what? 


youve assimilated  just fine, I hope you stand to attention everyday at 8am and 6pm

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6 minutes ago, sanemax said:


  Mate, you seem to be rather pre occupied with Thai girls wearing Union Jack shorts, I have never seen any, but you do quite often mention it,

  Where do you see all these Thai girls wearing Union Jack shorts ?

Preoccupied? Maybe you are mixing me up with another person? Or my memory is shot to pieces :)


Although i do not go to the bars these days, when i did i saw them all the time.

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4 hours ago, chrisinth said:

I will have no sympathy for these two when they are caught and really do hope they do time for this.


For anyone thinking this is a trivial matter, try doing this to your own national flag in your home country.......................;)


I could buy a UK flag, lay it out in my garden and urinate on it, a pretty stupid act admittedly, but I would not be prosecuted for a crime.


The crime here is vandalism ... and if caught they deserve to be punished and fined for it. I don't like what they did but I think people get overly emotional about flags.

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18 minutes ago, psyvolt said:

So I take it then you would have no problems if I want to one of your relatives graves, and desecrated the headstone, cause you know- according to you, it's only some stone or concrete with no meaning behind it.

I don't know where any of my relatives graves are, funerals are depressingly hypocritical and weddings end up in a drunken brawl (and you have to buy presents) so i stay away from both. You are right though, headstones are only stone and mean nothing to the dead but it is vandalism, wanton destruction for the sake of it shows a juvenile or in this case an inebriated mind. I rather liked the comment from Mark Twain when asked if he had attended a certain funeral, he said "No, but i sent a card saying that i approved of it'' 

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1 minute ago, AlexRich said:

I could buy a UK flag, lay it out in my garden and urinate on it, a pretty stupid act admittedly, but I would not be prosecuted for a crime.

Different countries different rules. Surely that's not that difficult to understand.

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22 minutes ago, sanemax said:


  The general consensus was that it wasnt OK for them to parade like that

It was just a gimmick and they apologised and vowed not to do it again

Which shows "pieces of cloth" do have significance

why didnt they go to jail or get fined then?..........oh i forgot it wasnt a "Thai" uniform or emblem

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4 hours ago, DP25 said:

Hope these guys are caught and punished.


And even in countries that allow flag desecration, they allow it only with a flag that YOU own.  You can't go around attacking flags that belong to other people.



And in other countries you can't go around setting people's garbage pails on fire either.  Would you call that garbage pail desecration?  No, it just destroying private property.  Which is illegal in most places as is destroying public property. 

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1 minute ago, psyvolt said:

Different countries different rules. Surely that's not that difficult to understand.


It's not difficult to understand, but that doesn't mean that we should all buy into it. The danger with certain rules is that they can be twisted and used to persecute people ... as several politicians have found out. 


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4 minutes ago, kannot said:

why didnt they go to jail or get fined then?..........oh i forgot it wasnt a "Thai" uniform or emblem


   I dont think that is any offense to wear those clothes, you cannot prosecute people if they havent broken any laws

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58 minutes ago, dcnx said:

It amazes me how many people get bent out of shape over their country's mass produced (often in China) cloth.


Nationalism is almost as bad as organized religion.


How dare  you say that........................nothings  worse than organised religion

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:


   I dont think that is any offense to wear those clothes, you cannot prosecute people if they havent broken any laws

you can in Thailand  you just invent something

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47 minutes ago, sanemax said:


   Yes, its logo for a Country , which gives it significance .

It signifies a Country and the message was "This is what we think of Thailand"

It also wasnt their property to damage.


They weren't giving out any message other than 'we are young full of zest and drunk'

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19 minutes ago, sanemax said:

They are two very different situations and so they get a different response


yes of course... one involved Thais marching down the street in public (not drunk as far as we know) the other foolish farang behaviour whilst drunk but we know who may well get locked up don't we?  very fair in your view no doubt as you're a BAT

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