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Trump hits back at Meryl Streep, calls actress 'overrated'


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2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


You can crawl back under your rock anytime - don't be shy.


She is an actress, unless you think possibly transgender? She might well understand the law but crying and apologizing on behalf of the UK - come on. Why doesn't she do something direct, like offer 6 of her 7 residences to refugees or the homeless? Because her social conscience only extends to the public purse and other people's inconvenience. Not hers.


Another so called star trying to get back in the limelight.


Civility in politics was eroded a long time before Trump. You've been under your rock too long!


Untwist your panties.  It was an opinion.  If you have Twitter, start twittling

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1 hour ago, tropo said:

I agree. My opinion on many celebrities has plummeted.  


It's surprising that they are too naive to realize that making political attacks against the (winning) party they did not support reduces their audience and fame by a huge margin.


You can offer proof later I'm sure.  FYI  The election was rigged.  Popular vote went to Hillary Clinton.  No, I'm not a Hillary fan

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56 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Plus it can be pointed out all these Hollywood Progressives who stated they would flee the country if Trump was elected have remained secured in the USA


I think that is a fair point although Streep never said that.  She had a platform and she used it to make a point.  As long as people do that America is not lost.

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1 hour ago, uptheos said:

Yes he did, he may have got beaten by 2,800,000 in California and New York, but he won by more than 3,000, 000 votes in other parts of America.

In an alternatve universe.  America has 50 states, for now.  He lost the popular vot in the USA, and the election was infuenced by outside forces.  I don't need to explain to you because you already know

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14 minutes ago, Redline said:

You can offer proof later I'm sure.  FYI  The election was rigged.  Popular vote went to Hillary Clinton.  No, I'm not a Hillary fan


how 'rigged'?  personally i think it should be by pop vote but the system is what it is but it ain't 'rigged'

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5 minutes ago, Redline said:

In an alternatve universe.  America has 50 states, for now.  He lost the popular vot in the USA, and the election was infuenced by outside forces.  I don't need to explain to you because you already know


'influenced'?  how?  tell us... these 'dark powers' what did they do?  how did they get votes for Trump?  (who won the pop vote as you keep reminding us)

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What a hypocrite.  She uses the Golden Globes to attack Mr Trump.  Maybe someone should remind her and the many on here that in 2003, whilst at the Academy Awards, she stood, along with all the other Hollywood so called know it all's  and gave a standing ovation to a child rapist, Roman Polanski, when he won an award.


A low life who left America in a hurry in 1978 to avoid being prosecuted for the rape of a 13 year old girl.  But then all the lefties have double standards because if they didn't, they wouldn't have any standards at all.   :wai:




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9 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


What a hypocrite.  She uses the Golden Globes to attack Mr Trump.  Maybe someone should remind her and the many on here that in 2003, whilst at the Academy Awards, she stood, along with all the other Hollywood so called know it all's  and gave a standing ovation to a child rapist, Roman Polanski, when he won an award.


A low life who left America in a hurry in 1978 to avoid being prosecuted for the rape of a 13 year old girl.  But then all the lefties have double standards because if they didn't, they wouldn't have any standards at all.   :wai:





Meryl Streep spoke passionately about an arrogant bully who disrespected a disabled person because of their disabilities. There is nothing about what she said that has any relevance to Roman Polanski. Nothing at All. Nada. Night. Nyet. It is so far off topic that it doesn't even register on the off topic meter. Do you have some obsession with 13 year old girls?


What a pissant attempt at deflecting away from the serious and important commentary by Ms. Streep on the issue of bullying.

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20 hours ago, oilinki said:

That manchild is going to be the President of the United States. Good luck usa, you are going to need it. 



I agree and wonder if the entire bloody world will need "luck." This guy is a menace to humankind. 

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1 hour ago, uptheos said:

So,what's the agenda of these left wing progressives?

If they're so passionate about how they feel, give up the glamour life and go into politics and fight people they hate, like President Donald J Trump. None of them not one, would do what Trump is doing, he's got enough money. that empty speeches from old ladies isn't going to bother him and now he's also got the ultimate power. :smile: Anyone on the left willing to take a chance? Come on George you're a good looking guy, how about you Meryl, more Americans would believe you than believe that lying little witch and hey if its a real clown you'd like to run for you then look no further that second rate slob Alec Baldwin.

When are you cry babies going to accept YOU LOST, must hurt calling lying Hillary 'Madame President' a year before the election. Its Donald J for the next 4 years, middle America will get its strength back, so that will be 8 years and who knows what Trump might be in power after that?


...empty speeches from old ladies isn't going to bother him and now.


The OP is about Trump being bothered.

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25 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:


'influenced'?  how?  tell us... these 'dark powers' what did they do?  how did they get votes for Trump?  (who won the pop vote as you keep reminding us)


They hacked both political parties but only leaked the democrat information. Now Trump may claim this had no influence on the election, but that is a ridiculous idea. He himself continually brought up the leaked information against her when speaking and in the debates. That kind of stuff does influence people, as does the slew of fake news which Russia was also contributing to. As was hiring people to troll, up and downvote articles. That all has an effect.

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7 hours ago, Becker said:

Of course not, he's a friend of the Trumpet. The idiot is actually supporting one who is actively trying to destabilize the US.

Here's what should happen; let the inauguration take place and then impeach him for treason and put his fat behind in jail.


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This man has skin that is thinner than gauze. His heart is the size of a green pea. He is a man child, with underdeveloped emotions, and little sense of self, which is shrouded by a gigantic ego, which covers up a tremendous lack of self esteem. How on earth does anyone refer to Streep as overrated? She is one of the greatest actors of our generation. She has been doing great work for over 30 years. Her performances continue to astonish. And this guy is in a position to evaluate her talent? The only reason why he criticized her, is because she criticized him. He just cannot handle it. If you do not like me, I will hate you forever! I hate people who do not like me! 


He is now perhaps the most famous man in the world. He is somehow, going to have to dig deep within himself (is that possible?) and muster up the courage and the manhood, to deal with criticism. He simply cannot lash out at everyone who criticizes him. He would not have any time remaining, to perform his job. Maybe he needs to repeat the mantra "water off a ducks back" a thousand times a day, to himself. 


Get a grip man. Get a hold of yourself. Do you have any idea what a fool you appear to be, with the spouting of this nonsense?

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1 hour ago, Redline said:

You can offer proof later I'm sure.  FYI  The election was rigged.  Popular vote went to Hillary Clinton.  No, I'm not a Hillary fan


Sure, when you offer proof the election was rigged. You can do it later.

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27 minutes ago, tropo said:

Sure, when you offer proof the election was rigged. You can do it later.

Not physically rigged, but it is highly probable that he would not have won the election without Russia and Julian Assange.  It probably won't reverse his obtaining the presidency.  I believe he will self-destruct anyway, if he doesn't let his advisors run the country, if even they are capable.  In any case, time will tell.  He even said it was rigged remember?

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4 hours ago, tropo said:

I agree. My opinion on many celebrities has plummeted.  


It's surprising that they are too naive to realize that making political attacks against the (winning) party they did not support reduces their audience and fame by a huge margin.

Firstly, what is it that leads you to assume that she will have a "reduction in her audience and fame"? Do you really think the average Trump supporter watches any of her movies anyway?

Secondly, even it that were the case (which it clearly isn't) why do you assume she would give a rats @*** about it?

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Meryl Streep's speech has nothing to do with sympathy for a handicapped person (if she had sympathy for handicapped people, she would have denounced those who attacked and tortured a mentally handicapped man in Chicago, forced him to say "<deleted> Trump"), but everything to do with her and her fellow Hollywood elite losing power.  They had cozy relationships with Obama and Bill Clinton, but all that is coming to an end.  Her speech is just part of an effort to delegitimize the Trump presidency and it won't work.  Trump will not cave.  The only ones who can delegitimize Trump are the people who put him into office and that won't happen

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6 hours ago, nottocus said:

There are women out there that I hate. Does that make me a misogynist?


There are blokes out there I hate too. Does that make me a misandrist?


Its probably a close call. Good luck.

Edited by SheungWan
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7 hours ago, nottocus said:

There are women out there that I hate. Does that make me a misogynist?


The thing is, Trump has lobbed terrible insults at specific women and women in general—insults that would've got him thrown off any decently moderated Internet forum,  including this one. He is now going to be POTUS. Let that sink in.

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40 minutes ago, mesquite said:

Meryl Streep's speech has nothing to do with sympathy for a handicapped person (if she had sympathy for handicapped people, she would have denounced those who attacked and tortured a mentally handicapped man in Chicago, forced him to say "<deleted> Trump"), but everything to do with her and her fellow Hollywood elite losing power.


Couple gigantic leaps in this one. First on sympathy, that's a huge leap, I'm fairly sure she was offended by that as well. But even on the Trump speech it only received a quick mention, not much time to cover everything on your mind. Second, how exactly is the Hollywood elite losing power? What power did they have to begin with? They have the power of speech, some people will be influenced by them. They had that before, and they still have it. What exactly did they lose? If anything Trump's elitist policies are going to benefit them. But that doesn't mean they should just turn the cheek and ignore everything else he's doing or saying, and how his moves will affect much of the rest of the country.

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6 hours ago, uptheos said:

Yes he did, he may have got beaten by 2,800,000 in California and New York, but he won by more than 3,000, 000 votes in other parts of America.


By the same logic, if you take away Texas and Florida, Trump would've lost the popular vote  by 4.5 million votes.

Edited by Thakkar
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5 hours ago, jcsmith said:


They hacked both political parties but only leaked the democrat information. Now Trump may claim this had no influence on the election, but that is a ridiculous idea. He himself continually brought up the leaked information against her when speaking and in the debates. That kind of stuff does influence people, as does the slew of fake news which Russia was also contributing to. As was hiring people to troll, up and downvote articles. That all has an effect.


ok and CNN bias?  and all the rest???  the 'establishment' did their best to control news media against DT and it infuriated me and millions of others and NO I am not a DT supporter!!!   that is WHY they lost and they don't 'get it'

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1 hour ago, mesquite said:

Meryl Streep's speech has nothing to do with sympathy for a handicapped person (if she had sympathy for handicapped people, she would have denounced those who attacked and tortured a mentally handicapped man in Chicago, forced him to say "<deleted> Trump"), but everything to do with her and her fellow Hollywood elite losing power.  They had cozy relationships with Obama and Bill Clinton, but all that is coming to an end.  Her speech is just part of an effort to delegitimize the Trump presidency and it won't work.  Trump will not cave.  The only ones who can delegitimize Trump are the people who put him into office and that won't happen


Well she did say it didn't she. She said , concerning the appalling example that was set by Trump (without naming him) that 'Disrespect breeds disrespect, Violence breeds violence'. So when the President Elect of the already greatest Country on Earth the United States of America mocks a disabled reporter then the message is 'all disabled folks are open to mocking and abuse, and hey lets go one further with torture, doesn't the Pres Elect say he likes torture as well??'.


Trump will take the USA and it's already 'Greatness' down the toilet, while his 3 little piggies (and some more) spend whatever time they can cashing in on the Trump brand. All Americans should be ashamed that this has been allowed to happen. And maybe all foreigners should be ashamed for doing nothing but eat popcorn and watch the show while our number 1 ally self destructs in front of us and thereby threatens the safety and well being of all our families.


Even the fact that there are an army of lawyers trying all arguments they can to prove that Kushner can be an Advisor because the White House is not 'Technically and Agency' and DJT does not 'technically' have to show his tax returns is utterly shameful. This is not one of his casino's he is going to run to destruction and make a mockery of, it is the USA.


Streep is absolutely entitled to free speech, and if DJT can spend airtime during a presidential debate call Rosie O'Donnell a fat pig (but supporters thought that OK because its just locker room talk) then Streep is entirely entitled to give an impassioned plea to her supporters that were watching her to stop this madness that has taken over the USA like some kind of contagious disease.

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