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Butt naked farang lets the western side down in Pai!


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5 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


Yes, lets see which genuinely benefits the economy more, 100 massive spenders who give it all to one already massively rich resort owner, or 1 million casual drug users who share their spending out between hundreds of average income Thais.


Xxxxxx casual drug users who give their money to drug dealers is a better statement.

What, by the way is a casual drug user, someone who injects himself while relaxing in a beach hammock?

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2 hours ago, fruitman said:


I heard the Germans gossip that they sell harddrugs to the tourists in Pai....that's the only reason they all go there with backpacks.

Mostly amongst the budget travelers and the more adventurous, maybe risk taking travelers, traveling to the North areas but more specifically the Golden Triangle Area, have always been known and or talked about as a place or area to consume drugs , mainly marijuana of course while Opium and Heroin is also on their minds and readily available.

When they arrive they find out it is true, whether they ask for it or it is offered to them or they soon learn that many other tourists being the same or similar like minded as themselves and having the same drug consumption agenda on their minds and one of the reasons they travelled to that area as part of their thrill seeking adventures....Wah-Hoo

I can only surmise many of them hear about such places or they are led to believe that it is OK and not "so illegal" to do so, enough that many adventure seeking foreigners specifically go there in the believe that they can obtain the drugs and consume the drugs as part of their planned holiday adventure and no problems to worry about.

Mostly good times are had by most of them while sometimes bad things happen as well, such as some users have a "bad trip" or sometimes overdosing and dying ( occasionally happens ) while some people being arrested when partaking in the use of the drugs and or they are set up and money extorted from them while occasionally some of them love the opium and sometimes the heroin so much they consume it several times ( Too Many ), so to speak and they quickly become addicted to the Opium or Heroin.

 Also there is now the availability of the Methamphetamines ( Ya Ba ) and Speed and Crystal Meth has been added to the cocktail mix and somewhat readily available also in addition to the old standard items of Cannabis and Opium and Heroin being readily available for the last 50 years for travelers going to that region of Thailand.

So, lots of partying going on and all kinds of people high on drugs and drunk on alcohol and all kinds of antics and conduct occurring and most likely a good reason as to why you see 2 foreigners frolicking about in the river, completely nude...but all meant in good fun while under the influence of locally supplied recreational use drugs and alcohol...lol


Edited by gemguy
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Well, must be those quality tourists who, according to TAT, arrived in a benchmark record of 30+ millions (of which some 900'000 Chinese top quality and high money spending tourists). 

The figures are going down; everyone - except TAT that is - nows that. You cannot scream for quality tourists, queue sometimes for hours and Swampi airport's Thai system of taxis, dual pricing, rip-offs from the high north to the far south and expect them to be fluent in Thai (as Khun Thai does not speak Eangrish). 
Bathing naked in this part of the world is not an appropriate behaviour - agreed, but the daughters of those Thai moaners are polishing the steel poles of Patpong and Pattaya's Walking Street with "artistic interruptions" FAR beyond bathing naked in a Pai river. 
And if Khun Thai gets excited about Pai-roaming women in bikinis - well, you can have your cake and eat it. Pai is a backpackers paradise of premium quality once it comes to rip-offs. So you want to rip-off = live with the bikinis - simple as that! 

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2 minutes ago, gemguy said:

Mostly amongst the budget travelers and the more adventurous, maybe risk taking travelers, traveling to the North areas but more specifically the Golden Triangle Area, have always been known and or talked about as a place or area to consume drugs , mainly marijuana of course while Opium and Heroin is also on their minds and readily available.

When they arrive they find out it is true, whether they ask for it or it is offered to them or they soon learn that many other tourist being the same or similar like minded as themselves and having the same things on their mind and one of the reasons they travelled to that area as part of their thrill seeking adventures.

I can only surmise many of them hear about or they are led to believe that it is OK and not "so illegal" to do so, enough that many adventure seeking foreigners specifically go there in the believe that they can obtain the drugs and consume the drugs as part of their planned holiday adventure and no problems to worry about.

Mostly good times are had by most of them while sometimes bad things happen as well such as some users have a "bad trip" or sometimes overdosing while some people being arrested while partaking in the use of the drugs and or they are set up and money extorted from them while occasionally some of them love the opium and sometimes the heroin so much they consume it several times ( Too Much), so to speak and they quickly become addicted to the Opium or Heroin while the availability of the Methamphetamines ( Ya Ba ) and Speed and Crystal Meth has been added to the cocktail mix and somewhat readily available now in addition to the old standard items of Cannabis and Opium and Heroin being readily available for the last 50 years for travelers going to that region of Thailand.

So, lots of partying going on and all kinds of people high on drugs and drunk on alcohol and all kinds of antics and conduct occurring and most likely a good reason as to why you see 2 foreigners frolicking about in the river, completely nude



I see, guess that's the reason my young nephews from Europe came here and went to Pai...they also drove motocy without license and are big drinkers (the rest they won't tell me).


So from now on i won't invite any of my young familymembers to come here anymore, they all read the lonely planet and have many peers back home who've been here. They all think it's without risk to do such things in Thailand. Guess it's the same for the ones who go full moon partying.


If they get into trouble i'm sure they'll call me and my wife to help them out, i'm not interested in that. They better go to Spain for holiday.

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So Pukao, get rid of all the hippies, people that skinny dip, congest Khao san and Haadrin with millions of dollars every year to clean up Thailand and keep all the rich filthy pedophile foreigners that come here to screw poverty stricken whores and children that wear suits, tie, and 3 gold rings in between SangSom binges; they are more preferable to have around than the hippies. That's my point, who cares about a hippy in the river; certainly there are more pressing problems in this polite, moral, Buddhist country.

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1 minute ago, overherebc said:


Xxxxxx casual drug users who give their money to drug dealers is a better statement.

What, by the way is a casual drug user, someone who injects himself while relaxing in a beach hammock?


They give their money to all sorts of people, what they do not do is thoughtlessly give it all to one resort owner and then proclaim self righteously that they are in some way more beneficial to Thailand as a result, they tend to travel around, eat in normal independent restaurants, stay in small independent home-stays and take normal public transport.  Compare this to the richest tourists, who stay in multinational hotels, eat in the in house restaurant and use the in house transport, all staffed of course by underpaid foreign workers, there really is no comparison in terms of true economic benefit between the backpackers and the high end tourists.


Casual drug users are those who use drugs sometimes, rather that those who do so every day.

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"Someone needs to talk to them and tell them to cover up and show some respect".


It is the shirtless guys and that scum with the bare ass that need to learn respect, nothing wrong with with wearing bikinis walking down the street, although respect should be given around the Temples.

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4 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

"Some foreigners are walking down the main street in Pai in bikinis" 

A visit to a German or a Scandinavian beach would be a real shocker for the resort owner from Pai.

There are no temples on Scandinavian or German beaches.

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14 minutes ago, fruitman said:


Yes i heard that too, trekking means renting a motocy without driverslicense right? And on the way to the mountains you buy some harddrugs from a local. That's what backpackers like to do when far from home and mummy can't see them.


The trekking was what started the drug taking as the guides would take the tourists to villages where opium was very much a part of their culture.


Anyway, which is worse, a backpacker taking some drugs or a sex tourist screwing his way around Pattaya?  Which one actually causes the most social harm to Thailand?

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20 minutes ago, Artisi said:

I used to visit Pai regularly over 20 years ago - nice quiet lay backed town, very few tourists , no drugs (that I was aware of) only a couple of local drinking spots, friendly people  - from what I hear now a days - don't think I will bother revisiting.


The drugs have been there for thousands of years, it is a part of those tribes cultures, that is the attraction for some tourists to take the drugs.

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4 hours ago, LomSak27 said:

"He said: "And that is not all. Some foreigners are walking down the main street in Pai in bikinis. I know it is a tourist area but there are temples all around there."




Tourist season is here and what do Thai's love above all other things. To feel outrage, to believe someone somewhere is disrespecting Thailand, to join together in righteous indignation and loathing egged on by the media and all three political parties that have held office since 1997. It’s a national sport and so much fun !!

And where will this all lead to ... basically tourists get tired of it and stop coming, tourists numbers fall and the TAT has to try and find new tourists. Hmm, Maybe under some rocks in Greenland …

Before our resident Troll teamers joins the fray to denounce low life tourists and the disrespect,  my country has the same tourists and they do stupid things, however the media does not ram it on the television and the front pages of papers and internet. It is generally thought that other news is more important than what numbnuts are doing on vacation.

Until Thailand realizes this fact, tourist numbers will continue to drop - my bet is it is too much fun too stop and thai culture gets too much milage on finding disrespect to put the brakes on it. 




i don't know about you but for most civilized people "having fun" is no excuse for a complete and total disregard for local customs and traditions... takes a special type of arrogance to believe to feel its alright to piss on other people's traditions and customs because they are on vacation! (tourist starts to crap or piss on your front lawn... you  are angry for obvious reasons tourist retorts back "what? is ok i am on vacation)


Edited by speckio
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1 minute ago, Shawn0000 said:


The trekking was what started the drug taking as the guides would take the tourists to villages where opium was very much a part of their culture.


Anyway, which is worse, a backpacker taking some drugs or a sex tourist screwing his way around Pattaya?  Which one actually causes the most social harm to Thailand?


Both really, it's a bit like saying would you like to be stabbed in the left or right kidney, neither action does the whole system any good.

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4 minutes ago, ianf said:

There are no temples on Scandinavian or German beaches.


True, but they would be in for a shock visiting India and seeing all the naked Sadhus, or the temples full of naked monks, Buddha himself having been one of them.  Funny how a religion that states that material possessions are a burden on our body can be interpreted by some as being perfected through nudity while others are offended by the same.

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1 minute ago, overherebc said:


Both really, it's a bit like saying would you like to be stabbed in the left or right kidney, neither action does the whole system any good.


You are saying if two things are bad then neither could be worse than the other?  Of course one can be worse than the other, your analogy is terrible as they are not the same, unlike your two kidneys.

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Thiss is just another example of foreigners coming to Thailand and thinking they can do whatever they want because they are on a holiday. The Thais do not care what you do in your home country or whether Thai women at the beginning of the 20th Century were bare breasted. anyone who knows anything about Thailand and its current mores knows Thais do not like nudity and immodesty. You see very few Thais even at beaches wearing bikini's. Why is it so hard for foreigners to accept Thai culture for what it is?

Every day we have a different story about a foreigner who disrespects Thailand and acts out- public nudity;  extreme drunkenness; fighting; stealing; having sex in public. If foreigners came to our country and continually disturbed the area and culture- I doubt you would like it. Thais are the same- they are completely disgusted with foreigners behavior and this at times paints all of us with the same brush. There is a difference from having a good time and being boorish; selfish and showing disdain for one's hosts.

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23 minutes ago, speckio said:

i don't know about you but for most civilized people "having fun" is no excuse for a complete and total disregard for local customs and traditions... takes a special type of arrogance to believe to feel its alright to piss on other people's traditions and customs because they are on vacation! (tourist starts to smoke or piss near a holy site... locals are angry for obvious reasons tourist retorts back "what? is ok i am on vacation)


<deleted post>

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4 hours ago, davehowden said:

Gosh I am appalled, truly the most terrible thing that has happened in LOS this week.

Truly candidates for the use of Section 44. There minds and lives are so small and meaningless that they must watch and gossip about everything around them. Especially those pesky foreigners. I am watched constantly in our Mooban. But the other day when I stood in front of our home with a pair of jumper cables asking for help to start our pickup, not a one that drove slowly by would stop.

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I'm sure these farangs know that it's not done to swim naked in Thailand.


But they've seen all the lawless behaviour in Thailand so they guess they also can do as they please. When going to Rome do as the Romans do.


Also any Thai could go to them and tell them to dress up, i bet nobody did tell them.


They better ban all farang tourists into thailand, all problems would be solved and the netizens could focus on their own children who of course do nothing wrong.


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4 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

We were all born naked, deal with it.



Cock eyed logic there.


So wander down  the street of your hometown naked......or perhaps you could try Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, etc???



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31 minutes ago, speckio said:

i don't know about you but for most civilized people "having fun" is no excuse for a complete and total disregard for local customs and traditions... takes a special type of arrogance to believe to feel its alright to piss on other people's traditions and customs because they are on vacation! (tourist starts to crap or piss on your front lawn... you  are angry for obvious reasons tourist retorts back "what? is ok i am on vacation)



Just because the loudest voices are calling disrespect does not mean there are not many Thai's who are jealous of the situation these tourists come from, one where they have a great deal more cultural freedom.  These tourists may actually change things in the long run, look at how Greece and Spain were before the backpackers of the 60's and 70's came along disrespecting their culture by going nude on the beach, they went from being ultra-conservative, wearing head to toe black, the women were basically wearing Burqas, to going naked on the beach themselves, this generation being liberalized by the disrespect shown 40 years ago to their grandparents.

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23 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Thiss is just another example of foreigners coming to Thailand and thinking they can do whatever they want because they are on a holiday. The Thais do not care what you do in your home country or whether Thai women at the beginning of the 20th Century were bare breasted. anyone who knows anything about Thailand and its current mores knows Thais do not like nudity and immodesty. You see very few Thais even at beaches wearing bikini's. Why is it so hard for foreigners to accept Thai culture for what it is?

Every day we have a different story about a foreigner who disrespects Thailand and acts out- public nudity;  extreme drunkenness; fighting; stealing; having sex in public. If foreigners came to our country and continually disturbed the area and culture- I doubt you would like it. Thais are the same- they are completely disgusted with foreigners behavior and this at times paints all of us with the same brush. There is a difference from having a good time and being boorish; selfish and showing disdain for one's hosts.

Thais don't like nudity and immodesty?  Maybe they tell you that to you face......  Then they go down to their clubs, bars and short time places while you go home for your cup of tea.


Thais don't like to wear bikini's on beaches.. not because of immodesty, but because they don't want dark skin!


You don' t hink Thais have extreme drunkenness?  Go out any night of the week and see drunk Thais all over the place, shouting, arguing, fighting, riding home drunk and crashing their cars (which have no lights on, no insurance, etc). 


We are all human... and a percentage of us humans will always be doing these kind of things.  If you think Thai people are all prim and proper and would not do anything disrespectful or inappropriate, then you need to get out your house and open your eyes.


I do agree that what that guy is doing is out of order.  Its rude and stupid.. but rather funny and harmless.  Someone should have just told him to put on some clothes and stop being an idiot.  But its no big deal.. no horrific or brutal crime has been committed.  People need to lighten up a big and get off their high horses.  How this trivial thing got into the news is crazy, and I can only think its for a bit of racism against farangs. 



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