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Trump says won't divest from his business while president


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21 hours ago, Thakkar said:


Worth reading the full speech.

This is a brief excerpt. The full speech can be found here:
https://www.oge.gov/web/OGE.nsf/0/DCC328BD6DB515CC852580A50079449D/$FILE/Remarks of W M Shaub Jr.pdf


Remarks of Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics


I wish circumstances were different and I didn’t feel the need to make public remarks today. You don’t hear about ethics when things are going well. You’ve been hearing a lot about ethics lately. 

I need to talk about ethics today because the plan the President-elect has announced doesn’t meet the standards that the best of his nominees are meeting and that every President in the past four decades has met. My hope is that, if the Office of Government Ethics can provide some constructive feedback on his plan, he may choose to make adjustments that will resolve his conflicts of interest. 
I’ll limit the scope of my remarks today, and I won’t be talking about nominees whose ethics packages have not gone to the Senate. With that limitation, there’s still much that can be said. For starters, I’m happy to report that it’s not all bad news. OGE has been able to do good work during this Presidential transition. I’m especially proud of the ethics agreement we developed for the intended nominee for Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson. 


Mr. Tillerson is making a clean break from Exxon. He’s also forfeiting bonus payments worth millions. As a result of OGE’s work, he’s now free of financial conflicts of interest. His ethics agreement serves as a sterling model for what we’d like to see with other nominees. He clearly recognizes that public service sometimes comes at a cost. The greater the authority entrusted in a government official, the greater the potential for conflicts of interest. That’s why the cost is often greater the higher up you go. 





Just another example of the Trump presidency to come. If something out of the way arises just bulldoze it down with BS. Its no wonder that they tried right off the bat to get rid of the Ethics Commissioner right of the bat even Trump was against that. 

Edited by elgordo38
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21 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Just another example of the Trump presidency to come. If something out of the way arises just bulldoze it down with BS. Its no wonder that they tried right off the bat to get rid of the Ethics Commissioner right of the bat even Trump was against that. 


Actually Trump's tweet didn't say he was against the move. He merely criticized the timing.

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On 1/12/2017 at 6:36 AM, webfact said:

The Trump Organization .... will only undertake domestic projects after a company ethics adviser has approved them

An advisor paid by the Trump Organization and not approval from the U.S. Office of Government Ethics?


The underlying problem with Trump mantaining his business empire during his presidency is that he refuses to disclose the extent of his holdings. His tax returns could provide a substantial revelation but Trump refuses to discloe them even while his Cabinet Nominees submit their tax returns for congressional review.


This was an issue that Senator Warren approached with HUD Nominee Carson over potential conflict of interest in awarding HUD funds and grants to businesses involved in building and/or operating HUD projects. Warren asked Carson if he can assure that no HUD funds or gants will benefit the Trump Organization. Carson only responded that HUD will benefit all Americans. He refused to make a firm commitment that he will not allow the Trump Organization to benefit. And realistically, Carson really can't make such a commitment because he too is not privy to all Trump's businesses.



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Australian parliamentarians must state their interests and any gift they receive in and on going relationship to their representative base. Even an upgrade for a spouse on a commercial flight needs notation. And it is simple.


This is even before tax returns. 


Click on any of these names for brief but statutory declared information. Point being omission here or lies are punitory offences and dismissable. 



It is called transparency. 


Furthermore, Trump could be a bankrupt and you would not know now. Will never know now.

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"Nobody does non divestments like me; I do the best non divestment, terrific non divestments. You're gonna be tired of my non divestments. When you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything."


Wall St Journal:

President-elect Donald Trump's plans to break from his businesses in an effort to avoid conflicts of interest during his presidency have drawn sharp criticism from ethics experts, who say the measures are inadequate. 



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4 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:

Well old deals are already completed, and cannot be influenced. 


You mean like the various charters that are floating around Thailand ?


Any contract in the world can be changed if it is advantageous to one of the signers and acceptable to the promoters

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