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Video: Another example of Thai driving as cop hit on Zebra Crossing


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11 minutes ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

Speed bumps do work, but they also stop emergency vehicles too. Have you ever been in an ambulance going over endless speed bumps on the way to A&E?


There is nowhere in this country where speed is a good thing, so not sure what harm it could be, emergency vehicle or not, Thai's don't care to give them the right-of-away anyway.

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2 minutes ago, ocddave said:


There is nowhere in this country where speed is a good thing, so not sure what harm it could be, emergency vehicle or not, Thai's don't care to give them the right-of-away anyway.

Very true, the "right of way" is always theirs.

I've said this before and I'll say it again: Thai roads are just a big game of "chicken" to them.

With no enforcement and no instruction as to how to drive and the laws of the road nothing will change though.

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Unfortunately a symptom of double standards by many "authoritative" persons - "Do as I say not as I do".


The brave officer at least did his job and should be commended publicly for doing so and promoted (without the need for  bribe). He could be a shining example of what the RTP should be.


As for the offender, he should be punished and dismissed from the RTP as an example!

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In the area I live in they are replacing a bridge so the traffic is detoured our way.

Bumper to bumper traffic morning and evening. When I cross the street most cars will stop and let by. I give them a wave of appreciation. 

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18 hours ago, lungnorm said:

Summary justice is rquired here. A simple spray can of paint and just spray the offending vehicles. It may eventually catch on and they will all slow and stop for fear of being sprayed. 

Don't a lot of Thai drivers carry guns, or have a weapon in case of "self defence"? I certainly would not recommend spraying cars, what a stupid suggestion.

Years ago, a guy in the UK braked quickly in front of me to make a right hand turn without an indication, I pumped my horn at him, and then he chased me. I pulled up at the side of the road, deliberately did not lock my door, he then opened it and I then sorted the situation out. Ever since then, I always kept a hammer under my seat, though I never had to use it. don't tell me a lot of Thais don't do that.

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14 hours ago, darksidedog said:


They also have absolutely no idea how to use a roundabout. I have nearly been wiped out repeatedly when traffic entering a roundabout is totally unaware that they are supposed to give way to traffic already on it, coming from their right.

When I think of Traffic Rules here, I am always reminded of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie where Kate asks about the rules of the Pirate code, and Barbosa says, "They're more like guidelines."

And hence to be disregarded at any opportune moment.

I do hope they nail this retard though. And his many of 1,000s of Com-padres down the road.

Too many accidents and deaths from trying to save like 35 seconds or a minute on the journey.

Rules on the road are only of any value, when everyone understands them and they are firmly enforced.

I am hopeful, but not optimistic about seeing dramatic improvement, given that while the really stupid fall out of the gene pool, allegedly, they will come back again.

In a better life!

I just hope they learn to drive in that one.


"When I think of Traffic Rules here",   Traffic rules in Thailand.:cheesy::cheesy:.

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14 hours ago, oldsailor35 said:

This disregard for Zebra crossings in Thailand reminds me of something i saw on TV earlier in the week, where a taxi driver  had made a woman get out of his cab so that he could pick up a better fare. He was parked right on the Zebra crossing waiting to load up his new passengers.  I wonder if anything was done about that !

In the UK, they have zag zag lines on a zebra crossing on the kerbs, it is an offence to stop on them.

and before anyone starts, I know this is not the UK. Believe or not, and going off topic a little bit, there are actually things the UK could learn from Thailand. Think about it.

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14 hours ago, dave_boo said:

In Nakhon Sawan city they stop for me. Often have assisted old ladies crossing the street and the cars always stop. 


But I expect it as I was raised to help the elderly with that sort of stuff...even if I get looked at like I'm an alien for considering it! My son will be doing the same as good manners are what separate us from the animals.

Yes,Thais are very respectful of their elders which would back up what you are saying.

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8 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

here are actually things the UK could learn from Thailand. Think about it.


One good thing that could be easily implemented in the UK is the turn left on red traffic light ( at certain junctions) to speed up traffic flow.

zebra crossings in Thailand should be removed they are dangerous.



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11 hours ago, ocddave said:


Just put massive speed bumps on either side of the zebra stripes, that should slow them down.

I have always been against speedbumps as they delay the emergency services, though at Zebra crossings I can see the point, there would be a lot of people crossing all the time, and an ambulance on a genuine emergency call perhaps only once in a while.

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16 minutes ago, johng said:


One good thing that could be easily implemented in the UK is the turn left on red traffic light ( at certain junctions) to speed up traffic flow.

zebra crossings in Thailand should be removed they are dangerous.



That is exactly one of the things I am referring to.

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41 minutes ago, johng said:


One good thing that could be easily implemented in the UK is the turn left on red traffic light ( at certain junctions) to speed up traffic flow.

zebra crossings in Thailand should be removed they are dangerous.



Zebra crossings aren't the most dangerous thing in Thailand, Thai drivers are the most dangerous thing here. If you are going to remove anything, start removing them first.

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My point is that zebra crossings ( in Thailand ) give pedestrians a false sense of security,  unless they can  have a CCTV camera or a policeman actively watching and enforcing all the crossings ( yes impossible )  it would be better to just remove them and let pedestrians cross with a heightened sense of danger so they are more careful.


Yes I agree that the drivers are dangerous and much more needs to be done in training,enforcement and road layout /maintenance

I would say that the U turns are the most dangerous places on Thai roads  most are poorly designed, low viability of  approaching fast moving traffic and very badly signposted.

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2 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Don't a lot of Thai drivers carry guns, or have a weapon in case of "self defence"? I certainly would not recommend spraying cars, what a stupid suggestion.

Years ago, a guy in the UK braked quickly in front of me to make a right hand turn without an indication, I pumped my horn at him, and then he chased me. I pulled up at the side of the road, deliberately did not lock my door, he then opened it and I then sorted the situation out. Ever since then, I always kept a hammer under my seat, though I never had to use it. don't tell me a lot of Thais don't do that.

Always have a weapon hidden out of sight. If you spray you must have some sort of protection. 

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23 hours ago, ezflip said:

Pattaya tried zebra crossing for a while but it didn't work. They turned off the electricity to sign posts after 3 month. Too many pedestrian getting hit and to many farang cars getting rear ended by thai drivers since only the farang stopped their vehicles at zebra crossing, as the law state you should.


Even normal intersections in BKK are perilous, nevermind the zebra crossings.


I did wonder why there was different rules here in regards to zebra crossings than to the western world! 


Same as the roundabouts! 

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10 hours ago, possum1931 said:

In the UK, they have zag zag lines on a zebra crossing on the kerbs, it is an offence to stop on them.

and before anyone starts, I know this is not the UK. Believe or not, and going off topic a little bit, there are actually things the UK could learn from Thailand. Think about it.

Most zebras have been replaced by pelicans (with traffic lights).

They wouldn't work here either as the Thais don't stop at red lights when it suits them.

There is a crossing not far from my house in the UK and one side is a hairdresser and the other a betting shop. The zig-zags don't stop anyone parking. I also have a brilliant picture of a UK police car parked on a roundabout and has stopped all traffic.

The foreign ownership of land would be my 1st thing to take from Thailand? Half of London is owned by non-Brits.

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12 minutes ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

Most zebras have been replaced by pelicans (with traffic lights).

They wouldn't work here either as the Thais don't stop at red lights when it suits them.

There is a crossing not far from my house in the UK and one side is a hairdresser and the other a betting shop. The zig-zags don't stop anyone parking. I also have a brilliant picture of a UK police car parked on a roundabout and has stopped all traffic.

The foreign ownership of land would be my 1st thing to take from Thailand? Half of London is owned by non-Brits.

Your first sentence, I agree with that 100%. I have always said that's the way it should be. The rest of your post also makes interesting reading.

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On 1/13/2017 at 7:29 AM, Laughing Gravy said:

I have always found that Thai drivers speed up when they see you on a zebra crossing. I have asked many Thais what they are for in the road and they believe they are for crossing when there are no cars coming. So you see the mentality.

You would have thought they would learn this at the driving test but having done this a few times here you soon realize that these are not taken seriously and people play on their phones, fall asleep and generally don't care. you pay your money and get your license, so nothing will change until the testing changes.

Nothing wrong with the testing,it's the enforcing that is the problem.They have the car number and still don't do anything.

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