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Racism, anger and why dual pricing makes sense to Thai people


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On 1/14/2017 at 7:03 AM, digibum said:

Actually, if you're looking for a terrible example, you're example would qualify.  


My point was, a business will often offer their product at different price points based on what the consumer can afford despite the fact that the cost to the manufacturer is the same or more to sell to the less expensive market.  


So let me give you some examples that actually address the points you are attempting to raise.  


I live in a city with a lot of tourism.  Many businesses offer "Locals" discounts.  On average, I save about 20% over what tourists pay.  Restaurants, bars, tourist attractions, etc. 


I was recently out in Hawaii and all of the grocery stores accepted a loyalty card that knocked about 15% - 25% off the price of your purchase.  You can only get the card if you have a mailing address in Hawaii.  (shhhhh . . . my buddy owns a condo there so he gave me his card to use while I was on the island).  


Disneyland and other major tourist attractions have rates for locals. 


So, this form of price discrimination goes on all the time. 


If I were running the show in Thailand I would eliminate all fees for parks, religious sites, and such for Thais and charge foreigners double.  It's their country, these things belong to them, so if overly-sensitive farangs get their panties all in a bunch over dual pricing then why not just have one price but people who have a Thai ID don't need to pay at all? 


Problem solved.  


Double nothing is.........nothing :)


But i get your drift!

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On 1/14/2017 at 10:05 AM, Chip Allen said:

I agree  that the dual pricing is based on racism and jealousy but I simply refuse to get my knickers in a twist about the equivalent of fifty cents or a dollar US. Prices on many of these items and services are still  a bargain, since I could never buy them in my home country. Not a big deal to me. I am more concerned about the attitude that Thai immigration seems to have that compels them to invent ways of making it difficult to stay here, even though our contribution to the local economy is many times that of most Thai people.

The national park, government endorsed rip off scandal is you pay 10 times the price. Which is over $10 more, not 50 cents or $1. 

The Thai people see we have to pay, to many places try the same scam.

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20 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


Yes, there are named protected classes for which it is illegal to discriminate against, but that is irrelevant considering the dual pricing in Thailand is based on an unprotected class which is nationality, this has exactly nothing to do with race despite some members posts of anecdotes referencing times when venders have mistaken foreign Asian tourists for Thais and so given them the Thai price.

Nationality = Thai (or any other)

Race = Thai(or any other)

" nationality, this has exactly nothing to do with race"  ????????

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11 minutes ago, hugh2121 said:

Nationality = Thai (or any other)

Race = Thai(or any other)

" nationality, this has exactly nothing to do with race"  ????????


No, Thai is not a race, it is a nationality made up of 5 main racial groups; Tai, Austroasiatic, Sino-Tibetan, Austronesian and Hmong-mien, within which there are some 62 sub groups. The five races represented are all Thai nationals and all are charged the Thai rate, unlike those who are not Thai nationals who are at times charged a different rate regardless of their race, regardless of whether they may also be of one of these five races, being not Thai they are not given the Thai national rate, understand?

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17 hours ago, moto77 said:



They award a few thousand PRs per year. You are eligible after three years of working and paying taxes on a non-imm visa. I personally know quite a few.

Actually I didn't say that a long term visa should get it. I said people paying local taxes should. Retiree's for example don't pay local taxes and therefore I don't see a reason to give them the discount. 

Of course I agree it is their prerogative. I'm just stating my opinion about what I personally perceive to be fair, nothing more.

Retirees dont pay tax but generate income every single month from abroad since they get paid from their Governments. Whats fair about that someone earning his money here may get discounts instead retirees may not?

Considering the monthly amount spent here , taxes seem to be a very small  partial amount compared  to the all these  pensions ....

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17 minutes ago, LolaS said:

in thailand is the same as in many other developed coutries, if you are foreigner and not pay taxes you should pay more, and have less benefit from goverment and services. 

Except the usual Thai income tax rate is only 10%?


As thetruth revealer pointed out, retirees bring 'new' income into Thailand (as opposed to circulating existing Thai money) - plus, of course, they pay tax on things they buy.

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26 minutes ago, LolaS said:

in thailand is the same as in many other developed coutries, if you are foreigner and not pay taxes you should pay more, and have less benefit from goverment and services. 

considering what me and many others living on a pension spend here  and wire from abroad every month you would possibly have to adjust your tax rate and increase 100% to be equal....

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On 1/15/2017 at 2:16 AM, AlexRich said:


The best sights in Thailand? That's debatable ... there are more sights in Thailand than anyone has the time to see, so I'm happy to miss those one's where the foreigner is ripped off. Thailand is not the only country worth visiting ... so the number of sights worth seeing can't be covered in a lifetime. I don't feel that I'm missing out.


Vietnam has far more beautiful sights, no 10 times price scam, and better value for money.

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On 1/15/2017 at 9:53 AM, Matt96 said:

What surprises me about farangs is that they politely smiles on the border while getting visa to enter Thailand and then pretends like Thailand and Thais  owe them this and that.


com'on guys! you are just guests here. Thai people can do whatever they like on their own soil. and you have to either accept it or go somewhere else.


nobody in Thailand interested in your leftist ideas about "equality" "tolerance" "inclusiveness" etc.


Thai people have the full moral right to charge any customer as much as they want. and the customer has the right to pay the money or not. why it so hard to understand?


you don't like the price? you feel that you are discriminated? go back home! to your politically correct paradise.


instead of this you keep whining about "unfair Thailand" but do whatever it takes to get your new visa.



What is ridiculous, is the likes of you taking it up your ass, then making moronic statements about going home.


It's not about "leftist" ideas, it's about being scammed.


If nothing else this forum can actually educate people to the scams. 

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On 1/15/2017 at 10:42 AM, thetruth revealer said:

Do you know the definition of a foreigner in Thai language ? Is it Kon Prathet ..... ? Or is it just slang FALANG ? Now this is not racism ????

Ashamed should be  those shameless using such policies, instead.

And, of course those which justify the wrong doers.



Actually for a foreigner it is kon tang chart / prathet :) You need the tang, which means different, the country :)

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On 17/01/2017 at 2:49 PM, Shawn0000 said:


And you think that in any way disproves the fact that it is perfectly legal in the UK to sell different people the same thing for different prices?


Shawn 0000 can you give examples and I will check it out for you


But if you mean going to a supermarket to buy brains at £1.23 a kg

The going to the butchers and buying brains at £1.27 a kg


The answer is the butcher has better quality and probable fresher than the supermarket and they are from a local supplier

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11 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:


Shawn 0000 can you give examples and I will check it out for you


But if you mean going to a supermarket to buy brains at £1.23 a kg

The going to the butchers and buying brains at £1.27 a kg


The answer is the butcher has better quality and probable fresher than the supermarket and they are from a local supplier


I mean the examples such as I have already posted, such as county resident only discounts on entry tickets and travel tickets.  The My Cumbria-card being one such example.

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On 16/01/2017 at 1:08 AM, Shawn0000 said:


Yes, the uk allows anyone to buy land and houses, and as a result many British people can't afford to buy houses, great.


90 day reports are only for those who have not applied for and been granted residency in Thailand, the equivalent for a Thai in the U.K. would be the 6 month visa after which they have to leave, it is actually much much harder for Thais to stay in the UK.


Apply for Thai residency and you too will get free health care, as will you get a pension if you pay your stamp, it is all much the same actually.


And no one is charging anyone more for being British, but come to where I am from in the U.K. and some will charge you more if your accent lets them know you're not a local, again no real difference.


And we do pay tax in Thailand, once you are earning equivalent wages to the UK you pay equivalent taxes, the problem being not as many earn as much and so there just isn't as much revenue and so things like the hospitals are underfunded and the police wages so low that they are tempted into corruption.  


The uk has its benefits, but not enough to make me want to live there, for me the good out weighs the bad in Thailand.




Shawn please get out of your comfy armchair and experience the world a bit and think of your own living not far away who live in tin shacks with no water no electricity and having to catch rats and frogs to survive.


Houses in the UK cost money and prices in some areas are OTT like they are in BKK or Hua Hin and many others but you can still find one if you look and the UK does not discriminate like you do here.


90 days reports are for everyone including those who come here for a holiday of 91 days, nice way to treat a tourist, then you also want to know my bank details and social media accounts, what I do and where I hang out.  What are you scared of what I may say on social media about you for?


Most Thais who sod of from this godforsaken place get British citizenship very easy in just a few years, try doing that here.


Where you come from in the UK, in your dreams mate


6% of the population in thai pay tax shows how bad it is here for the other 94%


The only good thing left about your country now is those 94% people who work their nuts off, everything else has had its day, broken, worn out, exhausted like the country that has achieved absolutely nothing except set Coup d'état records and jail people because they do not say as you want them to say.


Very sad as a lovely country, but to many in-----s calling the shots not like that 20 years ago that is for sure

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19 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:


Shawn please get out of your comfy armchair and experience the world a bit and think of your own living not far away who live in tin shacks with no water no electricity and having to catch rats and frogs to survive.


Houses in the UK cost money and prices in some areas are OTT like they are in BKK or Hua Hin and many others but you can still find one if you look and the UK does not discriminate like you do here.


90 days reports are for everyone including those who come here for a holiday of 91 days, nice way to treat a tourist, then you also want to know my bank details and social media accounts, what I do and where I hang out.  What are you scared of what I may say on social media about you for?


Most Thais who sod of from this godforsaken place get British citizenship very easy in just a few years, try doing that here.


Where you come from in the UK, in your dreams mate


6% of the population in thai pay tax shows how bad it is here for the other 94%


The only good thing left about your country now is those 94% people who work their nuts off, everything else has had its day, broken, worn out, exhausted like the country that has achieved absolutely nothing except set Coup d'état records and jail people because they do not say as you want them to say.


Very sad as a lovely country, but to many in-----s calling the shots not like that 20 years ago that is for sure


Have you ever seen the application for a Thai to get a UK tourist visa?  They want bank statements, house registration book, parents I.D's, employment contract, and a host of other documents, and that is just for a holiday!  In contrast, a UK citizen gets a visa on arrival without any questions asked.  The form you reference in Thailand has options to give social media I.D's, and bank accounts, but it clearly states that this is optional, and it is only for long term stays anyway, all the documents Thai's are asked for by the UK are compulsory even for a weekend break.  And by the way, your claim that "Most Thais who sod of from this godforsaken place get British citizenship very easy in just a few years" is not based on any fact, currently the rejection rate for Thai's seeking UK residency is 97%, only 3% are accepted just for the initial residency, then they have to start the hard work, the English test, the Britishness test and so on.  As for British people seeking Thai citizenship, hardly anyone even applies, there are many more places than applicants every year and most people who apply are accepted, so I have no idea where you are coming from with that one either, well to be honest I do, from nowhere.  The application is nowhere near as difficult, the equivalent of the UK required B1 level English test, but for Thai citizenship, is being able to recite the national anthem!  


And I am not making it up regarding locals getting things cheaper in my region of the UK, if I want to hire a boat for instance, they will give it to me for half a day for the hourly rate, it's happened to me several times.  And there are official government discounts only for locals, much like the Thai prices we see at government attractions, that is a fact, there is really no difference.  You may see it as a surcharge on foreigners and feel discriminated against, but really it is a locals discount and is not discrimination at all, but a subsidy.


In the UK about 40% of people pay some income tax whereas in Thailand its 3.5%. In Thailand the 60,000 highest earners pay 50% all income tax, in the UK the highest earning 30,000 people pay 11% of the income tax.  In the UK income tax equates to 23% of all tax revenue, in Thailand it is less than 2%. But of course everyone pays tax, just not income tax, but there is quite a difference indeed between our economies.


Your final statement is like much of the rest you wrote, of limited knowledge. You clearly do not know the UK if you think it is all worn out and broken, perhaps you have been there and your finances limited you to some less affluent areas, but I can assure you the rich are not living in a broken neighborhood, they are back living in the country estates we once managed to tax them out of.  What we have seen happen, and this has been happening gradually for the past 150 years, is an increasing divide between the rich and poor, albeit with a short return to sanity in the 60's.  There are extremely deprived areas, within the bottom 10 in the EU and then there are extremely affluent areas, in the top 10 in the EU, actually the very top place.  The UK is so far the only country in the EU to have a region in both the top ten and bottom ten regions with regard to wealth, we do share something with Thailand in this respect, utterly hopeless levels of wealth disparity.

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On 1/18/2017 at 0:45 AM, evadgib said:

A stance reminiscent of Timothy Spalls performance in 'Denial' although thankfully he was only acting.


Off topic but...

A great performance. The one memorable part of that film.

Edited by JimmyJ
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On 1/14/2017 at 0:44 PM, arrowsdawdle said:

When faced with dual pricing, a technique that has proved very successful is to smile knowingly and ask for a 'farang' discount. They get it, laugh, and give you the Thai rate. 


Fantastic way to deal with this!


Diplomatic and funny - best comment yet by far!

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19 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


Have you ever seen the application for a Thai to get a UK tourist visa?  They want bank statements, house registration book, parents I.D's, employment contract, and a host of other documents, and that is just for a holiday!  In contrast, a UK citizen gets a visa on arrival without any questions asked.  The form you reference in Thailand has options to give social media I.D's, and bank accounts, but it clearly states that this is optional, and it is only for long term stays anyway, all the documents Thai's are asked for by the UK are compulsory even for a weekend break.  And by the way, your claim that "Most Thais who sod of from this godforsaken place get British citizenship very easy in just a few years" is not based on any fact, currently the rejection rate for Thai's seeking UK residency is 97%, only 3% are accepted just for the initial residency, then they have to start the hard work, the English test, the Britishness test and so on.  As for British people seeking Thai citizenship, hardly anyone even applies, there are many more places than applicants every year and most people who apply are accepted, so I have no idea where you are coming from with that one either, well to be honest I do, from nowhere.  The application is nowhere near as difficult, the equivalent of the UK required B1 level English test, but for Thai citizenship, is being able to recite the national anthem!  


And I am not making it up regarding locals getting things cheaper in my region of the UK, if I want to hire a boat for instance, they will give it to me for half a day for the hourly rate, it's happened to me several times.  And there are official government discounts only for locals, much like the Thai prices we see at government attractions, that is a fact, there is really no difference.  You may see it as a surcharge on foreigners and feel discriminated against, but really it is a locals discount and is not discrimination at all, but a subsidy.


In the UK about 40% of people pay some income tax whereas in Thailand its 3.5%. In Thailand the 60,000 highest earners pay 50% all income tax, in the UK the highest earning 30,000 people pay 11% of the income tax.  In the UK income tax equates to 23% of all tax revenue, in Thailand it is less than 2%. But of course everyone pays tax, just not income tax, but there is quite a difference indeed between our economies.


Your final statement is like much of the rest you wrote, of limited knowledge. You clearly do not know the UK if you think it is all worn out and broken, perhaps you have been there and your finances limited you to some less affluent areas, but I can assure you the rich are not living in a broken neighborhood, they are back living in the country estates we once managed to tax them out of.  What we have seen happen, and this has been happening gradually for the past 150 years, is an increasing divide between the rich and poor, albeit with a short return to sanity in the 60's.  There are extremely deprived areas, within the bottom 10 in the EU and then there are extremely affluent areas, in the top 10 in the EU, actually the very top place.  The UK is so far the only country in the EU to have a region in both the top ten and bottom ten regions with regard to wealth, we do share something with Thailand in this respect, utterly hopeless levels of wealth disparity.



You are a Thai trying to make it look like you are English.

That's what I was trying to find out


I am English and I live there but like so many suffered with your corruption and lies here. This you will hear more of very soon?


The UK has now at last brought in rules to stop people trying to come to the UK as we are full or nearly and its a major problem paying to educate and give medical care to everyone who wants to live there and Brits are fed up with paying and in many cases supporting. A lot more than want to live in thailand


If Thais want to come well learn the international language like those in countries surrounding you. Thailand now is bottom of the league for English in the region.


Its only in the last 5 years the UK has tightened up and it needed to to stop crap like DJ Ken (Royalist) and friend two thais who think they can come to my country intimidate a thai girl who now has British nationalization by spray painting a thai flag on her front door and putting a video of him having a gun on you tube. Gun was replica but no one would have know that. I just hope he trys that on me.


Dare I talk about the visa scams in Bangkok to get visas? not so long back you bought them for 3000B


Our people who come to live in thailand get a raw deal compared to your people who come here and they also get fleeced killed and scammed day after day, but put up with it just because its cheaper to live there, many because they once really loved the place but now cannot afford to move back. They put a lot of money into thailand every month yet have to suffer racial abuse and victimization.


I have lived there saw the crap got ripped off by a Thai who I lent money to and helped then his corrupt police family had me nicked so he would not have to pay me back, your be reading more on that soon but not here.


close by your find a country that is 1000% better.


I end by saying yes I did love Thailand and a lot more than you did by your comments on here. I still love the 65 million normal thais but as for the rest just scammers and liars every last one of them and scared of their own shadow plus social media.


Next stop for you boy is a second NK2. and please do not try and be something your not.


Next time you are in London I will give you a tour of all the backstreets short cuts and East/South London in its heyday, then you can say I do not know my own country and bring your mate the Thai pumping iron man.

Nuff said.

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1 minute ago, wakeupplease said:



You are a Thai trying to make it look like you are English.

That's what I was trying to find out


I am English and I live there but like so many suffered with your corruption and lies here. This you will hear more of very soon?


The UK has now at last brought in rules to stop people trying to come to the UK as we are full or nearly and its a major problem paying to educate and give medical care to everyone who wants to live there and Brits are fed up with paying and in many cases supporting. A lot more than want to live in thailand


If Thais want to come well learn the international language like those in countries surrounding you. Thailand now is bottom of the league for English in the region.


Its only in the last 5 years the UK has tightened up and it needed to to stop crap like DJ Ken (Royalist) and friend two thais who think they can come to my country intimidate a thai girl who now has British nationalization by spray painting a thai flag on her front door and putting a video of him having a gun on you tube. Gun was replica but no one would have know that. I just hope he trys that on me.


Dare I talk about the visa scams in Bangkok to get visas? not so long back you bought them for 3000B


Our people who come to live in thailand get a raw deal compared to your people who come here and they also get fleeced killed and scammed day after day, but put up with it just because its cheaper to live there, many because they once really loved the place but now cannot afford to move back. They put a lot of money into thailand every month yet have to suffer racial abuse and victimization.


I have lived there saw the crap got ripped off by a Thai who I lent money to and helped then his corrupt police family had me nicked so he would not have to pay me back, your be reading more on that soon but not here.


close by your find a country that is 1000% better.


I end by saying yes I did love Thailand and a lot more than you did by your comments on here. I still love the 65 million normal thais but as for the rest just scammers and liars every last one of them and scared of their own shadow plus social media.


Next stop for you boy is a second NK2. and please do not try and be something your not.


Next time you are in London I will give you a tour of all the backstreets short cuts and East/South London in its heyday, then you can say I do not know my own country and bring your mate the Thai pumping iron man.

Nuff said.


hahahhahahhahahahha  I am English you nutter!


There have always been rules regarding UK immigration, but I was talking about tourist visa's, at least try to follow the conversation, they are not even in the same league, and you were moaning about having to do a 90 day report, get real!


How ironic it is of you to accuse Thai's of not having good English comprehension considering it is your first language yet your post is full of primary school errors, how embarrassing for you, it is barely legible, but being English I can actually follow it.


It is also ironic that you state that British people live in Thailand because it is cheap, cant afford to leave, yet put a lot of money in, doesn't sound like it could be that much, LOL


Keep dreaming darling, I may not know your "backstreets" but I do know middle class England, places you obviously could not afford to go, and I assure you they are not in the slightest bit broken, unlike no doubt your own estate, but that would be your own neighbors who broke it and the rest of you who are too entitled to fix it, wouldn't it?


By the way, money lending is a c rime in Thailand, you were right to get nicked, no corruption there just the law, next time you go to another country don't be so arrogant as to assume you are above it, simples.


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53 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


hahahhahahhahahahha  I am English you nutter!


There have always been rules regarding UK immigration, but I was talking about tourist visa's, at least try to follow the conversation, they are not even in the same league, and you were moaning about having to do a 90 day report, get real!


How ironic it is of you to accuse Thai's of not having good English comprehension considering it is your first language yet your post is full of primary school errors, how embarrassing for you, it is barely legible, but being English I can actually follow it.


It is also ironic that you state that British people live in Thailand because it is cheap, cant afford to leave, yet put a lot of money in, doesn't sound like it could be that much, LOL


Keep dreaming darling, I may not know your "backstreets" but I do know middle class England, places you obviously could not afford to go, and I assure you they are not in the slightest bit broken, unlike no doubt your own estate, but that would be your own neighbors who broke it and the rest of you who are too entitled to fix it, wouldn't it?


By the way, money lending is a c rime in Thailand, you were right to get nicked, no corruption there just the law, next time you go to another country don't be so arrogant as to assume you are above it, simples.



Your English no way your posts give it away


talking about Tourist visa 's so was I, but here they are going to give them away again for another 3 months, why is that no tourists want to come like they did. Poor old Farang still has to pay


Lending money in the UK to a so called friend so he can get a business going is Legal if you where English or could read and understand what is written you would know that

Not embarrassing for me as I use everyday English not textbook crap like you try and con us here on


Brits came to Thailand and invested in their future, sunk their cash here and now just get the Pension so cannot afford to go back as prices are to high. A German guy said to me a few years ago Do not sell up and move here always keep an exit. I did and boy he was right


How many farangs have lost everything when the wife wakes up in a bad mood and kicks them out of the house he paid for?


No not all Thai women are like that, but far too many are


As for a nutter, your are entitle to think it but saying it is not recommended sunshine


read what you write it gives you away


try me and lets see who has the Money, Brains and Brawn offers on little boy


tell us your UK home town and I will tell you your full name age address Mothers name Dads name and if you are wanted in the UK or if you where asked to leave after visa ran out takes about 4 to 6 hours last time I ran a Thai  even the credit card company where happy on those results. I think he is still inside now then gets the Big D, message in there


O how I hate liars




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11 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:


Your English no way your posts give it away


talking about Tourist visa 's so was I, but here they are going to give them away again for another 3 months, why is that no tourists want to come like they did. Poor old Farang still has to pay


Lending money in the UK to a so called friend so he can get a business going is Legal if you where English or could read and understand what is written you would know that

Not embarrassing for me as I use everyday English not textbook crap like you try and con us here on


Brits came to Thailand and invested in their future, sunk their cash here and now just get the Pension so cannot afford to go back as prices are to high. A German guy said to me a few years ago Do not sell up and move here always keep an exit. I did and boy he was right


How many farangs have lost everything when the wife wakes up in a bad mood and kicks them out of the house he paid for?


No not all Thai women are like that, but far too many are


As for a nutter, your are entitle to think it but saying it is not recommended sunshine


read what you write it gives you away


try me and lets see who has the Money, Brains and Brawn offers on little boy


tell us your UK home town and I will tell you your full name age address Mothers name Dads name and if you are wanted in the UK or if you where asked to leave after visa ran out takes about 4 to 6 hours last time I ran a Thai  even the credit card company where happy on those results. I think he is still inside now then gets the Big D, message in there


O how I hate liars





Text book English is not crap, it makes it understandable, unlike your infantile appreciation of our language, it is you're by the way, not your, you couldn't even get the first word right and I am not going to waste my time pointing out the 10O odd other errors, quite pathetic really.


You assume that they are giving free three months tourist visas because there are less tourists when the reality is a year on year increase in numbers, you are just making things up.


I am aware that lending someone in the UK money is legal, but you did it in Thailand but were so arrogant to assume you could do the same here and then blindly accuse the police, who only upheld the law, of corruption, you are a disgrace to England.


You are a nutter, I do not take heed to your advice, and what exactly do you think you are going to do about that?  Hahahaha


I know you are English, low class, barely educated and thick.  You read my words and assume I must be foreign, incredible, no I just went to school, some English people do actually know how to spell and punctuate, it is just your ilk who fail at these most simplistic of tasks.


You want to try me, ok, meet me at the Petch Rung Ruang gym any evening, you can get in the ring with me if you still think that is a sensible decision after seeing me.


I don't come from a town, I grew up on a country estate in the Cotswalds.  Now over to you, tell me my name, age, mothers name etc etc, oh yeah, you have no idea who I am, what on earth were you thinking there, that you were someone with some sort of connections?  Don't make me laugh!  You couldn't run a check on yourself!  I am no criminal by the way but neither am I a grass, unlike you you shameful worm.

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It's discrimination but not necessarily racism. Main reason is probably just economical, if all Thais had to pay the same price as foreigners many of them could not visit their own national heritage, and if foreigners were to pay the same as Thais it would be quite a loss for tourism authorities. That's it. I understand how it can be frustrating when we pay taxes here, and how it doesn't cleanly fit in certain principles, but you must really want to have an injustice to whine about to make it such a big deal.


Btw, most Asian countries do exactly the same.

Edited by Calach
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On 1/19/2017 at 0:50 PM, dick dasterdly said:

Except the usual Thai income tax rate is only 10%?


As thetruth revealer pointed out, retirees bring 'new' income into Thailand (as opposed to circulating existing Thai money) - plus, of course, they pay tax on things they buy.


and what? I dont see your point?

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On 1/19/2017 at 0:56 PM, thetruth revealer said:

considering what me and many others living on a pension spend here  and wire from abroad every month you would possibly have to adjust your tax rate and increase 100% to be equal....


move from thailand than, nobody is forcing you to advance thai economy

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