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Trump attacks civil rights leader who questioned his election win


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On Monday, January 16, 2017 at 11:21 AM, mike324 said:

I find Trump and those that support him hypocritical - Trump did not accept Obama as a legitimate president, now he can't accept the fact that people say the same about him! Amazing!

I can't recall Trump's questioning of Obama's legitimacy. Was that during the first or second term? I'm not sure Trump had any such comments going back eight years. Did he even voice any political aspirations back then, or was he just a businessman and minor celebrity? Recall the outrage when Trump was not specific about whether or not he would accept the legitimacy of the election outcome. After his victory, Lefties have gone overboard trying to delegitimize an election he won fair and square. I shouldn't have to recall specifics as they are well documented. Hypocrisy indeed!

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3 minutes ago, Toronto said:

I can't recall Trump's questioning of Obama's legitimacy. Was that during the first or second term? I'm not sure Trump had any such comments going back eight years. Did he even voice any political aspirations back then, or was he just a businessman and minor celebrity? Recall the outrage when Trump was not specific about whether or not he would accept the legitimacy of the election outcome. After his victory, Lefties have gone overboard trying to delegitimize an election he won fair and square. I shouldn't have to recall specifics as they are well documented. Hypocrisy indeed!


Apparently you have no knowledge of or interest in the actual facts. Before he became a formal Presidential candidate, Trump was a prominent voice among the so-called "birther" movement that questioned whether Obama was really a U.S. citizen by birth and thus eligible (or not) to be U.S. president.





Yet it took Mr. Trump five years of dodging, winking and joking to surrender to reality, finally, on Friday, after a remarkable campaign of relentless deception that tried to undermine the legitimacy of the nation’s first black president.


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14 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Apparently you have no knowledge of or interest in the actual facts. Before he became a formal Presidential candidate, Trump was a prominent voice among the so-called "birther" movement that questioned whether Obama was really a U.S. citizen by birth and thus eligible (or not) to be U.S. president.





Sorry... I missed that. But then, I don't read the NYT. Even were that true, it doesn't  negate my observations concerning the post-election Liberal outrage. BTW, contrary to your sarcastic comment, I really do have an interest in the facts. That goes some way towards explaining why I avoid the "Times."

P.S. How tall are you? 

Edited by Toronto
Grammar error
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16 minutes ago, Toronto said:

Sorry... I missed that. But then, I don't read the NYT. Even were that true, it doesn't  negate my observations concerning the post-election Liberal outrage. BTW, contrary to your sarcastic comment, I really do have an interest in the facts. That goes some way towards explaining why I avoid the "Times."

P.S. How tall are you? 


How many other different mainstream media sources would you like me to quote that are going to provide exactly the same political history?


You'd have to have been a political caveman to not know Trump's long association with the birther movement, and that long predated his presidential candidacy.


Feel better now??? From a source you probably love:




Fox News Was Instrumental In Helping Trump Mainstream Birther Conspiracy Theories

Trump Told Unquestioning Fox & Friends Hosts, "I'm Starting To Wonder ... Whether Or Not [Obama] Was Born In This Country." On March 28, 2011, Fox News’ Fox & Friends hosted Trump, who stated, "I'm starting to wonder myself whether or not he was born in this country." [Fox News, Fox & Friends, 3/28/11]

Fox Gave Trump Platform To Call Birthers "Great Americans." During the March 28, 2011, edition of Fox News' On the Record, former host Greta Van Susteren hosted Trump, who used the platform to advance his birther conspiracy theories and praise those who indulge in them as "great Americans." [Fox News, On The Record, 3/28/11]

Fox & Friends Gave Trump A Weekly Segment Which He Repeatedly Used To Push Birther Conspiracy Theories. In April 2011, amid Trump’s repeated claims that President Obama may not have been born in the U.S., Fox News gave Trump a weekly segment as a regular guest. [CBSNews.com, 4/1/11; Media Matters, 4/3/11]

Greta Van Susteren Gave Trump Free Reign To Repeat Birther Theories. During the April 11, 2011, edition of Fox News’ On the Record, former host Greta Van Susteren gave Trump airtime to push his birther conspiracies and discuss his investigation in Hawaii into Obama's citizenship. [Fox News, On the Record, 4/11/11]

Sean Hannity Provided Platform For Trump’s Theories In Interview. During the April 15, 2011, edition of his show, Fox host Sean Hannity aired an interview in which he provided a platform for Trump's birther theories, including asking Trump what his investigators in Hawaii had found regarding Obama's birth. [Fox News, Hannity, 4/15/11]




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37 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


How many other different mainstream media sources would you like me to quote that are going to provide exactly the same political history?


You'd have to have been a political caveman to not know Trump's long association with the birther movement, and that long predated his presidential candidacy.


Feel better now??? From a source you probably love:





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1 hour ago, Morch said:


^Trolling, more like.

No disrespect,  but who is trolling? I'm not,  and I believe Tall guy john in bkk is-however misguided-sincere in his fallacy. Your post was a play on words, but unclear as to whom you were addressing. Cheers.

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6 minutes ago, Toronto said:

No disrespect,  but who is trolling? I'm not,  and I believe Tall guy john in bkk is-however misguided-sincere in his fallacy. Your post was a play on words, but unclear as to whom you were addressing. Cheers.



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38 minutes ago, Toronto said:

No disrespect,  but who is trolling? I'm not,  and I believe Tall guy john in bkk is-however misguided-sincere in his fallacy.


What supposed fallacy would that be?  That Trump was a longtime, leading voice in the birther movement, because that's all I posted on here.


If you do have an interest in the "facts," as you claimed above, then why do you seem to keep denying them?  You didn't like the NY Times as a news source, fine, I gave you Fox News in addition. Same account: Trump was a leading birther.


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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33 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


What supposed fallacy would that be?  That Trump was a longtime, leading voice in the birther movement, because that's all I posted on here.


If you do have an interest in the "facts," as you claimed above, then why do you seem to keep denying them?  You didn't like the NY Times as a news source, fine, I gave you Fox News in addition. Same account: Trump was a leading birther.


Morch and Jingthing gave you a thumbs up. Whò would have guessed. When all is said and done, Trump is the president of America. Thanks for the links, but I don't watch FOX either. I don't have any sources to see foreign broadcasts. In fact, I am sure we could get along if we drank a few together,. Truth is, I actually voted Obama (twice). 

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7 minutes ago, Toronto said:

Morch and Jingthing gave you a thumbs up. Whò would have guessed. When all is said and done, Trump is the president of America. Thanks for the links, but I don't watch FOX either. I don't have any sources to see foreign broadcasts. In fact, I am sure we could get along if we drank a few together,. Truth is, I actually voted Obama (twice). 


You know, most people wouldn't want to boast of their ignorance of world/political events where they supposedly have a sincere interest in the "facts.'"   But Trump supporters seem to be a consistent exception to that pattern. It's easier for them to just close their eyes and ears, and pretend the real world and actual facts don't exist.


And that's probably fitting because in Trump's world, there are no facts or realities or history.  Just whatever B.S. happens to spew out of his mouth on any given day, regardless of what he's said or done in the past, or may say or do in the future.


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6 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


You know, most people wouldn't want to boast of their ignorance of world/political events where they supposedly have a sincere interest in the "facts.'"   But Trump supporters seem to be a consistent exception to that pattern. It's easier for them to just close their eyes and ears, and pretend the real world and actual facts don't exist.


And that's probably fitting because in Trump's world, there are no facts or realities or history.  Just whatever B.S. happens to spew out of his mouth on any given day, regardless of what he's said or done in the past, or may say or do in the future.


My most recent response was an attempt to bury the hatchet.  You failed to pick up on that, and accused me of boasting of my ignorance. Democrats talk endlessly of bringing ourselves together despite those things which separate us. You need to stop accusing me of ignorance and stupidity as far as politics and our present situation. I'm, like , not as like , you seem to, like perceive me.

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On 15/01/2017 at 11:05 AM, Merzik said:

We are a republic not a democracy and everyone understood the rules and how the system is organized with the electorial college. When voting fraud is factored into the popular vote it is questionable that Clinton won the popular vote but it really does not matter. She had far more money and media behind her but she lost in a close election. Get over it. Americans are tired of Republican NeoCons and democrats. 


Not a democracy, really?  And you think that because the US is a Republic?  And you don't even realise that nit only is it possible to be both, but to be a Republic requires a country to also be a democracy?

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55 minutes ago, Toronto said:

My most recent response was an attempt to bury the hatchet.  You failed to pick up on that, and accused me of boasting of my ignorance. Democrats talk endlessly of bringing ourselves together despite those things which separate us. You need to stop accusing me of ignorance and stupidity as far as politics and our present situation. I'm, like , not as like , you seem to, like perceive me.


Nothing personal here. And I might have, if you hadn't launched into my supposed fallacy, and then never backed that up, or even acknowledged that you were in fact ignorant of where Trump actually has been on the birther issue. But instead, you chose to dissemble and evade. ["Thanks for the links, but I don't watch FOX either. I don't have any sources to see foreign broadcasts."  If you have access to ThaiVisa, then you have access to U.S. news on the Internet, at least.]


Part of the reason (besides Russia and HRC) that Trump probably has ended up as president is that America is filled with a lot people who are able to vote and do vote for president -- but don't bother to actually educate themselves on the facts, issues that actually are complicated, and candidates' actual positions and history on issues -- not just what they blather on about at campaign events or via their Twitter accounts.

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TG, I wouldn't  make much effort  to  talk "facts"  to  the   evangelicals,  they can't do anything but double down on dumb, ugly, and show their lack of any class,  by appeasing their choice  for  "change" ;  


I could add a bunch of reasons, for their ignorance,  but their game is to hate and ignore facts, as their weapons,  something like a 10 year old,  <-- yes that's an insult,  at least to you,  cause you can't handle your own hypocrisy  IMHO

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On 17/01/2017 at 9:11 PM, Andaman Al said:

If Trump could have shut his mouth and stopped tweeting then the MSM would have had balanced two sided reporting. With Hilary sat at home at the weekend having a G&T watching SNL and Donald out tweeting 'Mexicans are rapists' who are they going to write about on Sun morning?

"'Mexicans are rapists' "


Please post a link to the tweet where this was posted? (hint: It never happened)

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On 18/01/2017 at 4:31 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


What supposed fallacy would that be?  That Trump was a longtime, leading voice in the birther movement, because that's all I posted on here.


If you do have an interest in the "facts," as you claimed above, then why do you seem to keep denying them?  You didn't like the NY Times as a news source, fine, I gave you Fox News in addition. Same account: Trump was a leading birther.


IIRC (without bothering to chase the references) the "birther" idea was invented by HRC's campaign during the 2008 election.


I spent a day chasing the "evidence" (and lack thereof) on the wibbly wobbly web back then, and reached the conclusion that Obama probably has some "issues" in this area, and that was why he delayed/deflected/dodged/dissembled (I love "d") for so long. When the truth is (a) non-contentious, (b) not damaging and (c) easily shown, one must immediately question why someone would behave as Obama did.


Me, I still have my original birth certificate from the 50s (paper lasts that long), and if asked I could produce it. There is ZERO downside for me, just as there was ZERO downside for Obama. Why behave as he did, when the simple, verifiable truth would have sufficed and ended the argument instantly?

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23 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


You know, most people wouldn't want to boast of their ignorance of world/political events where they supposedly have a sincere interest in the "facts.'"   But Trump supporters seem to be a consistent exception to that pattern. It's easier for them to just close their eyes and ears, and pretend the real world and actual facts don't exist.


And that's probably fitting because in Trump's world, there are no facts or realities or history.  Just whatever B.S. happens to spew out of his mouth on any given day, regardless of what he's said or done in the past, or may say or do in the future.



Trump supporters take Trump seriously, not literally

Hillary's supporters (and the MSM) take trump literally, but not seriously.




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5 hours ago, DrDweeb said:

"'Mexicans are rapists' "


Please post a link to the tweet where this was posted? (hint: It never happened)

Ok, he said that in a speech, so if you have clearly gone through the website full of Trumps tweets then I am referring to all that crap. Had he shut up and not done it then the MSM would have had no daily 'scandal' to report. If he would not have said such inflammatory and incendiary remarks during his speeches and rallies then once again the MSM would have had nothing. All the MSM did was quote his speeches and quote his tweets, non of it was made up, it was straight from Trump.

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44 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Ok, he said that in a speech, so if you have clearly gone through the website full of Trumps tweets then I am referring to all that crap. Had he shut up and not done it then the MSM would have had no daily 'scandal' to report. If he would not have said such inflammatory and incendiary remarks during his speeches and rallies then once again the MSM would have had nothing. All the MSM did was quote his speeches and quote his tweets, non of it was made up, it was straight from Trump.

No, he didn't say that in a speech. He said something with an entirely different meaning during an interview while discussing specifically the influx of Mexican illegal immigrants. So the context was "Mexican illegal immigrants", not "Mexicans" per se.


It is on YouTube. Go listen for yourself and re-evaluate your position. The MSM improperly edited his statements to make them appear inflammatory, and you believed it, which was their aim.


Job done. You (and many others) were duped and continue to spread a falsehood easily disproved. There are other examples of this.


Not to put too fine a point on it, you are wrong. Welcome to a very large club.

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19 minutes ago, DrDweeb said:

No, he didn't say that in a speech. He said something with an entirely different meaning during an interview while discussing specifically the influx of Mexican illegal immigrants. So the context was "Mexican illegal immigrants", not "Mexicans" per se.


It is on YouTube. Go listen for yourself and re-evaluate your position. The MSM improperly edited his statements to make them appear inflammatory, and you believed it, which was their aim.


Job done. You (and many others) were duped and continue to spread a falsehood easily disproved. There are other examples of this.


Not to put too fine a point on it, you are wrong. Welcome to a very large club.


Definitely a speech, and no mention of illegal immigrants, you just imagined that bit, he mentions the border but nothing about the legality of those crossing it, here is the full transcript just to put rest to your lies.


TRUMP: When did we beat Japan at anything? They send their cars over by the millions, and what do we do? When was the last time you saw a Chevrolet in Tokyo? It doesn't exist, folks. They beat us all the time.

When do we beat Mexico at the border? They're laughing at us, at our stupidity. And now they are beating us economically. They are not our friend, believe me. But they're killing us economically.

The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else's problems.


Thank you. It's true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we're getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They're sending us not the right people.

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2 hours ago, DrDweeb said:

No, he didn't say that in a speech. He said something with an entirely different meaning during an interview while discussing specifically the influx of Mexican illegal immigrants. So the context was "Mexican illegal immigrants", not "Mexicans" per se.


It is on YouTube. Go listen for yourself and re-evaluate your position. The MSM improperly edited his statements to make them appear inflammatory, and you believed it, which was their aim.


Job done. You (and many others) were duped and continue to spread a falsehood easily disproved. There are other examples of this.


Not to put too fine a point on it, you are wrong. Welcome to a very large club.

Not to put too fine a point on it, you are Wrong. Welcome to a very large club of conned brainwashed people.


Where exactly in the following clip have the MSM edited this to make Trumps statement appear 'inflammatory'? Why don't you go on youtube and listen for yourself. Nowhere in this speech does he talk about an influx of illegal immigrants. He is talking about the people 'Mexico sends us'.


Job done. You (and many others) were duped and continue to spread a falsehood easily disproved. There are other examples of this.



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4 hours ago, DrDweeb said:

No, he didn't say that in a speech. He said something with an entirely different meaning during an interview while discussing specifically the influx of Mexican illegal immigrants. So the context was "Mexican illegal immigrants", not "Mexicans" per se.


It is on YouTube. Go listen for yourself and re-evaluate your position. The MSM improperly edited his statements to make them appear inflammatory, and you believed it, which was their aim.


Job done. You (and many others) were duped and continue to spread a falsehood easily disproved. There are other examples of this.


Not to put too fine a point on it, you are wrong. Welcome to a very large club.


In his campaign announcement speech, donald said that Mexicans were rapists. This occurred on June 16, 2015. Here is a report of what he said https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2015/07/08/donald-trumps-false-comments-connecting-mexican-immigrants-and-crime/?utm_term=.9ca107b00745


Those who are willingly conned by the Alt Right attempt to manufacture history (a.k.a. 'Fake News') have people constantly going around in circles attempting to counter their deceptions with facts. The same is happening with the disgraceful incident where donald mocks a disabled reporter.


I am not perplexed by such attempts to build the lie because such people are driven by powerful negative emotions and forces and they have projected their cumulative miseries and failures in donald, their Golden Calf.


These attempt to deny the reality that donald has spent his entire life as a gross, selfish and vain glory seeker are easily disproven. The Pussy Grab juvenile boasting in 2005. The feud with Rosie O'Donnell (and by inference the LGBT community)  http://edition.cnn.com/2015/08/07/politics/donald-trump-rosie-odonnell-feud/ All of these are entirely consistent with the mindless, bigoted and self serving garbage that constantly comes out of his mouth.


Many of us have seen the speech where donald says with regard to Mexicans that 'they're rapidsts'. Many of us have seen the absolutely disgraceful and unacceptable mocking of the disabled reporter. Many of us have borne witness to a litany of insults of individuals and groups throughout this person's selfish and meaningless existence. Attempts to manufacture a history that denies these incidents are a complete insult to our intelligence. They are offensive. They are attempts to treat us like imbeciles. The Alt Right hurling such names at their legions of opponents is one thing - Sticks and Stones etc. But the attempt to engage us in actual conversations around these lies is utterly offensive.


There are a number of posters who actively use these deceptions. There is nothing that they say on any subject that is in any way credible or worth listening to. Many of their attempts to deceive are removed. There is no point in trying to debate these liars. Merely call them morons and move on to something more substantive posted by members who want to express legitimate points of view.


We can add another moron to the ever expanding list.

Edited by Tawan Dok Krating Daeng
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47 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

There are a number of posters who actively use these deceptions. There is nothing that they say on any subject that is in any way credible or worth listening to. Many of their attempts to deceive are removed. There is no point in trying to debate these liars. Merely call them morons and move on to something more substantive posted by members who want to express legitimate points of view.


We can add another moron to the ever expanding list.


Donald is the flavor that draws them out. They were always there, just a little recharged and confident atm. The idiot factor we will have to live with for a while. ... Never known such  global recalcitrance but the ongoing reaction is going to be disunifying unfortunately.


Donald is not a healer. Unfortunately, some people do not want cohesion. 

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On 1/17/2017 at 1:56 AM, DrDweeb said:

Trump wrote NO SUCH THING. That is a misquote, and you would do well to read the original tweet. You are guilty of the same egregious behaviour of the MSM.

Are you trolling here at TV? lol

"...All talk, talk, talk - no action or results. Sad!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 14, 2017 "


And you should not assume that all here are as ignorant as a Trump supporter.

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On 1/14/2017 at 11:23 PM, Jingthing said:

We won't have a choice but that doesn't mean he can't be RESISTED. 

I just have a feeling he wont finish his first term. Just a 'hair on the back of my neck' feeling, that's all.

I'm saving a "som nom na" just in case...

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It's just this muddle headed mans way of doing inaugurations, no big deal at all he's a nobody.

But this is also part of a pattern. Lewis and Lee, along with some other Democratic lawmakers at the time, also boycotted to make a point when President George W. Bush was inaugurated in 2001. The Washington Post reported at the time that Lewis "thought it would be hypocritical to attend Bush's swearing-in because he doesn't believe Bush is the true elected president."

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