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Want a driving license? Just go to a driving school


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7 hours ago, Pdaz said:

They have to make it easy. Imagine the carnage when they tell Somchai he has failed his driving test? Huge loss of face. Temper tantrum the Off out to his pick-up grab his 9mm and hey presto. Another mass shooting.. Safer to just let him have a licence.. After all how many accidents can they have :whistling:

What rubbish you spout.I see Thai's fail and come back the following week.

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I think this is actually a good idea.

It won't improve driving skills. It won't reduce deaths - but if getting a licence is easier, there is more chance of Thais actually bothering to get one.

You will never get people to learn to drive at a school when they don't even see the need to get a licence. This may, in some small way, help to start changing the prevailing attitude.

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7 hours ago, fruitman said:

5 whopping hours! And there's me with my European licenses which took me 50-60 hours of driving together with an instructor in real traffic and costed me 200.000 baht. I also had to do 10 hours of theory and do an exam for that as well.

well make it here in sunny Thailand if u come back just change it to a local license easy mak cheap cheap

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Maybe it is just me but I don't mind driving here. Yes I have seen some jaw dropping vehicles on the road and the odd crazy in a Lamborghini racing down on Rt7 from Pattaya to Bangkok, but every country has their own driving standards, and rules. There are a worrying number of deaths here, but if you just include the deaths in cars, it is much more reasonable and I bet not much different than Southern or Eastern Europe. If I were czar of all czars here I would do something about kids on motorbikes. I'd have the bikes impounded for breaking the traffic laws and have the parents pay heavy fines for allowing their kids to drive the bikes without lights, a helmet, a license etc. Adults are not going to change their driving habits, but if you get at the kids then maybe there is a chance to save some lives.

The other thing is there needs to be a community level initiative Parents Against Drunk Driving such that drunk drivers are socially ostracized within their communities.

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1 hour ago, TGIR said:

Not really on the topic but I keep wondering why drivers in Thailand insist on backing up to park their car.


It seems like any person with a little tiny brain could figure out the two things that make backing up to park kind of dumb:


1 -  It is much easier to see and judge where your car is going when looking forward.


2 - backing into a small parking spot requires both skill and the ability to judge where the car is by inches in some cases.  If you back Out instead of In, you are generally headed into either a wide open space, or one that is certainly less confined by the restrictions of a defined parking space.


I've been waiting a long time to bring this up................because it seems to me the definition of a good driver in Thailand equals someone who can back into a parking space.  None  of that other nonsense like not tailgating, signalling for turns, looking before you turn, not speeding etc. really counts does it?

Sorry to say you are wrong reversing into a space is much easier yes it requires you to know your vehicle length and width but if you don't know that then you shouldn't be driving. Part of every driving test I've ever done requires reverse parking car/coach/HGV. Parallel parking is the easiest thing in the world to do. The reason you should know the length of your vehicle is so you know Wether it will fit in the space your looking at parking. So imo you are on the completely wrong wave length. 

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In 2009, I sent my wife to a driving school in Pattaya, it cost me 6,500 Bahts for 20 hours, she went for the written test, failed, but through the driving school and 10,000 Bahts later she got her car and motorcycle licenses.  8 years later she still can't chew gum and walk at the same time.  If she had to do the practical test, mainly the parking part of it, she would fail big time.  I let her drive when the traffic is not too heavy, like in her village, one car every ten minutes, so I feel safe and it gives her some experience, but never in heavy traffic like Pattaya 

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8 hours ago, hellstens said:

My first driving licence in sweden kost me 650thb and I did the driving test as a private, 49 years ago,

I make a Thai licence 9 years ago and cost me 170thb :-)

Interesting. But I think you missed the point of this insane news. It doesn't really  matter what you paid 49 years ago in Sweden. We all know it was rather cheap to get a license at the time. Even in Europe. Nowadays it will cost you a few thousand Euros in most of the countries in the EU. Whereas in Thailand still a few hundred Baht. And having one of the highest traffic-related death rate in the whole world they are stupid enough to make it even easier to get the driving license. But as usual,  never try to understand a Thai brain.


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23 minutes ago, Gerard052 said:

In 2009, I sent my wife to a driving school in Pattaya, it cost me 6,500 Bahts for 20 hours, she went for the written test, failed, but through the driving school and 10,000 Bahts later she got her car and motorcycle licenses.  8 years later she still can't chew gum and walk at the same time.  If she had to do the practical test, mainly the parking part of it, she would fail big time.  I let her drive when the traffic is not too heavy, like in her village, one car every ten minutes, so I feel safe and it gives her some experience, but never in heavy traffic like Pattaya 


Now I can say I am proud of my Thai wife's driving and shocked just how good she is and I am telling the truth

Even in the UK on the smaller carriage ways and motorways she is more than able to to handle it


just wish she would shut her mouth when I drive and not be so lazy and drive more offten


See Thais can Drive safely


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Want a driver license! Please send it by EMS ASAP, and don´t forget to withdraw the price from my credit card. LOL
No talk about traning. Have been driving 20560 hours without a license. That must just make me an experienced driver.

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6 hours ago, LivinginKata said:


If already have a Thai license then why would you need a driving school ? You need to go in person with your documents, take the various 'joke' eye tests and watch the 'stupid' video. 


I suspect your first license application then you had a home license to save any practical exam. No idea why your next 5 year had no tests ... usual whim of the officials.


And these days a first license is valid for 2 years. 

My Q was: what is needed for a renewal? As you state, take documents to Land Ofc - what documents? When - before or after my current license expires? Or, go to a driving school - never drive a car, etc - fork over an envelope and, presto, I get a renewal......

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Just checked with quite a big driving school in Bangkok. Was told only currently available for Thai people and that maybe westerners after May but would be a new price....How accurate this is I would not dare to guess save for the higher price for westerners lol. Seems bonkers that there could be one driving test for Thai that requires no theory exam but non-Thai would have to pass 60/60 on some rather ambiguous questions ...ho hum.

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Lets hope the driving schools teach thai drivers some road manners and road sense ......I just met a friend in Bangkok and he told the mini bus driver from trat to slow down he just took no notice later he got pulled in by police for speeding as soon as he got going again he was driving like a complete idiot again.......just hope the police did something after he took pictures of the van and driver

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10 hours ago, dageurreotype said:

Love the comments re 'opportunities for corruption/paying the school for the certificate' when it is unanimously held on this forum that 'all driver's licences are paid for anyway'. They're not. I believe this to be a very good idea. It would most certainly do away with having to explain to some jumped up test official the impossibility of reverse parking into a 6 meter space rather than the 8 meter space in a Wyllys jeep (no power steering), all the while said test official completely ignoring other participants not understanding how their little dummy roundabout should be navigated, hence the usual chaos at circles here. Having paid a Driving School would most certainly have been preferable to me way back then.

I find it hard to believe you couldn't reverse a 3.3m Jeep into a 6m space, with or without power steering.....

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10 hours ago, thai3 said:

We all know what's on offer for a price at the official test centers if you cannot even manage the three basic maneuvers, this will only make it worse. 


         Paid  for the  darling learn drive at  driving school ,  guaranteed pass .

                  Until,  she was driving my car ,  i  discovered  she was  short  sited , not see lorry in front .

                 Cost me  ,  a  pair  of googles ,   now she  can see ,   I  lucky .  

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The motorbike and auto driving lessons taught in Buriram at the large BRY facility are professional. There are two possible auto driving school courses. 1) Is for those who have some previous experienced  2) Is for those who admit they have no behind the wheel experience. No bribes asked for in Buriram at BRY.  BRY is a major Honda motorbike distributor and they offer auto and motorbike driving schools. The written  test, etc.. was all done three years ago at the BRY facility and then the student went to the Department of Land Transportation for the photo and to receive the drivers license. A worthwhile driving training lesson option if you live in Buriram province. 

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I approve of this. Getting a license has been too difficult for many years and it works against the majority of Thai drivers who are penalized for the sins of a minuscule minority. For the most part Thai drivers are responsible, drive defensively and are abhorred by the practices of a slight few. 


Why punish all of Thailand for the couple of farang that break the rules and cause accidents? This is impeding the economy of Thailand. Hopefully the news from Toyota can be reversed and projections for the year can be exceeded. 

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11 hours ago, JerryinTH said:

Those with an existing Thai car license will have to watch the video again to get one for big bikes?


You can do the bike one with Honda, at one of their training centers. How I got mine, did everything there and took the certificate to the DLT office and got a licence

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12 hours ago, Tallviking said:

And the driving school are not in any danger of being corrupt ?


No checks´s and balance-system  ?



No problem, because they where already doing it before to allow jumping the queue, 1000 thb for motorbikes and 3000 for cars !

I know many Thai who got their license this way and just got to pick it up at a land transportation office.

So nothing changes !





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If the aim was to improve driving standards, and therefore less accidents/deaths, this is truly a few steps backwards.


Surely it would be better to make getting a driving license more difficult, therefore reducing the number of poor drivers?


Thai logic at it's finest.

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