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"Mummy when I grow up can I organize a coup?"


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This is a typical case of journalist trying to make something out of nothing.  I remember as a Member of the UK Armed Forces we used to hold Open Days and invite the Public (including their children) on to Barracks to see and handle the equipment on display, from radios, radars, rifles, machine guns up to tanks and self propelled guns.  Furthermore we have youngsters who join the Cadet Forces and are taught how to fire small arms on the ranges.  Sadly Jonathan Head and his cohorts have such a limited life experience, they are unable to comment maturely and intelligently and really should do more research instead of "firing from the hip" and making nonsense comments.

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If education is so important, why don't organize a children day outing at the teachers college or an university and let the children sit on the principal or the dean's chair. Have the kids played roles in teaching, engineering and architect. Use props like Lego. Have a fun fair with merry go round and all that kids stuffs and most important, let them play and behave like children and not tin soldiers. This is so wrong. And the airshow is an idiotic idea and worse, someone got killed. 

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42 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:


I would love to see your passport

every time I read one of your comments it contains Red and yellow inundos

with an outlook like that, nothing will ever change here


As for holiday and trolling look in the mirror


I respect your view but please do not try and ram it down my throat, Hilter did that and also lost.


Too much pressure on children today let them have an easy start to life not indoctrination


Was Hitler not elected democratically at a point in time :saai: So great a democracy. Actually I see your post also all about the politics here. But I make plenty of other posts too here about other stuff as politics.  Actually the majority of my posts was non political today.

- Something about creatine supplements and creatine in the health forum

- Something about marriage in the news section

- Something about the danger of domestical violence also in the news forum.

- Few post about the police and running of checkpoints.


Maybe you just read political topics because I certainly post everywhere.


What about holiday and trolling ? I never mentioned such a thing. 

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24 minutes ago, JAG said:

Well I just read Jonathan Head's tweet, as posted by Robblock (thank you, I can't cope with Twitter myself - the technological pigmy is yet to emerge from the long grass of the Internet! ), and I really don't see it as an anti junta rant, merely an opinion.

Exactly, but some people need to start the red-yellow discussion in every topic, no matter if it fits in or not.


Although i think its fine for kids to have a day they can look around army camps and play with guns/tanks/etc (i remember in my home country where the fire department and police department also had an "public day" where they showed their skills, let kids see a prison from the inside, and you could sit in a fire truck - i loved it as did 99% of the other kids) i do not see how this relates to the political climate and the red vs yellow problems. 

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I don't see the problem, if daddy is in the army than of course sonnyboy likes to hold a big gun once...and so do his friends.


But did they also open up the fire brigade for kids? Many kids love to see that as well. Or maybe a constructionsite where they can sit in a huge crane or a bulldozer?


Many Thai kids in BKK never ever see construction or any other hard real men's job, it's good for them to see that at a young age. If they never see it they might become katoeys and Thailand has enough of them already.


Your homophobia might be more revealing than you think...


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1 minute ago, remobb said:

As a cadet I had the opportunity to actually use a SLR and a 303 rifle with real armo. I don't go round shooting at people or anything else for that matter.


cadets are children with specific interest in the armed forces, children's day is a day for all children but who in Thailand all will have the army promoting themselves to them, can you not see the difference?

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49 minutes ago, ramrod711 said:

Blogger Richard Barrow and the BBC's Jonathan Head were in agreement that it was not a good idea, reported Manager in Thailand.


I don't see it as being particularly harmful, kids love that stuff. One thing I do know is that anything Jonathan Head is opposed to might be something that I would look on favorably.

Kids also love playing with matches!


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3 minutes ago, Bob12345 said:

Exactly, but some people need to start the red-yellow discussion in every topic, no matter if it fits in or not.


Although i think its fine for kids to have a day they can look around army camps and play with guns/tanks/etc (i remember in my home country where the fire department and police department also had an "public day" where they showed their skills, let kids see a prison from the inside, and you could sit in a fire truck - i loved it as did 99% of the other kids) i do not see how this relates to the political climate and the red vs yellow problems. 


That is the whole point its unrelated to the red / yellow thing its an event that has been going on for years and now all of a sudden these two reporters with their known bias link it to coups and junta. 

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2 minutes ago, robblok said:


That is the whole point its unrelated to the red / yellow thing its an event that has been going on for years and now all of a sudden these two reporters with their known bias link it to coups and junta. 

...and I f.e. criticized it last year...and the year before that...and before that...and before that...

If this country knows no better, than putting assault riffles in the hands of toddlers on CHILDRENS DAY instead of doing some fun activities that are SUITABLE for children, it is most regretable!

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7 minutes ago, robblok said:

Was Hitler not elected democratically at a point in time :saai: So great a democracy. Actually I see your post also all about the politics here. But I make plenty of other posts too here about other stuff as politics.  Actually the majority of my posts was non political today.

- Something about creatine supplements and creatine in the health forum

- Something about marriage in the news section

- Something about the danger of domestical violence also in the news forum.

- Few post about the police and running of checkpoints.


Maybe you just read political topics because I certainly post everywhere.


What about holiday and trolling ? I never mentioned such a thing. 


Hitler was elected by physically barring the opposition from entering the house, what a piss poor example.

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56 minutes ago, ramrod711 said:

Blogger Richard Barrow and the BBC's Jonathan Head were in agreement that it was not a good idea, reported Manager in Thailand.


I don't see it as being particularly harmful, kids love that stuff. One thing I do know is that anything Jonathan Head is opposed to might be something that I would look on favorably.


Considering the few controversies he has actually caused in Thailand, can we assume that it is overthrowing a democratically elected governments who won by a landslide and then banning them from politics to ensure your party, which has no other chance of winning, gets a chance next time, is what you support?

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At least the guns should be charged with real bullets , that the kinds listen to the sound of war and may be see some blood , too .

That would keep them away from this kind of toys in the future ...


War , what is good for ?

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

Your totally missing the point, this is an event that has been organised for countless of years on children's day by the army. It predates the coup.


But now these 2 rather bias so called "reporters" are using it to turn it into an anti junta rant. They were bias in the past and still are.


Now your point of letting kids be kids for a few more years.. they are having fun its not military training for them its a fun day out.. a free fun day out that is for some families real important. Now I can understand the sentiment about kids and weapons and so on but I don't see why this had to be turned into anti junta rant by those two. 


But does it pre date the previous 17 coups.?


"Anti junta reporters" are bias? Maybe after 18 military coups "justified" to set the country back on course and all having failed in there objectives a smart person may consider the military incompetent, unless of course, each coup was for another purpose.



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3 hours ago, robblok said:

I really don't see the harm here, but I understand red reporters like the two mentioned in the article would bend something like this into a anti junta rant. This has been going on this way long before the junta and now its bad all of a sudden. 

How do you think the junta learned??

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10 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


cadets are children with specific interest in the armed forces, children's day is a day for all children but who in Thailand all will have the army promoting themselves to them, can you not see the difference?


In a country that still has conscription, there will be a fair few of the kids that don't make the draw getting their first hands-on experience.


Can't really see that as promotion of weapons of war. 

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3 hours ago, manrogi said:

Jonathan Head seems to have forgotten the countless Army days ,and army presence at Fetes etc,where this goes on just as much as Thailand

Iappropriate ,of course,but not only in Thailand

a silly news story


Army days and Children's Day are not just a little bit of a silly comparison.

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8 minutes ago, chrisinth said:


In a country that still has conscription, there will be a fair few of the kids that don't make the draw getting their first hands-on experience.


Can't really see that as promotion of weapons of war. 

Toilet training has to start sometime

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1 hour ago, wakeupplease said:


I would love to see your passport

every time I read one of your comments it contains Red and yellow inundos

with an outlook like that, nothing will ever change here


As for holiday and trolling look in the mirror


I respect your view but please do not try and ram it down my throat, Hilter did that and also lost.


Too much pressure on children today let them have an easy start to life not indoctrination


He claims to be Dutch and not pro junta. But like we see he is a junta cheerleader. It was not only these two reporters which wrote about the kids playing with weapons it was reported far and wide. There have been a number of studies that found a correlation between children playing with guns and gun violence later in life. 

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