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Putin says he doubts Trump met with Moscow prostitutes


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9 hours ago, Credo said:

People go to hookers for a lot of reasons, so just because he has a nice looking wife doesn't preclude hookers.   


For the last time, they weren't hookers. They were Golden Shower ? Ladies, a venerable profession.


Have some respect.



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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

You can't walk down a main street in Moscow without seeing a hooker.  And impossible to go to the big clubs without seeing them either.  They are everywhere. 


Maybe thirty years ago,  but now, like in every city, it depends on where you go... 

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11 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

With a wife as beautiful as his, why on earth would anyone go to a sex worker?  

Putin is absolutely correct in his assessment of Trump in this matter.


How many times have I heard that one!  Naïve or what!


Trump is Putin's boy and he is protecting his investment.  Trump the pussy grabber!  What does his wife to do with that?  Come on Boon Mee, you can do better than that! 

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11 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

With a wife as beautiful as his, why on earth would anyone go to a sex worker?  

Putin is absolutely correct in his assessment of Trump in this matter.

You must be kidding...have you ever stayed in a hotel in Moscow?


I have many times in several different hotels between 1995 and 2001 and there was always a continuous parade of women knocking on my doors at all hours offering a variety of entertainment options. I am absolutely certain that Trump had many opportunities, and if you think he consistently rebutted them you are delusional.

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10 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Who cares if he slept with hookers anyway? It is 2017 and one's sex life is their own business. 


Back to the old routine. First  - it didn't happen. Next - it doesn't matter.

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In Putin's rush to try to legitimize Trump he could be giving himself away. The notion that they wouldn't spy on a wealthy businessman, or that they would have had no reason to spy on Trump (not knowing he'd later run for president) just doesn't hold water. 

Putin launched his political career by such evidence, releasing footage of the the prosecutor trying to take down Boris Yeltsin when he was still a member of the KGB/FSB. The KGB Museum, which was formerly the Intourist Hotel where most tourists stayed shows you all the evidence you can need on their spy tactics. Many of the rooms in this hotel had cameras hidden in them, and there was a whole additional level of the hotel where the then KGB would spy on wealthy or influental travelers to collect a catalog of evidence to blackmail people with if the need should ever arise (such as in the Yeltsin case). The notion that they would not do this to Trump in his visits is laughable. As is the notion that they weren't aware of his political aspirations. He had flirted with politics for a long time, considering running in 1987, and first campaigning in 1999. The fact that he tries to deny knowing this adds another suspicious layer. 

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4 hours ago, anotheruser said:


Well when you are a Slovenian, mail order, gold digger, willing to marry Trump how embarrassed could you pretend to be? Like his sexual preferences are any surprise to her. 


Steady on this Presidency is a package. That is the First lady you are talking about, the one in the nude lesbian photo shots. (The bible belt and evangelicals really are not as bible bound as we think are they!), she will have to go around talking to women's groups and schools and be a role model. Within 4 years we could have 40% of women in America giving golden showers as a norm.


3 hours ago, mrfill said:

"girls of reduced social responsibility,"



Putin was actually smiling as he said all this. He is really taking the p**s out of the USA (pun definitely intended) and Trump (now we know why his hair is yellow and his skin is orange) is too stupid to realise.

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Seems a bunch of people that live in the world's largest brothel would judge somebody for using hookers. Trump says more than two words and the pound goes up. If you live in Thailand and you date hookers and happen to be English he is probably a good deal for you. 


I have some savings in pounds and waiting for Donald to say once again the dollar is too strong. I expect there could be a big fluctuation on the day of the inauguration. 


If you are American and live abroad based upon savings in dollars you could run into trouble.


Anyway Trump hasn't done anything the average guy in Pattaya wouldn't do. The guys that married bar girls have much more in common with trump than they would like to think.


There is a trade war brewing and those living abroad particularly using USD is their currency will be caught in the cross fire. Donald doesn't care about you if you live abroad, you don't even exist on the other side of the wall. 


I am lucky to be heading back soon and have a savings in pounds. I hope Donald further devalues the dollar.


I would also let a hooker pee on me.

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10 hours ago, anotheruser said:

Anyway Trump hasn't done anything the average guy in Pattaya wouldn't do. The guys that married bar girls have much more in common with trump than they would like to think.



Trump isn't an average guy living in Pattaya.  He's soon to be POTUS.  A bit of a difference.  And as long as he's POTUS, like all the others before him, he'll be under the microscope.  For better or worse.

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9 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Trump isn't an average guy living in Pattaya.  He's soon to be POTUS.  A bit of a difference.  And as long as he's POTUS, like all the others before him, he'll be under the microscope.  For better or worse.

Apparently you do need a microscope when talking of at least one of his physical attributes

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At this point, King Vlad is more or less obligated to defend his top sycophant. They have a mutual fan club going. It must be continued. At least for now. At some point, Vlad will outplay Trump, and Trump will realize his loyalty, and his utter trust and adoration was misplaced. Vlad is cunning beyond comprehension. He is way, way out of Trump's league. 


Of course he slept with hookers. And fans. And others. He was a complete freak for decades. It is all being covered up, in a desperate attempt to rehabilitate his reputation. Personally, I do not care who a man sleeps with. But, this false front is annoying, and it is completely phony. There is nothing clean about this man's background. 

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On 1/18/2017 at 9:14 AM, Ulysses G. said:


Who cares if he slept with hookers anyway? It is 2017 and one's sex life is their own business. 


He can sleep with 1,000 hookers as long as he gets rid of Obama's legacy and makes America a sensible country again

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