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Thais impressed as legless farang burger seller wows internet


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3 hours ago, daiwill60 said:

I am sure he is a great guy and well done to him, but regardless of his disability , if he is allowed to do this openly, then why can't others?

It is a similar story with the other guy a while back who has become a local celeb openly making and selling Phad Thai somewhere in Thailand.

Why do we constantly hear about we cant do this , cant do that or the authorities will on you like a ton of bricks, and yet we see stories like this every so often, without explanation of how they do it regarding the visa requirements etc etc??

Do they have the required visas, WPs etc ?  Not berating them or anythng and good luck to them, but would just like to know,  because maybe I could start up a Welsh Cakes stand or sell Leek soup or something????:smile:

Does he have a work permit and with a proper visa? Just asking!

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3 hours ago, daiwill60 said:

I am sure he is a great guy and well done to him, but regardless of his disability , if he is allowed to do this openly, then why can't others?

It is a similar story with the other guy a while back who has become a local celeb openly making and selling Phad Thai somewhere in Thailand.

Why do we constantly hear about we cant do this , cant do that or the authorities will on you like a ton of bricks, and yet we see stories like this every so often, without explanation of how they do it regarding the visa requirements etc etc??

Do they have the required visas, WPs etc ?  Not berating them or anythng and good luck to them, but would just like to know,  because maybe I could start up a Welsh Cakes stand or sell Leek soup or something????:smile:

the only way legaly , he could be doing it ,is if he has thai citizenship . which is possible .

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Am I the only one who read the headline thinking a drunk farang showing culinary pizzazz in the burger making arena has wowed some local Thais? 


I was hopeful of a video and everything.... 


Still, good on you mate. I reckon I'd prefer flying plastic dog $hit out of hong kong than work a stall during the hot months here but more power to ya!

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3 hours ago, fruitman said:


Guess the fact he has a kid and is disabled makes the difference.


I wished there were more farang streetfood vendors, or ones with their own snackbars/restaurants.  Not because they are farang but because i expect a certain standard from them, most streetvendors live in the slumps without any hygiene, i won't buy food from them.


I know of farang who do business with their thai wives, she sells and he stands next to her all day long doing nothing. Well that's what Thailand allows/wants so that's what they get. 

Also i know of Thai having restaurants in the West and working there on illegal papers. I don't care but it's unfair for the ones who do have legal papers.


There's also a farang who sells plastic crap from out of his motocy here in BKK.


Thailand has so many westerners here it could become the hub of western streetfood cooked by westerners. The Thai streetfoodvendors won't like it though but i won't buy from them since it's always filthy around their shops and they can't speak english or won't show a retailprice.



I think u r generalising far too much about Thai streetfood  vendors. Some are good, some are bad.


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5 hours ago, smutcakes said:

"The westerner named Gary Payne, a former boxer from London apparently has a young child. He was formerly an airline pilot. But after going running when he was not well he fainted and fell onto railway tracked."


My BS detector is dinging. Anyway whatever good luck to him.



Exactly ! Only Thai can believe this usual BS !



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A nice story and it goes to the credit of the supportive Thais as well as the young chap himself. As a rule, Thais will support a gutsy battler and it's quite apparent that this guy is that.

Street food: maybe we are a few years, a decade maybe, away from seeing it disappear, at least from inner Bangkok. It will end up in designated, under cover , semi-permanent areas ( like hawkers in Singapore, KL) as well as mobile vans with the much desired done-kebab, felafel sandwich, as in the west.

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1 hour ago, Boycie said:





'I am starting to get verbally attacked and many people talking so bad. I mean farang on some sites'.... hope that doesn't include Thaivisa.com. Apologies No Name Burger if that includes some fellow members from this site. Some people were never taught that if they have nothing good to say, better to say nothing at all.



For sure he now fears for his visa that he doesn't have or his overstay...




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5 hours ago, smutcakes said:

"The westerner named Gary Payne, a former boxer from London apparently has a young child. He was formerly an airline pilot. But after going running when he was not well he fainted and fell onto railway tracked."


My BS detector is dinging. Anyway whatever good luck to him.


From his Facebook page all seems 100% genuine....respect to the bloke!


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3 hours ago, Mordacai said:

What's the big deal about foreigners opening businesses and such in Thailand?
Do they not come out our respective countries and start up communities filled with their restaurants and such?


Kind of a complicated answer. 

The basic reason (not sure if you know this, maybe you do) is that Thailand has a list of occupations that are reserved for Thai citizens and one is hawker. Most--but not all--of these occupations are manual labor type jobs and the prohibition is not really there to prevent Westerners from doing this work (and most of us wouldn't want to anyway) but to prevent Burmese, Laotians, Cambodians, etc. from taking Thai jobs. 


You ARE, however allowed to engage in "selling food and beverages that promote tourism" hence, you can open a restaurant that sells foreign foods. Maybe they are letting this get by under that exemption. 

One more thing in regard to your last question. Developed countries often allow undeveloped countries to protect local industries and jobs without reciprocity for humanitarian reasons. We understand that these countries have a lot more poor and no social safety net as western countries do, so we do not require the same trade concessions from them that we do from other developed countries. 
Edited by moto77
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5 hours ago, smutcakes said:

"The westerner named Gary Payne, a former boxer from London apparently has a young child. He was formerly an airline pilot. But after going running when he was not well he fainted and fell onto railway tracked."


My BS detector is dinging. Anyway whatever good luck to him.

Which part made you suspicious? That he used to be a pilot? Or that he went to jog one day? Or that he fainted? 

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9 minutes ago, A1Str8 said:

Which part made you suspicious? That he used to be a pilot? Or that he went to jog one day? Or that he fainted? 

(And he has a photo in a pilot's uniform... some people are overly suspicious.)


Honestly, I'm a bit surprised he doesn't have a nice disability package from his pilot's union. They are normally quite generous.

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5 hours ago, daiwill60 said:

I am sure he is a great guy and well done to him, but regardless of his disability , if he is allowed to do this openly, then why can't others?

It is a similar story with the other guy a while back who has become a local celeb openly making and selling Phad Thai somewhere in Thailand.

Why do we constantly hear about we cant do this , cant do that or the authorities will on you like a ton of bricks, and yet we see stories like this every so often, without explanation of how they do it regarding the visa requirements etc etc??

Do they have the required visas, WPs etc ?  Not berating them or anythng and good luck to them, but would just like to know,  because maybe I could start up a Welsh Cakes stand or sell Leek soup or something????:smile:

just do it if trouble comes ( if they like u this may never happen ) worry about it later...mould in go with the flow there are many many great and good thai people ... u can find nitnoi money to keep going...relax and be happy

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Here is his last post on his FB page : " I beg you all to please stop sharing my story. I am starting to get verbally attacked and many people talking so bad. I mean farang on some sites. Who ever started this whole thing tried to help but sadly I am so upset now. I just wanted to sell a few burgers and make people happy. Now I am like a prisoner. It's all too much. " source : https://www.facebook.com/NonameburgerTH/

Does this article help him ? not sure about this...

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3 minutes ago, Vermor said:

Here is his last post on his FB page : " I beg you all to please stop sharing my story. I am starting to get verbally attacked and many people talking so bad. I mean farang on some sites. Who ever started this whole thing tried to help but sadly I am so upset now. I just wanted to sell a few burgers and make people happy. Now I am like a prisoner. It's all too much. "

Does this article help him ? not sure about this...

yep , this reeks . if he is legal ,all publicity is good . but if its not ,he may just have bitten off more than he can chew . :passifier:

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28 minutes ago, retarius said:

How did he get a work permit?

cannot . the only way he is legal is if he has thai citizenship .

hence the desperation in shutting all off .

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14 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:

Fighting spirt and hard working man....Wishing Him well

Yes.Very well done indeed.


As a right leg amputee I salute the man for his courage,grit and determination.We had one female double amputee on my rehab unit (MVA) and I was astonished by her willpower as having both legs removed (rather than one)  more than doubles the challenges which an amputee faces.


The heat and humidity in Thailand also poses its very own problems when you are wearing your prosthesis.


Generally speaking I find the Thai people far more accepting and empathetic,at least in this situation,than their Western counterparts.

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