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Supreme Commander swears support to government on National Thai Army Day


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Supreme Commander swears support to government on National Thai Army Day


BANGKOK, 18 January 2017 (NNT) – The Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces has affirmed that all of sections of the military are ready to support the government and the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) in bringing unity and progress to the nation. 

Speaking on National Thai Army Day, Supreme Commander Gen Surapong Suwana-at has reiterated that it is the military’s duty to protect the main institutions of the nation and to support the government in its missions, assuring it is ready to proceed according to the administration’s unity strategy and likening the four parts of the strategy’s commission to the four wheels of a vehicle that allow it to move forward. 

The commander expressed confidence in the prime minister’s intention for the country to progress and urged all sides to see the value in unity. 

During the ceremony the Supreme Commander called on all senior military officers to honor the memory of King Naresuan the Great and the sacrifice of their ancestors for the Kingdom. 

National Thai Army Day celebrates King Naresuan the Great’s triumph over the forces of Burma in 1592 to release Siam into independence.

-- nnt 2017-01-18
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33 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

"the military are ready to support the government and the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) in bringing unity and progress to the nation. "


Freedom ? 

Mr. Xi calls it progress to. Freedom hm on the back burner. 

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Note whom the Supreme Commander says the military is there to serve and protect:   'the main institutions of the nation and the government [junta] in its missions'.


Not a word here about 'the Thai people'. They don't count, of course.


And all this nonsense about 'unity'. Since when has the majority got to knuckle under and 'unify' with the minority? It should be the other way round! The majority in this context are the bulk of the Thai people who do NOT like this junta and their ilk (as every recent election has shown). So surely if 'unity' is the sacred goal, the other lot - the junta extremists, who are calling for 'unity' - should be getting in line behind the majority and thus creating the very 'unity' which they claim to support.


But of course it's all lies and cant. It is all about empty words, deceit, hypocrisy, and self-serving by a psychopathic faux-elite stratum who, in a sane society, would be locked away for life for the protection of the majority of basically decent people.

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4 hours ago, jcsmith said:

If only the army could show that kind of commitment to elected governments.


This is the truth


They like to claim they seized power because the Yellows & the Reds were out of control.


But when groups were over running government buildings the military did nothing

When groups interfered with folks right to cast ballots the military did nothing

When the government/The country itself was under attack they did nothing.


When they did nothing to help the elected government maintain order it was they who were

committing treason against their own country


All so they could later seize power & claim it was because they "Had" to.


Now this "Supreme" Commander swears allegiance to this dictatorship?






Edited by mania
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11 hours ago, webfact said:

The Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces has affirmed that all of sections of the military are ready to support the government

Then put it in the Constitution.

Meechai can call it a clarification that doesn't need another referendum.

Otherwise it's not surprising that the Supreme Commander swears to support a military junta composed of Generals.

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  8 hours ago, Uncle Bob said:

"bringing unity and progress to the nation"


I thought that the army was about defending the country


From foreign and domestic aggressions I think you'll find. So they are defending there country

On a side note the military coup happened in 2014. It  amazes me how many people come to Thailand to live now knowing it's a military  state, yet immediately start to condem and rallies about it? Why come in the first place after a coup.

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