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Relatives scream blue murder after pick-up driver fails to let ambulance pass


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Another example of the governments failure to offer any realistic reforms. In my country anybody trying to delay any emergency services will 100 % see the jail door. If not a good beating before. Prayut is a non performer. A man not fit to lead these people to a civilized nation. Stop talking shit about your projects.Humans come first. You may not believe me. But 1 hour ago I was taking the Mrs on bike. Stopped I hurd the Mrs scream. I look over a older lady with Thai school girl on bike had fallen to road. I just saw the final frame. I jumped off bike and every Thai road past them lol. Lovely group.I got the lady out from under bike. Turned engine off lifted bike moved it. Seemed undamaged. Little girl unmarked. Thais were shocked a falang. My wife asked why they not stop help. I can say what I said here. 

They have a government that does not care. There thoughts follow through.

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On ‎19‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 4:22 AM, DM07 said:

Lost for words! What a scumbag!

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I have seen ambulances trying to get through traffic in BK and what a nightmare it is for the drivers.

Traffic ignoring them is disgraceful.

The scumbag in this case should be doing a few years in jail, four hundred BHT  fine is an insult to humanity.

The PM should be on to this and bring in some serious punishment for this sort of thing, then the traffic might move.

I always think you would never make it if you needed a ambulance in BK, very sad.

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