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Relatives scream blue murder after pick-up driver fails to let ambulance pass


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3 hours ago, teatree said:

Compare and contrast with Thailand:

How Germans React to Ambulance Siren




That can't happen in Thailand because the shoulder of the roads are used as an extra lane and already jammed with cars.

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In Europe this guy would be in jail now for obstructing the ambulance to continue for rescue the old lady and deal with the minor scratch traffic accident later.The relatives should press full charges against that morron.an amazing story and very very unbelievable selfish.

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An outstanding presentation of   Thai Compassion,Ignorance,Stupidity,Understanding,Selfishness,and a million other reasons why the people of this country will always keep it in the 3rd world,and an excellent excuse for the elite to find ways to keep the great unwashed,knowing their place.

Smile and the world laugh's at you.

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In the UK there is no specific law that you must give way to emergency services vehicles, but everyone adopts a common sense view and gets out of the way. The most you could be charged with is driving without due consideration for other road users, or obstruction of a police officer (not ambulance or fire) in the execution of their duty. Maybe it's the same here (apart from the common sense).


Police and ambulances in Thailand routinely drive around with flashing lights turned on, even though they are not in a hurry. I have only ever heard police use their sirens when they are on VIP escort, not to attend any life threatening incident. Could make it more difficult for the public to interpret when they are attending an emergency, and when not.


Proper training of emergency services personnel plus proper law enforcement, as we always bang on about, with informative campaigns emphasising that it could be your relative who is in danger, may achieve improvement over several generations.



Edited by Classic Ray
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3 hours ago, Toronto said:

I live in Ubon, and I see this happen quite often. Suppose it's the same all over LOS. Back in the States this would be a hefty fine. 


..if you think it through, all you need to do is pull over in the heavy traffic..let him through ..then drop in behind and get a quick run through the traffic until you need to turn off.

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6 minutes ago, Classic Ray said:

In the UK there is no specific law that you must give way to emergency services vehicles, but everyone adopts a common sense view and gets out of the way. The most you could be charged with is driving without due consideration for other road users, or obstruction of a police officer (not ambulance or fire) in the execution of their duty. Maybe it's the same here (apart from the common sense).


Police and ambulances in Thailand routinely drive around with flashing lights turned on, even though they are not in a hurry. I have only ever heard police use their sirens when they are on VIP escort, not to attend any life threatening incident. Could make it more difficult for the public to interpret when they are attending an emergency, and when not.


Proper training of emergency services personnel plus proper law enforcement, as we always bang on about, with informative campaigns emphasising that it could be your relative who is in danger, may achieve improvement over several generations.



Excusme? Obstructing an ambulance for a rescue is highly punishable in Europe.if u disagree why don,t u try it and see how u will be dealt with?a good lawyer will hold this moron partly responsible for the lady her death.och wait u just provoke here to make thread longer

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You think this is bad? I remember an instance where an ambulance was parked at an apartment building and the crew was administering aid. Another tenant came out to find her car blocked so she got in the ambulance and drive it to another location. When the ambulance crew came out with patient the ambulance wasn't there!

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More than likely this resulted because he would not move out of the way. In most civilized societies people will pull over for an emergency vehicle. I rarely see that here. I guess that was not part of the drivers ed program. Or their parents never told them it was very basic courtesy. Or that the lives of the injured were more important, at that moment in time. The ambulance should have fled the scene. There is no penalty in Thailand for doing so. It was the obligation of the driver to slap the crap out of this guy, and rush off to the hospital. 


What can one even say about the creep who's car was scraped? He deserves whatever fate comes to him. If only they had called him out by name! Why was it ok to name the woman who died, and the ambulance driver, but not the creep? 


When you observe some aspects of Thai law, it is proof that we are not living in a foreign country, but rather on a distant planet. 

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57 minutes ago, zydeco said:


That can't happen in Thailand because the shoulder of the roads are used as an extra lane and already jammed with cars.

Same thing happened in Poland heavy traffic .. even not the best drivers but doing the same .

For eg. Warsaw has horrific traffic jam but somehow people manage to make a space for ambulance or police... I am amazed ...

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thats how stupid the Thai people are on the roads, they have no clue and certainly no road sense what so ever ,and they wonder why Thailand is number 1 in the world for road deaths, thats nothing to be proud of .


oh and if you go to driving school for 5 hours they will give you a licence so you can drive on the roads, and be a nuisance to other competent drivers.How sad.

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5 hours ago, z42 said:

Scum. Pure and simple. Surely the cops can't duck out of their responsibilities here. People like this pickup driver need to be locked up as a lesson to others.


If i was the ambulsnce driver i would have told him to shove it and driven off. 


Come on RTP, prove you're not just a complete bunch of <deleted> and go arrest this @$$#ole now ?


I agree on both points but does anyone know if there is even a law on the books for pulling over/giving priority to an ambulance?  If there isn't there should be ... at least the police can take action.  If there is then the fine needs to be severe.  Some Thai's may not respect their fellow man but they understand the value of money and/or loss of licence.

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22 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

How about being charged with driving with undue consideration,for other road user's and being an absolute F#####g moron.

If you charged every F###### moron for stupidty


24 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

How about being charged with driving with undue consideration,for other road user's and being an absolute F#####g moron.

If every moron was charged for stupidity, there wouldn't enough hours on the day to issue tickets.

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Not to be pedantic, but doesn't "scream blue murder" mean to make an unjustified amount of fuss?  Wouldn't it be the ones preventing the ambulance from leaving the scene of the accident who screamed blue murder and the relatives of the one who died, perhaps as a direct result of the incurred delay, screaming regular murder?

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When I had my heart attack I owe my life to the fact that my wife ignored my remarks that was ok, and insisted on calling an ambulance, the professionalism of the ambulance crew, and the speed they got me to hospital - oh and the fact we were on a weekend away in Singapore.



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4 hours ago, impulse said:

Shameful behavior, for sure.  


But it's a little disingenuous for local social media to rag on this guy when the vast majority of people on the road here don't hesitate to drive in the emergency lane when it suits them, and very few actually get out of the way of ambulances.  Glass houses and stones.


...but no one has died as a result of their actions - thats the important point here - he stopped an ambulance from giving medical help to a sick person for his own ends.

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3 hours ago, daveAustin said:


Exactly same in UK. On the main bridge through town, every single vehicle will pull up over the pavement and the central reservation to let them pass. It is a combination of education, manners, empathy, respect, nous and not wanting get a huge fine and/or look a complete prat for not doing so. If an ambulance scraped a car, the ambulance would just carry on and get the person to hospital with any insurance issues sorted out later - common sense. If a car refused to move because of a scrape or whatever, aside from being manhandled and moved by a member of public or the ambulance driver, the cops would be on them in a heartbeat. If a person died because of this act, they would likely end up in court on a manslaughter charge and be taken apart in the media.

Same in Switzerland....hindering Ambulance to fulfill while on duty is considered a criminal offense ( dolus eventualis) and get punished by law, but hey TIT its all about loss of face .

No reasonable thoughts regards other peoples life and common sense , huh whats that????


Edited by thetruth revealer
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3 hours ago, teatree said:

Thailand needs a public information campaign on all sorts of behavior, teaching them that they must move out of the way of ambulances should certainly be at the top of the list.

Same as burning forests, national Parks and other protected areas  is harmful because of pollution and illegal too. ..

But, how to teach somebody who is unwilling to understand ??????



IGNORANCE is a Bliss???

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7 hours ago, trogers said:

Just the normal Thai mentality... as seen frequently in road rage episodes.


Wait for NLA to do catching up on this social sickness, perhaps after another coup a few decades in the future...

This is not normal Thai mentality at all,far from it in fact.As per usual bad news makes news and TVF seem to revel in it,winding up posters like you.You are being played.

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