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SURVEY: With Trump as POTUS is the world safer or not?


SURVEY: With Trump as President, is the world a safer place or not?  

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7 hours ago, Suradit69 said:



Agree, but two of the worst conflicts were a gift from Bush, some Republicans like  McCain and Graham wanted to start even more conflicts, and several members of the new government seem intent on stirring the pot with China, Taiwan and South China Sea islands.



Not to mention Iran.

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1 minute ago, sujoop said:

Trump never gives specifics about his policies (to which his low-info fan-base cheer) but:
-How exactly is he going to get rid of ISIS 'fast & forever'?
-And how is he going to bring Jurassic era coal jobs back to rural states?
-And what will he replace Obamacare with exactly?

Truth is, the Pied Piper of stoopid and his low-info followers have no answers and instead simply ape 'USA USA'... (<deleted>??)

Meanwhile, after embarrassing himself (a daily event) at the CIA by delivering his usual prelude of self-boasting, followed by WHINING about FACTUAL reporting on the small sized crowds at his inauguration/crowning (guy seems to get annoyed when called on his 'small sized' anything;) he dropped this bombshell:


Yeah,  so much safer with thin-skinned, tiny fingers, ill thought through Trump, what could possibly go wrong....


Funny how the leftards think it's a huge win that Trump had less people at his inauguration than Obama, I would have guessed EVERY black person in the U.S would attend Obama, ONE OF THEIR OWN, being crowned POTUS, you could understand them attending, why would they go to a white guys ceremony, and at the end of the day the big question is, WHO IS THE PRESIDENT TODAY. and that ladies, gentlemen and simpleton Leftards is all that really matters.

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22 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

I keep thinking about how Saddam Hussein thought he had been given a green light to invade Kuwait.


No question risk level has been elevated.


To about the same as the last time a Clinton was President do you think, remember 9/11, all the training and planning occurred in the U.S while he was in charge.

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9 minutes ago, Wazza1 said:


Funny how the leftards think it's a huge win that Trump had less people at his inauguration than Obama, I would have guessed EVERY black person in the U.S would attend Obama, ONE OF THEIR OWN, being crowned POTUS, you could understand them attending, why would they go to a white guys ceremony, and at the end of the day the big question is, WHO IS THE PRESIDENT TODAY. and that ladies, gentlemen and simpleton Leftards is all that really matters.


" I would have guessed EVERY black person in the U.S would attend Obama, ONE OF THEIR OWN, being crowned POTUS"


Guess so. And every a-hole in the US attended the inauguration of one of their own. I guess there just aren't that many a-holes in America.

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8 hours ago, Crash999 said:

Guy ran on a platform of no needless wars. Obama meanwhile was bombing 7 countries. 

Not a fan of Trump but between the two choices fewer wars would probably make the world safer. 


 Maybe you forgot, but Obama inherited 2 wars and has been working diligently to withdraw US troops.


Trump, on the other hand, famously said, "I would bomb the hell out of them!" ....when referring to people he doesn't like.   Trump is also on record as saying (tweeting) the US should strengthen its nuclear capability.  No president since Kennedy has said that sort of thing (all presidents and their advisers have been trying to lessen nukes worldwide).  Trump also wants to see Japan, Saudi Arabia and other countries join the nuke club.  What could go wrong?  ha ha ha chortle ha.

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1 hour ago, Wazza1 said:

Tell that to the people in Syria who are suffering from the Obama armed ISIS, armed by Obama to fight the Assad regime, how did that go?


That's about as true as Bill and Hillary keeping teenage sex slaves in the White House basement.  Purveyors of fake news love people who believe that sort of pap.  Some of them are sitting in their undershorts in Macedonia making about $1000 per day. And guess who laps up fake news the most voraciously?  Yup:  hard right wingers.  They spoon the stuff in morning noon and night.

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Let me think, please. 

7 hours ago, Awohalitsiktoli said:

Hard to imagine how it could get more unsafe.  The last 16 years have been a disaster for the USA and world in general.



 And that even with god on their side. regarding George W. Bush. :post-4641-1156693976:

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8 hours ago, AlQaholic said:

It will certainly be less safe for Donald, he will be assassinated within 6 months......


It seems you have knowledge as to what might happen. I’m sure the Secrete Service and or Home Land Security would be interested in your post and TV profile.

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3 minutes ago, Shot said:


It seems you have knowledge as to what might happen. I’m sure the Secrete Service and or Home Land Security would be interested in your post and TV profile.

There actually is no legal problem with his post. It was a prediction, not a threat.


I don't share his prediction because he will mostly avoid the public because there will be real threats.


He's already massively hated and feared and it's fair to predict that's going to get worse.


As far as his mortality, his health is more relevant. He's 70, is obese, doesn't exercise, doesn't sleep much, and eats poorly. 

Edited by Jingthing
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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

There actually is no legal problem with his post. It was a prediction, not a threat.


I don't share his prediction because he will mostly avoid the public because there will be real threats.


As far as his morality, his health is more relevant. He's 70, is obese, doesn't exercise, doesn't sleep much, and eats poorly. 



 And suffering of Alzheimer's and a few other diseases.

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:



As far as his mortality, his health is more relevant. He's 70, is obese, doesn't exercise, doesn't sleep much, and eats poorly. 


...and all those golden showers can't be very hygienic.

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1 hour ago, ajarngreg said:


 And suffering of Alzheimer's and a few other diseases.

Not sure about that but anyone that had hoped his bizarre ego disordered personality would change when installed in the most powerful office on the planet with zero qualifications and experience, probably already realizes that AIN'T gonna happen. trump is trump and that is NOT good. 

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5 hours ago, ToS2014 said:

A community organizer, with no prior political experience, what could possibly go wrong!  Well, we have the last eight years as proof.


... with no prior political experience...


Chicago Law School and civil rights attorney



Illinois State Senator (1997–2004)



U.S. Senator from Illinois (2005–2008)



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3 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Are your sure?

(Asking for a friend)

You can drink it. Many do for health reasons. 


It's kind of funny. Remember Bill Clinton and so many parents complained they had to explain to their kids about BJs and cigars and such? That was nothing compared to trump's perversions, with his grabbing and the watersportsgate. Mommy, what's watersports? Like boating? 

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2 minutes ago, Morch said:


... with no prior political experience...


Chicago Law School and civil rights attorney



Illinois State Senator (1997–2004)



U.S. Senator from Illinois (2005–2008)




Yeah, but had he bankrupted casinos and airlines, hawked steak and water, run a scam "university", been a reality TV star, appeared in Home Alone movies, operated a fake charity, grabbed any pussies, failed at two marriages and ghost written any books?


I didn't think so.

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12 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


I agree, but safer than the last 8 years anyway.

He will not minimalize the effects of Islamic Terrorism. He will not enable Iran to eventually get nukes with senseless "deals" and and he will not ignore red lines concerning chemical weapons.


Hopefully he will discontinue the decades-old policy of Washington, using Islamic Terrorists as proxy-armies.  That would definitely make us safer, and be a point of cooperation with Russia.  Another name-change won't cut it.


As to the South China Sea / Philippine Sea, China's made-up "9-dash line" - now coupled with turning tide-submerged reefs into military outposts - is no small thing.  Add to that, the treasonous permitted transfer of technology and manufacturing - a huge betrayal of our allies in the region.  I am critical of huge overseas forces, but also wary of the power-vacuum factor.

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53 minutes ago, 212Roger said:

It's better to have a strong President than a weak one.  That simple.

trump is bellicose and a vulgar poorly informed BULLY but his childish rants on twitter reveal a weak, small man with the ego the size of the universe. 

I get it that many Americans got CONNED by trump's persona, but the people that know him best, in New York, know what he really is.

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4 hours ago, Thakkar said:


Yeah, but had he bankrupted casinos and airlines, hawked steak and water, run a scam "university", been a reality TV star, appeared in Home Alone movies, operated a fake charity, grabbed any pussies, failed at two marriages and ghost written any books?


I didn't think so.

He's also appeared in soft corn porn films. 

Obama the first African American president.

trump the first president that's appeared in porn films.

We've come a long way, man baby!

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unless Trump is kept very insulated, he will see ****with**** the rest of us that the American 'liberal media' is actually the Fourth Estate... and not at all liberal unless 'liberal' means educated... which I think it does.

if The Donald and his administration end up as laughing stock in just the next 2 weeks... his Postal Office Worker Type loner personality is quite dangerous. and seeing Rick Perry at his Energy Secy hearing..... making a really dumb ass queer joke... not funny as it is so stupid. Trump has always said he will make Great appointments... that he gets the best people.  Well if Rick Perry and his 'sofa office' joke are an example.... oh no no.... it's working out to how I thought it might, a sick joke of a new administration.

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trump's bubble is his own mentally bizarre head. No pivot. Also, no, there is no forgetting trump has BEHAVED as if Putin really does have a watersports tape of him regardless of whether he does or doesn't. You couldn't make this stuff up, but he really happened. 

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7 hours ago, Tug said:

My question would be does he know how to backdown(desclate)if nessary?


Well, he's pretty good backing down from campaign promises, if that's any indication.

Problems might arise if opponents take him seriously, though.

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