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Despite no evidence, White House says Trump stands by voter fraud belief


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On 1/25/2017 at 10:34 PM, howto said:

^^^ Yes


Note: this is voter fraud, not election fraud.

Totally True. Dozens of examples.

Voter Fraud also includes 'Absentee Ballots'.


I do want this issue investigated.

There is no requirement to produce any ID to register to vote in California or to actually vote. You could say your name is Long Dong Silver and you live under a bridge and you would be registered. Fact. 

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1 hour ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

There is no requirement to produce any ID to register to vote in California or to actually vote. You could say your name is Long Dong Silver and you live under a bridge and you would be registered. Fact. 

Until recently, there was no need to produce ID to be registered to vote in England.  However, claiming to live under a bridge might cause problems,

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4 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

There is no requirement to produce any ID to register to vote in California or to actually vote. You could say your name is Long Dong Silver and you live under a bridge and you would be registered. Fact. 

That's interesting because I sure had to produce ID to register to vote and was asked if I was a citizen -- proven by my passport.   When I voted, I only had to show my voter registration card.  

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10 hours ago, Ahab said:

It is not ridiculous I watch the US news every night (multiple stations from very liberal to conservative) and those claiming there is zero voter fraud are too numerous to document and that makes me think that your search was incomplete or not very thorough. Possible they mean to say no "wide spread" voter fraud that would or could the election outcome, but that is not what they say. However, they say no voter fraud.


The following is from a Huffington post article on the topic (I do not usually use the Huffington Post to get my news), "Trump and his administration frequently cite a 2012 Pew study in support of his unfounded claims of widespread voter fraud. But the author, David Becker, has said that Trump’s team misconstrued his paper and that researchers found no cases of voter fraud."


So clearly if a quick 10 second search of Bing found an example of that has been said to be ridiculous,  straw man, and scarecrow maybe the example is none of those things. Maybe it is just possible that it was just an accurate portrayal of what is on the nightly news in the USA when discussing this topic.


Back to my original post on this topic it is ridiculous for President Trump to claim 3-5 million people voted illegally is ridiculous and it is equally ridiculous when anyone claims there was zero voter fraud.

And who was it who claimed that there is zero fraud. Not the people who actually study this.  what they claim is that there is nearly zero voter fraud. Especially in person voter fraud. Something like .0003 percent of votes.

Five states governed by Republicans did massive investigations of possible voter fraud and found virtually nothing.

Stop misrepresenting the facts.

If anything is a problem in respect to voter fraud, it's absentee ballot voter fraud. And none of the republican governed states have done anything to address this. Maybe it's just a coincidence, but absentee ballots tend to favor republicans.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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8 hours ago, manarak said:

For my part, I can't understand why the US don't have a federal citizen's ID system, it would just solve so many problems.

Each state has it's own ID system.  Normally a drivers license, but can also be just an ID card. 

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Trump never needs any evidence. In a press conference with Teresa May he told a story about how he was cutting a ribbon in Scotland the day before the Brexit vote and predicted the outcome. He actually arrived in Scotland the day after the vote.

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On 1/25/2017 at 0:35 PM, RuamRudy said:

I think that there is a deliberate strategy going on here. No president is an island; the Donald is surrounded by a coterie of very sharp, successful advisors who did not become successful by being nice, honest or fair. They know exactly how to manipulate people and they know exactly what he is doing when he makes all these ludicrous claims - sowing the seeds of confusion amongst the electorate, many of whom are willingly accepting of his suggestions of dark forces at work, without stopping to question whether he is simply a different variant of these dark forces.


A year ago we had never heard of the term 'fake news' and now everyone is talking about it, unsure of who or what to believe. He may be entertainment to many, but underneath the parody there is a serious strategy at play, with the deliberate intent of misleading and obfuscating the masses. He is taking the Boris Johsnon approach and has ramped it up to maximum.


California instructions to register. No Official ID required:




You can live under a bridge:




but hey!  No fraud!

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13 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:


California instructions to register. No Official ID required:




You can live under a bridge:




but hey!  No fraud!


Your loyalty to your president is admirable. I sincerely hope that he doesn't let you down.

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12 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:


California instructions to register. No Official ID required:




You can live under a bridge:




but hey!  No fraud!


Ummmm....from your link:




Who can register to vote?

To register to vote in California, you must be:



Hard to prove you are a US citizen with no official ID! 


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25 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:


Ummmm....from your link:



Hard to prove you are a US citizen with no official ID! 


You do not need to Prove you are a citizen, merely sign the form stating you are. Millions of illegals in the US now.  Do you think they have a moral problem lying about their citizenship when they know all their government welfare payments will be shut down by Trump?

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2 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

And who was it who claimed that there is zero fraud. Not the people who actually study this.  what they claim is that there is nearly zero voter fraud. Especially in person voter fraud. Something like .0003 percent of votes.

Five states governed by Republicans did massive investigations of possible voter fraud and found virtually nothing.

Stop misrepresenting the facts.

If anything is a problem in respect to voter fraud, it's absentee ballot voter fraud. And none of the republican governed states have done anything to address this. Maybe it's just a coincidence, but absentee ballots tend to favor republicans.

I quoted the study. The study said "zero". 

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49 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

You do not need to Prove you are a citizen, merely sign the form stating you are. Millions of illegals in the US now.  Do you think they have a moral problem lying about their citizenship when they know all their government welfare payments will be shut down by Trump?


An undocumented foreigner - illegal immigrant - I think - would avoid any risky situation subject to ID control - and keep low profile -  so the idea that millions .. in California where it's not really necessary ...... ??

Edited by Opl
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On 1/25/2017 at 0:35 PM, RuamRudy said:

I think that there is a deliberate strategy going on here. No president is an island; the Donald is surrounded by a coterie of very sharp, successful advisors who did not become successful by being nice, honest or fair. They know exactly how to manipulate people and they know exactly what he is doing when he makes all these ludicrous claims - sowing the seeds of confusion amongst the electorate, many of whom are willingly accepting of his suggestions of dark forces at work, without stopping to question whether he is simply a different variant of these dark forces.


A year ago we had never heard of the term 'fake news' and now everyone is talking about it, unsure of who or what to believe. He may be entertainment to many, but underneath the parody there is a serious strategy at play, with the deliberate intent of misleading and obfuscating the masses. He is taking the Boris Johsnon approach and has ramped it up to maximum.

I honestly believe his intent is to RULE American, acquire unbelievable amount of wealth, and destroy democracy. His idol is the Russian dictator.

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On 1/26/2017 at 0:20 AM, Thakkar said:

Trump's latest tweet might give a clue to what's really at play here. Taking the totally unsubstantiated illegal voting as a given, he wants to  "strengthen voting procedures" —which sounds suspiciously like accelerating On-going Republican efforts at voter suppression.


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On 1/26/2017 at 0:24 AM, Jingthing said:

It's worse than that. He's showing signs of going full on Putin. 

This is what Bernie Sanders warned about after trump won. The real serious permanent damage risk with such an authoritarian extremist is if there any semblance of a democracy left after he's done with it. We already know trump's campaign was not normal, and he is not normal. 


What's not clear though is exactly HOW to stop this. 

I fear his "reds" Republican party buddies want power, and money more than they want democracy. I also fear they will do little to thwart this mentally ill individual.

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2 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

I fear his "reds" Republican party buddies want power, and money more than they want democracy. I also fear they will do little to thwart this mentally ill individual.

Yes, that is the only group that has the power to save our democracy -- more "normal" republicans owning up to the fact that our president is an insane clown demagogic fascistic anti-democratic train wreck. It's a test to see whether they are really "patriotic" or not. 

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6 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

You do not need to Prove you are a citizen, merely sign the form stating you are. Millions of illegals in the US now.  Do you think they have a moral problem lying about their citizenship when they know all their government welfare payments will be shut down by Trump?



The right of foreigners to vote in the United States[1][2] has historically been a contentious issue. A foreigner, in this context, is an alien or a person who is not a citizen of the United States.


Since 1996, a federal law has prohibited non-citizens from voting in federal elections, punishing them by fines, imprisonment, inadmissibility, and deportation.




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6 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

You do not need to Prove you are a citizen, merely sign the form stating you are. Millions of illegals in the US now.  Do you think they have a moral problem lying about their citizenship when they know all their government welfare payments will be shut down by Trump?

Well certainly it seems that to do it online you must provide your social security number, so I guess unless they are giving out ss numbers to illegal immigrants your point is kind of dead in the water.  


Are you sure with the physical application you don't have to provide any other ID or are you just making it up to fit your blind hero worship of the oompa loompa?



What You Will Need

To register online you will need

  • Your California driver license or California identification card number,
  • The last four digits of your social security number and
  • Your date of birth.


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30 minutes ago, Slip said:

Well certainly it seems that to do it online you must provide your social security number, so I guess unless they are giving out ss numbers to illegal immigrants your point is kind of dead in the water.  


Are you sure with the physical application you don't have to provide any other ID or are you just making it up to fit your blind hero worship of the oompa loompa?



Undocumented workers who have risked everything, to come to the US, will again risk everything to obtain false ID's and then risk everything again to register to vote with those fake ID's and then risk everything's again to vote, in states where HRC would've won without their votes.


3-5 million of them.


Trumpsters must think Mexicans are as idiotic as they themselves are.

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4 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Undocumented workers who have risked everything, to come to the US, will again risk everything to obtain false ID's and then risk everything again to register to vote with those fake ID's and then risk everything's again to vote, in states where HRC would've won without their votes.


3-5 million of them.


Trumpsters must think Mexicans are as idiotic as they themselves are.

The truth of the matter is they think all of us as stupid as them.  They seem to believe that they can lie with impunity and none will notice, or if we do we won't care. Hmm, who does that remind you of?

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3 hours ago, Slip said:

Well certainly it seems that to do it online you must provide your social security number, so I guess unless they are giving out ss numbers to illegal immigrants your point is kind of dead in the water.  


Are you sure with the physical application you don't have to provide any other ID or are you just making it up to fit your blind hero worship of the oompa loompa?




Obviously you are not familiar with California. A fake drivers license and Social Security card will cost you $150. For an extra $50, you can get a green card. Don't believe me? Google California fake ID. California will not check your documents so you can vote. 

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9 hours ago, Gary A said:


Obviously you are not familiar with California. A fake drivers license and Social Security card will cost you $150. For an extra $50, you can get a green card. Don't believe me? Google California fake ID. California will not check your documents so you can vote. 

The key word in your comment: fake.


Your source for the assertion that California doesn't check the documents?

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12 hours ago, Gary A said:


Obviously you are not familiar with California. A fake drivers license and Social Security card will cost you $150. For an extra $50, you can get a green card. Don't believe me? Google California fake ID. California will not check your documents so you can vote. 

So if your documents are Fake, what happens when the Government official inputs your name and fake details onto the computer system (that presumably according to you does not check Fake names, addresses, social security numbers etc etc  - or do the producers of fake ID's only use names of dead people on their fake cards). Google Elvis really does live on the moon on a double decker bus and you will get some hits to prove it is true. You can get any fake id you want on Khausan road - but try taking your fake passport to immigration control, or try giving the fake UK drivers licence you can get (as real and genuine looking as can be!) to a policeman in the UK and see how long your fakery remains undetected.


What amazes me more than Trumps claims of 3-5 Million illegal immigrants voting is that people like you, allegedly with a school or college education actually believe what he is saying has any merit. We will cope with Trump and he will shortly be impeached or imprisoned (no less than he deserves) BUT what is difficult to know how to cope with is the army of tin foil hat wearing Trump supporters like you who insist on trying to spread his fake news and 'alternative facts' as true. God help us.

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12 hours ago, Gary A said:


Obviously you are not familiar with California. A fake drivers license and Social Security card will cost you $150. For an extra $50, you can get a green card. Don't believe me? Google California fake ID. California will not check your documents so you can vote. 

You're fighting a losing battle.  Sure, you can get a fake ID pretty much anywhere.  Or make one yourself.  But there are significant consequences and easily proven fake.  California cops aren't dummies and check the data on their computer inside the car. 





Online manufacturers ask you for personal information, and giving out your real name, address, date of birth or social security number to a stranger across the world means someone could steal your identity IRL.


"If you give out your personal identifying information ... the person receiving it could use it in a way that you did not authorize or they could give it to a third party to make the ID," Fletcher told us. "This third party could then save it and use it for other customers."



Time to move on with regards to this one....

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