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Pence fires up anti-abortion activists in Washington march


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Pence fires up anti-abortion activists in Washington march

By Ian Simpson


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U.S. Vice President Mike Pence and senior aide to President Trump, Kellyanne Conway, address the anti-abortion 'March for Life' rally in Washington, DC.


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence fired up tens of thousands of anti-abortion activists who gathered on Friday for the 44th March for Life, celebrating a political shift in their favour with the election of President Donald Trump.

"Life is winning again in America," Pence told the demonstrators on the National Mall, near where Trump was sworn in a week ago before hundreds of thousands.

The March for Life took place in the same area where even more massive crowds flooded Washington a day after Trump's inauguration in favour of women's rights, including abortion rights.

Pence, a longtime hero of the anti-abortion movement, is the most senior government official to speak in person at the rally, organizers said. As governor of Indiana, he signed what were seen as some of the nation's strictest abortion laws.

Pence praised "the election of pro-life majorities in the Congress of the United States of America," Trump's upcoming nomination of an anti-abortion Supreme Court justice, and the president's reinstatement on Monday of a policy that cuts off U.S. funding to healthcare providers that promote or provide abortions overseas.

"It's the best day I've ever seen for the March of Life," he said.

Trump senior aide Kellyanne Conway was one of many women to address the demonstrators before they started their march from the Mall to the U.S. Supreme Court, about 1.5 miles (2 km) away.

"We hear you. We see you. We respect you," Conway said. "And we look forward to working with you."

Protesters hoisted signs saying "Choose life," "I am the pro-life generation," and "Equal Rights For Unborn People."

A Christian rock band warmed up the crowd for Pence, leading people in hand-clapping at the rally within sight of the White House.

"We're here to stand up for the unborn because no one else can, and having Donald Trump in the White House makes everyone more enthusiastic," said Jim Kolar, 59, of West Palm Beach, Florida.

Organizers had no immediate estimate of crowd size, but the march to the Supreme Court after the rally filled the street for many blocks amid chants of "We love babies, yes, we do, we love babies, how 'bout you?"

"This is good, this is a good turnout," said the Rev. Kevin Cusick, a Catholic priest from Benedict, Maryland, who has been coming to the marches off and on for more than 40 years.

The March for Life is held each year close to the anniversary of the court's Roe v. Wade ruling that legalized abortion in 1973.

Trump has said Roe v. Wade should be overturned and has vowed to appoint an anti-abortion justice to fill the Supreme Court seat left vacant by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia last year.

He also has pledged to defund Planned Parenthood, which draws the ire of many Republicans because it provides abortions, along with other services.

Abortion rights supporters say cutting off funding for abortion providers will prevent poor women from getting other critical heath care and birth control that could prevent unwanted pregnancies.

The rally comes as the number of U.S. abortions has fallen to a record low. The Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive health and rights organisation, said last week that it dropped below 1 million in 2013 for the first time since 1975.

A Quinnipiac University poll released on Friday showed that 64 percent of Americans say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 31 percent said it should be illegal in all or most cases.

Anti-abortion forces are often inspired by a religious conviction that life begins at conception and see abortion as murder.

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-01-28


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That was a great photo published during the week - six or seven men standing around while Trump signed one of his decrees, this time solely about women. As many people have asked, where's the one where six or seven women stand around while a female leader signs a decree solely about men

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11 minutes ago, kaleevala said:

I hope the Trump administration will stay away from the abortion issue. It is a NO WIN issue. Just let Roe v. Wade stand. 

You're joking, right. 

trump has a supreme court pick this week that will be for overturning Roe v. Wade and will get through the senate. 

One more pick in his term and Roe v. Wade will likely be either overturned or greatly damaged.

A somewhat likely outcome is making it a state decision so that states can make it illegal. 

He's already done the Mexico City thing cutting off all U.S. aid funds to international organizations doing abortion even when they provide many other health services. Including HIV prevention and treatment services.

Planned Parenthood will be defunded.

Contraception they do goes away. More unwanted pregnancies. More back alley abortions. More dead women.

Access for poor women will get very difficult. 

This is the trump agenda. It's happening. Any trump supporters that voted for him with a fantasy that it wasn't like that ... I don't have words to describe how CLUELESS that was. 

trump has brought upon a DARK AGES in social issues in the U.S. and not only the U.S. with his defunding abroad. 

Edited by Jingthing
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Trump said from day of inauguration that power would be returning to the people. 69% of US population support Roe v Wade, double the number who oppose. 60% support funding for Planned Parenthood. BTW there is already law that funds from gov can't be used for abortion, so Pence is trying to act like proposing something new, which isn't. 3% of PP budget goes to abortion. He should have said "My people" not "the people". http://www.pewresearch.org/topics/abortion/

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5 minutes ago, Emster23 said:

Trump said from day of inauguration that power would be returning to the people. 69% of US population support Roe v Wade, double the number who oppose. 60% support funding for Planned Parenthood. BTW there is already law that funds from gov can't be used for abortion, so Pence is trying to act like proposing something new, which isn't. 3% of PP budget goes to abortion. He should have said "My people" not "the people". http://www.pewresearch.org/topics/abortion/

Those sound like Alternative Facts to me

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8 minutes ago, Emster23 said:

Trump said from day of inauguration that power would be returning to the people. 69% of US population support Roe v Wade, double the number who oppose. 60% support funding for Planned Parenthood. BTW there is already law that funds from gov can't be used for abortion, so Pence is trying to act like proposing something new, which isn't. 3% of PP budget goes to abortion. He should have said "My people" not "the people". http://www.pewresearch.org/topics/abortion/

He didn't mean ALL the people. He meant his supporters. He calls them fans. People that are not his supporters he calls ENEMIES. 

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And this piece is dedicated to all the women who voted for Trump who will now loose control over their productive rights. This has happened just in time as they will need women to replace all the foreigner workers that will be kicked out of the country. Could be a method to their madness in all of this. 

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Here's the thing...they restrict only access to the poor. Those with means can seek medical help in more enlightened countries. The reality is there are medical reasons that an abortion is warranted. To try and tell me and my significant other that we must carry a genetically damaged being to term, go thought the birth, bear the emotional and financial burden of that being being raised is "cruel and unusual punishemen" through no one's fault but genetics. I will not recognize your voiding our rights over our own medical decisions on the basis of your religious beliefs and will assist others, in a difficult medical decision period period with voiding your in justice. So much, for those of you who demand law and order. If the law is unjust...II , for one will not abide!!!

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10 hours ago, wwest5829 said:

Here's the thing...they restrict only access to the poor. Those with means can seek medical help in more enlightened countries. The reality is there are medical reasons that an abortion is warranted. To try and tell me and my significant other that we must carry a genetically damaged being to term, go thought the birth, bear the emotional and financial burden of that being being raised is "cruel and unusual punishemen" through no one's fault but genetics. I will not recognize your voiding our rights over our own medical decisions on the basis of your religious beliefs and will assist others, in a difficult medical decision period period with voiding your in justice. So much, for those of you who demand law and order. If the law is unjust...II , for one will not abide!!!

As the self described moral judges of us all, they are saving unborn babies (because human life is sacred - nevermind other kinds) and saving the souls of aborters from eternal damnation and hellfire. (Or the Republican directive of ensuring another generation of minimum wage earners are born, because their parents couldn't afford an abortion to an unwanted pregnancy.)

Either way, it feels like we're backstepping toward the dark ages with religious ideals and an overwhelming population of poor, uneducated workers.

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On a serious note, as this is quite a serious topic indeed.

So anti-abortionists, what are school kids going to do after they <deleted> up, there is a pregnancy, and parents won't help but will beat them up for <deleted> up their futures, or simply kick them out;
or far below minimum wage earners; or so poor there is no money for contra-conceptives or alternative entertainment; or raped but cannot go to police; or druggies; or married and one-night stand gone wrong; pray to the God of choice and ask for money for nappies, food, clothes, shoes, school fees, rent, healthcare, a nannie so mum and, as-if-and-when available dad, can go to school and become smarter then they were when conceiving?

I understand an issue with third semester abortions, a foetus that can survive should be untouchable, unless very exceptional circumstances.
But professionally performed abortions, at the wish of the victim, and albeit not the birth control method of choice but a necessary evil, should imho not be a criminal offence.

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