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SWEDEN AT BREAKING POINT: Police make urgent plea for help as violent crime spirals

Jonathan Fairfield

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SWEDEN AT BREAKING POINT: Police make urgent plea for help as violent crime spirals



SWEDISH police have made an urgent plea for citizens to assist them in solving serious crimes amid a spike in violence


Officers in the city of Malmö have struggled to cope with a surge of serious crimes including dozens of attempted murders, beatings, rapes and other offences – and have now been forced to admit: “We cannot do it on our own”.


Malmö police chief Stefan Sinteus called for locals to come forward with testimonies testimonies in a bid to help police catch suspects.


In an open letter, a desperate Mr Sinteus wrote: “I can assure you that the police in Malmö are doing everything we can for suspected perpetrators to be held accountable. But we cannot do it on our own.


“We depend on you, and your witness statements, to solve these violent crimes.


Full story:http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/759946/Swedish-violence-crime-police-urgent-plea-malm-Rosengard

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33 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Rather misleading headline. It's about 1 city: Malmo. Not all of Sweden. But maybe to Trump supporters it's the same thing. Much like Trump's claim that the USA is a crime wave disaster zone because of Chicago.

Yes right now it`s Malmø that`s in the pits,but when more of the people causing havoc is flooding in and settles in other cities in Sweden,excpect more of the same

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14 hours ago, thai3 said:

People have been warning about the consequences of mass immigration there for some years now



And mostly about the idiots in government making all this possible.

I certainly hope the rest of Europe have a good look at this and will stop condemning Mr Trump & European friends.

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14 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Rather misleading headline. It's about 1 city: Malmo. Not all of Sweden. But maybe to Trump supporters it's the same thing. Much like Trump's claim that the USA is a crime wave disaster zone because of Chicago.

Of course it won't spread anywhere else in Sweden.


Yeah right.



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15 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Rather misleading headline. It's about 1 city: Malmo. Not all of Sweden. But maybe to Trump supporters it's the same thing. Much like Trump's claim that the USA is a crime wave disaster zone because of Chicago.


For one the Swedish  establishment has hidden facts to their population, They're waking up.


It's not about Malmo solely. They riot in all of Sweden (as my friends in Stockholm, Lund, Ystad reported) 

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The fact is that the crime in Malmo and Sweden in general is far less than in the United States. The number of people killed by guns every year in the United States is 3.4/100,000 compared with only 0.91/100,000 in Sweden. Why the focus is on Muslims in America when there are >50,000 people killed per year by non-Muslims, in crimes involving guns in the United States. So far this month there have been 27 mass shootings in the US with 1,161 Deaths, 2,307 injuries. The fact is that you would be safer in Malmo than most US states. What the Swedish police want to do is to recruit more immigrants that speak the same language to police these areas. Which is what they should have done  along time ago.


Edited by Estrada
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29 minutes ago, Estrada said:

The fact is that the crime in Malmo and Sweden in general is far less than in the United States. The number of people killed by guns every year in the United States is 3.4/100,000 compared with only 0.91/100,000 in Sweden. Why the focus is on Muslims in America when there are >50,000 people killed per year by non-Muslims, in crimes involving guns in the United States. So far this month there have been 27 mass shootings in the US with 1,161 Deaths, 2,307 injuries. The fact is that you would be safer in Malmo than most US states. What the Swedish police want to do is to recruit more immigrants that speak the same language to police these areas. Which is what they should have done  along time ago.


America like most countries it's the same people that continue to commit crimes. Most of the violent crime is in the big cities run by liberal Democrats.  New York  Chicago and LA.

Then there is the novel idea of learning the language of a country that welcomed them

Edited by USPatriot
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Unfortunately for Sweden they have made their bed and will have to sleep

in it. The second shoe will drop for Sweden/Germany in a year when family

reunification starts to occur. It is a human rite to have your family with you.

Mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, children, cousins etc..etc..

I believe the UK allows a 17-1 reunification. (that is what I have been told

by Brits. Not sure if it is true) Oh well.  

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17 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Rather misleading headline. It's about 1 city: Malmo. Not all of Sweden. But maybe to Trump supporters it's the same thing. Much like Trump's claim that the USA is a crime wave disaster zone because of Chicago.

Why would you tie in Trump supporters and the USA to this ?? It's about Sweden, not the USA...

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Malmo, the Swedish caliphate. Germany and Sweden are being torn apart by the importation of tens of thousands of migrants with absolutely no vetting. Maybe allowing every economic migrant into a country is not such a wise idea. It's too late for Sweden and Germany, but other countries can use this as a case study for policy decisions.

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17 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Rather misleading headline. It's about 1 city: Malmo. Not all of Sweden. But maybe to Trump supporters it's the same thing. Much like Trump's claim that the USA is a crime wave disaster zone because of Chicago.


More to come with unchecked immigration.


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The irony is that many European nations (including UK), with their bleeding hearts pumping, let in the millions of "refugees" as if it were their "human right" and once the immigrants are firmly ashore, the bleeding hearts turn their backs on all those poor sods who thought they were coming to a paradise of employment.  

No, you go and find your own lousy job, mate, preferably one at 1/3 of the minimum wage.  Oh, and don't come and live in my neighbourhood, ok?  There's plenty of work in Malmo and Middlesborough and the Midlands.  Just keep away from my nice garden city.  Go and live in Liverpool or Leipzig, but keep away from the Home Counties.

What hypocrisy.

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14 minutes ago, blazes said:

The irony is that many European nations (including UK), with their bleeding hearts pumping, let in the millions of "refugees" as if it were their "human right" and once the immigrants are firmly ashore, the bleeding hearts turn their backs on all those poor sods who thought they were coming to a paradise of employment.  

No, you go and find your own lousy job, mate, preferably one at 1/3 of the minimum wage.  Oh, and don't come and live in my neighbourhood, ok?  There's plenty of work in Malmo and Middlesborough and the Midlands.  Just keep away from my nice garden city.  Go and live in Liverpool or Leipzig, but keep away from the Home Counties.

What hypocrisy.


I'm afraid many of these refugees are economic migrants. They are coming to these socialist paradises because they will be given money and housing and not have to work. Many immigrants are abusing the system and in many cases committing fraud by collecting under multiple aliases.


For those who do want to work, how many of these immigrants speak the language of the host country? What kind of work do they expect to get? There are only so many jobs to go around. Shouldn't the young people who grew up in the country work the minimum wage service jobs before hitting the job market later in life. I don't know about your country, but where I am from it's pretty much expected that as a teen you work service jobs while in school to earn a bit of spending money and then after university you enter the real job market. The whole immigration situation is a complete disaster and needs to stop or at least be controlled.

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I wonder how long the majority can sit by and watch a minority destroy their lives before they get angry and do something about it ... starting with the rise of the ultra right and spiraling out of control from there.  The Swedes always seem like a patient lot but it's the patient ones that get really nasty when things get ugly.  This is just the opening phase of what will be a long and nasty backlash against this minority.

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8 hours ago, AGLV0121 said:


For one the Swedish  establishment has hidden facts to their population, They're waking up.


It's not about Malmo solely. They riot in all of Sweden (as my friends in Stockholm, Lund, Ystad reported) 


Indeed. Years of politically correct feminist dominated liberalism has allowed decent Swedes to be lulled by their governments into believing everything in the garden was rosy. Now it's obvious that is far from the truth. Hiding the increasing number of crimes committed by immigrants and covering it up as allowed things to fester and now boil over.

Sadly other European countries are already seeing the signs in some of their cities - no go zones,  illegal Sharia Law patrols, attacks on people who aren't Muslim - assaults, rapes, beatings. None is seemingly judged hate crime. And police are kept busy watching right wing political parties.

How the left must love themselves in their absolute belief that they and only they are ever right. And of course, any lie that helps show that is totally justified to them.

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Interesting comments.Some are indeed racist and reflect ignorance and others are contradictory. 

The one accusing Sudanese of whatever and they can not fit...they will not change their culture to fit, let me ask you and many of us here, how many if you has abandoned "his" culture and adopted local culture?

As a matter of fact you can find the brits, froggies, Ozies Yanks etc are concentrating and living together in 1 particular area and indeed not scattered and meltinh into the community .Stop being IGNORANT &  HYPOCRITE.?

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Looks like the 'silent majority' of rational logical thinkers are starting to come out of the closet, and more and more are making public comments on TV and other places in support of the idea that unvetted muslim immigration such as in Sweden is and always was a very bad idea.  IMO these are excellent developments in the transition of the western cultures and societies back to the right side of politics and away from the loony left who have completely taken over the UN and other such European government thinking and policy development.  I encourage all such thinking and logical people to continue to express such views on TV, as only when we speak about things like Sweden will the loony left get pushed back to where they belong - on the fringes of policy - they should never have been allowed to make to the centre of government power.


Anyone that doesnt realise that certain cultures do not and never will assimilate and integrate, are fools who believe in a utopian state that will 'eventually' be created by left wing governments.  The reality is that this is a pipe dream and far from the reality of the real world that the rest of us live in. The world is turning right and what is happening in Sweden and the rest of Europe, and events like Brexit and Trump being elected POTUS, are just the beginning of the end for the loony left.


But the broader issue is not the initial troubles experienced in the assimilation and integration between cultures/societies - that is a fact that exists all over the western world - and has done so since WW2. The broader issue and the heart of the problem, is that the muslim culture is totally incompatible with western culture and it is totally against integration and assimilation. This has been evident for a long long time and is now more and more being seen in places like Sweden.  


The fools of the left automatically think any criticism of these troubles is racist and bigoted, because they truly believe all people are equal and all cultures are compatible.  It is true that over time certain cultures have been able to assimilate and integrate within western cultures, as evidenced by the wave of post WW2  immigration from western Europe. But the reality is that the muslim culture is not capable of integrating into any other culture - the history of the world for a long long time shows that.  The muslim culture either dissapates (or are killed) or totally controls whatever other culture it encounters - it always has and always will.  What has been happening in UK since the 1970s and has been very evident in Europe for many years, but is now becomming a serious problems because of the numbers involved, is that muslim culture is not capable of integration and assimilation - period.


Having said all that, I will admit that the judeo/christian culture also had similar issues in the past.  But the fact is that as our western societies evolved with the development of the sciences etc., the Church underwent a process of reformation in the 15th/16th centuries. This has not happened in the muslim culture and maybe it never will.  




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34 minutes ago, ResandePohm said:

The fact that most refugees are young single men who should really be at home fighting for a better life for their families but who have instead chosen to flee and become economic migrants, IMO they should to be sent back home.



Almost two thirds of refugees entering Europe are NOT fleeing war, EU Commissioner claims

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