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Revealed: the 'real' reason why Donald Trump and Theresa May held hands - and it's not what you think


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6 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Disturbing to hear that Trump has a fear of slopes as he is on a very slippery one at the moment.

Truly an emperor has no clothes moment. Tiny hands, and now this. He comes off as a weak, unhealthy, mentally confused elder. That's fine but not in the WHITE HOUSE. Clearly his "strong man" fascist posturing is some kind of compensation for what he really is.

Edited by Jingthing
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I rather liked the Guardian column on Trump grabbing her hand.



Oh, Theresa May, I’ve been there: one minute you’re just a woman trying to do your job; the next, a man is touching you in a way that is definitely not appropriate, but hard to explain and difficult to prevent. 


Edited by thaihome
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17 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

Whatever anyone may say, a magnificent coup for U.K. as far as public relations go, and a firm reminder that U.S.A. and The United Kingdom are and always will be standing together :)

let's just see how the UK public respond to POTUS when he arrives. Special relationship may take on a brand new meaning.


Petition to stop Trumps State visit well over a million now and showing no sign of slowing down 

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6 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

let's just see how the UK public respond to POTUS when he arrives. Special relationship may take on a brand new meaning.


Petition to stop Trumps State visit well over a million now and showing no sign of slowing down 

Yeah I reckon the state visit will still happen, but the protests in London will be YUGE! Thanks in advance for that. The message needs continuous reinforcing, the baby man trump as U.S. president is simply NOT OK. 

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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yeah I reckon the state visit will still happen, but the protests in London will be YUGE! Thanks in advance for that. The message needs continuous reinforcing, the baby man trump as U.S. president is simply NOT OK. 

Another 124,000 people have signed the petition since my last post.


Way back in the day I went to the demonstration against the Vietnam war in Grosvenor Square outside the US Embassy in London.  Ended up with a very beautiful girlfriend, thank you very much!  Anyway on Saturday I will be there again demonstrating against Trump's actions.  I guess I had better take my wife with me this time, just incase.  This will be my third demonstration as I usually think they are a waste of time.  The first was the anti-Vietnam war demonstration and the second being the march against the invasion of Iraq.  It takes a lot to get me out there in the cold but this is worth every minute.

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44 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It's a safe bet probably never. He's done a pivot away from Asia and Thailand would be seen as "minor" Asia. 

It's just a matter of branding. Tell him Thailand is in Asia Minor. I have read in very credible sources that there are a few witnesses out there that say he is very very partial to Minors.

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