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UK: More than a million sign petition for Trump state visit to be cancelled


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54 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


No - it's the rent a mob loony left mixed with the let's have a riot anarchists added to the radical Muslims and the always oppose USA whatever lot.


But it's fashionable now and PC to bemoan and protest Trump. So some of the politicos have to join in. The same ones who jumped on the Brexit bandwagon of false promises when it suited.

The Socialist Worker types are always behind these demos. But as the years have gone by they seem to be growing in number. When a lot of us were young we were too busy working and enjoying our free time to get involved in marches and demos.


It seems that the left wing brainwashed university student types who should be working have discovered that the Mickey Mouse degrees they've been given are not recognised in the real world. Now there's a surprise.

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1 minute ago, yogi100 said:

The Socialist Worker types are always behind these demos. But as the years have gone by they seem to be growing in number. When a lot of us were young we were too busy working and enjoying our free time to get involved in marches and demos.


It seems that the left wing brainwashed university student types who should be working have discovered that the Mickey Mouse degrees they've been given are not recognised in the real world. Now there's a surprise.


I was a visiting part-time lecturer in the 80's and 90's at a UK university. Business studies. I was young, it was my home city and I knew several of the students - from school and even a former gf! So they talked to me about other lecturers.


They said some spent the whole lecture talking about politics, left wing of course, and bragging about meeting Ken Livingstone and the like. The students got fed up and complained it was a waste of their time and money.  But you could see the game. Left wing teachers, left wing lecturers influence the young.

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58 minutes ago, thai3 said:

Funny how these protesters never manage to get out on the street to protest against the human rights abuses in Islamic countries, women being stoned, gays chucked off roofs, 'witches' burned. But a visit by the president and there's no stopping their 'outrage', idiots.

You have made a rare valid point, as you feel so strongly against Islamic countries feel free to protest on the street, or better still you could join a local  interest group like the Klu Klux Klan.

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1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:


I was a visiting part-time lecturer in the 80's and 90's at a UK university. Business studies. I was young, it was my home city and I knew several of the students - from school and even a former gf! So they talked to me about other lecturers.


They said some spent the whole lecture talking about politics, left wing of course, and bragging about meeting Ken Livingstone and the like. The students got fed up and complained it was a waste of their time and money.  But you could see the game. Left wing teachers, left wing lecturers influence the young.


Common purpose infiltration into all walks of life especially where they can brainwash the youngsters. It's also rife on local councils throughout the UK and their union members are expected to take part in any activity that supports multiculturalism and immigration and denounces visits from foreign politicians with views that oppose their own such as the one we will soon be getting from Donald Trump.


I've worked for Red Ken's council and know exactly what they're like!


They just don't care that Joe Bloggs who used to support the very party, their Labour Party that was formed to act in his interests now feels betrayed by it. Joe wants the aid budget cut, immigration cut, foreign criminals deported, more manufacturing jobs and vocational skills, the return of the birch for crimes of violence and the death penalty restored for child killers and the more heinous murders.


Joe had better not hold his breath because it's not going to happen any time soon.

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25 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

The Socialist Worker types are always behind these demos. But as the years have gone by they seem to be growing in number. When a lot of us were young we were too busy working and enjoying our free time to get involved in marches and demos.


It seems that the left wing brainwashed university student types who should be working have discovered that the Mickey Mouse degrees they've been given are not recognised in the real world. Now there's a surprise.

'enjoying our free time' these protests are exactly so you can enjoy your free time and not end up living under a wannabe narcissist dictator.

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5 hours ago, tx22cb said:

The way I heard it, PM May only conveyed a Royal invitation, "the prime minister extended an invitation on behalf of the Queen". And last year it was rumoured that there was support for Brexit from the Palace.

The Government tell the Queen who she will invite to a State Visit.

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1 minute ago, SpeakeasyThai said:

'enjoying our free time' these protests are exactly so you can enjoy your free time and not end up living under a wannabe narcissist dictator.


Do you mean like Jeremy Corbyn?

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The "No" petition is up to 1.6 million.

The "yes" petition is at 60,000. Judging by the standard of English, I'm assuming it was started by some UKIP chav.



Donald Trump should be invited to make an official State Visit because he is the leader of a free world and U.K. is a country that supports free speech and does not believe that people that appose our point of view should be gagged.

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7 hours ago, ukrules said:

There's only one way this visit will be cancelled and that's if King Charles III cancels it.


In my opinion that's pretty unlikely.


I understand that he says he does not want to meet Charles...


Personally I hope every decent royal just finds their diary full when the visit is planed.


Better still given the protests already inthe UK  I hope it is cancelled as I see it may lead to some nasty protests, even worse...


....and he is not that thick skinned, this will not be good for any Anglo-Trump relationship.

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2 minutes ago, Chicog said:

The "No" petition is up to 1.6 million.






There are several million Muslims in the UK so a lot of them will be radical and want to cause trouble. But it would seem a lot of them have rejected the opportunity to sign. They must be the moderate ones with enough sense not to want to rock the boat.

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


If you treat a woman as second class, a possession, you are a misogynist.

If you treat someone is a bad way because of their religion you are a bigot.

If you intolerant of other's religious views you are a bigot.

If you discriminate against homosexual men and women because of their sexual persuasion you are a bigot.

If you discriminate against transgender people you are a bigot.

If you refuse to respect other cultures and beliefs you are a bigot.

If you discriminate based on color, race, nationality you are a racist bigot.


But apparently that only applies to non Muslims. 


Muslims can do all or any of those things and we should respect their right as Muslims to do it.


And if anyone dare say different, then they should be denounced as a fascist racist scum and subjected to persecution along with their family members.


Because Political Correctness says so.

You missed the part about mocking handicapped people and grabbing women at will, because these things (together with your list)  the "leader of the free world" has exactly in common with an a-hole islamic extremist. Therefore your comparison is spot on! Trump acts like an Islamist! I just have difficulty believing you actually care about the rights of women, gays, disabled in the US, let alone the plight of women, gays, disabled people, in muslim countries. If you would care, you would support the struggle against the bigot orange dude who as you rightfully pointed out, is behaving the same as the Muslims you're referring to!

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4 hours ago, 348GTS said:


The point being missed by most is that the list of 7 countries was selected last year by the Obama administration as posing 'special risks' and being 'countries of concern' with regards to immigration visas. Trump did not come up with this list, so it is bizarre why he gets attacked as being "racist" (?????) for singling out those countries, but the liberal media darling Obama got a free pass. Subsequent assumptions about Trump's business interests etc are just desperate attempts to discredit him sadly...



Not true. The list that you are refering to was about countries that would no longer be eligible for visa waiver travel to the US, but are still eligible to apply for visas.

This lie is being repeated again and again on the theory that if you say something untrue often enough it becomes accepted as the truth. 


Mods should consider these post containing this lie to be in violation of TV rules and delete them.



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How many petitions have been 'acted on' by the government?


Having said this, I agree with points made by other posters that it would be better if Trump didn't visit the UK at the moment as it would result in protests that can only harm UK/US negotiations on trade agreements etc.


Is there a date set for a Trump visit?  Or is it just the normal invitation offered to any US President?

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Trump state visit plan 'very difficult' for Queen

Lord Ricketts, who was permanent secretary at the Foreign Office from 2006-10, said it was unprecedented for a US president to be invited for a state visit in their first year in the White House.

He questioned whether Mr Trump was "specially deserving of this exceptional honour".

"It would have been far wiser to wait to see what sort of president he would turn out to be before advising the Queen to invite him. Now the Queen is put in a very difficult position," he said.


I agree wholeheartedly!

The usual protocol is Trump would meet with Prince Charles. It is claimed Trump's team has already managed to offend the Queen's son.




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3 hours ago, SpeakeasyThai said:

Oh yes they do. You need to be educated before spouting off ridiculous remarks like that. As for Trump doing a good job so far he has just broken a world Presidential record in being the quickest most dissaproved President in history taking just 8 days. Geat work.


Trump was unpopular before he took office, the people who opposed him then are the same ones who oppose him now. The people who voted him in and support him are not finding what he is doing "disapproving", quite the contrarary I would suspect.


1 hour ago, DriveByTrucker said:

You missed the part about mocking handicapped people and grabbing women at will, because these things (together with your list)  the "leader of the free world" has exactly in common with an a-hole islamic extremist. Therefore your comparison is spot on! Trump acts like an Islamist! I just have difficulty believing you actually care about the rights of women, gays, disabled in the US, let alone the plight of women, gays, disabled people, in muslim countries. If you would care, you would support the struggle against the bigot orange dude who as you rightfully pointed out, is behaving the same as the Muslims you're referring to!


Watch the liberal mainstream media much? The mocking handicapped thing has been debunked several times, the grabbing women comments were deliberately taken out of context, the constant accusations that Trum is "against" womens rights, gays is ludicrous. Referring to Trump as a bigot is a bit rich once you understand the definition of the word. The anti Trump brigade are the most intolerant bigoted people around.



1 hour ago, DriveByTrucker said:

Racist remark! Because he is a Muslin named Khan he cant be the mayor of London?


Yes because Islam is a "race"......... Sigh.

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1 hour ago, thaihome said:

Not true. The list that you are refering to was about countries that would no longer be eligible for visa waiver travel to the US, but are still eligible to apply for visas.

This lie is being repeated again and again on the theory that if you say something untrue often enough it becomes accepted as the truth. 


Mods should consider these post containing this lie to be in violation of TV rules and delete them.




How is what I said "untrue" ?? It is the same 7 countries identified by the Obama administration - FACT. Trump didn't just pull the names of those 7 countries out of his taco bowl. There is a whole outrage and organised funded movement to discredit him as a "racist" or "anti Islamist" for singling out these particular countries, and people now trying to accuse him of favouritism based on countries he used to have business dealings with. Why no offence and outrage and reports to the mods about those "lies"??


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8 hours ago, dexterm said:

It would be demeaning for Queen Elizabeth to have to put on an act welcoming the racist, mysogynistic, megalomaniac, narcissist.

Yes it definitely would. You go and vote for these mealy mouthed politicians and look what you get. The people say nay and the politicians ignore them completely with some misogynyistic answer. People you are not getting your moneys worth in the dodo's your electing. 

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10 minutes ago, 348GTS said:


The mocking handicapped thing has been debunked several times

"Debunked" by Breitbart, Trump or any of his cronies doesnt count in a civilized society....


12 minutes ago, 348GTS said:

 the grabbing women comments were deliberately taken out of context, the constant accusations that Trum is "against" womens rights,

How can this be taken out of context, they were his words literally! And even if it is taken out of context, how would your mum, wife, sister, daughter appreciate it if the creep was talking about grabbing them? A woman doesnt have to be a liberal to hate this kind of rhetoric, but that might be hard to understand for someone with the same views and "standards" as the orange moron


18 minutes ago, 348GTS said:

Yes because Islam is a "race"......... Sigh.

Right.....Khan sounds to you like a blond, blue eyed Brit of course. The fact that there is a *sigh* for a clearly racist remark shows your point of view at least.

40 minutes ago, 348GTS said:

 The anti Trump brigade are the most intolerant bigoted people around.

Of course they are! They are aggressively intolerant to war, racism, misogyny, homophobia, corruption, nepotism, and any other kind of injustice that effects common people in a society. Coincidentally, these are the things created/supported by Trump, his cronies and his ignorant supporters.


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10 hours ago, thai3 said:

Petitions are pointless, never change anything. Welcome Mr President, doing a good job so far.

True, especially if it's anything like the last petition that was scrapped after it was found 450,000 votes came from the Vatican, population 900!

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2 minutes ago, DriveByTrucker said:

"Debunked" by Breitbart, Trump or any of his cronies doesnt count in a civilized society....


How can this be taken out of context, they were his words literally! And even if it is taken out of context, how would your mum, wife, sister, daughter appreciate it if the creep was talking about grabbing them? A woman doesnt have to be a liberal to hate this kind of rhetoric, but that might be hard to understand for someone with the same views and "standards" as the orange moron


Right.....Khan sounds to you like a blond, blue eyed Brit of course. The fact that there is a *sigh* for a clearly racist remark shows your point of view at least.

Of course they are! They are aggressively intolerant to war, racism, misogyny, homophobia, corruption, nepotism, and any other kind of injustice that effects common people in a society. Coincidentally, these are the things created/supported by Trump, his cronies and his ignorant supporters.



You've clearly been drinking too much of the liberal mainstream media Koolaid. The fact that you mention Breitbart (thereby implying it is somehow not a valid news source because it doesn't support your brainwashed leftist views), is evidence enough. I am not going to waste time being drawn into a debate about the debunked handicapped reporter and grabbing women nonsense, other than to point out that he was making an offhand comment about what men could get away with as celebrities and he never said he did that or would do it. The fact that the anti Trump brigade keep bringing up something he said 12 years ago is kinda desperate anyway. As I did say before, islam is not a race therefore the previous poster's comment was not racist by definition. The myth that Trump is a racist, misogynist, homophobe, etc is just nonsense used by the Clinton campaign and it's PR arm the mainstream media to discredit him in order to win an election. Which they lost by the way. So that didn't work. I guess the next best thing is to now accuse and label all those who voted for him of being the same. Sad and predictable !!

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6 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

Is this the same UK that voted for Brexit?  Upset because Trump wants to keep Muslim extremist from 7 countries out of the USA. I thought the whole idea of Brexit was to keep mainlanders and former colonials(Islamist) out of the UK.

I agree with your general sentiments.


We (Brits) are often too smug about our position. If we had the east coast of the UK still attached to the continent and a 400 mile border, we would probably be more understanding of the American view (expressed by those who voted DT into office).


I often despair of our double standards.



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6 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

Is this the same UK that voted for Brexit?  Upset because Trump wants to keep Muslim extremist from 7 countries out of the USA. I thought the whole idea of Brexit was to keep mainlanders and former colonials(Islamist) out of the UK.


Nah, the Brits nowadays are quite confused. They voted for Brexit, and the next day they regretted it. They voted for the Brexit and now they whining about the poor pound. Nobody knows what they want. May be too much beer....

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How is what I said "untrue" ?? It is the same 7 countries identified by the Obama administration - FACT. Trump didn't just pull the names of those 7 countries out of his taco bowl. There is a whole outrage and organised funded movement to discredit him as a "racist" or "anti Islamist" for singling out these particular countries, and people now trying to accuse him of favouritism based on countries he used to have business dealings with. Why no offence and outrage and reports to the mods about those "lies"??

There was already extreme vetting. This move by trump is fascism theater. He's intentionally fomenting division and hate.
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1,650,000 is the petition count at the moment but it has slowed down considerably after May announced that the state visit would go ahead no matter how many signed it.


May has really overstepped the mark on this one, possibly because of her desperation to bring home some bacon. No president of the USA has ever been invited for a state visit within their first year of office and she has now put the Queen in a very difficult position.   However the Queen is an old hand of dealing with demagogues so I am sure she will have some fun embarrassing Trump and making him look a fool (not difficult at all).

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4 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

1,650,000 is the petition count at the moment but it has slowed down considerably after May announced that the state visit would go ahead no matter how many signed it.


May has really overstepped the mark on this one, possibly because of her desperation to bring home some bacon. No president of the USA has ever been invited for a state visit within their first year of office and she has now put the Queen in a very difficult position.   However the Queen is an old hand of dealing with demagogues so I am sure she will have some fun embarrassing Trump and making him look a fool (not difficult at all).

If that is true he will never realise.  She has more style than that.

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