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Time to Credit where Credit is Due

The Dark Lord

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14 hours ago, chrisandsu said:

Being hansom probably done the trick ?

Maybe I should start a business of going to immigration for people who cannot make it, with me being so handsome and all. Oh wait! I would need a work permit. :sad:

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On 2/1/2017 at 8:47 AM, mesquite said:


 hey the dark turd ..have you been to the bastrds at the immigration office at the promenada

pure slime...but maybe you'd get along just fine with them seeing how you seem to be a feminine kiss azz

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Done a visa run to Cambodia  once, the Thai side had a middle aged Thai lady who looked unbelievably mean and proceeded in literally throwing the passports back to the people who reached the kiosk before I did . I got there Waid her and asked in Thai how her day was going I got a lovely smile back and my passport handed back with a massive thank you . I always feel if you reflect a bad attitude to
people you will get it back in spades . If you try to understand why someone's having a bad day and just give them a simple smile and ask them how their day is it can make all the difference . Been coming to thailand for close to 15 years and never had a problem.  

Hope you remembered to write your name on the bottom of your flip flops. It's very important to do this so the paramedics knew who you were when extracting you from the said officials backside!

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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53 minutes ago, DKNY77 said:

 hey the dark turd ..have you been to the bastrds at the immigration office at the promenada

pure slime...but maybe you'd get along just fine with them seeing how you seem to be a feminine kiss azz

Try that again once you sober up please!

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43 minutes ago, roo860 said:



Hope you remembered to write your name on the bottom of your flip flops. It's very important to do this so the paramedics knew who you were when extracting you from the said officials backside!

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app



I believe I mentioned I wore suitable clothes to visit a government building. Flip flops do not fall under that criterion.

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42 minutes ago, roo860 said:



Hope you remembered to write your name on the bottom of your flip flops. It's very important to do this so the paramedics knew who you were when extracting you from the said officials backside!

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app



You mean you don't carry a jar of vasaline in your brown nosing starter pack ? Can tell you were never a Boy Scout ! 

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To those who find it easy to count above ten, thanks for your positive remarks which is what was asked for. Shame we could not make it to page 3 before the famed TVF Illiterati started their nonsense. 


Maybe be better next time eh?

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19 minutes ago, The Dark Lord said:

To those who find it easy to count above ten, thanks for your positive remarks which is what was asked for. Shame we could not make it to page 3 before the famed TVF Illiterati started their nonsense. 


Maybe be better next time eh?

Well, TITVF after all......

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In the space of over a decade I have had half a dozen different Immigration offices as they opened up nearer to where I live and I had cause to visit three others. Apart from a 'discussion'  on one occasion, when obtaining my EoS, and the officer completing the paperwork apologised for the attitude of his boss. So they have been straightforward and pleasant experiences. However, my visit to the old Bangkok offices to obtain my first retirement extension were met with an aggressive 'no' by a female officer on the reception desk, She told me my visa had to expire first but Pattaya had no such qualms. The other negative response was at the new Bangkok complex, again at the hands of a female, who was also unpleasant for no apparent reason, after having first, closely, examined all my documents.

Edited by Anon999
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I have never had a problem with immigration, even in Samui, which can be difficult but you understand why when you see some of the low life that are there. On my first move to up counrty went straight to the local office (not my current one) from the plane with the TM28 and paperwork even though I had not even seen the place where I would be living. Apart from the questions of why would I move from Samui to there, they had a problem that there was no TM30. No rental receipts, no TM30. I explained that it was a round trip of 250 km to get the landlord to fill in the TM30 (and he had probably never seen one in his life). To solve the problem the senior officer filled out a TM30 and gave it to the gf to sign as she would be the possessor of the property.


Great solution done by the immigration staff to a not so difficult problem . As in most things in life your attitute towards them makes the difference.

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11 hours ago, Time Traveller said:

Yes that's a positive experience, I hope. But the reality is that 99.9999% of the time, an immigration official isn't going to stop in the middle of what they are doing to collect the documents of an overstayer to make the overstay disappear with a new Extension of Stay and NO FINE for the overstay.

So, either you must have a "special relationship" with this immigration official, or the the story is BS.....Assuming it's the former, I wouldn't go forward with singling them out for praise. Senior officials don't like to see their junior frontline staff get too friendly with the people they are meant to be judging.


Oh just because you need to bribe and bully your way through life does not mean those who can count over ten do.


i have a relationship pretty much the same as the one I have with the random traffic Plod that stops me for a motoring infraction.i show courtesy and politeness to him as I do to the immigration official.


just so you understand, the story is true ( evidenced by my gleaming new EoS) and there is no "special" relationship whatever that means in your world. 


You know in the film Bambi, Thumper the baby rabbit says if you cannot say anything good then don't say anything at all (English version) why not have a shot. 


The original pist post was an honest (look it up if you are getting lost at any point) attempt to counter the warped and twisted bitter old keyboard warriors whose life only gets a meaning when they find an opportunity to try and belittle someone. 


I give up!

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1 hour ago, The Dark Lord said:

Oh just because you need to bribe and bully your way through life does not mean those who can count over ten do.


i have a relationship pretty much the same as the one I have with the random traffic Plod that stops me for a motoring infraction.i show courtesy and politeness to him as I do to the immigration official.


just so you understand, the story is true ( evidenced by my gleaming new EoS) and there is no "special" relationship whatever that means in your world. 


You know in the film Bambi, Thumper the baby rabbit says if you cannot say anything good then don't say anything at all (English version) why not have a shot. 


The original pist post was an honest (look it up if you are getting lost at any point) attempt to counter the warped and twisted bitter old keyboard warriors whose life only gets a meaning when they find an opportunity to try and belittle someone. 


I give up!

Don't give up on them Dark Lord they need us or what else would they have to do? Change your user name your not dark.

There is a force that is slowly but surely awakening on this forum and just a note to one and you know who you are, I'm getting closer.............. You've  had it sunbeam.

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17 hours ago, grollies said:

Went to the Ministry of Foreign Trade for an import permit. Official very helpful, assisting in filling out the forms. Wifey offered him 1,000THB as a thank you to which he said if you don't put that away he'd put the application in the bin.


She wasn't offering a bung, just a thank you and have a drink on us.


Wasn't until we got in the lift and noticed all the anti-corruption posters.

Why would you offered him money for a job he gets paid for .

that is just so stupid, do you do that in your own country I think not .

when people are paid to do government work, you never ever offer tip money,not seen that anywhere.

the right thing would be to say thank you very , very much.

you are  enticing anti-corruption by  offering .

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20 hours ago, grollies said:

Went to the Ministry of Foreign Trade for an import permit. Official very helpful, assisting in filling out the forms. Wifey offered him 1,000THB as a thank you to which he said if you don't put that away he'd put the application in the bin.


She wasn't offering a bung, just a thank you and have a drink on us.


Wasn't until we got in the lift and noticed all the anti-corruption posters.

In other news, there are tip jars on the desks at Immigration in Meuang Udon Thani.

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4 hours ago, georgemandm said:

Why would you offered him money for a job he gets paid for .

that is just so stupid, do you do that in your own country I think not .

when people are paid to do government work, you never ever offer tip money,not seen that anywhere.

the right thing would be to say thank you very , very much.

you are  enticing anti-corruption by  offering .

You are, of course, quite right and it was, on reflection, a stupid thing to have done.


But, we live and learn - very quickly.

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9 hours ago, Hutch68 said:

Don't give up on them Dark Lord they need us or what else would they have to do? Change your user name your not dark.

There is a force that is slowly but surely awakening on this forum and just a note to one and you know who you are, I'm getting closer.............. You've  had it sunbeam.

Oh man, thanks Hutch 68 ( no chance you are the hutch of starsky fame?)  you dragged me out of the slide towards the"black dog" and put me on course to have a positive and fun day ( now if you could just do the same for the current Mrs D lord!!!)


And may that force be with you! 

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10 hours ago, The Dark Lord said:

Oh man, thanks Hutch 68 ( no chance you are the hutch of starsky fame?)  you dragged me out of the slide towards the"black dog" and put me on course to have a positive and fun day ( now if you could just do the same for the current Mrs D lord!!!)


And may that force be with you! 

You mean uncle Dave? no that's not me but I know him.

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On 2/2/2017 at 6:07 AM, The Dark Lord said:

Oh just because you need to bribe and bully your way through life does not mean those who can count over ten do.


i have a relationship pretty much the same as the one I have with the random traffic Plod that stops me for a motoring infraction.i show courtesy and politeness to him as I do to the immigration official.


just so you understand, the story is true ( evidenced by my gleaming new EoS) and there is no "special" relationship whatever that means in your world. 


You know in the film Bambi, Thumper the baby rabbit says if you cannot say anything good then don't say anything at all (English version) why not have a shot. 


The original pist post was an honest (look it up if you are getting lost at any point) attempt to counter the warped and twisted bitter old keyboard warriors whose life only gets a meaning when they find an opportunity to try and belittle someone. 


I give up!

Good advice for all those overstayers out there. Just put on a nice shirt and smile, the immigration service staff will bend over backwards to make your overstay disappear. 100% true. Nothing but rainbows and unicorns in Thailand. Keep on reading those fairy tales Dark Lord because I'm afraid you wouldn't cope with the real world.


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13 minutes ago, Time Traveller said:

Good advice for all those overstayers out there. Just put on a nice shirt and smile, the immigration service staff will bend over backwards to make your overstay disappear. 100% true. Nothing but rainbows and unicorns in Thailand. Keep on reading those fairy tales Dark Lord because I'm afraid you wouldn't cope with the real world.


Presume it would help you if I sent you by PM a map leading from narnia into the real world. 


Maybe you like to live in a nest of lies and deceit, which is your choice entirely, but assuming everyone else lives at that low level is actually not very realistic. 


What was was said was true believe it or not I care not a jot but to deny that was it makes you a disbelieving  _ _ _


Find someone else to flame, I am not interested in your bar stool fantasies. 

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On 2/3/2017 at 9:10 PM, The Dark Lord said:

Presume it would help you if I sent you by PM a map leading from narnia into the real world. 


Maybe you like to live in a nest of lies and deceit, which is your choice entirely, but assuming everyone else lives at that low level is actually not very realistic. 


What was was said was true believe it or not I care not a jot but to deny that was it makes you a disbelieving  _ _ _


Find someone else to flame, I am not interested in your bar stool fantasies. 

It's really weird that you're all worked up about what I posted. When really all I said was for the vast majority of people presenting themselves in the same situation to immigration in thailand, they would not get the same treatment. And I din't say it was a bad thing either.

Yet, somehow because of my comment, I'm the one that's delusional? Yes, very strange  the way you've reacted with personal attacks 

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26 minutes ago, Time Traveller said:

It's really weird that you're all worked up about what I posted. When really all I said was for the vast majority of people presenting themselves in the same situation to immigration in thailand, they would not get the same treatment. And I din't say it was a bad thing either.

Yet, somehow because of my comment, I'm the one that's delusional? Yes, very strange  the way you've reacted with personal attacks 

I think you better re read your post which drips with misguided sarcasm as well as stopping just short of accusing me of being a liar.


It's not funny it's not even entertaining it's just ...


bah ah I give up. I am not an educator, certainly not a free one. 


Work it it out yourself. 

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