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"The doctors told me he was dead!" Thai mum looks set to be reunited with her long lost 29 year old son.


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Thailand International Hub of Medical Care....Hospital wanted 10,000b to let the parents see THEIR child.....barstads....If I were the parents and this story comes out true after the DNA test( and I really hope it does).....I would sue the hospital just on a count of LYING

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I imagine this young man will know if he has had the medical issues mentioned, so it may well not require a DNA test!  Either way, it would be great to have a happy ending to this story.  I hope he finds his real parents, if that's what he wants and I tip my hat to his adoptive parents for being so understanding and supportive.

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2 hours ago, Dukeleto said:

Perhaps he was 9.9kg at birth and needed the addition 0.1 gram of weight before operating! I've been here long enough to know my silly answer is in the realm of possibilities here. But more seriously I pondered the same question to myself. If you had a birth weight of 5kg with no place to expel feaces until you were 10kg would indeed probably kill you prior to reaching that weight! I guess it's like a doctor telling a 80 kg man "we need to sow your bum closed sir until you reach 160kg, next please".

Maybe some kind of temporary stent like tube was used until he was  strong enough for a permanent rectum to be surgically created. Or maybe its possible for the umbilical cord to be temporarily preserved and used for 'waste disposal'.....


.....Whatever happened the surgery would probably now make positive identification easy.

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Love to see stories like this - much happier than a lot of the sad stuff we see here.  Good luck to them all, the Dutch couple seem lovely and he looks like a happy healthy young man - more stories like this please, less carnage!

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38 minutes ago, KIWIBATCH said:

Thailand International Hub of Medical Care....Hospital wanted 10,000b to let the parents see THEIR child.....barstads....If I were the parents and this story comes out true after the DNA test( and I really hope it does).....I would sue the hospital just on a count of LYING

Good luck with that lawsuit. Even if true, the hospital will counter-sue, as it damages their reputation. And the hospital will win.

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This birth defect also happens in pigs, when it is called Artesi Ani.  Sometimes in females, the faeces will burst through into the vagina, and exit.   Frequently, the faeces just builds up inside the colon, resulting in a very swollen abdomen.  A pig can survive several months in this condition, without obvious discomfort, but would normally be "culled". Needless to say, with the retained faeces, it will gain weight faster than it's siblings.

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14 minutes ago, thaiturkey said:


This birth defect also happens in pigs, when it is called Artesi Ani.  Sometimes in females, the faeces will burst through into the vagina, and exit.   Frequently, the faeces just builds up inside the colon, resulting in a very swollen abdomen.  A pig can survive several months in this condition, without obvious discomfort, but would normally be "culled". Needless to say, with the retained faeces, it will gain weight faster than it's siblings.

I will sleep well tonight now I have that information.

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41 minutes ago, thaiturkey said:


This birth defect also happens in pigs, when it is called Artesi Ani.  Sometimes in females, the faeces will burst through into the vagina, and exit.   Frequently, the faeces just builds up inside the colon, resulting in a very swollen abdomen.  A pig can survive several months in this condition, without obvious discomfort, but would normally be "culled". Needless to say, with the retained faeces, it will gain weight faster than it's siblings.

Rectum? Damn near killed'um!


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1 hour ago, KIWIBATCH said:

Thailand International Hub of Medical Care....Hospital wanted 10,000b to let the parents see THEIR child.....barstads....If I were the parents and this story comes out true after the DNA test( and I really hope it does).....I would sue the hospital just on a count of LYING

Just from experience, I am pretty sure that lying is considered standard practice here. But calling someone on it can get you into trouble.

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Just now, canuckamuck said:

But wouldn't that be an operation?

I don't think it attaching the bag would be a major one but when he reached the prescribed weight then it would be major reconstruction. Amazing story non the less. Nothing like a mothers love.

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2 hours ago, sweatalot said:

thanks God we have DNA tests now


btw the foto is photoshopped


Indeed thanks for many things.  

The facts and the photo didn't add up till I took a closer look so thanks for your observation and tip.

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1 hour ago, Living in a cartoon said:

Good luck with that lawsuit. Even if true, the hospital will counter-sue, as it damages their reputation. And the hospital will win.

The hospital can't win this in the European newspapers and it will damage the reputation of the whole nation.....

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I would have thought they would have inserted a tube from the Intestine to out side the body to take away any bodily waste.

I know that the birth weight in Thailand is less than children born in European Countries.When Mrs Kaen had her daughter 17 years ago i think she told me that the baby weighed under 2 kilo's.Christ you should see her now,she's as fat as pig with the same sort of manner's.Thank god she doesn't live with us.I would hate to have to feed her for a week.:crying:

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9 hours ago, kannot said:

I can Imagine how  horrendous  things  must  have been 29 years ago for this to happen.....wonder how  much the authorities "sold"  him for "if" its true..................possibly more people trafficking

If this story is true, he was indeed aold and trafficked. Everyone involved at the hospital should be hunted down and arrested. I'm also sure this isn't the only child this happened to.

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17 minutes ago, Tomasf said:

What a heartbreaking yet an incredible story, IF it turns out that the D N A match. I hope for all concerned that it IS a happy ending

Yeah, I'm waiting for the DNA result. Hopefully then it will be time for cheering

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23 minutes ago, dcnx said:

If this story is true, he was indeed aold and trafficked. Everyone involved at the hospital should be hunted down and arrested. I'm also sure this isn't the only child this happened to.


My European parents always got drawings from their foster parents-child in Thailand. He drew guns and we thought he had to see that on daily basis. Why would a boy from 4-5 draw guns to send to his supporters?  Or maybe the Foster Parents organisation made him draw that to get more money?


There are loads of European families who sent money every month to kids in thailand or adopted a baby. Thailand should not forget about that. And the adopted kids get exactly the same treatment as the European kids, they don't have to pay double prices or anything like that.

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10 hours ago, Living in a cartoon said:

I doubt that's the case, but that doctor, if still alive, has a lot of explaining to do. Let's see how the story develops.

I don't doubt the doctors sold him. Still happens in this day and age

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10 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

He needed an operation to live (no pooper) but they wouldn't operate until he was 10kg. How exactly did he live then?


I would imagine he had a colostomy bag fitted which is a relatively routine procedure compared to the one required to correct the birth defect.

Edited by katana
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