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Rolls Royce says no to THAI’s request for bribery information: Jarumporn


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Rolls Royce says no to THAI’s request for bribery information: Jarumporn

Britain-based Rolls Royce company has turned down request by Thai Airways International for information about bribery scandal concerning THAI’s procurement of Rolls Royce aircraft engines, THAI president Jarumporn Chotikasathien said on Friday.

Rolls Royce reasoned that it could not part with information implicating certain individuals who were involved in the bribery scandal, said Jarumporn, adding, however, that the Serious Fraud Office appears to be more responsive to THAI’s request for information, saying it will consider within 20 days whether the request will be granted or not.


THAI set up a committee to investigate the bribery scandal. The panel, initially, probes into the procurement of aircraft engines and maintenance during the period starting from 2012 until this year.


Full story: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/rolls-royce-says-no-thais-request-bribery-information-jarumporn/


-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2017-02-04


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7 minutes ago, scorecard said:

Or is it that RR is realizing it should not hand out such information to anybody other than the appropriate law enforcement agency, whoever that is?


From what I have seen elsewhere it seems that RR have done a deal in the UK where the company pay a fine but the actual individuals involved are not prosecuted.  RR is trying to ensure that the Thais cannot go after these people and hold them responsible for their crimes.

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It getting to look more and more to be a code of silence and honor among thieves

rather than any other reason, RR afraid that by sharing the information they'll

leave themselves open to chargers of collusions from the Thai government....

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3 minutes ago, ezzra said:

It getting to look more and more to be a code of silence and honor among thieves

rather than any other reason, RR afraid that by sharing the information they'll

leave themselves open to chargers of collusions from the Thai government....

It could also be both parties are telling a pack of lies. Likely also that Thailand has said to RR please refuse to tell us because it could cause serious embarrassment to some high ranking government officials and our Nation as a whole. Could also make our corruption ranking even worse. Keep it hushed up then we can buy some more of your engines using a more secret way of paying commission.

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Get a copy of court records, info would likely be a part of those documents. Thailand seems intent on protecting its own thieves as one leads to another and they could all end up in jail, assets siezed, laying low in some other country, etc.



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Good on RR and also surreptitiously good for the Thais. Who cares if there was a bit of bribery involved; that's how most big business rolls (:whistling:) and no-one got hurt. Thai Airways getting on the bandwagon is a bit of a case of the mouse trying to rape the elephant though. lol


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Obviously a quote from a recognized RR or SFO official would go a long way towards supporting this "story".


There are some very, very senior people involved in this, in case that wasn't obvious, and they are "good people", so they can't be named.


Eventually the names will leak out; better to deal with it now, or maybe better to hope it happens after they pass away?

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If THAI is really interested it can get all the information it needs through a court in UK. The question is only whether they want.

And keep in mind that bribery causes higher prices, higher prices for equipment means higher ticket prices, so in the end we all are the ones who pay those bastards. Thinking bribery is something that has been and will always be is the wrong attitude!

Edited by hhinhh
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I always like it when the Thais make a big deal of launching their own investigations about these international things (like the TAT film festival scandal before this one), and the entire bulk of their so-called investigation is to ask the foreign entities to turn over whatever information their investigations have developed.


It was a Thai government and Thai Air scandal. How about also looking in your own backyard with your own people!!! Subpoena bank record and tax information for the senior Thai Air and government transport officials during the periods in question....


Nah...don't want to do that. God knows what kind of c**p that kind of inquiry would turn up.


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5 hours ago, rooster59 said:

THAI set up a committee to investigate the bribery scandal. The panel, initially, probes into the procurement of aircraft engines and maintenance during the period starting from 2012 until this year.

IN the lengthy article posted here recently it showed that the bribery dated back to the early 2000's. Not sure when it finally wound down. So the committee might not have much to look at then. All of this is an entire waste of time and energy as we all know that nothing will happen over this. And no one will be implicated!!!!!!

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It sure seems like TG owes it to their shareholders, and the SET, to explain how this may have affected their financial performance. Were any TG management, officers, board members involved? Did funds flow into or out of TG's coffers? If so, how was this accounted for? Sales and Marketing?


"Transparency" seems like another one of those words that gets lost in the translation here, or has different meanings for red-shirts and the ruling classes.

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5 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Good on RR and also surreptitiously good for the Thais. Who cares if there was a bit of bribery involved; that's how most big business rolls (:whistling:) and no-one got hurt. Thai Airways getting on the bandwagon is a bit of a case of the mouse trying to rape the elephant though. lol



Whatever you're smoking, stop. 


A little bit of corruption won't hurt - but who decides what constitutes a little? And then it leads to more and more. 


UK, like some other Western countries beefed up its anti bribery laws a couple of years ago. Because despite lots of existing legislation and tighter procedures there was still too much going on.  Especially in the public sector, where they are stealing tax payers money and defrauding the public.


The usual Western company excuse was "we have to do it in that region as everyone else does". Bit like "I was only following orders" defense.


It's now a criminal offense in the UK to know of bribery and not report it. No matter if you don't benefit or not directly involved.


If this is being hushed up by the Tories because it's RR then expect some future documentaries and questions in the house.

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Props to the various/sundry "authorities" on the obfuscation on this matter. The veritable bevy of "excuses" they've thrown at this is admirable: statute of limitations, death penalty, lack of cooperation from the U.K., too long ago for anyone to remember.


I'm half-expecting: "We called England and no one answered." "The dog ate the documents." "Can we hand in that report next week?"

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I guess the headlines in that famous English newspaper is correct. Quote "Bribe probe hits snag as information dries up." There are just so many business scandals out there it boggles the mind. The present global bad boy seems to be Deutsche Bank who just settled ANOTHER case with the US judicial system for $7.2 million. Come on Angela get this bad boy whipped into shape. All you seem to care about is immigrants. It just came across the news that Deutsche is kicking 17,000 hard working employees to the curb to help them "overcome" their present difficulties. How ironic it is always the workers that pay for managements stupidity in the end. 

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On 2/4/2017 at 11:28 AM, hhinhh said:

If THAI is really interested it can get all the information it needs through a court in UK. The question is only whether they want.

And keep in mind that bribery causes higher prices, higher prices for equipment means higher ticket prices, so in the end we all are the ones who pay those bastards. Thinking bribery is something that has been and will always be is the wrong attitude!

The first one to stop looses the contract and bang go the jobs

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