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German magazine sparks furore with image of Trump beheading Statue of Liberty


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1 hour ago, puck2 said:

Shut up for ever ??? If you think so, a lot of nations should shut up because of their previous history, especially within the last 7 decades.... .


It seems you won't recognise that there is a difference between the German democracy of today and the dictatorship of 70 years ago. If you open your eyes without mindcuffs you will detect signs the USA are going into the direction where Germany has been 70  years ago.

Do you need examples? Read all the Trump TV threads unbiasedly.


This image above symbolises the potential and danger of the actual situation in the USA and that of the near future under Trump and his cronies. That is not a reason to play the old Nazi-game. The world would like the USA to have the same rules as Germany to avoid such a sick character as Trump.


BTW, is that a real democracy when the President is not chosen by the majority of the votes?






Why do people still harp about how are prez is elected????????

It's not the popular vote, read the US Constitution, it's how the

US works.


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7 minutes ago, JB300 said:

I don't know how long is long enough but apparently it's not long enough for us Brits yet so the Germans have a fair way to go yet I guess...

Point being this is a major magazine in one of the World's largest economies criticising somebody before he's even had time to unpack.

Yeah, I don't agree with what he's done but at the same time I wish the UK would ban any citizen from any country where's it's common practise to burn our flag on the streets. Might impact some innocents but better they're impacted (peacefully) there than innocents are impacted here.

... now, that moron certainly has 'unpacked' more than enough ridiculous bs already in the so called election campaign, thanks, just continued by some half-cocked executive orders - obviously not at all backed by law which i'd call essential.


Don't get me wrong, not a Clinton 'supporter', no interests over there at all - meaning if you can't come up with better candidates and political leaders it's on you and therefore your problem.


Just keep it that way ... 

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The cartoon is horrible 


Agreed. Something like Lady Liberty bent over, her gown flung up and Trump having his way with her from behind seems a tad more tasteful, and appropriate.


But then he probably think's she's a "Six"? Her breasts aren't large enough. And she's "French".


"Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Sad"


"Screw those losers, unless they're models or one of my wives."





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3 hours ago, The Old Bull said:

You notice he did not ban anybody from places where he has business interests such as Saudi Arabia ,Egypt and the Emarates and they were the 9/11 guys. Can't tell me he is not feeding from the trough.

His followers are so ???? gullable/ignorant/single focused that they "can not see the forest for the trees." The Republican party is allowing this b/c they are a bunch of greedy/power hungry suck asses. They don't care one bit a/b democracy.

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The cartoon is horrible 
Agreed. Something like Lady Liberty bent over, her gown flung up and Trump having his way with her from behind seems a tad more tasteful, and appropriate.
But then he probably think's she's a "Six"? Her breasts aren't large enough. And she's "French".
"Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Sad"
"Screw those losers, unless they're models or one of my wives."

Feeling better?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect
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This will all be forgotten by Monday about 8-8:30am Thailand time when Lady Gaga makes her statement during the Super Bowl half  time show. I can just see the journalists waiting for her "artistic view" of all this.  They are probably wetting their pants already. 

BTW Go Pats!!

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1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:


It is obvious  that you do not understand the electoral system of the US presidential election. However, that does not excuse your attempt to use the  election result as evidence of an injustice. The electoral college system is intended to preserve democracy and it can easily be argued that the format acts to protect the rights of all regions and to not just serve the interests of the 5 largest states.  If you are too lazy to make an effort to understand the intent and the  format of the electoral college system, you merit the  contempt you receive herein.


I'm all for bashing Trump, as I do not like the man, nor care for his politics. However,  the Germans have zero credibility to lecture the USA on morality or in doing the right thing. Know why? Because Germany  is guilty of the same faults they now hurl at the USA.   Need some reminders? Tobacco  is a good illustration.


Germany is the world's largest exporter of cigarettes. It's the country's dirty secret and boy how the Germans love to export their cancer sticks to the developing  and impoverished parts of the world.  Germany  played with the EU's  tax system to ensure that anyone trying to bring cigarettes into its market  was hit with a 57.6% import duty.  When Trump talks about the USA getting banged up in trade arrangements, the German tobacco trickery is a screaming  illustration. You know how Germans  like to rant about the lack of science basis in Trump's denial of a global climate change? Well, he's a cynic because he believes the  data was manipulated. I disagree with that position, but I understand why some people  are cynical. Germany has a track record of of suspect meddling and manipulation of  scientific undertakings.  Again, tobacco provides an illustration.   When  there was an attempt to undertake and to disseminate the  scientific evidence  on tobacco smoke harm, the German tobacco industry with support from government, interfered with the attempt to move forward on the issue, squashing attempts by the European Agency to move on the issue.


The fact that the Germans are unable to control their borders and need to excuse the mess that their own incompetence caused doesn't fool anyone.  The Germans are hypocrites when it comes to Russia. On one hand they bleat on about human rights and saving the Ukraine,  but on the other love their Russian gas. The Germans will toss anyone under the bus to keep their gas  supply.





You know Germany too well!


Manipulations - or in VW's case outright lies and frauds.


Germany isn't some bastion of honesty, integrity and ethics. It's learned to try and do things "under the table and covertly".

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40 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


You know Germany too well!


Manipulations - or in VW's case outright lies and frauds.


Germany isn't some bastion of honesty, integrity and ethics. It's learned to try and do things "under the table and covertly".

Yeah, no doubt VW are frauds - as opposed to your banking system maybe, Bank of Amurica in particular? Yeah, didn't think so.

The Germans obviously learned well from the global masters of malfeasance and mayhem. Watch out tough, China is far closer on yer heels in that department than the Germs ever will manage to get ... 


Great idea to let these immaculate financial institutions of yours off the leash again, what could possibly go wrong. 

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4 hours ago, Usernames said:

In other words, no free speech, freedom of assembly, or the right to organize into the political party of one's choice. That is "understanding democracy?"

Well they still haven't banned the neo Nazi NPD they tried several times but the high court turned them down, this time the reason given was that they had so little influence that they were not a danger to the state. Your statement is just not true, i lived there for over 40 years.

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3 hours ago, puck2 said:

And Trump, too.

It seems they have something in common. Trump has very "nice words" for all who don't agree with him, a typical Hitler reaction. The USA now on the same way?  The future will tell us. Der Spiegel gave only a warning, and so many rightists are embarrassed!


Somebody told me the people of the USA - except Trump and his cronies - like and defend the free speech.

OK, I was not going to post on this thread but the lefties on here are out of control. Defend free speech you say? Did you happen to see how the looney left through riot and violence managed to stop Milo Yiannopoulos from speaking in California? Posters have mentioned far-right activists parading with nazi banners. Unpleasant people for sure, but just marching. The activists from the left wear black clothing and cover their faces (cowards) and attack anyone they think is not "one of them".

The left now consider it is fine to "punch a nazi", but they now label anyone who does not agree with them as nazis. They do this in an attempt to legitimize their own violence.

Trump is a bit strange but I am sure glad he beat HER.

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While I do not like Trump or his policies- I believe the German magazine's depiction is way over the top.  Americans do no behead people- radical Islamists have done that and to make a comparison with radical Islam and Trump's policies is not correct. Trump's ban on Immigrants from 7 countries is being challenged in the courts and I doubt it will stand. His administration's carrying out of his executive order shows they are incompetent. The order would not have been challenged if it did not ban already issued Visa holders from coming to the US.

The Germans are in no position to challenge any American election. They elected Adolph Hitler as their Chancellor And we know how that turned out. In addition, they opened their borders to a huge number of unvetted Immigrants which has destabilized the EU. Germany needs to clean up its own problems. We, Americans, will clean up ours with the next election cycle.

Trump  does not have absolute power. He can be checked by the Congress and the courts should he stray too far left or right and the US military would refuse to carry out an order that is deemed illegal. Also remember, he does not have a firm mandate. He lost the popular vote and his electoral college win was by a very small margin of the population in certain states. 


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5 hours ago, thai3 said:

what are his business interests in Saudi, the Emirates and Egypt etc? sounds like fake news



Couldn`t fault a word this guy says  .
 A few extras though for the crazy left and  those sufferring from post trump syndrome , Israel passport holders banned from
 algeria , bangladesh , brunei , iran iraq , kuwait ,lebanon , libya , malysia ,oman , pakistan ,saudi arabia , sudan , syria , UAE,,yemen
Also Iran Kuwait,Lebanon Libya, Saudi Arabia, Sudan,Syria and Yemen  will not let you in even if you are from europe or usa if you have been to israel or have an old israeli visa in your passport
 Where are the demos about this . So sad the lefties are so weak

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19 hours ago, ezzra said:


The German people has to shut up and sit very quietly when talking about killing democracy, although it has been 70 years since, the world hasn't forgotten how they massacred democracy, literally.....


Dear Ezzra, at least there is democracy now in Germany. Not where you come from.  When the USA manipulated the Money Market over many years nobody was allowed to say anything.  When a Politician. in Austria years ago wanted to have illegal Criminals send home there was a big uproar in the US of A.  Can u you see the racist tendency now?? Now the world is supposed to shut up.!! Please think before you talk, or don't you know why you got a brain, small as it may be and unused.

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6 hours ago, Usernames said:

In other words, no free speech, freedom of assembly, or the right to organize into the political party of one's choice. That is "understanding democracy?"

BS of the highest order!

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4 hours ago, rice555 said:

Why do people still harp about how are prez is elected????????

It's not the popular vote, read the US Constitution, it's how the

US works.


I realize how it works re: election results. He was elected, but certainly most Americans can't stand him. He wants to be loved by everyone - narcissism - and has an overwhelming passion to dispute his popular vote LOSS.


If anyone should read the U.S. constitution it is this tyrant. Oh I forgot he doesn't read. He is trashing the U.S. Constitution or hoping to - from many legal experts. I consider the cartoon fitting. Be warned there is another dictator sneaking into power - over and above those of a U.S. President. He wants to be another Putin.  

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In a few years time, when all the "refugees" have become organized and intent on destroying the European way of life, the longtime residents of Germany will be wishing that Trump had been in Power instead of merkel. To call these people refugees raise a question. How does one define a planned invasion ?

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I would think for some of our American contributors the SOL was their ancestors first "experience" of the US.


I presume everybody knows where this inscription is. 


"Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


I had thought it represented some important core values of America.  Values which, to a considerable extent, have contributed to the development and worldwide acknowledgement of US "greatness".


But not according to Trump.


The cartoon seems most apposite.


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9 minutes ago, Enoon said:


I would think for many of our American contributors the SOL was their ancestors first sight of the US.


I presume everybody knows where this inscription is. 


"Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


I had thought it represented some important core values of America.  Values which, to a considerable extent, have contributed to the development and worldwide acknowledgement of US "greatness".


But not according to Trump.


The cartoon seems most apposite.


Résultat de recherche d'images pour "statue of liberty trump"

Emma Lazarus (1849-1887). It is addressed to the millions of immigrants who landed at Ellis Island and for whom the statue of Liberty featured the hope of a better life:

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

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2 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

In a few years time, when all the "refugees" have become organized and intent on destroying the European way of life, the longtime residents of Germany will be wishing that Trump had been in Power instead of merkel. To call these people refugees raise a question. How does one define a planned invasion ?


"Great" to be in America in few years time?


That remains to be seen.


I, for one, will be observing from a "safe place".



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11 hours ago, ezzra said:


The German people has to shut up and sit very quietly when talking about

killing democracy, although it has been 70 years since, the world hasn't

forgotten how they massacred democracy, literally.....


No the German people need to stand up and shout at the lunatic fascist Donald J Trump.  The Germans have long moved on and are now (as of a week or so ago) a million miles ahead of the USA's position


As for the image on the cover of Der Spiegel, that is nothing compared to the cartoons every day in the rest of the world press.  Trump needs to be ridiculed and is.

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My grandparents came through Ellis Island and could speak little English. On one side they came from Denmark and on the other Italy. They were able to assimilate; learn English and find jobs that allowed them to have a decent standard of  living raising their family. There was no welfare provided- once you cleared Ellis Island you were on your own. This is not unusual tale but applies to millions of immigrants who came to America. The words of the Statue of Liberty ring true.

The problem is that today- there are enemies of the US and the World who are using these words against the US to gain entry in an attempt to destroy our culture. Most Americans do not care what religion you are- they just do not want to be told they have to abide by it. The goal of Radical Islam is to change the World into what they believe the World should look like and build a final caliphate to do this. The World needs to fight back against this type of extremism. While I do not want to exclude anyone on the basis of their beliefs, I also believe there must be extreme vetting of certain classes of immigrants in an attempt to make sure they cannot cause havoc in our country. 

Trump's order as written is unconstitutional and not the way to go. However, the Obama Administration used the correct approach- not advertising any country citizens as being excluded but using severe vetting of their citizens. The problem with Trump and his minions is that there is definitely an anti Muslim slant and this will only radicalize more people and cause even more chaos in the World.

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