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Pay TV is a tough business in Thailand


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Never had True, I'm not that much into Football, Rugby etc, I like a bit of Formula 1 now and again, anyhow, I have one of those Minix boxes, plenty on there to keep you amused including all the Sky sports & BT channels, and movies and series are updated regularly (daily) never short of anything to watch and only 6500 Baht and no monthly payments. All you need is a good internet connection, minimum 10mbps and you're good to go. Check them out guys :jap:

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8 hours ago, sungod said:

Me too, any movie or TV series you want on demand, for free.. I do have problems on good quality sport live streams due to my connection though.

Get  365sport as it has a 15 minute buffer so you can pause it and let it build up.

Did this at my old place when I had a speed of about 1.5 to 2MB.

Should work fine on  5MB.

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14 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Hmmm, Is The Nation part of the CP Group?


Cable TV is "regulated" by the NBTC so in theory TrueVisions has to follow those regulations.


If rights fees increase then TrueVisions should be able to pass those along to consumers, in the form of higher fees, with the NBTC's approval.


The main issue here, other than a lack of competition, is that TrueVisions tells customers about changes in packaging a few days after they implement it, AKA: Thai Advanced Planning.


The obvious solution is to have at least three competing providers, but I would imagine CP Group dislikes NOT having a monopoly.



At least that's better than "WE TV", they simply make the changes, DROP things like BBC and then don't even say anything until a customer calls...then there is No One to Explain why and the alleged "Manager"

NEVER Returns calls.


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13 hours ago, madmitch said:

No mention in the article of the other nine channels about to be removed. 


Most TRUE TV subscribers are, of course Thai. TRUE is a Thai company providing a service for Thai people. They're not bothered about us pesky foreigners wanting interesting programmes and movies in English language. They may as well do away with the top packages and revert to just two: one with sport and one without, as that's pretty much what they seem to offer now.

Correct, of course: but that's 200,000 foreigners ( low estimate), virtually all of them  certain  to subscribe, most for a premium package if the service/quality is good. But this mob has thumbed their noses at that sector, good riddance to this awful company and its wretched management.

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18 hours ago, glassdude007 said:

Dump True use KODI nuff said


Yes a lot to be found there, sadly no luck trying to stream the football (EPL). Perhaps my internet connection isn't fast enough internationally.... True supply it!!!!!

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The days of Pay TV are over.  Every either streams or is getting into streaming.  Get yourself a tv box like kodi or MX III G,  add all the channels you want and watch everything for FREE.  No subscriptions and the boxes are about $60 US with remote online.  

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5 minutes ago, Phuketboy said:

Get yourself a tv box like kodi or MX III G,  add all the channels you want and watch everything for FREE.  No subscriptions and the boxes are about $60 US with remote online.

I must be slow at understanding this---I download, EPL /UFC -movies TV..or watch the BBC etc with a VPN...living in Ban nok  streaming isn't an easy option, usually download first half while 2nd half is being played, or wake up to it the next morning. Boxing is a little more difficult to get, especially the under-cards, which I enjoy as their the up & coming fighters. I take most of my boxing from Russian sources.


1/ Can Kodi access a paid site---say the Eubank fight last night--& how do they do that.

2/ Can you copy while its in progress

3/ Do you always have to take it live--- most football is on to late for me. Can I get up the next morning and watch what I want ?


Thank u........:coffee1:

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22 hours ago, maewang99 said:

someone hopes they go broke....

but they already did, didn't they? 

and 3 times at that.

two were where they ended up taking everything off balance sheet.... the other Chinese money.... not a pension fund in Singapore (that was super political).... a Chinese telecom (and went through as quiet as a mouse as far as I know).... and they are controlled by CP group.

am I not right on the big picture of it?


Yes, and super political translates a bit further... Look at the top right hand side of the main CP website.

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21 hours ago, djayz said:

Re your deposit: I cancelled True approx. 3 years ago. A few months later, still no sign of the deposit so I had my better half call and inquire about it. A month later, same scenario. She called three times before we finally received our deposit back. From the time our contract ended to the point when I received my deposit, a total of almost 6 months (!!!) had passed. 

That's an interest free loan for them. I'm sure if we hadn't "reminded" them, I 'd still be waiting for the refund. 

If you do cancel, keep an eye on the refund and don't be shy following up on it. 

Truevisions were reasonably transparent with me and told me that the deposit would take around 3 months, even though my account shows the credit owing!

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9 hours ago, Prbkk said:

Correct, of course: but that's 200,000 foreigners ( low estimate), virtually all of them  certain  to subscribe, most for a premium package if the service/quality is good. But this mob has thumbed their noses at that sector, good riddance to this awful company and its wretched management.


... wretched management...


About 8 months ago several very senior executives of this company were fined very heavily for massive insider trading activity on the Thai stock exchange. The high profile biggest shareholder made it clear the whole situation was not important and he had no intention of taking any action.



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1 hour ago, Phuketboy said:

The days of Pay TV are over.  Every either streams or is getting into streaming.  Get yourself a tv box like kodi or MX III G,  add all the channels you want and watch everything for FREE.  No subscriptions and the boxes are about $60 US with remote online.  

Pay TV is finished, actors and producers must now work for free.

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1 hour ago, Jogden said:

Yes, and super political translates a bit further... Look at the top right hand side of the main CP website.

... top right had corner of the main CP ...


Out of curiosity I tried to find what your referring to, but i can't find it.


Please share a link. thanks. 

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18 hours ago, scorecard said:


My understanding, could be wrong, is that in some countries cable companies have deserted packages in favor pay by total number of channels you can select, or similar. Correct? 

Some yes.


There is no definitive answer I'm afraid as it varies all over the world.


Generally packages are still used, especially for the niche markets.

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10 hours ago, Prbkk said:

Correct, of course: but that's 200,000 foreigners ( low estimate), virtually all of them  certain  to subscribe, most for a premium package if the service/quality is good. But this mob has thumbed their noses at that sector, good riddance to this awful company and its wretched management.

Truevisions is profitable because it has a monopoly and it provides content to people with the worst standard of English in Asean.

They're less bothered about the foreign subscribers because they know most foreigners have the resourcefulness to get want they want online - torrents, streaming services etc


For what channels like BBC Entertainment charge for content, Truevisions figures farangs just aren't worth the expense of catering to their tastes or the hassle required to deal with them in their language.


It does puzzle me, though, why people who claim to have chucked Truevisions/UBC years ago still seem so bitter about it.

It's as if they're venting at an old ex who took them for granted and they're dying to let them know how happy they are with their new love.

Get over it and get a life - the service didn't cater to you, you moved on

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