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Video of farang waiter working at Bangkok restaurant goes viral


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1 hour ago, seancbk said:


To claim that you couldn't order three of something in a Burger King in Bangkok is ludicrous.

Point at the item on the menu, say "Sarm Krup" and hold up 3 fingers.   Say "take out" and indicate over your shoulder with your thumb to show you are going away.

And in which Burger King would they have a chef, let alone bring him out to try and confer with a customer?

You are just trying to 'prove' your opinion that Thais are stupid.


But actually proved the reverse.

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1 hour ago, Saenchai said:

Maybe its exactly the other way around. I never go there. I go to Thai places where usually the owners or waiters already know what i want before i open the mouth because they know me. Its also places where there is nothing to understand something wrong. When i order red curry i get ed curry, if i order green curry i get green one.

My locals have a beer on the table before i open my mouth.

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2 hours ago, louse1953 said:

What do you mean "dumb",can't they speak.Or maybe your the dumb one,unable to speak the most basic of Thai,food and numbers.

The term Dumb is a very poor meaningful word. Perhaps they mean the waiter can speak Thai only but not other foreign languages.

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6 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

That's what Trumpy would call fake news.Couldn't be further from the truth if you tried.

Pattaya is the only place where you can wear a singlet all days as you wrote. If you do that in BKK you'll be the idiot farang. so where do you live mate?


Never seen a farang in singlet in the expensive huge hiso restaurants in BKK....in fact i rarely meet other farangs here in the subs.

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42 minutes ago, bandito said:


Nearly all waiters and waitresses in a restaurant, after 1700 hrs, are students trying to earn something extra.

They wake up at 0600 hrs in the morning and go to school until 1600 or 1700 hrs.

A quick bite to eat in the local 7/11 and working to about 2300 or 2400 hrs nighttime, every day.

So calling these boys and girls "dumb waiters" is not nice and shows your ignorance of life here in Thailand.

 "Thai waiters" would be a nice & clear meaning....dumb is a very poor & uneducated word. 

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No big deal. I was at an Italian restaurant downtown a few weeks ago -- half of the waiters were Italian. Seen foreign waiters a ton here. But my guess is that these guys have no work permit, so these videos might not be doing them any favors. lol

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18 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

Such a novelty to let people who live here get a job.

I think there are over 2 million here Burmese, Laos and Cambodians. They are being utilized mostly in construction. It must be when the aspire to go above the construction level that the government objects. Then he could be the result of a mixed marriage as well. 

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21 hours ago, maxpower said:

Oh no its a work permit thread. The armchair judges are pondering, 10 pages to follow.

You're damn right.  :neus:  You can't get a work permit for this job.  


For some odd reason, when you've paid 45,000B+ over 15 years, and wasted countless hours of visits to the Labor Department  to keep a current work permit for legal employment, it does put a burr under your saddle.  

Another burr under the saddle is that any Thai can do this job legally in my country (over 100 Thai restaurants in my home city alone).  I do love Trump's quest to "even the cards" for lopsided regulatory imbalances between countries (import taxes, education opportunities, etc.).  


May this illegal worker's new-found fame bring either justice for him or a shakeup in immigration regulations.  My educated guess is that neither will happen.  T.I.T. 


Meanwhile, my only consolation is that I'm not one police-visit away from deportation (according to the law, that is).  





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1 hour ago, Destiny1990 said:

My country is full with thai restaurants and thai people working in it.for us that is normal.But here they made the laws in a different way.


The laws are quite similar, the difference is in the demographics of the immigrants seeking citizenship in order to gain employment in Thailand versus some countries where Thai people emigrate.

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14 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:

The laws are quite similar, the difference is in the demographics of the immigrants seeking citizenship in order to gain employment in Thailand versus some countries where Thai people emigrate.

The vast majority of Asians working in my own home town in the West do NOT have citizenship.  Most don't need it--just a connection to a relative, a 10-year green card, or staying under the radar.  As long as they can do it, no desire to get citizenship for an extended time (most over 10 years).    Here, it's a different story due to the legal framework of "allowable jobs" which is quite a short list.  


I think "demographics" misses the point.  It's the regulatory environment that seriously discourages any foreigner from seeking citizenship for employment purposes here.   Heck, not even a Thai-born hill tribe young person can get citizenship (and with it--job opportunities), even after earning a university degree.  Hopefully, that  will change soon.

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Just now, Destiny1990 said:

Dream on.

I am afraid that would be you who is dreaming.  I am from Europe, we have an agreement whereby anyone from the Union can seek work in any other country in the Union.  Thailand is in a similar union, and we see a similar thing happening where it is very easy for people from other countries in this union to get permission to work in Thailand.  We make it much more difficult for people from outside of our union to get permission to work, they need to have a special skill, the same is here in Thailand, some people with particular skills can get a work permit.  Outside of this it is only through citizenship, the same in my country.  And the process of applying for citizenship in Thailand is very similar except clearly much easier.  I think some expats here are deluded into thinking they cannot apply for citizenship, and perhaps they do not meet the criteria, but there are more places than applicants every single year, the fact is that not that many are actually interested and perhaps prefer to moan that their visa does not give them the same rights as a citizen, as the equivalent visa would not give the same rights to a Thai in my country on a spouse visa, the main difference being how difficult it would be for the Thai to stay in my country 365 days of the year whereas in Thailand it is very easy as long as you meet the one criteria of being able to support yourself.

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7 minutes ago, Fookhaht said:

The vast majority of Asians working in my own home town in the West do NOT have citizenship.  Most don't need it--just a connection to a relative, a 10-year green card, or staying under the radar.  As long as they can do it, no desire to get citizenship for an extended time (most over 10 years).    Here, it's a different story due to the legal framework of "allowable jobs" which is quite a short list.  


I think "demographics" misses the point.  It's the regulatory environment that seriously discourages any foreigner from seeking citizenship for employment purposes here.   Heck, not even a Thai-born hill tribe young person can get citizenship (and with it--job opportunities), even after earning a university degree.  Hopefully, that  will change soon.

Well, in Europe having a relative does not give you the right to work, it does not even give you the right to enter as a tourist, and I think you will find it is the case in most all developed countries, Thai's need to prove that they are a genuine tourist just to get through the door and illegally working will see them banned for life.  And the comparison of illegals working under the radar in your country to the limited list of specialist skills granted work permits in Thailand is ridiculous.  I know that in the US a spouse is often given a greencard, but it is dependent on income and also having proven yourself over the two years previous, it's very similar here, if you earn enough and have proven yourself over the previous three years you can apply for permanent residency which is almost equivalent to the Greencard expect it only loosens the work permit restrictions, but from that you can apply for citizenship and then you can work without permission, it really is not that different, the main difference being that Thais abroad are motivated into becoming citizens whereas expats in Thailand prefer to piss and moan about the rules, in reality they don't even want it, they just want one more thing to moan about.

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21 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:

... And the process of applying for citizenship in Thailand is very similar except clearly much easier.  I think some expats here are deluded into thinking they cannot apply for citizenship, and perhaps they do not meet the criteria, but there are more places than applicants every single year,the fact is that not that many are actually interested...

This is one of the most deluded posts I've read in a very long time.  There is a reason why there are many more "places than applicants" every single year, and it's certainly not found in your fantasy.

You obviously have not read the regulations, nor the threads all over the internet (especially ThaiVisa) on the near-impossibility of getting a Thai citizenship, especially for employment purposes.  Not even Thailand-born people can get it if they're in the wrong ethnic group.  The biggest hurdle of all is the under-the-table payments to accomplish this miracle, according to first-hand witnesses/writers.  Read it and weep.  

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9 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:

I am afraid that would be you who is dreaming.  I am from Europe, we have an agreement whereby anyone from the Union can seek work in any other country in the Union.  Thailand is in a similar union, and we see a similar thing happening where it is very easy for people from other countries in this union to get permission to work in Thailand.  We make it much more difficult for people from outside of our union to get permission to work, they need to have a special skill, the same is here in Thailand, some people with particular skills can get a work permit.  Outside of this it is only through citizenship, the same in my country.  And the process of applying for citizenship in Thailand is very similar except clearly much easier.  I think some expats here are deluded into thinking they cannot apply for citizenship, and perhaps they do not meet the criteria, but there are more places than applicants every single year, the fact is that not that many are actually interested and perhaps prefer to moan that their visa does not give them the same rights as a citizen, as the equivalent visa would not give the same rights to a Thai in my country on a spouse visa, the main difference being how difficult it would be for the Thai to stay in my country 365 days of the year whereas in Thailand it is very easy as long as you meet the one criteria of being able to support yourself.

sure to avoid boring discussions with u i will agree with u and say that laws in Thailand are simular to the laws in my country.and that is why when i marry a thai i still remain an alien here and the thai in mine country gets a euro passport with all rights the same because laws are the same yeah

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22 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

Maybe the locals will learn something from him.  Like not standing over newly seated guests like a bored prison guard while they peruse the menu. 

"Like not standing over newly seated guests like a bored prison guard while they peruse the menu". :cheesy:

Yeees absolutely :thumbsup:

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6 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:

"Like not standing over newly seated guests like a bored prison guard while they peruse the menu". :cheesy:

Yeees absolutely :thumbsup:

There's hope.  After a decade, you can actually learn to ignore the prison guard.  Peruse like a free man/woman.  


The other technique is to ask them to get you a drink right away---usually enough time to make your menu choice.  

But we digress.....

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21 hours ago, Thian said:

In Chinatown nobody speaks english so it's no fun for tourists to go there.


Maybe this guy can attract a lot of customers. I will go there if i know where he works..

Why would you say that?  Many people speak English in Bangkok's Chinatown to cater for the millions of tourists who go there every year.


You would go to a restaurant just because a farang works there as a waiter?  That is weird.

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11 minutes ago, gdgbb said:

Why would you say that?  Many people speak English in Bangkok's Chinatown to cater for the millions of tourists who go there every year.


You would go to a restaurant just because a farang works there as a waiter?  That is weird.

Not so weird. 

I go to a barber shop because the Thai barber dresses up like an American cowboy.  :cowboy:


I go to MacDonald's once in a while because I miss the grease.

I go to Starbucks because it puts me in a hi-so category in my Thai friends' eyes.

What's so weird about that?  :wink: 

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Just now, Fookhaht said:

Not so weird. I go to a barber shop because the Thai barber dresses up like an American cowboy.  :cowboy:

You carry on thinking that's not so weird but presumably you like the way he cuts you hair also!

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On 2/6/2017 at 2:54 AM, Brer Fox said:

They are on their way now in armoured vehicles. Taken a little time to put on their full combat gear and bullet proof vests and load their automatic weapons. Just as they did when thy raided the oldies bridge game in Pattaya. 

You're thinking of America, aren't you?

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19 hours ago, Thian said:


Even when my wife orders the food more than half of the times something goes wrong with our order. Even when i ask something in Thai (like for a knife or so) they reply to my wife and i'm invisible for them. They also don't know the difference between a butterknife or a steakknife.  They like to stand in the way, make a lot of noise with collecting plates/dishes, can't speak english of course, put my food at the other end of the table, don't make sure i have all condiments like pepper/salt/sauces..and so on...That's what i call dumb waiters, totally untrained and have never been to a real restaurant themselves.

Sounds like you are the reason for all your issues I eat out many times per week and sometimes alone I have a basic level of Thai and I rarely have all your horrible issues and my foreign friends don't as well  Maybe the Thais pick up on your charming attitude. When your wife is alone she  probably gets the right order. 

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9 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

sure to avoid boring discussions with u i will agree with u and say that laws in Thailand are simular to the laws in my country.and that is why when i marry a thai i still remain an alien here and the thai in mine country gets a euro passport with all rights the same because laws are the same yeah

They don't in my country, my wife can only visit as a tourist unless I meet certain criteria and the tourist visa application is no certainty, I know I would not like to have to go through all the red tape it takes to go to my country just to come to Thailand, I am very grateful that I can just step off a plane and be given a stamp in, and staying longer only takes a trip to an embassy and a couple of forms.  Compare it to the pack of documents all legally translated that my wife needs just for a tourist visa and there is no comparison, Thailand is much much easier for westerner to live in that it is for a Thai to live in most western countries.

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5 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:

Thailand is much much easier for westerner to live in that it is for a Thai to live in most western countries.

Not in MY western country.  

I compare with what I know by living/working here 15 years, and the Thai people I knew back in my home country.  Heck, without being a citizen, they can even buy their own land, build a Thai restaurant, and staff it with a dozen Thai relatives and friends (all of whom are all over the spectrum from legal residents to undocumented aliens)---all of this without being married to a citizen. 

Let's see one of us "farangs" try that here.  

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Screen Shot 2017-02-07 at 1.40.18 PM.pngTried that already in our town.  Town fathers decided that to enforce a no-parking zone, they would have the police dept. reward everyone 500B who brought in a photo of an illegally parked car (license plate legible.).  Failed.  Police too lazy to follow up.  

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